The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 115 bumped into a private meeting

Gu Moli took a gentle breath, and his whole body returned to his usual indifferent expression. He took out a small bamboo whistle from his sleeve, put it on his lips and gently played a few strange tones, and the whistle gradually spread far away.

These strange notes are not like tunes, but like a way of communication.

Sure enough, less than a cup of tea, a dark shadow emerged from the mountains and forests not far away and jumped to Gu Moli.

The man, dressed in night clothes, jumped and appeared in front of Gu Moli. He bent one leg and shouted respectfully to Gu Moli, "Your Majesty."

Looking at the masked man in front of him, Gu Moli asked faintly, "He Wu, has anything happened in the villa during my absence, and where are the people in the village?"

It turned out that this person named He Wu was a spy placed by Gu Moli in Gu Xian Villa. His main task is to monitor the behavior of the villa for Gu Moli when he is away from the villa.

"After the death of Gu Laozhuang, the eldest son Gu Yanmu will be in charge. The first thing he just took charge of was to disband the killer organization secretly cultivated by the old landlord, and five days ago, he had moved the village to the only base of Guxian Villa, the branch of Bianbei.

Gu Moli nodded thoughtfully. As expected, Gu Yanmu moved the people in the village to the north. Well, Ziyao went to the north, and it was easy for me to find her.

He Wu looked carefully at Gu Moli's face and opened his mouth for fear of interrupting his thoughts.

"What else?" Gu Moli glanced slightly and saw that he still had something to say.

He Wu quickly took out two letters from his sleeve and handed them respectfully. This is an urgent matter from southern Xinjiang and the palace.

"Oh?" Unexpectedly, there was an urgent matter on both sides. Gu Moli took it in surprise and took a look at the date he belonged to first. First, he opened the letter from the palace and read it. As his eyes moved slightly, his calm face gradually darkened.

"Well, Liu Yanfei, an old man, dared to send troops to southern Xinjiang. He really thought I was muddy." Gu Moli said coldly and pinched the letter in his hand. He didn't read the letter from Southern Xinjiang and knew what was written on it.

After pondering for a moment, he glanced at the empty villa and said, "Gu Guhang is no longer there, and Gu Yanmu has also disbanded the organization, so it is meaningless to stay here. Go to Biannan to protect the safety of a man named Mo Ziyao..."

No, Jinger must bring a maidservant to the palace. There are two maids, one named Liu Er, who has married Li Weicheng to southern Xinjiang. Na Ziyao...

"Both ladies have entered the palace, right? Do you know who the maidservant brought by the young lady? Gu Moli felt very bad and couldn't help asking anxiously.

"Ah..." He Wu was stunned and suddenly turned his eyes and said, "When the prince asked about this, I remembered one thing. The young lady didn't seem to have entered the palace."

"What?" Gu Moli was surprised. Her eyes sank slightly and said to herself, "She didn't enter the palace. Who entered the palace? How dare you pretend to replace it! Who will be willing to replace it?"

He glanced coldly at the people on the ground and said in a low voice, "Why are you sure?"

"Your Majesty, I could see clearly that day that the young lady entered the sedan chair with the help of Gu Yanmu."

"Have you ever seen the woman who married Gu Yanmu go with you?"

He Wu frowned and thought for a moment, and said affirmatively, "I didn't see her." When he looked at Gu Moli carefully, he found that his face was gloomy and terrible. Nuonuo stood aside and didn't dare to speak.

When he looked up again, Gu Moli's expression returned to the coldness of the past. Go to the north quickly and find out. If she is there, you will be responsible for protecting her. If you are not here, return to the southern Xinjiang as soon as possible. Go ahead!"

He Wu nodded and said yes, but he muttered why the prince cared so much about this little maidservant. Of course, he naturally dared not ask these words. He took the order and got up and flew down the mountain.

Gu Moli looked up at the starry sky and smiled bitterly, "Ziyao, why are you always like this? Why did you enter the palace this time?

Looking in the direction of Ruan Nanguo, Gu Moli's eyes gradually became deeper.


Zhen Xiugong.

In front of a simple round table, there are two beautiful women sitting. Behind them are a young maidservant. They are looking at the table with different expressions.

There was a brocade cloth on the table in front of them. The picture on it was actually modern chess. Mo Ziyao held her head in one hand, looked at the chessboard and meditated for a moment, and pushed the 'pawn' forward across the Chuhe Han world.

Another woman smiled, walked the 'horse' and ate Mo Ziyao's pawn in one bite. The woman behind her clapped her hands and smiled, "Miss is awesome!"

The woman just looked at Mo Ziyao with a faint smile, "Sister Jinger, please."

This woman's name is Su Ti. She is the youngest daughter of Prime Minister Su. She is only thirteen years old this year.

At this moment, she is wrapped in a light pink gorgeous dress, wearing a white gauze, revealing her beautiful neck and clearly visible collarbone, and the pleats of the skirt flow like snow and moonlight. The eyebrows are beautiful, beautiful and immortals. There is a natural freshness of natural carving, especially the charm between the eyebrows and lips. It is elegant and gentle, and the view is cordial, but there is a little faint indifference in the warm expression.

It turned out that Su walked in advance in the outer courtyard of Zhenxiu Palace and accidentally met Mo Ziyao. The two talked casually, but they were like old at first sight.

No, Mo Ziyao felt very bored in her untrained time, so she moved modern chess and taught Xiaoxiao how to play. Today, Suti came to see her, and she casually talked about it. Su Ti felt very interesting and proposed to have a look with Mo Ziyao.

The two were calmly playing chess pieces. You came and went, and the soldiers were very careful, but the two little girl behind them jumped in a hurry, pointed, and muttered, but they didn't dare to speak loudly. They wish they could do it by themselves.

After a set, Mo Ziyao finally abandoned the handsome man and fled. Suti's maid Menger laughed proudly and only leaned forward and backward, regardless of her image at all.

Mo Ziyao smiled and said, "It's really the back wave of the Yangtze River!" The front wave died on the beach. She also said this with a wry smile in her heart.

There's nothing we can do. Who told this guy that he is half-baked but still has to show off? After fooling Xiaoxiao, she won, but this Su Ti is really a thoughtful, careful and smart person. Only three sets made her fully grasp the essentials. Mo Ziyao really returned from defeat.

Mo Ziyao raised her hand and stood up regardless of her image. She smiled and said, "Sister Su, I didn't expect you to be so talented and powerful in chess. Jinger is ashamed that she is not your opponent."

Su Ti smiled and stood up slowly. "Sister Jing'er is flattered."

I looked up and looked out of the window and whispered, "I didn't expect that the time passed so fast here, and now it's dark. I'm going back, otherwise I'm afraid it's too late to ask."

Mo Ziyao did not dare to keep her. She quickly got up and sent her to the door. Su Ti took two steps and suddenly looked back at Mo Ziyao and said, "Tomorrow is the day for the emperor to summon her. Sister Jinger, take care."

Looking at Suti's figure gradually disappearing in front of her, Mo Ziyao sighed deeply. After deporting Xiaoxiao, he simply washed himself and went to the couch. By this time, almost everyone had fallen asleep.

In the middle of the night, Mo Ziyao lay on ** and couldn't sleep. I will see the emperor tomorrow, and will I have a chance to come to power?

Although it has just rained in early autumn, the air is still dry. The sound of a room turning over, I think they are the same as me.

Mo Ziyao began to recall some things in the past, thinking about the hardships and happiness she had made along the way. She inadvertently touched the jade hairpin given to him by Chu Qingtian. To him, Mo Ziyao felt guilty. I owe him, and I can't pay it back in my life.

Looking at the jade hairpin, I couldn't help thinking of the jade bracelet and touching my wrist conditionally, but there was nothing empty there. Mo Ziyao felt sad, and Mo Ziyao was entangled in his heart. After all, this hazy and fruitless first love may not be forgotten in my life. What's more, he saved himself several times. How can this be clear?

sighed, "I just hope they can forget me, and then there is a woman thousands of times better than me to love him."

He was so irritable that he got up and walked out.

When I went outside, I heard a voice saying, "Where are you going?" The cold sound can't be heard at all.

Mo Ziyao was shocked and saw that she was an eunuch. Do you think it's a vigil? I had to say, "I'm in a hurry."

She always fell asleep in the dark and got up at dawn until she didn't pay attention to their residence. There was a vigil at night.

The eunuch's face was obviously embarrassed, and he cleared his throat and said, "Isn't there something in the room?"

Mo Ziyao has calmed down and lowered her head and said, "I have a stomachache. I'm afraid of disturbing them. As you know, everyone has to get up early tomorrow."

Although the eunuch still didn't believe it, he saw Mo Ziyao covering her lower abdomen with her hands, looking uncomfortable. Fortunately, the place to go to the toilet is not too far. You can also see it when you stand here. It should not be a lie to see her frightened appearance.

So he reluctantly said, "Then go and come back quickly."

Mo Ziyao said she knew and trotted forward. She didn't stop until she couldn't see the eunuch clearly. The corners of his mouth moved slightly, turned around and walked out.

When entering the palace, she was afraid of being recognized, so Mo Ziyao kept her head and did not look carefully at this place that half of the people chased and half of the people were scared.

At this moment, although the lights have been lit near and far, it is still dark, and many things are blurred. I only vaguely know that it's a big place.

When she walked on the road and occasionally met the royal army patrolled with torches, she quietly pushed aside. This is not an important place of the palace, so it has not been noticed.

Mo Ziyao has no goal, no purpose, just walks around randomly. When I came back to my senses, I didn't know where I had been. I hesitated whether to go back the same way.

I just turned around and was stunned. Originally, I thought that if I was blamed, I would block it with the excuse of getting lost. But I didn't expect that this time, I was really lost. The original road, where can you tell which one is the same?

shook his head and laughed unexpectedly. Maybe Mo Ziyao is subconsciously and doesn't want to go back to that place.

I walked forward for a while and vaguely felt that it was the opposite way, but I still couldn't stop.

Even seems to be a little happy, because only at this moment, I can explore and strive for the road ahead.

Many people are firmly bound when they come to this deep palace, and she is different. It is precisely to let her be completely released.

At this time, I suddenly heard the rapid footsteps behind me.

"Here you are." The man said with a smile in a happy tone.

Mo Ziyao was stunned, and her first reaction was that the guards and maidservants in the palace met here. Coincidentally, she met me. The private meeting between the maidservant and the bodyguard is a crime of death. Thinking of this, I was terrled. He quickly dodged behind the pillar beside him.