The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 152-3 For those who please themselves

Mo Ziyao opened her eyes and saw Ruan Lingzheng walking to the door on tiptoe without even shoes.

She kept looking at his carefully leaving back. It was not until she heard the door 'squeak' close before she moved, grabbed the corner of the quilt with her hand, looked at the faint moonlight from the window sill, bit her lips and thought: He must have felt that I would not give it to him, and he was uncomfortable at this moment, so he is eager to go. Looking for other concubines?

"What's the matter? Didn't you push him out by yourself? Man, you never want to think about him from a woman's perspective. Mo Ziyao sneered at the bottom of her heart.

But even so, she doesn't regret it at all. Although she does feel a little lost and uncomfortable at this moment.

Because she knows that the most effective way to conquer a man is to be greedy. She is convinced that he will never know how to cherish what is too easy to get.

If he can't stand this small test, what else can he talk about being good to me forever?

However, Mo Ziyao will not feel that he doesn't care about himself because he abandoned himself and went to find another woman at this moment. After all, this is an ancient feudal dynasty, and he, after all, is an emperor who grew up influenced by feudal ideas. Since he was a child, he knew that he could have three wives and four concubines, and as an emperor, he could raise a group of women selected from all over the world in three palaces and six courtyards. This is his privilege.

She was convinced that Ruan Lingzheng cared about her. Otherwise, she would not have listened to her say that she didn't want to, but resist the hot desire and quietly left alone when she had fallen asleep.

But who will he go to after he leaves? Concubine Yun? Ya Zhaoyi? Yi Zhaorong? Yu Zhaoyi? Or Gu Qinger? Or other concubines?

Mo Ziyao couldn't help thinking, and then scolded herself in her heart: Mo Ziyao, you think too much. No matter who he goes to, as long as the person in his heart is himself.

Anyway, now she is very satisfied and doesn't think much about it. She gently closes her eyes and has a faint smile on the corners of her mouth. Mo Ziyao just fell asleep.

The beautiful light was still sprinkled on the floor in front of Mo Ziyao's bed. ** people had already fallen asleep, but suddenly the door rang, and a figure quickly flashed in and appeared not far from her bedside, blocking the faint moonlight.

The man stood there for a long time and suddenly said, "What did you dream of? Unexpectedly, I laughed so happily that I got several buckets of cold water because of you. You grinding goblin."

With that, Ruan Lingzheng finally moved. He walked to Mo Ziyao and squatted down, picked up his arm and looked at her. But Mo Ziyao is afraid that she has been dreaming of Zhou Gong for a long time. How can she know that there is a person there staring at her unwillingly at this moment?

Ruan Lingzheng suddenly stretched out his right hand and gently pulled the broken hair that fell from Mo Ziyao's forehead behind his ears. Looking at her sweet and satisfied sleeping face, he couldn't help leaned over and gently imprinting a kiss on her smooth forehead, then the tip of his nose, and then still some red and swollen pink seductive lips.

He stayed on her lips for a long time before leaving reluctantly. Then he looked at it and kissed it again. It was not until Mo Ziyao unconsciously hummed that he was so scared that he was awake. He quickly turned over the bed and pulled over the quilt to pretend to sleep.

After half a while, he opened his eyes again when he saw that Mo Ziyao had no intention of waking up at all. At this time, Mo Ziyao moved her lips and suddenly turned over. In the process, she kicked off the quilt with her little feet. Then she seemed to feel something more comfortable next to her, and then she rudely stretched out her limbs and entangled Ruan Lingzheng like an octopus, um, although the fish was a little big.

Ruan Lingzheng looked down at the person who wrapped his limbs tightly in his arms, bent the corners of his lips and smiled gently. You, why is it such a virtue to sleep? I really didn't see it before!" Then he freed one hand to hold her soft body, while the other hand pulled up the slippery quilt and covered it.

In fact, Mo Ziyao was really dreaming this night, but in each of her dreams, it seemed that someone was holding her tightly and had never let go.

When she woke up, she found that it was not yet dawn outside. She wondered how she could wake up so early than usual today, but these problems were not the problems she should be confused about. Since it was not yet dawn, she continued to sleep.

A 180-degree turn-over, reaching out to pull the quilt that wanted to slip off and continue to sleep. Smelling the remaining fragrance of the quilt, which was only Ruan Lingzheng's body, suddenly woke her up.

I held the quilt and sucked hard, and what I inhaled into the nasal cavity was the stronger fragrance of dragon saliva. She wondered, 'Huh?' With a sound, he opened his eyes and saw that there was no one around him? But the smell? She quickly stretched out her hand in the quilt for a while, "Hot?"

Then, she was finally completely awake. The next moment, she hugged the quilt and laughed and began to roll around in the wide **, and bounced her two little feet from time to time.

The "bang" door was knocked open. Yunlan rubbed her fluffy hair hard and yawned long to look at Mo Ziyao and asked, "Mother, are you all right?"

Mo Ziyao also felt embarrassed, but fortunately, she was only seen by Yunlan. So he quickly covered the quilt, coughed softly, and said seriously, "Of course, it's okay. I just had a little cramp in my feet just now, but now it's fine. It's okay. Go down."

Yunlan blinked her eyes and said, "My feet are cramped. Why do I feel that my face is also cramped?" However, she didn't dare to say, she just said, "The maidservant went down, but it's still early. Will the mother continue to sleep, or?"

Mo Ziyao turned over and sat up. Can she still sleep? He rubbed his eyes and said, "It's up."

Yunlan said 'Oh' and went down to prepare toiletries.

Mo Ziyao was sure that there was no one left, and then she began to laugh again, but this time she had carefully set the volume to the lowest.

Where does Mo Ziyao have a trace of calm and majesty at this moment? She is completely an ignorant girl in love. At this moment, like many ordinary girls, she is extremely happy and excited to feel the subtle happiness that only belongs to her.

Soon a maidservant came in to serve her to dress up. However, unlike in the past, these maidservists yawned repeatedly and obviously did not wake up.

No wonder, it's just past Mao (about 05:00 a.m.). You know, they don't get up until three o'clock (08:00 a.m.) on weekdays. However, they follow the master's schedule. If the master gets up early, they will naturally get up earlier.

Although this is the case, they also dare not complain at all, because they know that the schedule of Yuyao Palace is the most humane and can definitely make them sleep for at least five hours (10 hours). In other palaces, I heard that I can only sleep for about three hours (6 hours). What else do they have to complain about?

At this time, Yunlan came in after grooming and saw them look sleepy and scolding, "Look at you one by one. You fell asleep before 19 o'clock last night and haven't woken up yet? Hurry up and cheer me up one by one!"

"Yes." Those maidservant answered and quickly shook their heads to wake themselves up.

Mo Ziyao washed her face, sat in front of the bronze mirror and looked at them in the mirror and smiled, "It's still early. There is no need for so many people waiting here. Wanqiu, Yuzhi and Sister Lan left, and the rest have dispersed."

"Yes." These maidservists who were not named were pardoned and quickly retreated.

Yunlan came over with a sandalwood comb and said with a smile, "Your mother looks very good today!"

Mo Ziyao bent the corners of her lips and smiled and joked, "Will Sister Lan always be this sentence?"

At this time, Yuzhi came in with her dress in her arms and quickly caught the end of the words and said, "The Empress is favored by the emperor. Naturally, she looks better and better."

"Giggle." Mo Ziyao rarely smiled gently in front of them, and a faint blush appeared on her face. It's rare to see a trace of displeasure: "Look at your clever mouths!"

Yunlan was close to each other. Naturally, she saw Mo Ziyao's naturally showed shyness and said, "The maidservants are also telling the truth!"

After hearing this, Mo Ziyao paused with a smile, reached out and touched the hair that had just been combed and said, "Some of this is not flat enough."

"Where?" Yunlan naturally followed Mo Ziyao's point, and after Mo Ziyao pointed, she naturally put down her arm, and it was this shaking that Yunlan was stunned!!! Because just now, she clearly saw the purple-red cinnabar the size of soybeans on Mo Ziyao's smooth and white arm.

What! Mother, is she still a virgin? How can this be possible? Last night, they clearly----

"Sister Lan?"

"Uh." Yunlan was only distracted for a moment and was discovered by Mo Ziyao. She quickly restrained her mind to comb Mo Ziyao's hair carefully.

It's just that Mo Ziyao seems to attach great importance to today's makeup, and her hairstyle has been changed three or four times in a row. The makeup is also very picky, and even seven or eight sets of clothes have been changed.

Finally, with a head of green silk hanging straight down at the waist, only picked up two simple cloud buns on the top of the head, obliquely inserted two hollow carved hairpins of gold, and a small pink and white hibiscus silk flower in front of the hair, which looked arrogant and elegant.

Dai's eyebrows are lightly stroked, the eyeliner is delicate and the tail is slightly picked up, and finally the pink rouge is smeared on the bright red lips, and some powder is applied to make the soundless look charming. Bixialuo, dressed in yellow embroidered with auspicious birds, ended with a pink smoke gauze skirt and holding a soft gauze in his hand.

The whole person looks a little bit: Dai's eyebrows are delicate and far away, and the green temples are thickly stained with spring smoke.

After finishing their work, Yunlan and Yuzhi looked at each other and said in unison, "Your mother, you are so beautiful today. You are like a fairy!"

And they sighed secretly in the bottom of their hearts: "The Empress really responded to that sentence: women are pleasing to themselves!"