The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 148 Night Gathering (Second Update!)

Yuyao Palace.

Mo Ziyao walked into Qixia Hall but only saw Yuzhi waiting in the hall with her back to herself. She looked around and did not see Ruan Lingzheng's figure.

"Where's the emperor?" Mo Ziyao asked.

When Yuzhi heard the sound, she quickly turned around and said, "Your Majesty, the emperor asked me to turn you around. If he has something urgent, he will go back to Tianze Palace first."

And she didn't dare to say anything about the emperor's sudden anger in the hall, and she didn't dare to say anything. She just smiled, walked over and held Mo Ziyao's right hand and took her to the main throne in the temple to sit down.

Mo Ziyao held the back of the sandalwood chair carved with Dongmei Qi's pattern and frowned, "Oh? Did the emperor go back to the palace?

"Yes, mother."

Mo Ziyao's fingers on the back of the chair gently whispered, looking down at the back of her thin hand, but secretly mocked in her heart: "How dare he go straight back to the palace without explaining to me? Oh, as the supreme of the 95th, why does he have to explain everything to me as a little concubine? He is alone, three palaces and six courtyards, and seventy-two concubines are too busy. How can they have time to care about me? Do they care about my feelings? Although she thinks so, Mo Ziyao is still very sad, and at the same time has such a trace of expectation, looking forward to how good Ruan Lingzheng can really care about himself one day!

Although she knew that it was impossible, because he was an emperor. She is just one of his many concubines.

"Mother?" Yuzhi didn't move when she saw Mo Ziyao standing there, and she didn't sit down. She just looked at the texture on the back of the chair and was stunned.

Mo Ziyao heard the sound, withdrew her hand with a smile, and said to Yuzhi, "It's getting late. You all go to bed!"

Yuzhi was stunned for a moment, turned her head and looked at the hourglass used to calculate the time on the wooden table in the southeast corner, and then looked at Mo Ziyao. She saw that Mo Ziyao's face was indeed a little tired, so she saluted and said, "Yes, please rest early!" After saying that, he turned around and retreated.

Mo Ziyao didn't want to think too much, so she did go to bed early today. When she woke up, she found that there was one more person at the head of the bed. She rubbed her eyes to see that it was Xiaoxiao.

"Are you here?" Mo Ziyao said, got up and got out of bed and went to the table to light the oil lamp. The faint light shook twice and gradually brightened.

"Mother." Xiaoxiao looked around carefully and walked into Mo Ziyao and whispered, "How can you let Lan Shang Palace find me? I don't think she can be trusted."

Mo Ziyao sat down at the table, poured herself a glass of water by the way, and lowered her voice, because Yunlan was in the outer room. If she had the intention, she must be able to hear their conversation. At present, she is much more credible than late autumn and Yuzhi.

"All right!" Xiaoxiao also sat down and took out a teacup and held it in his hand to look at it without adding water.

Mo Ziyao smiled and stepped into the topic: "How about Luoyi Palace?"

Xiaoxiao stopped the cup in his hand with a strange smile and said proudly, "Don't disgrace the mission!"

"Oh? Yi Zhaorong didn't doubt it?"

"Yes, no!" Xiaoxiao is very sure.

Mo Ziyao nodded and her eyes changed when she looked at the tea in her hand, and her voice was a little cold. "Then do you know her next step?"

Xiaoxiao frowned and shook his head, with a look of frustration. I don't know. I feel that she doesn't fully trust me. Some important things are trying to get away from me. Her maidservant stares at me closely. I suspect that this is all Yi Zhaorong's order. So I don't know anything about her plan. Sorry, I can't help you."

Mo Ziyao reached out and held the back of Xiaoxiao's hand and said softly, "It's okay. It's too short for you to get out of her. Although you have given her my handle, it is impossible to believe you at once with her suspicious nature. However, you have done a good job. Thank you, Xiaoxiao! You must be careful and protect yourself in Luoyi Palace, you know?

Xiaoxiao bent her eyebrows and showed a row of fine white teeth and said, "Don't worry, I know how to protect myself. You are younger than me, as if the eldest sister had taught my little sister a lesson." After saying that, both of them smiled happily.

Xiaoxiao suddenly stood up and said, "Okay, I'm going back, or I will be miserable if they find me."

"Well, go ahead!"

Xiaoxiao took a few steps towards the door, and she suddenly ran back and said in Mo Ziyao's ear, "Is it true that the emperor loves you very much and has been lucky to you?" Xiaoxiao asked in a mocking question.

Mo Ziyao smiled and did not answer her words. Xiaoxiao looked at Mo Ziyao's expression and thought it was true. He quickly reached out and touched her lower abdomen. Will there be a small life here in the near future?

"You damn girl!" Mo Ziyao blushed and opened Xiaoxiao's hand and said angrily.

"Hey!" Xiaoxiao smiled happily and was in a good mood. Then he seemed to suddenly think of something and suddenly sank his face and said, "Yes, I suddenly remembered something. Didn't you ask me to stare at Yi Zhaorong? I found that there is a person who seems to be very close to her these days.

"You mean Ya Zhaoyi, right?" Mo Ziyao thought for a moment and said.

"Oh, how do you know?" Xiaoxiao looked at Mo Ziyao in surprise and blinked, "I even guessed her at once."

"They have already done it against me, can I not know? Although Ya Zhaoyi did not come to the surface, I believe it will be soon. Then she looked at Xiaoxiao and said solemnly, "You must be careful there, otherwise, if you let them know that you are my informant, they will not let you go easily."

"Well, I know."

"Well, if you find that the situation is wrong, come to me as soon as possible and don't let them catch you. It's okay to expose that you have martial arts. As long as you can protect yourself, I will come to save you soon."

Xiaoxiao waved her arm and laughed, "I know! You are such a mother-in-law."

Mo Ziyao stared at her and smiled quietly, "Well, I still think I'm talkative. Then go back."

"Oh." Xiaoxiao stood up, scratched his nose and began to stare at Mo Ziyao.

Mo Ziyao looked at her funnyly, but she stood at the table for a long time, but didn't move, as if she had something to say and hesitated whether to do it or not.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Mo Ziyao knew that she must have something to say in her heart. She said with a smile and reached out to pick up the teacup again.