Cultivation plan

chapter 109

The night wind is mixed with the unique atmosphere of the night.

There is a moist smell in the air, which is transmitted from the nose wings to the body. Gradually, the body temperature that is not high is synchronized with it. Every inch of skin is slowly losing temperature, and the blood in the blood vessels seems to flow more and more slowly.

At nine o'clock at night, leaning against the wall close to the glass window of the ward, you can have a wide view of the night sky without a dead angle. Tonight, there are only a few sparse stars, scattered around the full moon, keeping a close distance.

On the open balcony outside the window, there are several birds that have not yet returned to the forest. Of course, they are all species that Rong Chengxian can't name. Because they are used to being fed by humans, as long as they are hungry, they will come to ask for it, especially when they find that as long as it is not particularly late, the person in this room will always Come out with breadcrumbs.

The body has recovered almost, and the doctor will not make any special interference. Despite this, he still requires him to rest before ten o'clock. In fact, there is nothing else for Rong Chengxian to do, so he always wears clothes that are not lure or cold, but also says that he does not. Put on warm clothes, sit on the edges of the window next to the open balcony, listen to music with headphones, feed birds by the way, provide them with a midnight snack, and find something to do for yourself.

There are still four days left to be discharged from the hospital. In the past few days, the master always keeps asking him how to celebrate. Rong Chengxian, who has never been in the hospital, really doesn't know that he needs to celebrate after discharge, and he doesn't think he needs to celebrate anything. In his opinion, hospitalization is much better than endless work. The god doesn't care about Rong Chengxian's doubts. Confused, I was very excited to plan, as if he was the one who was discharged from the hospital.

After knowing that Rong Chengxian's health has basically improved, the secretary also called and hasn't greeted his body. The first thing is to report his work to himself as a boss. If Rong Chengxian is also a workaholic, he will definitely be moved by the secretary's dedication. Unfortunately, he is not, in order not to spoil the interest of the other party, Rong Chengxian put the phone on hands-free and still focused on reading. When the secretary finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Xiaoli came to see him several times, and every time he came with the god. If the god hadn't taken the initiative to say it, I'm afraid Rong Chengxian would not have found the relationship between them at the end of the world. He didn't care whether his brother was looking for an ordinary lover, but after knowing that the other party was a god, Rong Chengxian felt a little relaxed. He didn't think that his father would be stupid enough to kill the great god. Chairman Rong Cheng is a businessman, which is a more prejudant identity than being a father. In this way, he can worry less about Xiaoli.

From the headphones, it is very soothing light music. Rong Chengxian does not think that pop songs are not good. On the contrary, Rong Chengxian, who runs an entertainment company under his own, feels that pop music also has a soothing effect on people's hearts, but he rarely listens to it, especially recently, which is still a relatively soothing type of music. It's easier for him to calm down.

The bread in his hand was gone, but the bird did not intend to fly away. The music from the headphones began to play a new round. Thinking that it was almost time to go to bed, Rong Chengxian clapped his hands and let the remaining bread crumbs spill on the balcony and planned to turn back to the room, but The sudden power surprised him that his heart almost stopped beating.

The security here is unquestionable, but Rong Chengxian is still a little flustered to break away, but the next moment, he sat up straight without moving, allowing the weight behind him to surround himself, his slender body due to illness, and relaxing the power of resistance.

The bigger night wind blew the broken hair in front of Rong Chengxian's forehead, and the body brushed by the cold wind shook uncontrollably several times. He felt Rong Chengxian's coolness. The weight behind him became heavier, and even made Rong Chengxian feel breathless suffocation, but even if he really died because of poor breathing, at this moment , and I don't want to leave the arms behind me at all.

is my long-so-craving body temperature, mixed with a refreshing male breath, like a strong wind blowing across the grassland, blowing down a piece of solidified grass leaves, swirling the intestines, and the feeling of freedom and freedom suddenly revived.

In this world, there is only one person who can give himself such a unique sense and keep telling himself 'to calm down' and 'to calm down' in his heart, but the trembling fingertips and the uncontrollable power of heart convulsions have betrayed his consciousness to calm down.

"Shu...wake..." Can't tell whether it's reality or a dream. Rong Chengxian muttered to himself the name that he didn't know how many times he had called in his heart.

"Xian," the sound of the eardrum, although soft to the point of being too soft, it was like a thunder, exploded in Rong Chengxian's ear. He would never mishear this exclusive voice, the gentle syllable that woke up only to call himself. it really comfortable to wake up?

Ask Shen Xiu to help himself find Shuxing is like making a bet with himself. I don't know if Shuxing is still willing to return to his side. Rong Chengxian is not uneasy for a moment. In the night dream, I don't know how many times I have dreamed of the lover I miss day and night. The feeling in the dream is so real, but it's really Being held in the warm arms makes people feel so incredible, as if in a dream.

The temperature from behind is so hot and hot. If most of the human body is composed of water, then his body should have all turned into water, or how to explain this sense of weightlessness of the whole body, and... all immersed in the temperature behind him .

The body soaked by emotions is completely messy. On the one hand, he wants to go back to confirm his mood, but on the other hand, Rong Chengxian does not dare to look back. What if this is just a dream that he imagined because he thinks too much? If Shuxing doesn't appear at all, what if it's just his hallucination?

As if in order to answer his uncertainty, he clung to the weight behind him, suddenly grabbed his shoulder, turned him around hard, and showed a face-to-face posture.

"Xian, can I understand that you cried because you were too happy to see me?" With a gentle smile, he helped Rong Chengxian wipe away the tears that rolled out of his eyes, but found that more tears rolled down on his lover's white cheeks. Shuxing leaned slightly over, covered his lips on Rong Chengxian's cheek, drew tears that slipped on his delicate skin, and then moved down little by little and kissed his lips firmly. .

I don't know why there were tears bursting out, as if they were an emotional valve, or being hit by a strong surprise. Rong Chengxian let tears fall. After interacting with Shu Xing, he found that he would shed tears for his feelings, and it was a The uncontrollable type.

I wanted to answer Shu's question, but only one word 'yes' had been said, but it was blocked by Shu's lips. The beating heart was more obvious because of the power of the hoops outside the body. If it hadn't been for a little reason, Rong Chengxian would almost think that his own The heart that refuses to rest is about to jump out of its throat.

In the sight is the handsome face that wakes up. Although it has been printed in my mind for a long time, I used to look at it every day, but when I was held in my arms, kissed my lips, and stared carefully again, I was deeply attracted and had to sigh that I was more handsome than ordinary people.

In the past, every time he kissed, because of shyness, Rong Chengxian would close his eyes tightly. Even if he took the initiative to wake up during that time, he did not think of opening his eyes and staring at his lover who kissed him, but this time, he opened his eyes widened to watch Shuwake up, in order to prevent this from really being a dream. Already, if it's really a dream, if you get up early tomorrow morning, the person who is about to melt himself will disappear, then this night can make reason disappear in his arms.

"Xian..." In the gap of kissing, the voice of evoking his name is as sweet as the sound of nature. Rong Chengxian, who usually blushes and is nervous because of this, but this time shows extraordinary enthusiasm. With the deepening hot kiss between his lips and teeth, he hugged his waking body in response and made his hands wake up. The backs are crossed together.

When he opened his eyes when kissing for the first time, Rong Chengxian was surprised to find that his eyelashes were so long. He also realized for the first time that because he refused to open his eyes to face many people and things, many things that he could clearly notice were ignored by his ignorance.

"Does Xian want to stare at me so wide all the time?" Seeing Rong Chengxian's rare shy expression, Shu Xing smiled dotingly: "Will your eyes be tired?"

"If you close your eyes...uh..." sliding your lips on your neck, it seems to be a medicine that can emit a sense of irritation, making the body react uncontrollably, and even what you say is very intermittent: "I can't see it, I can't... wake up..."

"Little fool," tightened his arms and almost broke Rong Chengxian's back. In his deep voice, there was an indescribable sexy voice: "I just like to breathe and think, that's why I become so thin."

Although it was said, Rong Chengxian had no room to refute. He was a person who liked to think about himself. There was no direction in the southeast and northwest that he would not think about, but in the end, he did not think of waking up and doing such cruel things to him.

The heart tightened by the sense of guilt is close to the awakening body through the body, immersed in the psychedelic mood. Rong Chengxian has no extra time to think at all. He hugged tightly, as if to squeeze out all the excess emotions, tighten the extra burden, clenched hands and hands, and the clenched body. In the body, there are bursts of crisp boiling.

has moved to the fiery lips near the collarbone, skillfully untied the first button in front of Rong Chengxian's clothes, leaned against the closed glass window, which is different from the slightly cool touch behind him. The large area of skin that has been awakened in front of him seems to burn. .

"Xian," thought that the speed of his mouth was too slow. Shu Xing quickly untied it with his hand. Just as Rong Chengxian was waiting for Shu Xing's next move, he saw Shu Xing raise his head and looked at him with deep eyes: "I want to hug you, okay?"

The actual behavior has been many times, but Shuxing has never stopped to ask for his opinion. If it had been in the past, Rong Chengxian would have been embarrassed to say anything, but this time, he took the initiative to approach Shuxing, put his hands around his shoulders, and clung to Shuxing with all his strength. At the same time, he also On the eyes that were indeed a little tired: "Okay."

The hug is really wonderful. The two people are so close, but they can't see each other's faces, but even so, the warm touch and mutual love can still be conveyed.