Cultivation plan

write at the end

The article "Blore" to Chapter 134 has been officially completed. Thank you very much for your continuous support.

For some reason, Shu Chen's article was temporarily delayed.

Writing is the most important thing for me. First of all, it is a happy thing. Every character is my heart, especially the protagonist. Some people may say that I am bored with the persistent protection of the protagonist, but I will never accept any remarks that slander my hero! Especially what you say if you don't understand it at all!

Because of everyone's support, although the writing is shallow, as long as I see someone like to read it, I am still very happy to write it. It is only because everyone who reads this article is the motivation for me to continue. Because I am lazy, I can't honestly reply to every message, but I have read everyone's messages. Thank you for your company for four months.

Of course, thanks to my editor.

The most important thanks are one of the most important people in my life.

I hope the article will last for a long time and be suitable for this life.

10,000 omissions, only the word 'thank you', I hope everyone can have a smooth sailing.