Cultivation plan

chapter 120

"Is that your girlfriend?"

Ringing the bell, Shu Chen dragged Xu Xian to walk out of the classroom quickly. The shadow of summer quietly sneaked into the campus, from the blue sky to the strong green on the branches, and the summer wind blowing through the cracks in the windows of each floor announced another season change.

"Which one?" What just ended was the big class of the research institute. The students who came to the class were full in the front row. Shu Chen and Xu Xian liked to sit in the back, so when they left, although they felt a little rushed, they did not attract the professor's attention.

"No... Do you still have many girlfriends?" Looking at Xu Xian with exaggerated eyes, Shu Chen scratched his head and was full of paste: "It's the girl who walked with you this morning in a pink dress."

"Ah..." After sweeping the height of the stairs with the corner of his eyes, Xu Xian stepped away his right foot and walked down carefully. His physical coordination ability is not very good, and his motor nerves are not developed. If he is not careful, I'm afraid there will be a possibility of falling down. In order to answer Shu Chen's question, he has to split his mind halfway: "That's the case."

"So she is your girlfriend?" Shu Chen, who was still restless when he went down the stairs, twisted his body and inquired enthusiastically: "What kind of person is he? What is your personality? How did you know each other? How long have you been dating?" When asked later, he didn't forget to complain: "You are really too tight. I haven't heard you mention it at all."

finally went down from the four-story staircase to the first floor. At the exit of the hall of the teaching building, the flow of people was automatically divided into two directions. One direction was to enter a classroom in this teaching building, and the other direction was to leave the place to rush to the next class. Shu Chen and Xu Xian did not have a second big class, so they did not want to be crowded with the flow of people. Together, I walked to the ATM in the south corner of the hall. At this time, no one had time to withdraw money from the ATM, so this place was very empty.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you, but I don't know whether she is my girlfriend or not."

"Ah?" The spirit that rushed out of the classroom just now was so active that even the book was not taken back into the schoolbag. Now it is empty, Shu Chen is putting the textbook back, but because of Xu Xian's words, he stopped moving. As a result, half of the books went into the schoolbag, while the other half of the books are still hanging on the ground: "Don't you date?"

"It was confessed," Xu Xian turned his eyes to the floor-to-ceiling glass door of the hall, and Shu Chen also took a look. The sky outside suddenly became a little lead-gray. I don't know when the blue sky just now changed his face. Just as Shu Chen marveled at the ever-changing weather, he heard Xu Xianji He continued, "But I told her that I didn't know if I was suitable to date her. After listening to my words, she said that she would try to start with friends first. That's it."

"It's perfunctory..."

"My words?" Xu Xian reached out and lifted the bangs on his forehead and could vaguely see his smooth forehead: "In this case, I also told the other party, but she said that there was no problem. If she refused again, it would become troublesome, so she simply agreed."

"In this regard, you really..." tilted your head to choose an appropriate statement, and finally flashed through my mind a four-character idiom that can't be called a positive word: "It's unchanged."

got the evaluation of 'unchanging'. Xu Xian did not feel offended. He smiled and looked at the entrance and exit. At this moment, the crowd of people in and out had slowed down a lot and could pass normally: "Maybe, let's go quickly. It looks like it's going to rain. "

"Hey, wait for me," following Xu Xian, who had already stepped forward, Shu Chen turned his head and looked at him and remembered the 'schoolgirl incident' that had just started school.

There is probably a natural mutual attraction between people. At the postgraduate entrance meeting, what Shu Chen particularly noticed was Xu Xian, who lived quietly behind a group of people. At first, he thought he was quite a clumsy person, but after in-depth contact, he found that Xu Xian and many people could talk. It is a moderate type of progress.

Please Shu Chen give the love letter to Xu Xian. She is a junior girl in the first grade. She is very cute and not pretentious. She is just a little clingy, but it won't cause trouble to others. Shu Chen is the class guide of the junior class, that is to say, she is tutoring the juniors on behalf of the teacher. The assistant.

I agreed to the request of the schoolgirl, but with an interesting attitude, I didn't want to be a matchmaker at all. At that time, my idea was to see Xu Xian's reaction and enthusiastically helped the schoolgirl recommend it. After thinking about it, although I didn't care, I was a little enthusiastic about it anyway. The way will indeed make Xu Xian a little difficult to get down, and he is embarrassed to refuse the request made by himself as a matchmaking person.

At first, everything went well, but three months after dating, the schoolgirl found him and said that she was going to break up with Xu Xian. As an introducer, Shu Chen asked the reason, but heard an explanation that he didn't understand.

'I don't understand that person, he is like living in his own world'.

At that time... that's how the schoolgirl explained it.

Shu Chen doesn't think it's difficult for Xu Xian to understand. Although Xu Xian doesn't like to talk about his own affairs, he will also say it when he is asked. He doesn't give people the feeling of avoiding talking about what he wants to eat, what he wants to do... and so on. Although Xu Xian habitually accommodates Shu Chen, he will not make people unable to understand or don't know. What is he thinking about?

Maybe his position is different... This is Shu Chen's final conclusion. He is different from his girlfriend's position, and what he requires is also different. Maybe the schoolgirl can't communicate with Xu Xian seriously, so they can't understand each other.

"That's right," the two people walking on Yong Road were about to walk to the large campus bookstore. Xu Xian suddenly asked, "Are you all right?"

He looked up to confirm that the sky was still gray. Shu Chen shook his head: "What should I say... It's not good, but there is no problem. He just didn't wake up. Dr. Xie doesn't know when Shuxing will wake up. Oh, by the way, do you know Dr. Xie?"

"Who is it?"

"The doctor I saw in the hospital last time," Shu Chen had a 'helpless' symbol on his face: "You haven't forgotten, have you?"

"I really can't remember it. Isn't there an eraser behind people's memory?"

"Do you really dare to say, by the way, do you remember the girlfriend I introduced to you?"

Which girlfriend?"

"............To be honest, I'm starting to understand why the other party wants to strangle you."

Probably because of the weather, two staff came out of the bookstore and carried the display board standing in front of the store into the bookstore. The large area of display board painted in red was very dazzling. If it hadn't been for the weather, it would have been a reflection of the upcoming hot summer. Xu Xian didn't seem to have heard Shu Chen's words. Well, the line of sight wanders with the display board.

"Did you hear what I said?" Instead of being dissatisfied, Shu Chen's tone is more helpless, and Xu Xian is serious about doing things. After realizing this, Shu Chen learned not to make it difficult for himself.

"Ah," he looked back and replied indifferently, "I heard it."

"Do you remember?"

"There is a vague impression."

"The other party was admitted to another university as a graduate student because he didn't want to see you."

"Oh?" Not caring about the reason why she was hated at all, Xu Xian inadvertently asked the school the school she took. After learning the name of the school, she said in a very relaxed tone, "Isn't that good? Her major is more suitable for that university."

"I was really defeated by you. Don't you want to know why?"

"What's the reason?"

"............"With the idea that I thought he was asking me the reason, Shu Chen felt that he needed to eat more at noon to make up for the vitality he had just lost: "She thinks that you don't like her at all and doesn't pay attention to her at all. After dating for three months, not to mention kissing, you don't even have hands. I've pulled it. Anyway, it's a little strange.

"Sure enough, the philosopher is right."

"Ah?" The topic suddenly turned to the direction of 'philosopher'. Shu Chen was stunned and almost bumped into the boy who came across the way. Fortunately, the other party reacted quickly. The two of them missed their shoulders, but he still hasn't forgotten the topic just now: "What did the philosopher say?"

"You can't respect women too much, otherwise she will feel unattractive."

"............Are these crooked sayings really what philosophers have said?"

"Isn't the person who speaks the truth a philosopher?"

"............By the way," crossing a forest beside him and walking through two white buildings, it was the liberal arts department. Shu Chen's tongue was a little knotted: "Well, that, are you gay? After all, you have never liked any girl very much.

"When I was in college, I dated a girlfriend, but then I ended up without any illness. The other party may also feel that they can't get along with me, but not at present."

The idea of 'sure enough' jumped out of my heart, and the intuition played a role in my head. It seems that the schoolgirl's idea is not empty: "At present?"

"Things always show a development trend, which is a common sense, right?" Xu Xian looked over and Shu Chen nodded quickly. Xu Xian continued, "So, I'm not now, and I can't represent that I will not be in the future."

"For this kind of problem..." Shu Chen's forehead appeared a lot of black wool: "You are really calm."

"I'm more receptive than ordinary people," he opened the door of the liberal arts department with a smile. Xu Xian motioned Shu Chen to go first, then elbowed the door and followed him in. It seemed that he wanted to change the topic, but the casual tone gave people an unconscious state, which seemed to be just very It casually led to other topics: "It's useless to go now. Tell me when you wake up, and I'll visit the doctor at that time."