Cultivation plan

chapter 66

"Ah, it's so annoying. I really don't understand why I have to come here?"

"Don't make a mistake. I'm the one who shouldn't come."

The streets of San Francisco are very steep. Sitting in a car is like riding a roller coaster. It is raining outside. At this time of year, San Francisco will enter the rainy season. There are several crystal rain lines on the window glass. Although the car is heated, as long as you look at the hazy sky outside, Shu Chen will feel it. I felt chilly and couldn't help holding the cup of coffee in my hand.

Driving so far from the airport, coffee is only warm, but for Shu Chen, it is still an important temperature that is better than nothing.

"Cut, no matter what I say, it's me in the end."

is different from Shu Xing. As a student, even Shu Chen has his own things to do. He has to report during the two holidays, winter vacation and summer vacation. Thanks to the traditional Lunar New Year, it is part of the winter vacation. Otherwise, it will be three times a year, and it can't be missing once. If he dares not come, he will definitely be milked by his own. The milk phone was nagging to death. After escaping once a few years ago, Shu Chen never dared to escape again.

Modern people like to talk about the generation gap and make a 'three-year theory'. If there is a three-year difference in age, there will be a so-called insurmountable ideological boundary between two people. In short, it is similar to the gap. Shu Chen is quite skeptical of this theory. In his opinion, it makes people stay away from each other and cannot understand each other. It's not the age gap, but the distance of the heart.

"It's good that you know, and you resist so much every year. In the end, you have to complain every day. Grandma didn't hear a word and tell me everything. You're passing on your emotions, right? Won't you be less naive to me?"

When Shu Chen said this to educate him, Shu Xing seemed to have forgotten the reality that he was also very resistant to. In fact, he did not want to come. Even if there was no reason to miss Xian, Shu Xing felt quite troublesome for the behavior of a whole family coming to the United States for the Spring Festival.

"How can you understand my feelings? Why don't you try it twice a year?"

At this moment, the car is passing through a ranking store and driving forward. There are high-end hotels on both sides of the street. Although the facade is not very eye-catching, the decoration in the hall is very magnificent. Shu Chen has lived here once before and was still found by Shuxing. Seriously speaking, since a long time ago, Shuxing has known him. It should be clearer than his understanding of Shuxing.

"Don't even think about it," Shu Xing just glanced at Shu Chen with a rearview mirror: "If I don't take you back completely, I will be the one who will be annoyed to death."

"Cut, I know, I know, with your fiery eyes and golden eyes driving me, I can't escape anywhere."

Shu woke up and took a look at Shu Chen and didn't pay attention to him anymore.

It is the same every year, without any change. Since more than a decade, it has been this unchanging pattern. The buckle is tied too tightly, and no one has the ability to open it. However, every year, the buckle will be buckled.

Parked the car in front of a supermarket and woke up without looking at Shu Chen: "Go down to buy a sandwich."

"Why me again? Wake up, won't you go by yourself?"

"Don't talk like you don't eat."

"That can't be the same for more than ten years. Every time I buy it!"

"You have bought it for more than ten years. What's the reason to change people? Do you want to go or not?"

"You..." In the first two years, Shu Chen would resist a few more words, but later, when he understood that resistance was useless, Shu Chen simply chose to obey, which was relatively simple.

Seeing Shu Chen walking to the supermarket, Shu Xing dialed a number: "Are you about to go to work?"

"Yes, I have arrived at the company. How about you? Is everything all right?"

"All right. I just picked up Shu Chen from the airport and was on his way back. He went to the supermarket to buy something."

"The weather forecast says it will rain in San Francisco today. You should pay more attention to your health and don't freeze."

The corners of his mouth held an arc, and his voice was low and gentle: "Is Hyun worried about me?"

"That, that, that..."

Shu Xing smiled gently: "Just say 'yes'."


There are many people in the supermarket, and most Americans are very physique. Although San Francisco is a gathering place for multiple races, I don't know what's going on today. The supermarket is basically full of blonde white people. Shu Chen shuttled through the crowd and finally paid for it. As a result, when he returned to the car, he was awakened with a smile. Scared.

"Why do you laugh disgustingly?"

"You should check your eyesight," Shu Xing rudely took his sandwich from Shu Chen's hand: "Or do you want to go to Grandpa's hospital for a full-body examination?"

"You don't have to care so much," Shu Chen immediately surrendered to Shu Xing's proposal: "Isn't it possible that I'm wrong?"

Reluctantly, because of chewing the sandwich, it became more vague. Shu Xing was not interested in talking to him about such a trivial matter. He ate the sandwich in the car and started the car again.

When they arrived at grandma's house, the sky was gloomy, like a resentful woman's face, and it was basically all dark outside. For the grandmother's question 'why did they come back so late', Shu Xing only used a sentence 'airplane late' to cover it. Anyway, no one would be bored enough to investigate this kind of thing, but said to Shu Xing The grandmother has always been convinced, and she doesn't think about why Shu Chen's plane is late almost every year.

Shu Chen is the latest one to arrive in the Shu family. Although he flew from South Korea, the jet lag has tortured him dizzy. The only thing he wants to do now is to sleep with his head covered. However, according to his annual experience, there is absolutely no possibility of sleeping without greeting all kinds of elders. Shu Chen has to provide him with sandwiches. The last bit of heat, greeting every elder with a smile.

Among the four partition cream-colored European villas, there will certainly be no shortage of exquisitely designed rooms. Looking out from the skylight of the guest rooms, you can see the night decorated with lights. However, the only thing Shu Chen wants to do now is to sleep, except sleep.

"Uncle, uncle, let me in... I'm going in."

"I said, "Shu Xing easily dragged the little guy downstairs with only one hand: "Can't you stop for a few minutes?"

"But people want to play with Uncle Chen. Wake up, uncle, don't stop me..."

"Don't scream so disgustingly. Shu Chen fell asleep."

"But I like to wake up Uncle Chen and play with him. At that time, Uncle Chen was the most fun. He would only nod whatever he said."

Looking at this young nephew, who can already give people a headache, Shu woke up and had a funny feeling of pushing the waves behind the Yangtze River. However, at this time, he doesn't want the little guy to disturb Shu Chen. Shu Xing still knows about his cousin, and Shu Chen's stress resistance index is just like that. Once the dead volcano erupts, it is estimated that the damage will be quite serious.

"Don't bother him. Why don't I play with you?"

When he heard that Shuxing actually wanted to play with him, the little guy no longer calmed down. What a rare thing it is. This is his uncle Shuxing who offered to play with him.

"Really?" The little guy looked up happily and said, "What are you playing?! What are you playing?!"

"Yes, what are you playing?" The little guy's father, that is, his cousin, also came together. It's not funny. When he woke up and looked down from the high of the stairs and saw the living room surrounded by sixteen floor-to-ceiling windows, he smiled naturally, lowered his body and gently talked to the little guy: "How about it? Let's play the game 'Guess Who'.

"Who do you guess'?" The little guy stretched out his short finger and scratched his head: "What kind of game is that?"

"Look," Shu Xing pointed to the shelf in the living room. On the mahogany shelf of the Ming Dynasty, there are some antiques from Italy, France, the United Kingdom and China, all of which are valuable fragile goods: "Is that antiques very beautiful?"

"Yes," the little guy nodded in agreement.

"Beautiful things, even if they are broken, even fragments will be quite exquisite, and every fragment can constitute a very beautiful story, right?"

"Ah..." Even if the little guy is a candidate for the future demon, he is just an incomplete body that has not formed at this moment. He is stunned by such quite literary words as Shu Xing. He patronizes and admires him, and he will not feel that there is no problem at all: "Yes."

"So it doesn't matter if it's broken, right?"

"Hm," the little guy nodded twice.

"So we broke the antiques and let everyone guess who broke it, okay?"

"Ah?" The little guy opened his mouth and kept blinking his eyes. He thought of the lesson of history wisely. He quickly said and retreated in a trembling voice: "No, no, uncle, I went to play by myself. You just came back from the airport. You must be very tired. Rest is important, rest is important. Then, then, I will leave."

After saying that, the little guy turned around and ran away. He woke up and leaned his arms against the wall opposite the stairs, looking happily at the little figure running in rhythm.

"Wake up, you bully my son again."

"Don't take care of his shortcomings like this. I'm exercising him early."

"How dare you say it."

"Yes, anyway, he is the only father like you, and I'm not worried that his mother will come to cry with me."

"What's right? After all, I don't even know where his biological mother is."

"Would you like to find a stepmother for the little guy?"

"Om, I'm waiting to have a wedding with you."

"No problem, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, you can choose any one, and I will accompany you at any time."

"Why don't you go back to China?"

"Then I'm sorry. I have no problem. My motherland doesn't allow it."

"Would you get married if you were allowed?"

"Yes, I suddenly found a soulmate."

It's rare to tell the truth, but this amazing Shuxing made the other party very silent. It's one thing to know that Shuxing is gay, and it's another thing to know that Shuxing once slept with his students. However, at this moment, Shuxing actually said that he had found the soulmate in his life, which became It was such a great thing that the words were still hovering in each other's minds until the two people were called downstairs.