Cultivation plan

chapter 41

Rong Chengxian got up in the fragrance of the meal. To be precise, it was the sofa.

I always kept waking up with a standard sleep time. After being woken up at 1 a.m., I opened my eyes on time at 9 a.m. After asking good morning with my fingers and Rong Chengxian's body, I rolled up Rong Chengxian's hair with my fingers for a while. When I saw that I hadn't woke him up, I was a little reluctant to walk down the sofa. Originally, I wanted to He took him back to **, and was afraid of disturbing him to sleep when he acted, so he simply put his body in a comfortable posture and let Rong Chengxian continue to sleep on the sofa.

"Are you cooking?" Rong Chengxian, who had not fully woken up, came to the kitchen door and leaned against the door to look at Shu Xing inside. He had never seen Shu Xing cooking in an apron. At first glance, he looked like a good man at home.

"Yes, it's time to eat. Let's wash first."

After listening to Shu's words, Rong Chengxian remembered that he didn't wash at all last night. He quickly cleaned up and went into the bathroom. After taking a shower, he felt refreshed and felt that the cells in his whole body had been refreshed.

"I'll help you," Rong Chengxian, dressed in home clothes, returned to the kitchen and wanted to help Shuxing cook. Unexpectedly, Shuxing was coming out with the last bowl of soup: "No, it's all done."

Thanks to Shu Xing's house, which is not quite spacious, but soft enough, Rong Chengxian did not feel sore on his body. He slept until dawn and finally eliminated yesterday's fatigue. However, thinking of waking up also sleeping on the sofa, Rong Chengxian didn't know if he also slept well: "On the sofa Are you not feeling well when you go to bed?

"Sofa?" When Shu Xing told a lie, his face was not red, his heart was beating, and he was not short of breath: "I woke up underground this morning. I didn't sleep on the sofa. My waist and back really hurt. Fortunately, there was a thick carpet on the ground, otherwise it would be very cold."

"Ah?" Rong Chengxian was a little embarrassed to mistakenly believe the 'truth' of Shuxing's words. Although he knew that he was very honest when he slept, no one could guarantee that he would really stay up all night. Last night, Shuxing did sleep on the outside. If he didn't sleep honestly and arch Shuxing to the ground, it was not impossible.

When Rong Chengxian was self-criticking, Shu Xing didn't forget to remind him: "But it doesn't matter. Although it will hurt for a long time, it will pass sooner or later."

"Then I'll rub it for you later," but I've never learned massage, and I don't know if my technique works.

"Okay," Shu Xing's voice full of expectation was particularly happy. After spreading the net for such a long time, he had been waiting for Rong Chengxian's words for a long time.

After eating, he woke up patiently and waited until he finished washing the dishes. When Rong Chengxian wiped his hands, he rushed him into his room. As soon as he took off the door and closed his clothes, the speed made Rong Chengxian stunned.

"It's so fast..." When you are surprised, your language ability will become more scarce.

"Can you?" Shu Xing lay diagonally in ** with a smile, holding his cheek in one hand and waved to Rong Chengxian: "Come here."

Although Rongcheng Group runs the largest entertainment company in China, Rong Chengxian is only responsible for the management work. As for the filming set, the number of times he has been can really be counted with five fingers.

One of them is a spy TV series starring He Xiaoxiao. The female No. 2 in the play focuses on the charming route, which is to seduce the enemy's sex spies with her fingers. At this moment, Rong Chengxian reminds me of the female No. 2 very discordantly, but to be honest, and that Compared with the charming female No. 2, she is more charming to wake up.

Unnaturally lowered his head, and Rong Chengxian came to the bedside: "Well... I don't know much about massage. I'd better go to a professional masseuse. I have a familiar masseuse, and his technique is very good..."

"Just press it casually," if he wants to find a masseuse, he doesn't need it. Anyway, his body is not sore at all, just to let Rong Chengxian press it.

After struggling for a long time, Rong Chengxian finally started from Shu's shoulder without clothing as an obstacle. In Rong Chengxian's memory, this seems to be the first time in his sober situation. I don't know why, his heart is a little nervous, and his fingers are also slightly with the wavering heart. Trembling.

"Cold?" He lay his head on the pillow. Although he only said one word, he still had a little nasal sound.

"No," I don't know why my body has a trembling reaction. Rong Chengxian took a deep breath: "Aren't you cold? Do you want to put on clothes?"

"I don't want to wear clothes for massage," with a little wayward tone, but it gives people a very natural feeling. In the face of Rong Chengxian, Shu Xing can show his other side without scruples.

After the suggestion was rejected by his service object, Rong Chengxian had to concentrate on the massage, but he did not apply massage oil and pressed it directly. After a while, his wrist was a little sore and his strength was naturally much smaller, but he really didn't understand. Even so, what happened to the person being pressed under him It can also hum comfortably, and the humming sound is a little... ecstasy.

"En, en, ah, ah..." After this sound lasted for ten minutes, Rong Chengxian bent down with a wry smile and looked at Shu Xing. The other party's eyes were cool and cool, without any superfluous feelings, which made Rong Chengxian, who thought he thought too much, ashamed.

They are all men who have been adults for several years. Even if Rong Chengxian has not been in a sober state, it is impossible for him not to know what the so-called moan is. Shu's voice is really real enough to make him frightening. The last time he kissed, he almost wiped his gun and went off. If he hadn't entered the bathroom at night, he would have really felt I have no face to wake up again.

Since Rong Chengli accidentally came out, as the eldest brother who loves his brother, Rong Chengxian has checked the information about comrades. In this era of information explosion, it is not difficult to know anything. After an in-depth understanding of comrades and accepting the reality that his brother is a member of comrades, Rong Chengxian completely There is no bad feeling, but this does not mean that he wants to be a gay.

He wants to have a wife with at least two children, half of which is for a happy family life, and the other half is more or less for Xiaoli. Rongcheng Group can't be without heirs, and Xiaoli can't get married and have children, so whether he wants to or not, he should also bear the corresponding responsibilities.

At the beginning, when he suspected that he was gay, Rong Chengxian was surprised to find that he didn't feel much afraid. Although he wanted to deny that he was gay, he didn't feel annoying when he was with Shu Xing. Shu Xing was very warm and could never give him The warmth that has been there, whether it is kissing or simple touching, makes him feel very comfortable.

It's impossible not to worry. He moved here because he didn't control his decision. He didn't know what he wanted, but now, he didn't want to think about this problem. 'Stay with Shuxing' is his only idea at present. He doesn't know when and how to stop it. But now, he knows he can't stop.

"What are you thinking about?"

I don't know when Shu Xing had turned over his body, facing him, brushed his eyebrows with his fingers, scratched the bridge of his nose like a joke, and stopped under his jaw, pulling him in front of him.

Just now, he had been kneeling on both sides of Shuxing's body to massage him. Suddenly, his body was pulled forward and involuntarily covered Shuxing's body. The moment he looked at each other, Rong Chengxian read tenderness in Shuxing's eyes. Because of such eyes, he suddenly felt that if he woke up...

'Ling Ling Ling...'

Just as he was about to sink into Shuxing's eyes, the phone bell rang untimely, because facing Shuxing's eyes, Rong Chengxian could clearly see the unwillingness in his eyes. Such awakening made him feel particularly funny.

"Aren't you answering the phone?" After the bell rang three times, Rong Chengxian consciously got up from Shuxing, picked up the clothes thrown into the ground, and handed them to Shuxing: "Wear your clothes first and don't catch a cold."

While wearing clothes, he woke up and walked in the direction of the landline, reading the three-character scriptures in his heart. As a result, when he picked up the receiver, he confirmed who was on the other side of the phone and almost wanted to buckle the receiver directly and let the sound completely insulate himself.

"I forgot the bank password," the voice on the other side of the microphone was a little frustrated. It seemed that I had been thinking about it for a long time, but I still didn't remember it in the end.

"Can you be more mentally retarded?" Seeing that Rong Chengxian is not nearby, I guess he is still in his room. He wakes up and teaches Shu Chen on the other side of South Korea in a low voice: "This is the first time. Can't you have a longer memory?! Do you know what time it is?! Do you have any common sense?!"

Last time Shu Chen sent a text message in the early morning, but he was awakened and thought wildly after returning home. Shu Chen, who knew the lesson, learned to be obedient this time. He also found a domestic daytime time to call, and specially checked the time difference. He picked it in the morning and even considered the meal time. Unexpectedly, he was awakened again: "It doesn't work at night, during the day. No, when should I call? Give me twenty-fifth hour."

If Shu Chen saw Shu Xing's expression, he would never be able to say such a thing at this time. No matter how to disturb Shu Xing's sexual interest, he had to pay a certain price. After being read by Shu Xing for half an hour, Shu Chen finally reviewed with a crying voice: "I dare not do it next time."

"And next time?" In order to pay attention to the impact, although the awakening tone is low, it is full of deterrence.

"There is no next time," Shu Chen, who was waiting to be told the bank password, was completely vulnerable.

If he hadn't been worried that Shu Chen would not have asked him, he would have called the dean. Shu Xing would not bother to tell him that he would live on the streets of a foreign country and stage a 'little boy selling matches'.

reported a series of numbers, and Shu Xing asked Shu Chen to write them down. It was not until Shu Chen repeated it ten times that Shu Xing did not give up. He forgot his bank card password again and again and again. I really don't know whether the card was his own or Shu Chen's. If the dean hadn't wanted Shu Chen to change the password again and again, he would have to let himself After memorizing it, Shuxing didn't want to care about this.

After laying down the phone, Shu woke up and breathed a sigh of relief, but in an instant, she remembered what happened before answering the phone and couldn't help but be angry.