The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 5 Become a slave

When Mo Ziyao was about to speak again, a rapid male voice came from behind her: "Little bitch, it turns out that you are here, and I can catch you." Mo Qiang gasped, reached out to wipe the sweat on his face, and quickly walked towards Mo Ziyao. It seemed that it was also difficult to find her.

Mo Ziyao was shocked and quickly turned around and hid behind the young man in white. Then he stretched out his little head and stared at Mo Qiang, who was getting closer and closer.

Mo Qiang saw Mo Ziyao hide and couldn't catch her. He was very angry, so he scolded the teenager in white in a loud voice, "You, get out of the way..."

Mo Qiang's voice hasn't fallen yet. After hearing the two sounds, there was a burst of hot pain on his face, and his mouth was also sweet. He covered his left face with his only hand for a while and then his right face for a while, which looked very funny.

The expression on Mo Qiang's face also changed rapidly. He looked at the young man in white and Li Wei. Obviously, he didn't know who hit him.

Mo Ziyao didn't see anyone's hand behind the young man in white. It's just that Mo Qiang was stinged. No matter who hit him, she felt relieved.

Mo Qiang has been out for so long at least. Seeing that these two people are not a role that he can provoke, he has to withdraw his eyes and lower his head unwillingly. Although he is very angry now and wants to catch Mo Ziyao and sell her to the brothel for some silver, it is obviously not the time to do it. After a while of silence, Mo Qiang still raised his eyes and stared at Mo Ziyao fiercely, spit out his saliva, and said viciously, "Well, after I go back, let's see how I deal with you." After saying that, he turned around and left quickly.

"Wait, give me back the bracelet first." Mo Ziyao did not forget the purpose of the trip. Seeing that Mo Qiang was about to leave, she hurriedly said.

"Well, I've been there for a long time!" Mo Qiang didn't look back, but threw out a word proudly.

Mo Ziyao didn't believe it and hurriedly chased after him, grabbed Mo Qiang's clothes and didn't let him leave.

"Damn it, I said no, but no. If you don't want to die, let me go quickly." Mo Qiang saw that Mo Ziyao was actually entangled. He really wanted to go up and slap her twice, but because of the fear of the two behind her, he had to resist his anger.

Mo Ziyao observed Mo Qiang's expression and didn't seem to lie.

"It's been done. It's troublesome." Mo Ziyao said secretly.

"Who do you think it is for?" I can only follow the clues.

Mo Qiang didn't want to pay attention to her, but when he saw that the two people in front of him were staring at him with a dangerous look, he had to change his words and said, "It's been given to He's pawnshop." After saying that, Mo Qiang's figure immediately disappeared into the street.

"Master, let's go!" Li Wei looked at Mo Qiang's gradually disappearing back and said respectfully to the teenager in white beside him. But the young man in white just looked at Mo Ziyao and didn't mean to leave. Li Wei had to stand aside knowingly.

Mo Ziyao stood there, looked down at her upper and muttered softly, "It's already in the pawnshop, and I don't know if the pawnshop has reselled it to others. I have to redeem it quickly! Alas, I just came here. I'm poor and white. What can I do to redeem it? Even if I sell myself, it's not enough! Sold?! Ha ha,... there is!"

A light in Mo Ziyao's beautiful big eyes suddenly flashed away. She reached out and touched her smooth forehead, sighed, walked slowly towards the two young men in white, and stopped not far in front of the young man in white.

She raised her head and met the lake-like dark eyes of the young man in white, but she lost her mind for a moment... "Wow! His eyes are so beautiful, and he is so beautiful. How can he be a man? What a pity." Mo Ziyao praised in her heart, but suddenly became excited. Then she shook her head briskly and quickly adjusted her expression.

She closed her eyes gently and said to the teenager in white in a very heavy tone, "I don't care whether you really don't know me or pretend you don't know me, but I just want to say that I know someone who looks exactly like you. It was because of that person that I came here. Mo Ziyao spoke softly while observing the look of the young man in white. The young man in white didn't look change at all, and he still looked cold and didn't have any expression.

Mo Ziyao sighed and thought secretly: It seems that this teenager is really not the wizard. The two are just a little similar.

In her mind, she adjusted the wizard's appearance, and then carefully compared the young man in white in front of him: he looks eight points alike, but the wizard's face is not as good as the teenager in front of him, and the wizard looks like twenty-eight, but the teenager looks at most sixteen At the age of seven, there is still some difference between the two. Why didn't you find it before? It seems that I came here for no reason. I'm confused! Only then can people be mistaken. It's just that when I came to this world, I can meet a person who looks like that wizard. Maybe there is a certain connection between the two of them? In addition, it is very predestined that I can meet this young man in white here. Why don't I follow him to see the situation first!?

The look on Mo Ziyao's face changed rapidly, but she didn't know it at all. But the young man in white saw Mo Ziyao's expression completely.

Mo Ziyao paused for a moment, coughed gently, and then continued, "Master, I have something to ask! Please help me!" In order to express her sincerity, Mo Ziyao knelt down to the young man in white, just like the ancients.

The handsome young man in white raised his eyebrows gently, raised his sexy thin lips, and smiled slightly. He finally said, "What's the matter? You might as well listen to it."

"Well... Well, I have a bracelet that was sold to the pawnshop, the one sold by the man just now. I want to redeem it, but... but I don't have any money in my hand, but the bracelet is the only thing my mother left me, so I must redeem it! For the sake of my filial piety, please help me!" Mo Ziyao also became a living horse doctor, so she had to talk nonsense.

"Oh? Why should I believe you? The young man in white opened the folding fan and shook it gently with an indifferent face.

"It's true. Every word I said is true. If there is half a lie, the sky will thunder and you will die." Mo Ziyao opened her eyes, but she could tell lies smoothly. She also pretended to point two fingers at the way of heaven. She thought to herself: Alas, no matter what it's true or false, it's a good thing to be useful. Anyway, it's not that I haven't been struck by thunder.

"Why should I help you?" The young man in white still spoke slowly.

"This guy looks young. Why is he so careful? Like an old deep-fried dough stick, I really don't know how his parents taught him. Mo Ziyao rolled her eyes and cursed in her heart.

"As long as you promise to help me, you can do whatever you want me to do." Mo Ziyao curled her lips and felt very helpless.

"It's not impossible for me to help you, but you have to take out something that moves me. But I don't think anything can attract my attention when you look like this. The tone of the young man in white was full of contempt.

"Who said that, I'm not quite valuable. I can do anything. Look at me like this and you will know that I must be a versatile person. If you accept me, you will definitely make a profit!" Mo Ziyao patted her chest proudly with her little face.

When the young man in white heard her words, he just raised his eyebrows and looked undeniable. Instead, Li Wei circled his hand and put it on his mouth and laughed. Mo Ziyao was a little angry when she saw Li Wei laughing at her and stared at him fiercely.

At this time, the young man in white said with a deep face, "Well, since you are so confident, it seems unreasonable for me to give you this opportunity. Why don't you follow us as a maidservant first!"

"Yeah, that's great. Thank you so much, handsome man!" Mo Ziyao jumped up excitedly. For her, everything was the same, as long as she could get close to the teenager in white. Isn't the maidservant just like a waiter? As long as he says anything, I will do it!

She rushed to the young man in white excitedly to give him a grateful hug. But just as he was about to be next to the skirt of the young man in white, he was blocked by Li Wei's hand, which failed.

However, Mo Ziyao didn't care, but said happily to the young man in white, "Then let's go to the He's pawnshop, or we will buy bracelets for others when it's too late."

The young man in white did not move, but said indifferently, "It's getting late. I'll go tomorrow. Li Wei, let's go!"

"Yes, master." Li Wei answered, turned over his horse, pulled the reins, and was ready to leave.

When Mo Ziyao saw that they were about to leave, she couldn't help saying anxiously, "Hey, why are you like this? You just promised me what you just promised. Why did you turn your face and not admit it in a while?"

"Girl, since my master has promised you to redeem the jade bracelet for you tomorrow, it will definitely do it. Come back tomorrow morning!" Li Wei looked at Mo Ziyao and said slowly.

Mo Ziyao thought to himself: So I have to go back to that damn place tonight? No, if I go back, the hateful man named Mo Qiang will definitely not let me go. A beating will definitely be inevitable. Maybe I will wake up tomorrow morning and be in the brothel. Thinking of this, Mo Ziyao couldn't help shivering.

She quickly turned the ink-clear pupils and asked, "Where can I find you? What if you run away?" No, I must follow you, and I will follow you step by step.

The young man in white ignored Mo Ziyao's remarks. He put his horse in his stomach and walked forward.

"It's up to you." Li Wei left this sentence and chased after it.

"Hey... Where are you going? Wait for me!" Mo Ziyao saw that they didn't mean to take her, so she had to follow the horse's buttocks and trot to catch up...

Fortunately, they deliberately slowed down, otherwise Mo Ziyao couldn't catch up even if she broke her leg. He ran across another street and arrived at the door of a Yuefu Inn. Then he suddenly stopped. Mo Ziyao gasped behind and braked sharply before hitting the horse's buttocks. It looked very funny.

The young man in white got off the horse first, and Li Wei followed closely. The welcoming child in front of the store saw the two and quickly said in a shrill voice, "Yo, two guest officials, inside, please!" The young man in white threw the horse rope to Xiao Er beside him and walked into the inn in front of him. Li Wei followed closely.

When the second shop saw a ragged little girl behind her, he couldn't help stretching out his hand to stop her moving forward and said in disgust, "Where did the little begling beg? Get out, roll, roll, roll aside."