Cultivation plan

chapter 103

If you don't have a heart, you won't feel heartache, just like a painless disease caused by a rare genetic mutation. Even if the body is full of scars and the body is not intact, it will not feel any pain. Correspondingly, although there is no pain, it does not mean that the body will not be destroyed by it. The damage that should be received will still be on the body. The difference is that it will not be perceived until it is destroyed.

Seeing his feelings for Xian, he didn't spend too much time waking up. He is an activist. As long as he identifies something, he will immediately start to do it. It's not that he hasn't thought about such an ending, but when it really comes, he still feels an inadultible inner struggle.

At this time, it's probably better to find someone to warm up the bed. At least it won't be cold, and there will be a temporary temperature. You can seek temporary warmth in that way. Among those who come to chat up, there are also several types that look very pleasing. Not only in the past, but even if you see it now, you will feel 'cute' But the body did not have the feeling of wanting to hug each other. Even Yun Qingzhou's straightforward and active invitation, Shu Xing also rejected it.

No matter how big things happen, there is always a solution. Self-abandonment may be the simplest kind, but the side effect is to bring a series of troubles, which will not only bring trouble to the other party, but also difficult for me to escape. Find a body to warm each other? I still appreciate it. Even if the temperature of his body can recover, he doesn't have the confidence to recover the temperature of his heart.

Is he really a heartless person? Even Shuxing didn't know the answer to this question. In order to help the psychological research maniac complete the data, the tests he was forced to do showed that he could withstand more pressure than ordinary people, not a little bit. It was really a very large extent, so that the psychological research maniac wanted to study it. I'm afraid that the awakening heart, that kind of pressure resistance, can show that waking up is not a human fact at all.

Do you really have no heart? Or can't you feel the feelings of ordinary people? However, I will also have human feelings such as 'like' and 'disgusting'. I really cherish it very much, and even those who have reached the stage of 'love', so I feel uncomfortable. Although the feeling of 'discomment' is a completely strange experience for me.

When I got home, it was already 3:20 a.m. Shu Chen was not staying up late, which is also a rare thing. Recently, strange things have been really one after another. Shu Chen is the kind of person who will not wake up as long as you sleep, wind, rain, thunder, earthquake, landslides and tsunami, so Shu woke up without deliberately lowered his voice. Sound, and the facts also verified the previous words, which did not disturb Shu Chen, who was known as a 'sleeping pig'.

After taking a shower and lying in **, he woke up but never fell asleep. It's not a problem to meet Zhou Gong at night, but he doesn't want to close his eyes. As long as he close his eyes and can't see the specific objects placed around him, his mind will become clearer. The anesthetic effect of alcohol is useless for Shu to wake up. After lying on **, he is The slightly low-temperature cold bath stimulated the brain, which simply has a faster operation process. Not to mention that others will not believe that Shu Xing has drunk a lot of wine. Even Shu Xing himself is doubting whether Noah's Ark is just buying water.

The silhouette clearly depicted in his mind is lingering. The more he wants to forget, the more he is so clear that he can't do it. The final dialogue is the question he asked him. Shu Xing wants to know how many places he can rank in Xian's heart.

The child in Anqiong's belly?

Kong Chengli?

Rongcheng Group?

Sure enough, you can't set so many options for him. It's simply a self-made and abusive behavior. The result of silence is that there is no answer unexpectedly. You can't answer your own questions directly. If you can't choose your own answer at the first time, Shu Xing knows that what Rong Chengxian value is never only yi.

At the moment of asking the question, Shu Xing knew the answer clearly. Even so, he still wanted to ask. He just wanted their separation and make more determination, so that Xian could recover faster.

At this time, should you think more about yourself?

I am not a selfish person, but I am not a sage. I have never been so meticulous for others, but Rong Chengxian is not someone else, but the first person who makes himself excited. It will take a long time to recover, no matter what, at the last moment, he still wakes up. I am unconsciously thinking about Rong Chengxian.

can be saved. He knows quite well about Rong Chengxian's awakening and knows many ways that can be recovered. He even feels that as long as he persists, Rong Chengxian will leave a lot of things and stay with himself forever, but what is the result? Or let go and let Xian give up so much, which is simply a kind of torture for him.

Xian seemed to like children very much. Thinking like this, he smiled at the darkness before dawn. There were some things that he couldn't give, such as children. Even if Shuxing was a bottle of golden oil, he could not let Rong Chengxian, who was also a man, get pregnant. Naturally, he could not give birth to so many children from two football teams.

Now that he wakes up, he just wants to calm down quietly. He has been free for a period of time. He doesn't want to do anything, he doesn't want to go to class, and human beings don't want to see it. He has nothing to do with the word decadence at all. He doesn't realize that his psychological state at this moment is a manifestation of decadence.

After lying for four hours, Shu Xing was replaced by the sound made by Shu Chen after getting up. Shu Chen, who was nervous, was almost about to go out before he woke up and broke into the door without knocking. This is Shu Chen's usual style. Shu Xing leaned against the head of the bed, right Holding his arm and looking out of the window in a daze.

"Why did you come back?" Shu Chen, who rushed in, did not apologize at all, just to satisfy his curiosity. It seemed that he had been swept over by a hurricane.

Knowing that if you don't talk to him, it will take longer for Shu Chen to leave. Shu woke up and could only say, "I miss you."

With a 'pop', the door was closed from the outside, and Shu Chen, who was ridiculed, had no interest in listening to gossip at all. Usually, Shuchen, which starts with such words, is a precursor to become a devil, but this time Shu Chen is completely wrong. As long as he continues to persist for a while, Shu Chen will not have the strength to talk to him. He will also win an overwhelming victory for the first time in history, but unfortunately, Shu Chen will always be suppressed.

He didn't expect anything to happen to Shu Xing. Shu Chen didn't expect who would be dumped by Shu Xing. He went to school as usual. Shu Chen thought that there was still Shu Xing's class today, but he was notified before class. Shu Xing asked for a whole two weeks off, that is to say, Shu Xing will not come to school again in the next half month.

It is reasonable to ask for so many leave, and not everyone can be approved. What's more, Shuxing, a professor with more courses, can't easily leave for so long. Although he has been promoted to dean, hundreds of students need to be educated, and there is no shortage of Professor Shu who educates them, but since Shu Xing entered the school. After the class, I basically never asked for a long leave. In addition, I have helped others take a lot of classes. Even the person in charge of this matter in the Academic Affairs Office felt that there was no position not to prevent Shuxing from taking a vacation. What's more, the principal personally spoke about this matter.

This storm-free and precursor-free emergency made Shu Chen confused for a moment. At the moment when Xu Xian and Rong Chengli expressed curiosity and looked at him, Shu Chen also looked back at them with a confused face. This morning, he and Shu woke up for a long time, but they did not see anything wrong.

After the last class, Shu Chen did not stay at school much. Shu Xing suddenly asked for leave, which never happened. To be precise, since he lived with Shu Xing more than ten years ago, as long as there was such a thing, Shu Xing would explain to Shu Chen so as not to be annoyed by Shu Chen afterwards, but this Second, Shu Xing didn't have time to talk to him. It seemed that he didn't want to talk to him at all.

When he hurried home, Shu Chen did not catch Shu Xing's shadow. In the empty house, there was no trace of Shu Xing coming back. The scene he saw this morning and talking with him were like a dream, which did not seem to have happened at all.

Standing in front of the door of Shu Chen's awakening room, Shu Chen looked at the empty room, neat without a trace of wrinkles, clean floor, and two professional books placed on the bedside table, which were no different from before Shu Xing left, but Shu Chen vaguely felt something was wrong.

He picked up the phone to call Principal Shu. He had found the number from the communication record, but stopped before dialing. He had been with Shu Xing for so many years. He still had basic common sense. Even if the sky fell, Shu Xing would not explain it to his parents. I guess he would even ask for leave with Principal Shu. , and didn't tell Principal Shu the real reason. There are so many excuses that Shu Xing just need to find one.

Throwing his schoolbag on the sofa, Shu Chen sat down heavily. The sofa quickly sank with his body and thought about it. Shu Chen was depressed and found that he didn't know who to call at all, so that he could ask Shu Xing's whereabouts. Even Rong Chengxian and Shu Chen did not have his contact information, which was also strange. Shu Xing protected Rong Chengxian too well. Although Shu Chen mentioned that he had officially met his future sister-in-law, Shu Xing simply rejected it on the grounds that 'Xian will be shy'.

"Where the hell did that guy go..." Shu Chen, who sat on the sofa talking to himself, had no clue at all. He and Shuxing's circle can be said to be completely insulated. Although he knew that Shuxing would always go to gay, he had never been there at all. People in college should not count on it. Those who were really How can a person who doesn't know his face have news about his whereabouts?

With countless doubts, Shu Chen's stomach made a 'coo' cry. Recently, Shu Chen, who is particularly close to the hanging noodles, can only reluctantly get up from the sofa and walk to the kitchen, leading to another close contact with the hanging noodles, and thinking all the way about whether to Let the eggs have fun together.