The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 105 Return to the Villa

Returning to the cave, the old man was not in a hurry to take out the soul-eating bracelet to study, but became very friendly with Mo Ziyao and Gu Moli.

Gu Moli didn't feel anything, and it was very harmonious to talk to the old man if he had questions. Mo Ziyao's eyes were wandering, and she always remembered the group at the foot of the mountain. How could she hear the old man talking about some irrelevant things?

curled her lips, and the old man's death like a mosquito seemed to drift away. At this time, she really couldn't put on a pair of wings and fly down the mountain to see what was going on.

"Well, after eating Xiao Wuer and bringing it back for lunch, let's calm down and start studying!" This sentence gradually pulled back Mo Ziyao's distant thoughts, and only heard her strange question at the end of the words: "Research? What do you want us to study?"

The old man twisted his long beard and smiled, and his eyes moved. Seeing that Xiao Wuer had come back, he was standing at the mouth of the cave. The old man tapped his head, and Xiao Wuer quickly stepped forward.

As soon as he came in, the whole cave smelled of crispy meat. Mo Ziyao couldn't help turning her head to look. Seeing a green lotus leaf on the back of the handsome and ruffian beautiful teenager, Ye'er lay on her head and came back with a roasted, fragrant and yellow roasted whole sheep. She couldn't help swallowing after eating for almost two days.

The teenager went to several people, pulled out a pile of lotus leaves from his shoulders, gave them one, spread a smooth stone with leaves, then put the sheep on it, reached out into his arms and took out a small and sharp dagger.

"Brother, where's Qing'er?" Gu Moli glanced out of the cave and asked.

The teenager has quickly dismembered the sheep into eight pieces and handed a fat leg of sheep to the old man and said, "Oh, she went down the mountain alone after being poisoned." Then he handed the other leg to Mo Ziyao, who was full of light, and said with a smile, "Girl, I'll give you this leg!"

"Thank you, fifth brother." After saying that, he grabbed the leg of the sheep, lowered his head and couldn't wait to bite down the fresh and juicy leg of the sheep.

Fifth brother? The teenager's cheeks were pumped, and he was really a little unhappy. How could such a young and handsome young man call him brother? However, on second thought, she is an eighteen-year-old woman, and it is naturally right to call me the fifth brother.

Several people gradually ate a complete sheep meal in the bickering between Mo Ziyao and the teenager. The old man told him that the teenager was waiting outside the cave and could not enter without his instructions.

The teenager nodded, and without asking the reason, he directly got up and cleaned up the mess and quickly retreated out.

The hole suddenly quieted down, and the old man suddenly smiled and broke the dull atmosphere. He took out the soul-eating bracelet from his arms, pinched it in his hand and watched carefully and said, "You two find a place to sit."

The two answered and found a stone stool to sit down. Mo Ziyao looked excited and crazy at the old man holding her jade bracelet. She didn't know what he wanted to do, so she couldn't help turning her head to look at Gu Moli not far away. Seeing Gu Moli's indifferent face, she had to bite her lip and continue to stare at the old man.

Why is the poisonous old man crazy with the soul-eating bracelet? Has he seen the strangeness of this bracelet and also want to borrow it to play time travel? Mo Ziyao couldn't help thinking about this and waiting for the follow-up of the poisonous old man.

The poisonous old man coughed gently, stared at Mo Ziyao strangely and asked, "Does this bracelet really bring you here?" And carry the three-generation relationship that combines the two of you?"

"Ah" Mo Ziyao couldn't help but open her mouth in surprise. Then he also found his gaffe and said repeatedly, "Yes, yes, it's true." Then his eyes flowed slightly and asked in a low voice, "That poisonous old man, I asked weakly, how did you know these secrets?"

'Ha ha' poisonous old smiled, "These secrets are no longer secrets in front of me, because the old man used to be a famous royal high priest."

"Royal High Priest?" Mo Ziyao chewed this sentence and nodded as if she didn't understand it, "Oh, that's it."

The old man explained: "The old man is a great wizard of the Yi clan, and this jade bracelet was previously cursed by a great wizard with profound skills, and the beneficiaries are the two of you."

Seeing that Mo Ziyao wanted to speak in surprise, the old man continued: "It is you two, under the guidance of the magic bracelet, you two will never be destroyed, which is also a kind of eternal life. This is also the reason why the old man wants to study it. Don't think too much these days. Just cooperate with the old man and tell me what he knows without concealment. I believe that the mystery can be solved soon, and you can leave here smoothly.

Mo Ziyao was very anxious when she heard what the old man said. Now I don't know anything about Zhuangzhong. When I finally woke up, I didn't find my mother, Pan'er, my eldest brother and Jing'er sister. They are not in the hall. Where did they go? Especially my mother, I don't know if she... Is she still alive? Four days later, it will be the day when Sister Jinger and Qing'er will enter the palace. Although the villa has been severely damaged, it has not really fallen. Of course, the selection of concubines must continue. Then they still have to enter the palace on time. How can I not participate in such an important thing? Sister Jing'er and her eldest brother are no longer related by blood. How about the selection of concubines in four days?

I thought too much, and my heart was even more upset, so I asked the old man, "Okay, we will cooperate with you, but I still have a lot of things to do. Can you wait until I finish some things and give you my background and the origin of the soul-eating bracelet?"

The old man looked at her in surprise and said in a low voice, "Since you are in a hurry, tell me everything you know first. I think you can leave first in three days at most, and the rest will be done by me and... Mo Li."

Mo Ziyao heard that there was still room for manoeuvre, so she readily agreed to the old man's suggestion.

Three days passed quickly, and Mo Ziyao stood on the boulder outside the cave and took a deep breath of fresh air. I thought it would be easy to answer some questions. I didn't expect that the old man was a chronic man, and even his memory became bad when he was old. The same thing actually made me talk back and forth for a few hours. It's common for his mouth to be dry. What's more hateful is that he couldn't understand the mysterious situation, he even asked me not to eat or drink. It's really too painful to wait.

"But now that I am free, the rest of the unlucky person has become Gu Moli. Ha ha, may he have good luck and get out of the sea of suffering as soon as possible!"

Mo Ziyao had just finished speaking in her heart, and the teenager rushed out from not far away and said with a hippie smile, "Brother sister-in-law, are you leaving now? Don't you wait for my eighteenth brother?"

"What eighteen brothers, his name is Gu Moli! And he and I are just friends, not my sister-in-law!" Mo Ziyao rolled her eyes and corrected angrily.

The teenager proudly pulled a dog's tail grass from the grass and said in his mouth, "Sooner or later. Let's go, let the fifth brother and I take you down the mountain!"

"You... can't even plug your mouth with grass!" With that, he jumped and followed the teenager in the direction of Gu Xian Villa.

When the two ran all the way to the halfway of the villa, they faintly heard intermittent howling and crying.

Mo Ziyao listened to this miserable voice, and her heart suddenly sank, and a bad feeling gradually came to her heart. I couldn't help but pause a little, and my eyes were full of tears. She muttered in a low voice, "Mom, brother, big brother, sister Jinger..."

At this moment, she has no joy of regaining life and freedom, but only cares and worries about her relatives. Are they all okay? So she took a true breath, and the steps under her feet were almost to the extreme, and soon caught up with the teenager in front of her.

The teenager felt a breeze blowing around him, and a figure passed him in a flash. Some surprise, he narrowed his eyes and saw that it turned out to be the weak Mo Ziyao. So he looked at her slender back and asked funnyly, "Hey, why are you running so fast? Are there jackals, tigers and leopards chasing you behind you?

There was an impatient voice in front of me: "You go back first. I'm in a hurry to take a step in advance! Thank you for seeing me off all the way. Goodbye!"

"You..." The teenager stopped and stood still looking at the back of a small black dot and muttered, "What's wrong with this girl? Eighteenth brother likes her so much. The teenager looked down the mountain, shook his head and turned to the top of the mountain.

Closer, closer, Mo Ziyao only heard the sad crying voice that was only more than ten feet away from her. Mo Ziyao clearly remembers that the mass grave of the villa was in front of her. She still remembers that she was slandered by Xiaoxiao five years ago and wanted to kill me here, just because few people could get there. If I die here, it won't be long before I will be like those white bones on the ground. Who will know that I have died here miserably?

The road ahead was blocked. Mo Ziyao withdrew her thoughts and stretched out her hand to push away the weeds that were more than one person high, but she saw the desolate mass graves completely today. The weeds on this flat ground have been cleaned up, revealing fresh soil and more than a dozen rectangular pits. Dozens of men and women with messy clothes, loose hair and dull expressions are busy digging in the pit to transport soil.

Mo Ziyao couldn't help but be surprised why this mass grave is so lively today? If you look closely, you will find that there are several rows of grass mats neatly on the edge of the hill, and there is a body on each grass mat. Some of them are kneeling next to them and crying in a low voice, and some are empty and unattended.

So many people have died? Mo Ziyao also felt sad in her heart. Walking out of the grass and standing on the red soil, her heart was getting heavier and heavier. She didn't know what their mother was like, and she didn't find any of them here.

glanced at the unkempt people and found an old acquaintance. So he quickly walked over, grabbed the man's sleeve and asked, "Mom Gui, do you know where my eldest brother... the eldest son and the eldest lady are?"

[Ye Er is about to take the makeup artist advanced exam, and these weeks are urgent training. As a result, time has not been enough, but I still insist on updating the code words normally every night. It's very cold, and it's really not easy to code words in the middle of the night. Well, no more nonsense. I hope you can wish me success in the exam and success!!!!!!]