The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 69 Restoration Surgery

Zhu Xiping said, carefully took out the book from his arms and held it in his hand like a treasure. Then he reached out and gently stroked the writing and said, "I was interested at that time and hurriedly turned over a few pages, hey! I found that there was really a way to treat eye diseases, so I bought this book and studied it! Haha! Hard work pays off. I studied hard for half a month, and finally understood the key points of eye surgery in a short time ago!"

Mo Ziyao also smiled. I thought to myself: The record of Hua Tuo in history books does say that he has published books in his life, but it is true that there is no "No One Try" mentioned by Uncle Zhu! Is it the Long-lost Blue Capsule Sutra?

This is really useless, but Hua Tuo's medical achievements are indeed extraordinary. Hasn't the hemp boiling powder he invented has been passed down to this day and is widely used in various clinical operations? Mo Ziyao thought so, and she felt much more at ease.

But I was still uneasy to think that Uncle Zhu was the one who was the master of himself this time. After all, he also said that no one in Ruan Nanguo had set such a precedent so far. So Mo Ziyao turned around and asked, "Then I'm Uncle Zhu's first main knife object!" Uncle Zhu, how sure can you be if you are cured?

Zhu Xiping smiled and said, "Who said that you are the first one? In front of you, I first cured a ham horse used for experiments, and then blinded the patient who I had previously judged to be incurable for more than four years. I felt that all aspects were mature, so I came to Chongshan to find you! I can't say 10 to 10 for the success rate of this operation, but I'm still 90% sure!"

Mo Ziyao listened to Zhu Xiping's words, and her doubts and uneasiness were finally dispelled. She couldn't help but feel ashamed that she had just doubted Zhu Xiping's ability. She blushed slightly and smiled, "Ha ha! I wish Uncle Dao, Yaoer will naturally feel at ease!"

Zhu Xiping took out the medical tools in the wooden box and put them on the table in front of Mo Ziyao's bed one by one. He said, "Well, just relax. Before that, I will let you take a certain dose of hemp boiling powder, so that you will want to sleep in a moment. At this time, your senses and pain are complete. None. When you wake up, the blood left in your head for almost a year will be removed. At that time, you only need to rest for a month. When the wound is all long, your eyes can see things again!"

"Hmm." Mo Ziyao answered softly, and Zhu Xiping did find a sharp scissors from a pile of tools. He smiled at Mo Ziyao and asked, "Wan, are you not going to get married this year?"

Mo Ziyao was stunned and suddenly blushed. "Why did Uncle Zhu suddenly ask about this? Yaoer hasn't had time to do it yet! Naturally, I don't want to get married.

Zhu Xiping looked at Mo Ziyao's blushing face, touched her beard and said, "Ha ha, I mean you must shave all your hair before the operation. Would you like it?"

Mo Ziyao nodded. She knew that the head surgery was indeed to remove the hair. Okay, anyway, the hair will grow again soon. I wish Uncle can do it! I'm ready!" After saying that, she got up and sat down in the chair in front of the case.

Zhu Xiping looked at Mo Ziyao with a trace of appreciation in his eyes. He took a big step forward, quickly untied the hairline on Mo Ziyao's head, then raised the scissors and began to cut a wisp of green silk in his hand.

The cut hair slowly floated down, and some of it fell on Mo Ziyao's face, body, and hands. She spread out her palms to catch the falling hair, and then curled up and held it in her hand.

Within a moment, there was only a short black and bright hair left at this time, which was uneven and close to the scalp. Zhu Xiping put down the scissors, picked up a sharp blade, and carefully shaved off all the last short hair on Mo Ziyao's head.

After doing all this, Zhu Xiping helped Mo Ziyao to **, but Mo Ziyao took the opportunity to touch the smooth top of her head. It was strange that there was a slight thorn in the palm of her hand. The whole head became much lighter without hair. Mo Ziyao smiled and lay down again.

At this time, Zhu Xiping took out a brown pill from a delicate porcelain bottle and handed it to Mo Ziyao, "Come on, eat this first."

Mo Ziyao reached out and took it. She knew that Zhu Xiping was giving her numbing powder. As long as you eat this, you won't know anything soon! So she swallowed it without hesitation.

Sure enough, in less than a stick of incense, Mo Ziyao only felt a sense of fatigue, and then closed her eyes.

Zhu Xiping picked up the "No One Try" on the case, turned to the page about the treatment of the eyes that had already been folded, and carefully read the operation method from beginning to end. Then he put down the book and picked up a thin 'surgery' from the table and flipped back and forth on the candlelight that had been prepared in the corner of the case until the whole The knife surface turned fiery red, so he took the knife step by step to Mo Ziyao...


An hour and a half passed in a blink of an eye, and the operation in the house was still in full swing.

At this time, the sun was already shining outside the house.

Chu Qingtian, Yueer, Mo Zipan, Cuier, Erquan and the five of them still stood in the yard with their heads tilted, staring at the room five feet away from them.

I saw five people with different expressions on their faces, but they all stood there in a motionless upright posture, like sculptures. Although it is said to be the sun in early spring, it will still make people feel hot after staying in the sun for a long time.

A closer look, it turned out that thin beads of sweat had already oozed from the foreheads of the five of them. It's just that no one raised their hands to wipe it.

Cui'er, who was already anxious, couldn't calm down, so she asked sadly, "I've been in for so long, and I haven't seen anything in it. Won't... nothing will happen?"

Mo Zipan, who was beside her, withdrew his sight from the hut, frowned at Cui'er in front of him, and whispered, "Mom, what are you talking about? How can something happen to your sister? I heard that the operation will take a long time. Let's wait here at ease!"

Cui'er nodded, turned her eyes back to the hut in front of her, and stopped talking.

After a while, Erquan felt a little anxious, so he winked at Yueer and walked gently out of the yard. After a while, he came back, but the expression on his face was very unnatural. Yue'er saw it in her eyes. When Erquan approached, she pulled over and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Er Quan took a look at Chu Qingtian with his arms, and then took a look at Mo Ziyao's hut. Finally, he whispered in Yueer's ear, "When I just came back, I met a man."

"Who is it?" Yue'er asked.

"Zhao Mingyue."

Yueer was surprised to hear this, "Didn't she leave the Shangwu League six months ago? What are you doing when you suddenly come back now?

Erquan looked up at Chu Qingtian again and made sure that he didn't hear their conversation before saying, "I don't know, but don't let the prince know about this matter first. You know that Miss Mo is at the most critical moment now. We can't distract them."

Yue'er nodded, and the two looked at the hut that had not moved for a long time.

Half an hour later, the door that had been closed for a long time finally opened with a "squeak", and Zhu Xiping came out of the room with a tired face.

Five people in the yard strode to the door at the same time and surrounded Zhu Xiping in the middle. Waiting for everyone to ask about Mo Ziyao's situation, Zhu Xiping looked into the house, then gently closed the door and motioned them to go to other places to talk.

Everyone understood and quickly stepped out of Mo Ziyao's yard and came to a deserted place.

"How is she doing?" Cuier, who had been unable to calm down for a long time, was about to ask about the situation, but was preempted by Chu Qingtian.

Zhu Xiping looked up at Chu Qingtian, and then said to Cuier, "The operation was very successful. Your daughter is fine. Just wait for her to wake up naturally, and you can go in to see her!"

"I want to see her now, okay?" Cui'er grabbed Zhu Xiping's arm excitedly and said.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Xiping blushed slightly. He quickly looked up at the sky and said, "Don't disturb her at this time. You can make some nourishing soup first and feed her at dinner."

"Good, good, good! I'll get ready now!" Cui'er may be so happy that she burst into tears as she spoke. She quickly raised her hand to wipe away her tears and pulled Mo Zipan away quickly with a smile.

Zhu Xiping looked at the back of Cui'er and Mo Zipan leaving and turned his eyes to Chu Qingtian and asked, "Do you care about that girl?"

"Ah!" Chu Qingtian didn't expect that Zhu Xiping would suddenly ask this question. Because he was not prepared, he was stunned there for a while.

"I've seen it for a long time, old man. How about it? When are you going to confess to others?" Zhu Xiping asked with a smile.

Chu Qingtian looked up at the sky and said, "Uncle Zhu, Ziyao has already been married. Her fiance son-in-law is Gu Yanmu, whom I entrusted to send to your hospital for rescue that day. Brother Gu and I have also been friends for many years. How can I win people's love?

After listening to this, Zhu Xiping shook his head and sighed: "Oh, you silly boy, what should I say about you!" If you like it, just say it. Isn't she here now? As long as she doesn't go back to the villa, or Gu Yanmu will come to find her. Don't you have a lot of opportunities? Yaoer is a very good girl. Take good care of it!"

Chu Qingtian also recalled that day by the stream. When she talked about her marriage with Gu Yanmu, she seemed to be very contradictory. Is there anyone else in her heart? Is it me? Chu Qingtian thought so, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised slightly.

(Ye made a video of this article by himself. If you are interested, you can go and have a look! Link: