The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 127 Posthumously awarded the title of concubine

gritting her teeth, Mo Ziyao said, "Forgive my foolishness and I can't understand the holy will."

Ruan Lingzheng raised his eyebrows and said, "After tonight, I will make you a concubine."

"What!" Mo Ziyao was shocked and said he would make her a concubine! The harem has not yet established the queen and imperial concubines, and even the positions of the noble concubines, Shu concubines, De concubines and the four concubines are still vacant. So the concubines are already the highest concubine level in the harem of Ruan Nantian Dynasty!

Mo Ziyao looked at him and couldn't even move.

Ruan Lingzheng kissed Mo Ziyao on the cheek and said briskly, "As soon as I open my golden mouth, I will not change."

He said that a gentleman's words are hard to catch up. However, Mo Ziyao feels very real? It's like stepping on cotton with your feet without any sense of down-to-earth.

All this is too fast and unreal. It's too easy and too surprising. He can actually promote a person born in a small businessman to become a concubine!

And Mo Ziyao hasn't even been lucky yet! This is not in compliance at all. Although he is the emperor, the harem has not yet been crowned queen, and the empress dowager has always been in power. How can he do whatever he wants?

Lying in a daze for a long time, the people beside him suddenly lost their sound and their breathing gradually stabilized. So Mo Ziyao turned her head slightly and saw that he had fallen asleep, and his long eyelashes cast a fan-shaped shadow, which was very clear. I just held her hand but didn't relax at all.

Mo Ziyao found that the whole bedroom was silent, and there was nothing but breathing. The palace people at the vigil never said anything superfluous, but only saw their shadow reflected on the door.

Quietly leaning on his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat, his mood...

One night, Mo Ziyao changed from a previously unelected girl to the Zhaoyi lady of the heavenly dynasty of Ruan Nanguo, and then jumped again one day and became the first person in the heavenly court.

Ruan Lingzheng gave her a word - Yao, or gave her the Yuyao Palace to live in. Two eunuch palace maidservators were rewarded. For a moment, rumors spread everywhere, almost flooding the whole harem. It is probably said that Mo Ziyao used the art of charm, otherwise how could she become a concubine with her appearance and birth?

Mo Ziyao laughed it off after hearing this. She understands that this honor comes too fast and too easily, which always makes people panic. The concubines of the whole harem may regard themselves as their sworn enemies.

Mo Ziyao put on the palace costume sent by the maidservant and looked at the woman with high temples in the mirror. Mo Ziyao smiled coldly.

"Mother." A petite maid came forward and whispered, "It's all ready. It's time to go to Tairen Palace to say hi to the empress dowager."

Mo Ziyao slowly withdrew her mind and let the maidservant help her get up.

Yesterday, I may still be afraid of going to the Tairen Palace, afraid that the empress dowager will plead guilty, but today, I have been the head of the concubines. No matter how bold they are, I dare not chew my tongue in front of the empress dowager. However, will the Empress Dowager take the initiative to mention it? Although I have the highest status among concubines, it is nothing in the eyes of the Empress Dowager. It's just that these are not something I can control. Let's take a step and see.

He withdrew his thoughts and subconsciously looked at the maidservant beside him. His round face was unusually bright. So I couldn't help asking, "What's your name?"

"The slave maidservant in late autumn." The maidservant lowered her head and said respectfully.

Mo Ziyao nodded, but stopped. She was a little surprised. Mo Ziyao smiled and said, "Don't go to Tairen Palace first. You go and call all the palace people in Yuyao Palace."

Late Qiu said slightly, "Yes." When she walked out, her feet were very petite, but she walked vigorously. Mo Ziyao looked at her back with a sharp look. She was actually a practitioner.

Reaching out and beckoned Xiaoxiao, Mo Ziyao asked, "Who sent these maidservant here?"

Xiaoxiao thought for a moment and said, "At that time, I...servant was not there. I heard that it was the person sent by General Manager Gan himself, saying that it was appointed by the emperor."

Mo Ziyao nodded and felt a little relieved. Since he sent it by name in person, it would be reasonable to make some effort. However, this woman still has to guard against it.

"Wait for me to go to Tairen Palace, and you don't have to follow me. When I come back, I have something to say to you. Also, don't worry about what you see and hear later.

Xiaoxiao stared at Mo Ziyao in surprise for a while before saying, "I know, mother."

When Xiaoxiao stood up and straightened up, the palace people came and stood below respectfully.

In the late autumn, he came up cleverly to help Mo Ziyao sit down, made tea for her, and then stood aside. Mo Ziyao looked at the people in front of her and said with a smile, "You don't have to be formal. It is said that you are just familiar with each other. I was still in a hurry to go to the Tairen Palace. To put it short, they all said what their name was.

Hearing this, a maid standing in the front row hurriedly said, "Go back to the mother, maidservant Yuzhi."

Mo Ziyao looked at this maidservant named Yuzhi and dressed up as if she was late autumn. She wanted to be a close maidservant for herself.

"I was a slave at the beginning of the year." "The slave is a silver man." Two eunuchs rushed to say.

Mo Ziyao was slightly stunned, looked at him, stroked the lid of the teacup with one hand, and said, "You are also called 'Nianyin'? What a coincidence. As far as I know, there is also a maid in Yi Zhaorong Palace who is also called 'Nianyin'!"

The eunuch's face changed, knelt down with a bang, lowered his head and said, "If you go back to the mother's words, I will call it 'Silver' for the New Year, silver. I am the mother's man."

Mo Ziyao's fingertips moved slightly, and she was a clever eunuch. Halfway through his words, he already knew it and didn't bother at all. He smiled indifferently and said, "That's all, I don't want to mix it up. You can change your name to 'Jiqing' and 'Ji Nian'. It sounds festive. It won't be the name of others.

"Thank you for your name!" The two eunuchs said in unison.

The palace people continued to report their names again. When it was a maidservant's turn, they saw her hesitated and said, "Mother, maidservant...servant Qiu Ju." As he spoke, he twisted the corners of his clothes and looked nervous.

Wanqiu said "ah" lightly, and Mo Ziyao looked at her obliquely. The maid was so scared that she immediately knelt down and kowtowed, "Mother, forgive me! Because the name of the maidservant is also the same as that of others,"

So that's it. It's just that she seems to be overconscious.

"Presumptuous." Mo Ziyao straightened up and shouted in a low voice, "Did I say that I would change your name? Make your own decision!"

Hearing this, the maidservant trembled even more, sobbed and kowtowed her head: "Mother, I know it's wrong! I will never dare to do it again! Mother, I really know what's wrong..."

"Hit." She called Mo Ziyao a little irritable. She got up and asked coldly, "Did I say I would deal with you?"

She trembled and shook her head.

Mo Ziyao sneered and said, "You can go back wherever you come from. I don't need useless people or too smart people. You all remember it for me."

Everyone responded quickly. Qiu Ju knelt on the ground, her body trembled, but she didn't dare to say a word.

After taking a few steps forward, Mo Ziyao said, "Late autumn and Yuzhi went to Tairen Palace with this palace. Everyone else has dispersed."

"Yes, Madam." After demobilization of the palace people, Mo Ziyao went out with two maidservant. They followed quietly without saying a word. Mo Ziyao suddenly smiled and turned around and asked, "Do you know that this palace is also a maidservant?"

How can you actually not know? When Mo Ziyao had just been promoted to Jing Zhaoyi, she didn't know whose mouth she had passed by, and the rumor was boiling. After the title of the virtuous concubine, almost the whole harem knew about this rumor. Mo Ziyao just wanted to see their reaction.

Bo both bowed their heads and didn't look at Mo Ziyao's face, but replied with one voice, "I know."

The four words are very straightforward, and there is no tone to hide. But Mo Ziyao thought that she still couldn't take it lightly. In the palace, I was just alone. I am weak and weak, and I must guard against all the people around me. Even Ruan Lingzheng is no exception.

Looking at them, Mo Ziyao said word by word, "Yes, the person born of the maidservant is the most suspicious." When the words blurted out, Mo Ziyao was suddenly shocked and then smiled. In that position, I can't help myself. Because now, she has begun to take precautions.

I clearly saw that Wanqiu and Yuzhi's hands were slightly tight, but their faces were still calm, and they still said with one voice, "I only know how to serve the Empress. There is nothing else to think about it."

Mo Ziyao said softly and stepped into the Luan sedan chair. She suddenly remembered how surprised they would look when they saw me. Especially Yi Zhaorong. Gu Qinger is just a beauty and is not qualified to comfort the Empress Dowager! I don't know what she will think when she knows. Thinking about it, I laughed unconsciously.

After a long time, the sedan slowly stopped. The voice of Wanqiu came from outside: "Madam, Tairen Palace has arrived." With that, he reached out and opened the curtain of the sedan chair.

Mo Ziyao nodded and got off the sedan chair by her. At a glance, I saw that several sedan chairs had stopped next to me, and I thought someone had arrived first.

"Mother." Wanqiu called softly, and Mo Ziyao suddenly came to her senses, shook her head and walked forward.

Before I arrived at the hall, I heard crisp laughter from afar, which seemed to be very lively. Mo Ziyao straightened up and stepped into the door. As her eyes came, her voice suddenly disappeared.

Let go of the late autumn's hand, and the people in the hall were blessed: "My concubines to the empress dowager, wish the Empress Dowager a happy life and good health!"

"You don't have to do this big gift. Sit down." The Empress Dowager's voice was inexhaustible. Mo Ziyao thought that she should be angry about Ruan Lingzheng's sudden title of concubine. However, I couldn't hear it from her words.

"Thank you, Empress Dowager."

For a moment, I only heard the sound of getting up behind me, and then I heard them say, "Empress Yao is auspicious!"

Mo Ziyao was slightly stunned before she suddenly remembered that this was Ruan Lingzheng's name.

"It's all free." It's good to glance at it quietly. Yi Zhaorong is not here, and he has never seen a familiar face!

"Facon Yao, sit down, too." The Empress Dowager said another sentence.

Mo Ziyao nodded quickly and sat down with her. He turned his face slightly and saw the Empress Dowager clearly. Although the Empress Dowager is over 40 years old this year, her face is still red and there are few wrinkles at the corners of her eyes when she smiles. Today, she wears a purple coat with gold thread, which is luxurious but elegant. Closely, Mo Ziyao could clearly hear the slight sound of the golden step swaying on the cloud temples.

The armor on the finger is inlaid with blue emerald, gently tapping on the coffee table, and the sound is crisp. She suddenly said, "You can say whatever you like, and my family likes to hear from you. If you don't say anything, it will be boring.

The Empress Dowager opened her mouth, and the dull atmosphere suddenly rose again. One person said, "The Empress Yao has missed it. If you want to talk, Yi Zhaorong's mouth is amazing! Coincidentally, she came early and now she went back first, hey-"

Mo Ziyao looked at her and saw that she drank a sip of tea as if nothing had happened, and smiled faintly at herself. That's awesome. Turn around and say I'm late!