The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 46 Get in Trouble (Second Update!)

Returning to the Mutianyuan, Mo Ziyao began to be silent. Jinger's words kept echoing in her ears. Her heart began to waver a little. In this way, she eloped with Gu Yanmu. How many people's hearts would be hurt! After all, is that right?

"Zi'er, what are you thinking about?" Gu Yanmu came over and gently patted Mo Ziyao's back and said softly.

"There is no... Nothing. By the way, I haven't received my things yet! I'll clean it up." Mo Ziyao said quickly, then stood up and walked quickly to her room.

In the evening, Mo Ziyao lay sideways **, looking at the several packages that had been packed on the table. She sighed gently. Am I right?" Mo Ziyao asked herself again in a low voice.

"Free and happy, carefree life! Isn't this what I've always yearned for? I can really do it, but why can't I be happy?" Mo Ziyao reached out and touched her nose, turned over and wrapped herself in a quilt...

The next day, when the fish belly turned white in the sky, Mo Ziyao and Gu Yanmu had already left the gate of the villa.

The carriage slowly started and headed north. Mo Ziyao sat in the carriage and lifted the curtain. She stretched her head out of the car and looked at the villa farther and farther away from her. Her mood was very complicated. There is relief, reluctance, excitement and loneliness...

"Goodbye, Gu Xian Villa! Never come back again! Goodbye, Miss Liu'er! I will miss you! Also, goodbye to Gu Moli! Never see you again!" Mo Ziyao shouted in her heart, then sighed and slowly lowered the curtain.

The car went all the way north and finally arrived at its first destination, Aizhuang, when it was dark.

When arriving at this station, all passers-by will stop to make up before going on the road. Because after Aizhuang, there is a desert stretching for hundreds of miles in front of it. If you want to cross it, you have to travel through a day and a night.

The two found a good inn and stayed for one night. Early the next morning, Gu Yanmu prepared all the necessary items and came to the post station to buy a unique means of transportation in the desert: camels, and began to march towards the desert.

It's been almost half a day. When it was almost noon, Mo Ziyao suddenly felt a heat wave coming in the car, and her whole body began to get hot. Mo Ziyao felt very uncomfortable. She reached out and took off her coat and walked outside the car to observe the surrounding scenery.

Gu Yanmo saw Mo Ziyao come out. He turned his head and smiled at her and said, "Zi'er is very bored. We are about to enter the desert!" Take a rest in the car! Remember to drink more water. The further you go, the hotter the weather will be and the moisture will evaporate quickly. But after the big desert, the environment will become better.

Mo Ziyao nodded and looked at the desert that was getting closer and closer to her. She felt that it was hotter now than before, so she unconsciously raised her forehead and turned into the car.

Entering the desert, the carriage could no longer be used, so I had to abandon it. The two of them rode a camel together, and their speed became much slower. Mo Ziyao felt as if she was about to be steamed. She took off her clothes several times in a row before she felt a little better. Now she is wearing only a thin shirt, but she still feels uncomfortable with heat. She took out a book from the luggage beside her and fanned the wind back and forth on her face, as if it was going to be cool.

After a while, it was so hot that she couldn't stand it. Mo Ziyao threw the deformed book back into her bag, hummed twice, and unconsciously twisted her body on the camel's back, looking restless, and kept muttering: "What the hell is this place? How can it be so hot! I can't stand it anymore. It's so hot! It's so hot!!"

Hearing Mo Ziyao's complaint, Gu Yanmu in front of him smiled helplessly and said, "Zi'er, bear with it. When it's dark, the temperature will drop." With that, he looked up at the sky and said, "There are still about two hours left, and the sun will set!"

"Oh, my God, it will take two hours for the temperature to drop! Oh, it's so uncomfortable." Mo Ziyao sat on the camel's back and kicked her feet back and forth to express her inner dissatisfaction.

Gu Yanmu shook his head and had to speed up the way...

The sun finally tilted to the west, and the heat wave was still rolling on the roasted yellow sand, but the overall temperature still dropped a little. Mo Ziyao tossed around for a day, and now she finally fell asleep on Gu Yanmu's back.

At night, the temperature began to drop suddenly again. When all the light disappeared, the whole desert fell into the silent darkness again.

Gu Yanmu stopped the camel and looked at Mo Ziyao behind him slightly. At this time, Mo Ziyao in her sleep may have been frozen and suddenly shivered. Gu Yanmu wanted to take a dress to put on her, but accidentally woke her up.

Mo Ziyao raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, looked at the sky and smiled, "Well, it's dark!"

Gu Yanmu looked at Mo Ziyao's cute appearance, handed her clothes, and said softly, "Well, it's getting dark, but the temperature has dropped sharply. Hurry up and put on all your clothes!"

"Oh." Mo Ziyao reached out and took the clothes and put them back on one by one. Brother Mu, why is it so cold at night? Well, it's so cold!" Mo Ziyao said and hid her hand in her sleeve.

"Zier, let's stop here and camp tonight! I have prepared a simple mobile tent. You can sleep in it tonight. We will continue on our way at dawn tomorrow.

Gu Yanmu jumped off the camel and reached out to hold Mo Ziyao to the ground. Then he took out the flint from his arms and untied a bag of dry firewood on the ground. The fire hit, and the faint flames rushed up a few times.

"Zi'er, come and cook the fire first!" After saying that, Gu Yanmu took out a small tent from his luggage and set it up next to the fire. After all this, Gu Yanmu came to Mo Ziyao and sat down.

The two roasted the fire quietly, and Mo Ziyao felt sleepy again. The considerate Gu Yanmu looked at it. He whispered, "Zier, go in and have a rest!"

"Well, what about Brother Mu?" Mo Ziyao looked around and then looked at Gu Yanmu.

"I'll stay here. Go to bed!"

"That..." Mo Ziyao wanted to say, or go in and sleep together. Anyway, the tent is big enough. But she felt that this was very inappropriate, so she swallowed her words again and said, "Brother Mu, please rest earlier!"

Gu Yanmu still smiled and nodded gently.


In the middle of the night, Mo Ziyao was still woken up from the cold. She opened her eyes and couldn't help but remember that Gu Yanmu was still outside. She climbed out of the quilt, opened the tent and looked out. It was black and she couldn't see anything outside.

"Didn't you light a fire before? Why did it go out?" Mo Ziyao muttered.

She looked at the dark earth, but did not see Gu Yanmu. The surroundings were quiet and terrible. Mo Ziyao could only clearly hear the sound of her heart beating, and she suddenly became uneasy.

"Brother Mu?...... Brother Mu... Are you there?" Mo Ziyao shouted at Gu Yanmu over and over again, but she couldn't hear any reply. Only her trembling voice echoed in the vast desert, "Brother Mu, where has he been?" Mo Ziyao asked in her heart.

At this time, she became panicked and Gu Yanmu disappeared. Did he leave alone? I'm the only one here. What should I do?

"Oh..." Suddenly, there was a wolf cry in the distance.

"Ah!" Mo Ziyao's already nervous nerves heard the wolf cry, screamed with fear and fell into the tent.

She knelt on the ground and covered her ears with her hands, but her whole body couldn't stop trembling. Mo Ziyao has been surrounded by a large group of hungry wolves. They are slowly approaching themselves and staring at themselves with coveting eyes, and the smelly saliva on their sharp fangs keeps dripping.

The heart beat so fast that Mo Ziyao felt so scared that her head was about to be numb. She couldn't help shouting at Gu Yanmu over and over again. Only when Gu Yanmu is around can she feel safe.

After a while, there was finally an inaudible moan not far away.

But Mo Ziyao heard it, and her overly nervous nerves finally slowly relaxed. It's Brother Twilight!" Then he got up from the ground and stumbled happily to find the source of the sound.

Suddenly, she felt something kicked under her feet. She screamed and tripped to the ground.

"Uh..." Something on the ground made a moan.

"Brother Mu, it's Brother Mu!" Mo Ziyao suddenly became happy, and her heart was not as frightened as before. She groped to help Gu Yanmu on the ground. But soon frowned again, "Why is Brother Mu's body so cold?"

At this time, Gu Yanmu frowned and leaned on Mo Ziyao's shoulder and trembled, stiff all over.

Mo Ziyao reached out and felt on his forehead. Ah, it's so hot!" Mo Ziyao groped his hands again, pulled his already stiff big hand in front of him, and breathed hard. After a while, he asked worriedly, "Brother Mu, are you feeling better?"

There is no response.

"Brother Mu?"


"Uh, Zier... Cough..." After half a sound, Gu Yan finally opened her mouth with difficulty, but her voice was inaudible.

Mo Ziyao bent down and hugged Gu Yanmu instead. She said sadly, "Brother Mu, don't scare me! ... You must have nothing to do, Zi'er is so scared..."

"Stupid girl, don't be afraid, I'm fine, hehe, I feel so happy at this moment!" Gu Yanmu gently closed her eyes, and the corners of her mouth were full of a faint smile.

Mo Ziyao also felt that Gu Yanmu wanted to sleep. She patted him on the face and said anxiously, "Brother Mu, you can't sleep, you can't, talk, I'll talk to you!"

"Uh..." Gu Yanmu in her arms just snorted slightly.

Mo Ziyao always felt that there seemed to be many eyes staring at them around, so she looked around, but did not see the wolves she thought were just dark.

But she was still very scared, "Brother Mu, did you hear that here... There are wolves here, and there are wolves around here. I... I'm scared!"

Gu Yanmu was also shocked when he heard this. In this case, if they meet the wolves, they will die.

Gu Yanmu exerted all his strength, opened his eyes with difficulty, and suddenly there was a wolf cry in the quiet night sky.

"Ah... It's called again, Brother Mu, listen to me... Do you hear me?" Mo Ziyao couldn't help tightening her hands.

Gu Yanmu could also feel her fear. He concentrated, listened carefully again, and then whispered with a smile, "Zier, don't be afraid. The wolves are not here. You can hear the sound, but they are at least 50 miles away from us and can't find us. This is just because of the strange desert terrain. , just spread the sound here.

"That's it!" Mo Ziyao listened to Gu Yanmu's explanation, breathed a long sigh of relief, and her heart slowly relieved. Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, so she asked doubtfully, "Brother Mu, where is the fire we lit before? Why didn't it continue to burn?"


After waiting for a long time, Gu Yanmu on the ground coughed twice, but answered calmly, "Well, because we can't bring so much firewood..."