Cultivation plan

chapter 59

In the home where Shu Chen and Shu Xing live, although there is no need to explain, there are some things rooted in the way they get along with each other. For example, when Shu Chen tells Shu Chen, 'You give me slow, eat', Shu Chen immediately understands that Shu Xing has something to say to himself.

If this is the past, Shu Chen must naively think of 'who wants to listen to him' and leave the table without hesitation. Maybe he will leave home because of something. Although when he comes back, he will receive corresponding punishment according to the severity of the degree, Shu Chen, who can't learn well, It will always be rebellious to the point where there is no point, but this time, Shu Chen has no intention of leaving at all. After all, this kind of shocking event like a level 10 typhoon sweeping the body is rare, which can only further confirm that everyone has the gossip heart of a middle-aged woman.

From the restaurant to the room, there was no distance from Tang Monk to the west to get the scriptures, but Shu Xing took a long time to come back. He imagined countless things that Shu Xing would do in the room. Finally, he thought that the other party was Rong Chengxian, so Shu Chen did not think about it any more. To be honest, he did not dare to think about it again.

The last time Shu Xing and Shu Chen sat face to face at the dining table, it had been a long time that Shu Chen could not remember. Unconsciously, this was the third bowl of porridge he drank. Knowing that Shu Xing did not like sweet food, Shu Chen was slightly surprised when he just drank it.

"What are you going to say?" Shu Chen, who couldn't help being silent, was more anxious than the person concerned. "If you want to say it, just say it. Do you want me to keep a secret? I'm not a big-mouthed person, but you have gone too much to bring home the person you went to bed."

For so many years, since the day Shu Chen entered this house, he has never seen Shuxing take any man home. He has never thought about why Shuxing did so. He just came to a simple conclusion that Shuxing should not take his bed partner home.

"He is different," the only rare time, Shu Chen was surprised to find that Shu Xing announced with such a serious expression: "You know, I never take any of my boyfriends to bed, including my previous boyfriends."

If Shu Xing hadn't said it himself, Shu Chen would have been so dull that he didn't notice the facts Shu Xing just said: "Yes, you have never brought your boyfriend to your home. After all, he has been here once. What about the last time was a few months ago?"

"June," Shu Xing maintained a concise way of speaking to Shu Chen.

"Yes," Shu Chen swayed with a spoon in his hand and suddenly said, "Well, it seems to be June. Do you remember it clearly? It's really hard for you to remember... Wait! Shu Xing, you're not serious, are you?!"

Although I have never met Shuxing's boyfriend, I still have a little understanding of Shuxing's personality. It is very unusual to bring people home, and I can still remember the time of acquaintance... This kind of thing has really exceeded Shu Chen's understanding ability.

"I'm serious," he answered comfortably without any hesitation in his eyes.

"No... This joke is a little big, isn't it?" Shu Chen, who completely forgot to eat, opened his eyes wide and looked frightened.

"Don't be surprised, it's just what you heard."

"But he is Rong Chengli's brother! Don't you think..."

"I don't feel anything, so you just pretend you don't know now."

Talking to Shu Xing has this simple and angry feeling. Such a thing should be asked, isn't it? But when talking to Shu Xing, there is a feeling of being ordered, and according to Shu Xing's tone, it doesn't care at all. Even if you say I'm not afraid, I It just means to hate trouble.

"Pretise you don't know, it's that simple?" Shu Chen, who was shocked by Shu Xing's tone, repeated Shu Xing's words in a little confused.

"Yes, because he will be shy."

"Ah?" How can the world suddenly become so horrible... Shu Chen, who has been writing romance novels, suddenly appeared in many classic scenes in romance novels. Since he came in just now, Shu Xing's every action and every sentence to Rong Chengxian, including the current considerate behavior, is a little like Bao. The prince who protects the princess, but in this way, isn't he a bit like a villain who wants to destroy the happy life of the prince and princess...

It's really a fiery feeling...

"It has nothing to do with me," Shu Chen, who was a little unhappy, began to continue to deal with the porridge in the bowl. The sweet porridge was drunk in his mouth, but suddenly felt a little tasteless: "I just came back for two days and brought back some gifts to everyone by the way. Three days later, he left. If he is willing to continue to live, I There is no problem. Anyway, this is your home.

With the end of the talks, Shu Chen also finished his porridge. A few cold dishes on the table were also swept away by Shu Chen. He knew that he had just returned from South Korea, one of the four Asian dragons. Those who did not know would think that he had just returned from the assistance to the African refugee camp, and what's more exaggerated is that Shu Chen Unexpectedly, it was not enough to ask Xu Xian out, saying that he would go to have a barbecue together.

"Shu Chen went out," and returned to the room. Shu woke up and took Rong Chengxian's face away, with a gentle smile on his face that would not appear to outsiders: "It will be stuffy."

Only two eyes appeared from the quilt, Rong Chengxian curled up and lay in the quilt. His face was as red as a drunken shrimp: "Shu Chen..."

"No," he woke up against his will, completely using sweet lies as a prop to comfort Rong Chengxian: "Shu Chen has always been simple in thinking and won't know. I said that Xian sprained his foot, and Shu Chen must have thought that Xian just sprained his foot."

Usually, human beings have the instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm, especially when things happen very suddenly and there is no time for you to fully consider. Human beings prefer to accept explanations that make themselves feel more comfortable. In the current situation, Rong Chengxian, who has been ashamed to burst into flames from his body. He easily accepted Shu Xing's explanation to comfort himself and believed that Shu Chen was really a pure and good child.

Even if Shu Chen finished the exchange student course, this time he completely lived for a long time. Shu Xing doesn't care that the three men live together, but for Rong Chengxian, it is really difficult to suddenly accept this state of three men living in the same room, and he doesn't feel at all that Shu Xing will be because of Shu Chen's Existence, restrain the demands for your own body. As long as you consider this matter, Rong Chengxian wants to escape immediately.

No one can accept the real self as frankly as Shuxing. In this world full of constraints and rules, people are slowly suffocated by too many so-called truths. From the beginning when they planned to take over this lover who wanted feelings but was afraid of the secular world, Shuxing had already done it. Well, the worst plan is that rationality is like waking up. It is impossible not to think about today's episode, but even if it is very difficult, he still can't help but want to bring the man next to him into his life and life. His existence is an unspeakable special thing for Shuxing.

He was unwilling to give up delicious food and leave his side, and he could not bear to see his lover so entangled. After thinking about it, Shu Xing made a correct and irrefutable decision. He wanted to officially live in Rong Chengxian's villa, although it was a little far from the school, he said to Shu woke up. There are some inconveniences, but the so-called irrationality of emotions is precisely because they cannot be simply measured by equations.

"Don't you come back?" When Shu Chen received a call from him, Shu Chen was fighting with delicious meat tendons in the barbecue restaurant. The cold meat tendons were sweet, spicy and chewy, but the first reason why Shu Chen was obsessed with this barbecue restaurant.

The relieved breath on the other end of the phone was very flat: "In fact, I'm considering getting into the law."

"............You're not, are you? You have to divide things even if you joke."

"You'd better enjoy the pleasure of chewing animal fat. In addition, remember to turn off the gas and take an umbrella on rainy days."

After hanging up the phone, Shu Chen stuffed the barbecue into his mouth and complained to Xu Xian, who had hardly eaten much. He didn't know why Shu Xing came up with such inexplicable words as 'umbrella on a rainy day'. Xu Xian listened to Shu Chen's complaint and held a meaningful smile at the corners of his mouth. Shu Xing's words were for his cousin. , it's still a little too much to test wisdom.

"When will you go back?" After lunch, he was asked by Shu Chen, who suddenly returned from South Korea. Today is Christmas. The streets are full of festive atmosphere. The streets are full of men and women dressed and holding hands. However, male groups such as Shu Chen and Xu Xian are really conspicuous to the extent that they are a little care about, but now they are full of meat in their eyes. Shu Chen, who was empty, did not notice any abnormal eyes of passers-by at all.

"The day after tomorrow," because he was trying to grind food with his teeth, Shu Chen answered quite clearly. Fortunately, Xu Xian has become used to this situation.

"Time is very tight. It seems that you have to eat 30 cows in these two days before you can feel sick when you see meat in the next three months."

On the way, Shu Chen's crying and talking were endlessly. Shu Chen has never been obsessed with meat. Now he wants to steam and nibble on human flesh. In the past few months in South Korea, he can basically only eat one thing. In addition to kimchi, it is still kimchi. Who should gently mention it in his ear now? With the word kimchi, Shu Chen had the impulse to wash his ears immediately.

"This time I'm leaving, I must bring more food back! There are still three months left. As long as I pass the last three months, I will become a devout vegetarian.

Thinking of Shu Chen's determination to break away from the school at that time, Xu Xian felt funny, but laughing at Shu Chen was equivalent to causing trouble for himself. While Shu Chen ate meat and narrated the recent trivial things, Xu Xian confirmed the time. In three hours, he would pick up people at the airport.