Cultivation plan

chapter 38

In the days when Shu Chen left everyone for South Korea, there was a very exciting news that he and Rong Chengxian officially lived together.

Although this literal cohabitation is only limited to living under the same roof, it is also a big step in their relationship. Every morning, there is a rich breakfast to eat, and at night, there is also a man who sits opposite him to eat, if a man is willing to sit on his lap and eat. If it's a meal, it will be more perfect.

Although every word in the four words 'sleep together' has to be elaborated, such as the so-called 'together' is still separated by walls, and 'sleep' is still a separate activity, for two people who used to meet only once a week, now it is good to see it every day. A lot.

Seeing that it is the National Day, the university will naturally have a holiday. There are tickets and ticket sales points in the school. The students' faces are filled with the joy of going home, and the waking faces are also smiling from time to time, which has reached the level that Rong Chengli cares about.

"Wake up, have you been a little too happy recently? Which good wife and man were abducted by you?

It's really a little joking to call his brother a 'good family man', but the person involved didn't know the truth. He just felt a little cold when he saw a smile on Shu Xing's face, and he didn't know what medicine he was selling in his gourd.

"This time it's really a good family man, but I'm going to reinvert him first, but I haven't taken action yet." The innocence is like Rong Chengli. Shu Xing never said these things to him, but considering that he is the real brother of Rong Chengxian after all, Shu Xing feels that it's better to prepare a case first, and it's easy to say in the future.

With a crack, Rong Chengli's rotating pen fell on the desk: "What are you talking about?"

But in a word, it can be exchanged for such a big reaction as Rong Chengli, probably because he said it from Shuxing. Although Rong Chengli has never dated any boyfriend and never indulged his private life, he will often go to 'Noah's Ark' to drink some wine. After all, in this society, although he is not homophobic. It's so serious, but there is no absolute acceptance of comrades, and the atmosphere and environment in Noah's Ark can give itself a sense of belonging to the same kind of people.

Although he has taken many comfortable classes as an undergraduate, Rong Chengli likes to sit in the last row most. Every time he goes to class, he likes to listen to the class with his head down. In the four years of college, he did not look up at any teacher, trying to minimize his sense of existence to the limit.

When he first saw Shuxing appear in 'Noah's Ark', Rong Chengli had already noticed him. Shuxing's type of man has that very eye-catching feeling. No matter where he walks, even if he just sits quietly, he has a unique taste, but Rong Chengli vaguely feels that he is awake. I'm afraid the essence is not as beautiful as it looks.

Later, at the meeting with the tutor, Rong Chengli did not expect that the man was his mentor. Fortunately, he was not in a good mood at that time and had not had the courage to talk to the point of waking up. Otherwise, there would be a new way to die in the future, that is, embarrassing death.

After gradually began to understand Shu Awakening, Rong Chengli became more and more grateful that he was the only remaining sober at that time and was a good student and a good teaching assistant. They never talked about each other's private lives, nor did they go out to eat and drink together. There was no intersection in life at all. This It's not a good thing for Rong Chengli.

But after all, they are all in the same circle. Although Shuxing's boyfriend has never been to school, he will inevitably appear in 'Noah's Ark'. In addition to his uncertain one-night stand, Rong Chengli found that most of Shuxing's boyfriends dating are slender and bone-like types, and they are not very old, so this is At that time, when Shu Xing said that he was cultivating feelings with a 'good wife and man', Rong Chengli's surprise could be imagined.

"Don't be too surprised, I rarely get serious," Shu Xing thought of future things and simply wanted to talk to him once: "To some extent, I'm serious this time."

Ah? Why did you tell me?" Rong Chengli didn't understand why Shu Xing said such a thing to him. He was confused, but Shu Xing's personality was not the type that likes to help people solve their puzzles at all. If there was a way to make people more confused, it was estimated that Shu Xing would be reluctant to do it.

"Because I am an excellent teacher with noble sentiments and fraternal feelings, of course, and because of your quite curious expression, preaching, teaching, and solving puzzles, these are all my responsibilities, naturally I have to explain to you," so that you can't say it in the future, I have never mentioned it to you.

"Don't talk to me," Rong Chengli muttered and picked up the book in his hand and wanted to go to the library, but when he went out, he still couldn't help looking back and asked Shu Xing, "Do I know the person you mentioned?"

Stay in a circle. Even if Shuxing's favorite person is very honest and cautious, Rong Chengli feels that he may know.

"To be precise," I don't know why Rong Chengli felt that when he was awake and said the second half of the sentence, he carefully thought about it: "You don't know him."

With such an answer, Rong Chengli certainly has no interest in exploring. Anyway, every boyfriend who wakes up will eventually appear in Noah's Ark. If he is really curious, he will naturally see it. What's more, he is not a person who likes to inquire about other people's affairs.

Seeing Rong Chengli go out of the door, Shu Xing withdrew his eyes. From the beginning to now, he did not feel that he had lied. Although they were brothers, even if they didn't have to 'bend and love' like Shu Chen, they were too strange. Shu Xing dared to guarantee that Rong Chengli was anything his brother liked. Xidu can't say it, so it's not an anexathe to say that he doesn't know his own 'good wife and man'.

Today is Thursday. The fourth day they began to live together. The location of Rongcheng Entertainment is only a few dozen minutes away from Shuxing's apartment. Now every night, Rong Chengxian can return to the apartment before six o'clock. Shuxing only cooked dinner once, but later he went to buy ingredients, take care of the materials and make some basics. Wait until Rong Chengxian comes back. The only thing that makes Shu Xing feel that there are three bedrooms in his home. Even if Shu Chen is at home, Rong Chengxian can sleep in the guest room. What's more, Shu Chen is not at home at all, so Rong Chengxian is even more unlikely to sleep with Shu Xing in a ** .

There was only one big lesson in the afternoon. Shu Xing finished explaining tomorrow's affairs, left school early, went to the large supermarket to buy the ingredients needed today, and drove back home to preliminarily deal with the ingredients for dinner.

While washing broccoli, the phone on the coffee table rang. Shu Xing connected the phone with Bluetooth headphones. Before he could say 'Hey', the other party consciously reported himself to the house.

"Are you interested in coming out for a meal?"

The place where the other party wants to have a 'meal meal' is either in various high-end hotels or restaurants that are expensive but have no good taste, or in strange places. Even if there is no premise for Rong Chengxian to come back for dinner, Shuxing can't be interested at all.

Fee that Shuxing did not agree, and came straight to the point: "How's your thinking?"

"I forgot to think about it," I've been thinking about Rong Chengxian's affairs these days. Shu Xing really didn't even think about what the other party proposed.

"Why don't you start thinking about it now?"

"Are you in a hurry?"

"If time waits for no one, the project will start bidding."

"What if I say no?"

"Do you know Shuxing, because you haven't been to 'Noah's Ark' during this period, I asked curiously, and I heard a very interesting thing. Do you want to guess what it is?"

Shuxing, who already knows the answer, doesn't want to talk more nonsense: "What do you want?"

"Help me again."

has been 'help me again' countless times, and I heard layers of cocoons in my waking ears: "Are you threatening me?"

"Is it too hurtful to say 'threat' between us? Wake up, I also owe you a favor for yours. In fact, it's quite cost-effective."


Hearing the unpleasantness in Shuxing's tone, the other party changed his words very crisply: "It's a lot. Anyway, I won't treat you badly."

Hearing this tone, he seemed to be a good man who sold himself to him. Shu woke up and thought about it again. It was not until the person on the other end of the phone wanted to disappear for him that he slowly asked a question: "He once mentioned you and said that he was a classmate and friend since he was a child. You have done too much about this matter. It's over."

"It's rare that you also know how to think about others. It seems that he is really important in your heart..."

Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Shu Xing interrupted: "This time it's another psychological analysis?"

"Don't be angry. His honest character, if you really think about him, it's not a good thing, how about it? Let's go out for dinner tomorrow and communicate our feelings.

Eating is just a cover, and the communication of feelings is even more boundless. Knowing that the other party just doesn't want to leave any evidence, Shuxing fished the broccoli out of the water and thought for five seconds: "Okay, contact me after 10 o'clock tomorrow."

After taking care of all the ingredients, Shu Xing washed the rice and put it in the rice cooker. Rong Chengxian said that it was not good to eat rice all the time, so Shu Xing bought some coarse grains. In fact, he was completely willing to cook for Rong Chengxian, but when he saw Rong Chengxian's happy expression, Shu Xing felt that it was better not to deprive him of his only pleasure.

As soon as the rice in the rice cooker was stewed, there was the sound of the key opening the door. There were several spare keys at home. Although Shu Chen's key was not left, Rong Chengxian's key would not be missing. From the first day he lived in, he woke up and gave the key to Rong Rong. Chengxian.

"I'm back," the gentle voice sounded at the gate, and I woke up a little depressed just now. Because of this sound, my mood suddenly became clear.

If you are threatened by that guy for the sake of the owner of this sound, while feeling disgusted, Shuxing also feels a little comforting and reluctantly acceptable.