The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 72

She walked to the door and looked at the scenery outside the door.

When you go out of here, there is a small yard with some plants of different seasons. Nowadays, the most eye-catching thing is the five proudly standing cherry trees. April, which is warm in early spring, is a good time for cherry blossoms to bloom. However, due to the late spring this year, the cherry blossoms that should have opened at this season have been postponed.

At a glance, I saw five cherry trees lined up side by side, and the branches were dotted with brown and blue flower bones, which was very eye-catching. Coupled with some evergreen plants, the whole yard is also vibrant.

Mo Ziyao, who was a little irritable, wanted to close the door and mediate her emotions alone in the room. When she saw the scenery outside the door, her irritable mood seemed to calm down a lot. She suddenly changed her mind and decided to step out of the hut where she had been staying for a year and go to the yard to enjoy flowers and grass.

She looked down at the winding gravel path in front of the door, lifted her skirt and slowly walked out...

Now that her eyes have recovered and life has returned to the past, she stood under the cherry tree and looked at the newly stretched young leaves and sighed: The crisp and tender color of these small leaves is so beautiful! Suddenly, she turned her head and slowly looked at the whole yard inch by inch.

When the whole yard was 'viewed' by her, she gradually raised her head and looked at the blue sky. She sighed infinitely: It turned out that the world was so beautiful!

After wandering around the yard, she seemed to be in a much better mood, and she didn't want to think about those annoying things. Just thinking of Chu Qingtian fleeing in a panic, she smiled, reached out and brushed several clusters together, and whispered in a low voice: "How can I not understand your mind? It's just that I can't accept it, just for..."

With this, Gu Moli, dressed in white, suddenly came to his mind. First, he picked up his lips and smiled gently at himself. The smile was very soft, and his eyes were full of tenderness. Suddenly, his eyes changed, and his tender eyes turned into sarcasm and contempt in a blink of an eye. The corners of his mouth still rose, but they looked so dazzling.

"Gu Moli... Why can't I stop thinking about you? And every time I think of you, your ruthlessness and indifference deeply hurt my heart. Mo Ziyao muttered and reached out her hand to gently stroke the position of her heart. It was really painful and painful.

If we don't see each other in this life, okay? Mo Ziyao thought in her heart. If Brother Mu doesn't come to me, I will stay on this almost isolated mountain! In this way, I can also live a peaceful life with my mother and Pan'er family.

"It's been a year, and there has been no news about Brother Mu. I don't know how he is now, alas!" Every time I think of Gu Yanmu, Mo Ziyao will also feel uncomfortable for a while, and more guilty. So she also prayed again and again that he could live safely and repay him if there was a chance.

"I don't know what's going on with Sister Jing'er and Sister Liu'er now. Sister Liu'er should go to southern Xinjiang, right? My brother will love her very much. It's just Sister Jinger, she... She loves Brother Mu so deeply, but I want to marry her favorite person.

Mo Ziyao sighed and suddenly had the idea of writing to Jinger. She wanted to know how the two of them were doing now. If only they could put aside the shackles of the secular world and walk bravely together! In this way, I don't have to marry Brother Mu. Mo Ziyao thought in her heart.

But on second thought, even if I just write back to say hello, my current status situation really gives people with intentions an opportunity to take advantage of it. Isn't this implicating them?

Troubles surged into her heart again. Mo Ziyao had to look up at the sky and found that dark clouds were floating in the sky, and the clouds were still slowly gathering. It seemed that it was going to rain.

"The weather has changed. I'm afraid it's going to rain?" Mo Ziyao said softly and turned to the room.

Throughout the afternoon, Mo Ziyao sat at the table and looked out of the window at the dark sky until the evening. The raindrops that arrived crackled against the window and thumped with her heart.

Mo Ziyao immediately got up and closed the window, lit the bronze oil lamp, picked up a book casually and read it. When the rain fell a little, the book in her hand fell to the ground with a snap, and she fell asleep.

The next day, the sky cleared up, and all the cherry blossoms in the yard opened! The delicate and crisp flowers were trembling, quietly blooming, and the dew was slowly dripping along the petals. The sky washed by the rain is so clean and transparent, with a little earth fragrance in the air, mixed with the fragrance of cherry blossoms permeating the whole yard.

In the yard, a woman in pink was punching under the cherry tree. Her body turned left to right, and back. From a distance, it looks like a pink ribbon walking through the forest...


The days always slip away inadvertently, and a year has passed in a blink of an eye.

Unconsciously, Mo Ziyao has spent two spring and autumn in the Shangwu League.

Mo Ziyao sat next to the lyre in the room and played with her head down, and the pleasant sound of the piano also echoed throughout the room.

Today is my fifteenth birthday, and I should have reached the age of Ji.

and? Mo Ziyao smiled indifferently, that is to say, I am an adult, and women at this age should be the age to talk about marriage! Then the appointment between me and Gu Yanmu has also arrived!

"Alas!" Mo Ziyao sighed and got up and left the piano platform. Every time she thinks of these things, she is upset and panicked. Even if she doesn't have the intention to think about it, her thoughts are always out of control.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened with a creak, and Chu Qingtian, dressed in a light blue robe, walked in. As soon as he entered the door, he rushed to Mo Ziyao and said in an excited tone, "Yao, I'll take you to a place!"

Mo Ziyao looked at him in a frenze and said with a smile, "Look at you are so happy. Where are you taking me?"

Chu Qingtian reached out and took Mo Ziyao's little hand and smiled, "You will know if you go!" After saying that, he pulled her out involutarily.

Mo Ziyao looked down at Chu Qingtian holding his big hand and blinked. Hello. Where the hell are you going? It's mysterious."

Chu Qingtian smiled and said nothing.

Until he came out of Mo Ziyao's yard, Chu Qingtian put his hand and blew a note in his mouth. In a short time, a brown horse ran towards them with a brisk pace. He stopped in front of Chu Qingtian and stretched out his head to rub on Chu Qingtian.

Chu Qingtian smiled and gently patted the horse's head.

"Jun'er." Mo Ziyao called out and reached out to touch the horse's long cheek. The horse was also a little familiar with Mo Ziyao. It tilted its head and stared at Mo Ziyao with its eyes. Then he also stretched out his head and rubbed his nose against her little face.

The warm breath sprayed on her face, with a little itchy feeling, and Mo Ziyao giggled.

Chu Qingtian looked at Mo Ziyao's side face and smiled inexplicably. Then he jumped on the horse first, pulled the reins and looked down at Mo Ziyao on the ground. "Try to fly on the horse by yourself?"

"Ah! ...This? All right, I'll try." Mo Ziyao was stunned first, then took a small step back and thought to herself: Do you want to make it difficult for me? Qingtian, you underestimate me! So she took a breath, jumped up gently with a little force under her feet, and came to the horse in a blink of an eye.

How's it going? Hee... Can you pass it?" Mo Ziyao gently fell behind Chu Qingtian and reached out to pull the skirts on both sides of his clothes and asked.

Chu Qingtian turned his head slightly and looked at the petite person behind him, deliberately frowned and said, "Flict!"

Ah? No way!" Mo Ziyao stared at Chu Qingtian in front of her and pouted her little mouth.

"Of course it's impossible! Hahaha!" Chu Qingtian continued to say, and then clamped the horse's abdomen, and the horse ran forward.

In the wind, I faintly heard Mo Ziyao's slightly unhappy voice: "Wow, you are so stupid that you can make fun of me. Let's see how I deal with you!"

"Ah! Miss, show mercy!"

"I don't!"

"Guck..." A series of silver bell-like laughter floated in the air, and it took a long time to disperse.

The horse drove them across half a mountain and didn't stop until the stream where the two of them came last time. The two jumped off the horse easily. Chu Qingtian patted the horse's back and said to the horse, "Go!" The horse hissed and ran towards the jungle in the distance.

Chu Qingtian turned around from the direction of the horse's disappearance. He first looked at a big rock on the other side, and then looked at Mo Ziyao and pointed to the boulder and said, "Do you see? Let's compare the big stone on the opposite side to see who can get there first."

Mo Ziyao followed Chu Qingtian's hand and looked at the other side, "No, this, this distance is a little far. I'm afraid I can't get through!"

Chu Qingtian looked down at Mo Ziyao beside him and raised his eyebrows and said, "Really? All right!" After saying that, he suddenly wrapped around Mo Ziyao's slender waist and jumped to the other side. It is still gentle on the surface of the water with the tip of the foot and there is no trace of the water.

Mo Ziyao did not scream as frightenedly as last time in this 'sudden attack' against Chu Qingtian, because she knew that Chu Qingtian would definitely not leave herself here, so she had been mentally prepared for a long time.

The two found a clean place on the boulder and sat down. Mo Ziyao put her hand behind her to support her body, looked up at the blue sky and white clouds, and the lush mountains in the distance, and gently felt the sound of gurgling water around her and the happy singing of birds in the sky.

She took a deep breath, "It's so beautiful! How nice it would be if I could live like this all the time. Gradually, I closed my eyes and felt it with my heart.

Chu Qingtian held the back of his head with his hands together, gently lay on the boulder, and looked up at the blue water and sky. When he heard Mo Ziyao's admiration, he couldn't help tilting his head to look at Mo Ziyao beside him.

She closed her eyes slightly, and her long and thick eyelashes trembled slightly. Under her beautiful nose, her cherry-like red lips were slightly raised, as if she was making some kind of invitation...

(Recently, in the pre-examination, it's too late every day. Since the break, the results of the book have been getting worse and worse. In fact, Ye's heart is also very anxious. As for the update, it's not that Ye doesn't want to update, but he really can't find time. In addition, the primary exam is approaching, and Ye's mind is rushing to the silent test paper and strengthening the practice, so there is no guarantee of the update of this book. However, as soon as there is time, I will hurry to code the word, and I have been trying to save the manuscript. Here's the statement: This book is not very supervised, but it is temporarily suspended. The update will resume in August, and I hope you will continue to support Ye! Thank you!!! Come on, touch...)