The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 141 Battle for the throne

From today, the update will resume!!!!!


"What's wrong with you?" Yunlan whispered, quickly reached out to hold Mo Ziyao's shaky body, and then looked at the pavilion. What on earth did the Empress see that made her so gaffe?

Yunlan's eyes finally saw the three people in the pavilion through the heavy rain and fog. The first person who suddenly came into her eyes was Prince Pingzhen with his back to her.

"Ah!" She, who had always been calm, couldn't help shouting when she saw the familiar back, but soon she calmed down. However, Yunlan still felt a sense of excitement, and the feeling of joy gradually spread throughout her body.

"It turned out to be the Lord! But why did he suddenly enter the palace without contacting me? Could it be..." Thinking of this, Yunlan turned her head and quietly looked at Mo Ziyao beside her.

"For her, I'm willing to try it out. Is it worth it?" Yunlan bit her thin lips with a wry smile in her heart. When she saw the shock, sadness, anger and many other emotions in Mo Ziyao's eyes, she finally sighed.

She saw from Mo Ziyao's eyes that the affection between her and the Lord was real. Because her sad staring eyes can't deceive people.

But Yunlan didn't expect that Mo Ziyao did not recognize the Prince of Pingzhen and showed this expression. Instead, she happened to see the scene of Ruan Lingzheng hugging Gu Qinger with a smile on his face through the rain and fog.

Mo Ziyao seemed to see Gu Qinger tilting her head and looking at herself smiling. The smile seemed to say: Look, this man has been captured by me. You Mo Ziyao is favored on the surface, but the person who finally won is me Gu Qinger!

At that moment, Mo Ziyao suddenly felt that her head began to buzz, and her heart was stuffy. It seemed that something was blocked inside, making it difficult for people to breathe.

"He and Qing'er, they..." A hot tear scratched her cheek, tinging her cold skin and making her wake up in an instant.

Curved the corners of her lips, and Mo Ziyao smiled bitterly: "Why did I put all my bets on him? Why did I trust him so much at the beginning? No, no! Oh, Gu Qinger, you have enough means to fascinate him in just a few hours! Looking down on you, or am I underestimating your ability?"

Mo Ziyao pushed away Yunlan and turned into the rain and fog. At this moment, she is very confused, and her mind is full of pictures of Ruan Lingzheng supporting Gu Qinger and smiling proudly at herself. And the prince of Pingzhen, dressed in dark blue court uniform, she took a look and took it over.

She just felt that this person gave her a little familiar feeling, but she was not in the mood to delve into who it was.

Yunlan looked at Mo Ziyao, who was drenched by the rain in an instant. Her thin and soulless back, sandwiched by wind and rain, she faintly heard Mo Ziyao saying, "Can't I beat you after all? No, I won't give up easily. In the palace, only one of us can live, either you or me..."

"Mother..." Yunlan looked at Mo Ziyao's back and shouted, turned her head and looked at the dark blue back in the pavilion, raised her skirt and chased after her.

"Wait for me..."

Yunlan quickly caught up with Mo Ziyao. At this time, she was soaked all over. The rain fell along her forehead, and the corners of her eyes rolled down. She closed her eyes slightly, and the water marks at the corners of her eyes could not tell whether it was rain or tears.

Yunlan tilted the paper umbrella on Mo Ziyao's head, but her back was completely exposed. The rain soaked her back in an instant, and a chill came. She shook her body, frowned and said nothing. They just followed closely behind Mo Ziyao silently. The two walked fast, but gradually walked out of the royal garden.

The rain seemed to have gradually stopped, without the 'ding' sound of raindrops, and the surroundings became extremely quiet. Only two people stepped on the puddle with one foot, and the sound of splashing mud was so clear.

Yunlan looked at Mo Ziyao's side face and remembered the back that surprised her just now. A voice in her heart sounded inexplicably from the depths of her heart: "The Lord's order is to obey unconditionally. You are just a pawn cultivated by the Lord. The Lord lives, you live, the Lord dies, and you have to be buried!"

She felt as if she had returned to the scene of seeing the Lord for the first time four years ago.

"Lord, Lord! ..." Everyone shouted in unison, and their voices were deafening. Yunlan looked up curiously at the high platform. She wanted to see who the master who made them protect desperately was.

glanced at the three people on the high platform. A middle-aged man and a young man stood next to a sandalwood chair spread with snowfskin. On the snow-white chair, a teenager was leaning languly in it. He was dressed in snow-white clothes and seemed to be 13 or 14 years old. The face is enchanting, but the eyes are extremely sharp. But when she looked at him, she could feel that his eyes were also looking at her.

Yunlan's heart throbled slightly. This is the master I will serve in the future, but I didn't expect that he was so young but so ambitious.

Yes, his ambition is to seize the country of Ruan Nanguo! What's wrong with such an excellent and targeted teenager to be born and die with him?

With a slight change of mind, Yunlan's thoughts couldn't help jumping to the stormy night three years ago.

At that time, she had been quietly arranged to enter the palace, but her identity was only a maidservant on the night before the emperor's bedroom. That day, she was on duty in front of the gate of Tianze Palace. At three o'clock, it was almost time for her to change shifts. She carefully walked to the half-open palace gate and leaned in, but her heart was very confused. The emperor suddenly called His Royal Highness to enter the palace overnight. It has been more than an hour since he hurried here, but now he hasn't come out yet, and there is no sound in the hall.

Why did the emperor summon the second prince alone?

Yunlan had an ominous feeling in her heart, and then heard the palace eunuchs who came out of the hall say that the emperor was on his deathbed, and suddenly summoned the second prince to enter the palace to pass the throne with him.

Yunlan was shocked when she heard this. If it really came to the last moment, now only the second prince has been summoned into the Tianze Palace. The Lord's people have not yet arrived. I'm afraid they will miss a good opportunity if they are late. I'm afraid that the overall situation has already been decided.

The prince of Ruan Nanguo will be released at the age of 18. Now he is still in the palace. In addition to the deposed crown prince Ruan Lingjun, the adult prince is the second prince Ruan Lingzheng and the third prince Ruan Lingmo. Ruan Lingzheng has been awarded the title of King of Pingxi, but there is no fiefdom yet, so he is still in the palace. Once the incident happens, the two of them will be the first to take the brunt.

Yunlan's heart was in chaos and walked back and forth in front of the hall. At this time, there were suddenly bursts of sobs in the Tianze Palace, which had been quiet for a long time. At this moment, there was a buzz in the sky and pouring rain. A thrilling storm of seizing the throne kicked off in this dark night wrapped in wind and rain.

"The emperor has passed away!" I don't know which eunuch shouted. Yunlan and other palace eunuchs on duty looked at each other, and everyone's eyes were shocked and panicked. Yunlan stood in front of the hall and turned her head to look at the Nanwu Gate. The empty Nanwu Gate was tightly closed and could not see a figure. She was anxious in her heart: "It's all this time. Why hasn't the Lord arrived yet?"

"Boom..." Suddenly, there were bursts of neat and heavy footsteps and the sound of armor friction from far to near, and then I heard that the gate was knocked open for a moment, and many soldiers led by the third prince had broken into the door.

At this moment, the door of Tianze Palace was kicked open, and Ruan Lingzheng's figure appeared at the door. He turned his eyes coldly at the third prince. When he saw the many archers who had put arrows and aimed at him, he shouted angrily: "Lao San, you are so bold. Your father has just left. How dare you ignore the national law and openly enter the palace with mercenaries! According to Ruan Nanguo's law, he should be executed! Hurry up and kneel down and repent in front of your father!"

"What! Has your father already gone? must have killed your father! I came here with my troops to find you, the murderer who plotted to usurp the throne!" The third prince stood in the rain, stretched out his hand and pointed tremblingly at Ruan Lingzheng. His face turned pale because he was too excited.

Ruan Lingzheng glanced at him faintly and snorted coldly, "Are you looking for me? Then I will tell you that before my father died, he sent someone to summon me to the palace overnight, and it was passed on to me not long ago. I am the fifth emperor of Ruan Nanguo!"

"What! Has the former emperor passed the throne to the second prince? So what they said is true. No wonder he was summoned to Tianze Palace overnight. Alas, is this a for sure thing? The Lord hasn't arrived yet. I really hope that the Third Prince can delay the Second Prince for the time being and win time for the Lord. Yunlan looked at this scene coldly and thought in her heart. She didn't feel that everyone else had bent down and knelt down outside the hall at this moment except for her still standing. Fortunately, I don't know who was beside her, and suddenly grabbed her sleeves and shouted anxiously, "Kneel down! Emperor Xian, you dare to stand still. This is a contempt for the emperor's power. It's disrespectful and wants to kill your head!"

Yunlan quickly fell down like waking up from a dream. She could feel Ruan Lingzheng's eyes on her side, so she no longer dared to think about why the lord hadn't arrived yet, so she had to put her body lower.

"What...this...this is impossible!" The third prince screamed strangely and then regained his senses. He said coldly, "Who are you lying to? If the father's biography is in you, what about the will?

[*****If you have friends who like this book, you might as well collect it and read it slowly**]