Cultivation plan

chapter 89

"Ah, ah, why do people who take the self-examination have to take the exam on the same day... Do they know that there are so many papers? It's exhausting."

April's spring light quietly crawled into the room from the window, giving people the feeling that spring has finally arrived. It slightly opened a gap in the window. The spring breeze swept the green smell of early spring and slowly flowed in every corner of the office as the reading room.

"How can you take the exam separately? This is a matter of common sense. Please don't be so ashamed when others are here."

"I know, I know," Shu Chen, who was preached, nodded with a boring expression: "It's because there are no outsiders to say it, but when will they come back?"

"The rest time is from 12 o'clock to 1 p.m., and all of them will come back at that time, but before that, please try your best to read the papers."

Shu Chen, who was pointed out to be lazy, looked down at the paper depressedly: "You really know how to make the best use of everything..."

"Of course, when you were sick, as a person who was tortured by you, I am now driving you with the mentality of 'revenge, no hatred', so don't struggle."

When it comes to the illness, Shu Chen, who has just completely recovered for less than a week, remembered the destruction of Xu Xian during his illness and blushed his cheeks. Just because he lowered his head, Xu Xian couldn't see it. Knowing that Xu Xian suffered a lot of grievances when he was sick, Shu Chen could not shout tired again and feel at ease. Continuing to compare the answers, the answer to the subjective question is just a general correct direction and needs to be analyzed according to the specific answer. Compared with the multiple choice questions with only four options A, B, C and D, it takes more than ten times. The only thing that can make fun in pain is to see interesting answers.

The nervous feeling of being laughed by Shu Chen made him speechless. Xu Xian, who was in charge of reviewing the composition, was not energetic at this moment to inquire about the reason. Shu Chen was very considerate. He didn't need Xu Xian to ask him. He consciously said to himself, "This answer is so interesting. Haha, it's so funny. You know, there is a short answer. The title is about reading appreciation. The paragraph given is Lu Xun's "Running to the Moon". The question is 'Why did Hou Yi finally pick up the bow and arrow and shoot at the moon'? Do you know how this person answered? This man actually said--'This expresses the deep sadness from the bottom of Hou Yi after he lost Chang'e...', which simply amused me to death.

"The score must be counted before 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. If you don't approve the papers carefully, I can tell you responsibly that I have many ways to make you deeply sad." Reviewing compositions is an annoying and headache. You can't see it at all when you write well. In front of a pile of glorious compositions, Xu Xian only felt that his head was as big as a bucket, but Shu Chen was quite happy to add obstacles to him.

"Don't be so serious..." He muttered in a low voice, and Shu Chen pretended to be wronged: "Am I also trying to mobilize a lively atmosphere? Let's talk about Xu Xian..."

Shu Chen, who wanted to continue to create a lively atmosphere, closed his mouth under Xu Xian's 'I'm going to kill you' eyes. There has never been a precedent for undergraduate review. Shu Chen, who was an undergraduate last year, had seen the review of papers. Everyone responsible for reviewing the composition was magical during the review period. The murderous spirit itself did not test too much terrible Shu Chen. He rubbed the words and saw some dizzy eyes, and began to turn to work single-handedly.

From the opening of the paper to the end of the verification, even during the lunch time, the place of approval should not be unattended. Although the door can be locked, the school has a clear rule that someone must watch it, so everyone else will go to eat and rest. Within an hour, Xu Xian and Shu Chen had already had lunch before 12 o'clock and stayed in the reading room for approval.

The approval location of this self-examination paper is one of the two sub-campus of the school. This sub-campus is the farthest from the city center and the traffic is inconvenient. The only highlight is the canteen. Many students complain that there is only one bus to the city outside the school. Every time they think of the advantage of the school canteen, they can silently A sense of distance.

The school has a school bus that indirectly delivers teachers on the campus, which leaves every two hours, basically according to the time of class. However, there are too many teachers in the school, and gradually it has developed into a school that can also pick up and drop off graduate students. After all, there are too many undergraduates, which can only be excluded. This morning All the people who approved the papers came by school bus. Principal Shu will come to this campus for a meeting in the afternoon and agreed to send Shu Chen back after the marking.

At 1:00 p.m., other people came back one after another. This time, only Xu Xian and Shu Chen were only the first-year students, and the rest were senior students with relevant experience. The speed of approval was very fast. In front of unfamiliar people, Shu Chen finally did not complain and complain, and also focused on the atmosphere. After the review, the book was ordered into a thick pile of papers, and soon became shorter and shorter. There was only a bang when turning over the paper in the review room. Occasionally, someone asked others to help hand over the paper, and there was no unnecessary empty talk.

After a paper mountain was destroyed, another paper mountain was moved over. This year's paper seems to be particularly many. The speed of reading compositions has almost reached four seconds per article. Basically, it takes one second to two seconds to determine whether the central idea is appropriate, and then take about two seconds to judge the work. Unless it is a controversial article, a score will be quickly given. In terms of the reading speed of ordinary people, it is usually considered too scribbled, but Xu Xian, who has read quite a lot of books, has exercised his ability to read quickly a long time ago, which is not difficult for him.

The questions of self-examination papers are not particularly difficult. There are a large number of objective questions, because it is only a school-level examination that does not use automatic scoring machines, but all use manual review. Although students have to pay students hourly approval fees, it is also more cost-saving than using machines, and it can also help students earn more income. , it is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone, and even if it is manually reviewed, the objective questions are easy to judge. As long as the correct letters are found, all the objective questions of the papers will be read.

After finishing the objective questions, the seniors automatically took over the subjective part. After the division of labor, Xu Xian finally had a helper. He did not have to read the composition by himself. He could read a composition for ten seconds, and the extra five seconds or six seconds were all used by him to rest.

There is a phenomenon of absence from any exam. This year, not only many people have signed up for the exam, but also many people who are absent from the exam. The papers are made according to the number of 30 papers. In one examination room, there are 29 people who are absent from the exam. The seniors who approved the paper can't help telling everyone with emotion, which attracts everyone's consonation. Even if this is the only time when everyone looks up to say something off-topic, the room is completely quiet before 5 p.m., which is the deadline for marking today.

At five o'clock, the staff responsible for collecting all the papers arrived. They would not let everyone exceed the time to do extra work. They didn't even have to clean up the chores in the reading room. The students who had been sitting in the reading room for a day went out of the room and went out to catch the school bus in twos and threes. Shu Chenla Xu Xian lived and asked him to follow Principal Shu back with himself.

At a quarter, Principal Shu appeared on time. When he saw Xu Xian next to Shu Chen, he was not surprised at all. He kindly let Shu Chen and Xu Xian get on the bus. Along the way, he asked Shu Chen about his physical condition. When talking about Shu Awakening, Shu Chen did not tell Principal Shu. He said that Shu woke up and left home and returned to his gentle hometown. He only said that he woke up. I've been very busy recently. Principal Shu knows that Shu Xing not only has school things to do, but also doesn't care.

Back to school, Shu Chen refused Principal Shu's invitation to eat at home and had to drag Xu Xian to eat rice noodles. When Principal Shu saw that Shu Chen was very resolute, he sent Shu Chen and Xu Xian to the door of the rice noodle shop. He told Xu Xian that he would come home with Shu Chen for dinner next time, Xu Xian also politely answered.

The owner of this rice noodle shop is an authentic Yunnan native. Not only is he born in a fake place, but also uses the traditional method of making rice noodles. It is an authentic 'sour rice noodles'. Naturally, the taste of this kind of rice noodles is unspeakable, but because the production process is long and not easy to preserve, the price is more expensive than ordinary rice noodle shops. Shu Chen, who is almost twice as high, but is used to eating, doesn't want to go to other homes at all.

After the cold dish and rice noodles came, Shu Chen's eyes glowed. In order to concentrate on reviewing the papers, in fact, Xu Xian did not eat well at noon, or even did not eat enough. At this time, when he relaxed, he realized the hunger transmitted from the stomach to the brain and ate more than usual. As a result, both of them shouted again. The cold rice noodles were so fragrant that they wanted to eat another bowl, and they were so spicy that they couldn't eat it anymore that they began to feel full.

"Tomorrow is almost only the last item of the nuclear score," Shu Chen, who became in a particularly good mood after eating, and even the smile at the corners of his eyes became more level: "Suddenly there is a feeling of 1949."

"You can't come," Xu Xian's gastrointestinal function is a little disordered, and he has been too lazy to recuperate. After eating like this, it is usually better not to walk around immediately. Anyway, both of them are fine, so they just sit in the store for two minutes.

"How can that work! There are not many people who sign up for the approval this time. If I don't come, it will be harder.

"It's really rare," Xu Xian, who looked at the pedestrian outside the window, smiled: "You also began to think about others."

"I said..." Shu Chen puffed his cheeks: "I said this against my will, but I will call for retribution, right..."

Shu Chen, who was cursing Xu Xian, suddenly moved away from the window and the glass. His alert eyes and nervous body were like telling others that 'I'm facing a big enemy'.

"What happened?" Shu Chen's words and movements were so strange that he couldn't help but let Xu Xian care.

Shu Chen's hand pointed to the back of a man who was about to go to another corner and disappeared in front of a building: "It's a doctor who sees me. You know, I don't like doctors the most."

The tall back quickly integrated into the crowd. In a trance, Xu Xian felt that he had seen this person somewhere, but because he couldn't remember, he gave up thinking about it. He just looked back and smiled at Shu Chen, which made himself greeted him with a lethal curse. Once.