Cultivation plan

chapter 97

The dazzling white light, the top chandelier of the room carved into a flower decoration, spread out, and the whole waved in the room. The two-person**, located directly below the chandelier, lay in a state of sleepy Rong Chengxian, and his face is very soundly sleepy.

Although Rong Chengxian's figure looks elegant and thin, which can support the skeleton of his body. After all, it belongs to the category of men. After all, An Qiong can't easily move him from the position of a small bar to **, but even this was included at the beginning. After discussion, An Qiong Take advantage of the period when Rong Chengxian is still confused but hasn't fainted yet to lead Rong Chengxian in dizziness to **.

All plans are perfect. According to the original idea, it will be carried out step by step. At this time, no one will disturb you. As long as there is no big accident, there will be no problem.

has never taken any kind of eclipse. Rong Chengxian's effect on this drug is quite **. The symptoms in the body and the time when the symptoms begin to react are not only earlier than they expected, but also Rong Chengxian's reaction to psychedelic drugs is higher than they estimated, at least After being familiar with this psychedelic, even if she took the dose that Rong Chengxian smelled, she would not be confused by his situation.

After leading Rong Chengxian to **, An Qiong sat on the back chair on the left side of the big bed, which is different from the previous pranks. After all, this incident is the calculation of the result, so she can't make a little mistake. If Uncle Rong Cheng finds a problem, she will certainly not give up easily.

nervously covered half of her face with two hands. Anqiong only showed her two eyes and her forehead covered by the head curtain. However, at this time, she could only rely on herself to help her advise. Because she was worried that she would get extra attention, she had agreed in advance that she would not come over. Anyway, she had no way out for a long time. There is another better choice. What needs to be done at this moment is to repeat the pranks that have been played. You must first deceive Rong Chengxian. He is such a sincere person and should not think of anything else.

This man who has laughed countless times in his heart just doesn't like this gentle type of man, and will also feel that this type is very boring. Since the first boyfriend he talked to in high school, he has found that compared with elegant men, the kind of man with a sense of ruffianity and wandering, more It's ironic to think that I can win my favor. People who tried every way to get rid of before now have to try their best to stick to it.

It's not wrong not to like it, but after all, the other party is the heir of Rongcheng Group. Anqiong's fingers trembled uncontrollably and naturally fell on her thighs. In the process, her fingers inadvertently touched the unobtrusive lower abdomen. The newly formed child has only a little in his stomach, which is a cute heart. It can be broken.

The child... and the child of the person who loves and hates still doesn't know the gender of the child and can't let the child disappear like this. Ann Qiong immediately felt that her body was full of maternal power. The next behavior, although it was quite hateful and bad behavior, she found a reason. Joan has forgiven her evil self on her own initiative.

Standing up from the chair, An Qiong quickly walked to the bedside where Rong Chengxian was lying back, put her fingers on the zipper of the dress on the side of her body as previously planned, and pulled away the knee-length bright red dress wrapped around her body from top to bottom. After taking a shower, she originally wanted to wear only It's good to wear a bathrobe, but I'm afraid that Rong Chengxian will leave with the excuse of 'inconvenience', so he specially changed into this dress that is easy to fade.

It took less than 30 seconds to take off her clothes. An Qiong herself was a little surprised, and then stretched out her hand to Rong Chengxian and peeled off the other party's clothes in a very skilled way. The state of the room has been replaced by her 'Do Not Disturb' prompt light, and all the accidents that can be thought of have been After calculation, as far as the current situation is concerned, everything is under control.

A ice-blue crystal nail slowly extended to the main switch of the power supply in the room, and the dark room was completely covered by the night.

I think it would be very rude for the phone to ring at work. Before arriving at the hotel, Rong Chengxian had set his mobile phone to a vibration mode. The mobile phone in the dark only made a faint vibration sound, and even An Qiong, who was not asleep, did not hear it, and the mobile phone screen emitted an uninterrupted light, which showed Shu Awakening' - a call reminder of these two words.

The uninterrupted vibration lasted for about ten minutes, but no one responded, and the night gradually deepened...

In the room without turning on the lights or opening the curtains, even if the scene that fell into his eyes during the day, there was only a dark sense of vision. After groping for his eyes and standing on the bridge of his nose, Rong Chengxian, who rested on ** with his elbow, fell into a state of complete shock, and his eyes widened to the limit. The degree is like seeing a huge water monster that is said to live in the Loch Ness.

I don't remember drinking, but the discomfort from the stomach and the symptoms of head pain seem to make him make a judgment that he has drunk a lot of alcohol, but compared with what happened in front of him, even if his stomach is pierced, it is not a big deal.

An Qiong, who hadn't slept well for almost all night, had already felt that Rong Chengxian woke up, but she did not open her eyes immediately, but waited for a while and felt that it was almost done. It seemed that she half opened her eyes and stretched out her hand to rub it. When her eyes fell on Rong Chengxian's face, she smiled at him. He said, "Xiaoxian, you're awake."

If you don't expose your nature, you will definitely feel that she is a clever and sweet woman if you have had a few acquaintances with An Qiong alone. At the beginning, in Rong Chengxian's heart, An Qiong is such a lovely existence, but it is usually difficult for An Qiong to maintain that beautiful image. For those who have met several times, Well, if you get to know each other for a period of time, you will definitely find her true personality.

Yong Chengxian is a passive person. Even if he later found An Qiong's true face, if An Qiong hadn't cheated on other men and suddenly appeared, Rong Chengxian may not have pulled out so quickly. He would never take the initiative to hurt anyone. Even if he was hurt by someone, it would be difficult for him to revenge. In his mind, the hostile word 'retaliation' can be said to be completely unnecessary and not a troublesome problem. His views on this matter should be said to be completely derived from his tolerant character.

The days after meeting Shu Xing were full of all kinds of first time, completely immersed in Shu Xing's gentleness. Rong Chengxian even left An Qiong's matter behind. If An Qiong hadn't taken the initiative to come to him, it would have been impossible for him to have anything to do with her again, but now... What is the terrible situation of naked ** in the same room and this terrible situation that is not within my understanding?!

I really want Anqiong to explain, but if this kind of thing happened and asked the woman to explain, is it too much?

"Please," An Qiong, as the executor of the incident, was still a little afraid of being exposed, so she immediately began to talk to Rong Chengxian in order to hide her guiltyness: "Don't put on the expression of being ** by me. Everyone is an adult, but it's just a matter of your wishful night."

Guessing is a horrible thing, but my guess, immediately confirmed by the other party's statement, is a big earthquake that suffocates the heart. Rong Chengxian, who held the sheets tightly in an instant, showed a very bony pale whiteness because of too much force: "You, yes, say, I, we..." < /P>

I don't want to say that word. Even this question made Rong Chengxian take a lot of effort to ask. The negative emotions of guilt and self-reproach burned his heart like a flame in his heart, burning pain and waking up his deep affection for him, so that he didn't know how to deal with it.

"Of course, I went to bed," An Qiong found that Rong Chengxian did not doubt her at all, so she entered a certain state, began to talk to herself, and there was no need to write a manuscript when telling lies: "What's wrong with this? Don't worry, I won't make you responsible."

Although his eyes are near An Qiong, Chengxian feels that his eyes are blank and can't focus on any entity at all. His brain is also a situation that can't function at all. He can't digest what An Qiong said, and he doesn't want to believe that it is true.

I mobilized all my memories and wanted to deny the content of An Qiong's words, but no matter how I think about it, I can't remember what happened in this place last night. The end point of memory was when I helped An Qiong smell the taste of Chinese medicine tablets. What happened after that? No, there is no more memory at all.

It is said that there is an eraser behind the memory, but it's only one night, how can it be wiped so thoroughly?

Memory was useless at this time. Rong Chengxian only began to observe and try to find evidence that nothing had happened, but the messy sheets under his body, the dry white dirt on the sheets, and the special smell left in the room due to the lack of ventilation all night made Rong Chengxian completely lost. Square inch.

After putting on her clothes, An Qiong sat on the edge of the bed and deliberately turned her back to Rong Chengxian and put on women's shoes that were not too high heels. The shoes were actually easy to wear, but she deliberately bent her waist gently to wear shoes, so that Rong Chengxian could not see her expression. In this way, An Qiong was even more unscrupulous: "Look at your surprised look, but It's you who took the initiative. Anyway, we have had friendship. You drank a lot of wine, but Xiaoxian, you also drank a lot. I really can't see that you can drink so well.

Are the active people themselves? Rong Chengxian put the palm of his hand on his forehead. Because of his glasses, his face did not all touch the palm of his hand. An Qiong's words made him very confused. How could he betray Shuxing and take the initiative to sleep with a woman? And the other party is still Anqiong!

"Don't show an expression that you don't believe me at all," An Qiong turned around and just looked up at Rong Chengxian: "Go and look in the mirror and look at your face and you will know. I didn't tell you to marry me. How can it be as if you were ungrate by me? It's really disappointing!"

It's useless to stay here for a long time, and the play is almost here. An Qiong reached out to straighten her clothes and said 'goodbye' to Rong Chengxian, who was completely unresponsive. Then she walked out of the hotel room. During this period, she has been restraining her emotions and reminded herself to have a better attitude towards Rong Chengxian. Unexpectedly, the two have to deal with each other in the future.

The face? The mirror of this room is not in the opposite direction of the bed, and Rong Chengxian can't see his face immediately. Now in his heart, it seems that the heart does not maintain physiological function at all. Instead, it is all clusters of seaweed, entangled together, and he can't figure out any rational thinking at all, such as What Guo Anqiong said is really true, so what should we do?

First of all... how to talk to Shu Xing?

This is the biggest problem. It is impossible to lie to Shu Xing. Although An Qiong told him that it doesn't matter and doesn't need to take what happened last night seriously, Rong Chengxian can't treat it as if it hasn't happened. Of course, it's easy to do without Shu Xing, but he has Shu Xing. There is a person who makes him think of it at this moment and will have a strong sense of guilt. Existence.

His heart was picked up little by little. Rong Chengxian grabbed the quilt on his body and clasped it in the mouth of his heart. From that place, bursts of pain came from which encroached on his heart little by little. Obviously, it was a heated room. Why was it so cold?