The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 168 Another wave

Mo Ziyao returned to the palace. After thinking about it, she felt inappropriate and quickly sent Wanqiu to the Xilin Palace to inquire about the news.

The person who traps her is obviously just the bait given by others. The mastermind hiding behind is the one who really wants to kill her.

Who will this person be? Although Mo Ziyao has several suspects in her heart, she does not dare to make a conclusion at will. The mastermind did not come forward and there was no clue to follow, so everything was just a guess.

The only breakthrough is to find the man and a woman as soon as possible to see if they can find out the instructions from their mouths. Since they are only ordered by others, once the situation is exposed...

"It's not good!" Mo Ziyao frowned, suddenly stood up and shouted to the door, "Come on, prepare a sedan chair."

Yuzhi, who was guarding at the door, was a little surprised, and then she calmed down and answered, and went down to order.

came to Xilin Palace again, and Mo Ziyao in the distance waved her hand to stop the sedan chair. After getting off the sedan chair, she ordered everyone to wait here, and she carefully walked to the side door of the palace, hid in the shadow of the stone pillar, and looked at the door of the hall. She didn't dare to get too close. She knew that Ruan Lingzheng did not want to participate in this matter.

In the open space in front of the temple gate, the guards guarded it layer by layer, and the lit torches beat slightly in the cold wind, shining the open space like daylight.

Mo Ziyao's eyes finally saw the situation in the field through the gap between the guards.

The field was very quiet, and only the 'crack' sound was heard when the torch soaked in turpentine burned. The guards stood there quietly, Ruan Lingzheng, dressed in a dazzling golden dragon robe, facing her with the back of his hand, while two people lay on the snow in front of him.

They are far apart and can't see the faces of the two people clearly, but their identities can be easily seen from their clothes. These two are the men and women who led themselves to the Xilin Palace and locked themselves in.

They lay flat in the snow. Under the flash of fire, Mo Ziyao found a pool of shocking blood red in the snow beside them. And there seems to be abnormal black in the blood.

The two were really dead. Mo Ziyao only felt a chill in her heart. She couldn't help patting the stone pillar and said with hatred, "It's still late."

Ruan Lingzheng stood there for a while, asked people to carry the two bodies away, and withdrew all the bodyguards. After everyone left, he stood quietly in the snow, with half a sound, and suddenly turned around in the direction of the hall. In an instant, he seemed to touch Mo Ziyao's eyes. She was shocked and quickly shrank into the shadows. Then she saw him looking up at the plaque of Xilin Palace, and his eyes were gloomy, like dark night.

It was not until Ruan Lingzheng also left that Mo Ziyao tiptoed to check the two pools of blood stains that had been frozen with ice and snow. She sighed and stared at her eyes and said, "Sure enough, she died of poisoning, but I don't know whether it was self-made poison or being fed poison. Such a method is really vicious, but unfortunately, all the clues have been broken..."

Although I feel sorry and unwilling, there is nothing I can do. As a result, there is more and more hatred and fear for the people behind the scenes. Mo Ziyao thought: At this moment, Zheng hates the people behind the scenes more than me, right? But now she can't mess up. She should endure it well. Since she doesn't hit the blow, she must not give up, and she must accumulate strength to launch a heavy blow to herself.

It's strange to say that Mo Ziyao's trespassing on the forbidden land and the private meeting of palace guards violated the palace rules. Such a major event is bound to spread in the palace, but why hasn't this matter been heard at all for more than half a month? It was deliberately suppressed by Ruan Lingzheng.

After returning from that day, Mo Ziyao personally went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to check the maid named Li'er, but this investigation gradually made her heart sink.

Li'er is indeed this person. Her full name is Fang Li. She is 14 years old. Her parents died early and lived in the home of her uncle Li Fa in Jiang County. She was recruited into the palace in early November this year. At present, she is still learning palace rules and etiquette and has not served the master.

So he sent someone to Jiang County to find her uncle Li Fa. After an unannounced visit for nearly half a month, he found that there was no person like Li Fa in Jiang County.

Is it coincidental? Or was it premeditated?

With no clue, Mo Ziyao had to suppress the matter for the time being. On the contrary, it is getting colder and colder, and it is about to enter the Great Cold. It won't be long before New Year's Eve. This will also be the first New Year's Eve for her and the concubines who entered the palace with her.

This day will be the most lively day in the palace. All the concubines and princes in the palace will enter the palace to participate in this annual royal feast.

There are still more than ten days left, but some of the harem concubines, who had been idle for a long time, got busy and began to secretly practice stroking in the palace, choreographed all kinds of enchanting dances, and prepared for the upcoming New Year's Eve.

After several days of recuperation, Yu Zhaoyi has almost recovered, and Yunlan naturally returned to the Yuyao Palace.

Since this incident, Mo Ziyao asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs to allocate dozens of slaves to Mingling Palace. After Yu Zhaoyi recovered from her illness, she specially thanked her for this matter. Since then, the original alienated relationship between the two has returned to the enthusiasm they had just entered the palace.

It is said that Yu Zhaoyi's father is Su Cheng of the current dynasty, but he has almost no real power in the court, mainly because he himself is straightforward and hates evil. He has never been used to those who follow the trend. Because he did not turn to Lin Taifu or General Liu, he has been neutral in the court, although he is This was appreciated by Ruan Lingzheng, but his real power had long beenjia kong by Lin Taifu.

Suti was lucky enough to be awarded the title of Zhaoyi, which may have something to do with Prime Minister Su, but for her, this is not a good thing. There is no strong backstage, which caused her to suffer a great loss in front of Ya Zhaoyi this time, and she almost lost her life.

Although Su Ti hated Ya Zhaoyi very much, the backers behind her were enough to make her breathless, and she was even more angry and dared not say anything. Perhaps it was also the reason for this mutual enemy, which made her relationship with Mo Ziyao closer and closer.

It has snowed almost every day these days, and the snow on the ground is almost past people's knees. It was even colder. Mo Ziyao suddenly remembered Gu Qinger, who was still in the cold palace, and didn't know whether she had enough silver and carbon for her to use.

Since the Empress Dowager asked her to take care of Qinger's fetus, she naturally has to visit her from time to time. So Yunlan went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to support 20 catties of fine silver carbon, two thick quilts, and some daily necessities in the name of Yuyao Palace. I asked someone to boil a pot of bird's nest, put it in a warm food box, and went to the cold palace with Yunlan.

Few people come to the cold palace on weekdays. In recent years, the weather is cold, and no one wants to come here.

Yunlan is also puzzled. Since she hates Gu Qinger so much, she also knows that she will not appreciate it. Why should she treat her so well? Mo Ziyao just smiled, just for the face of the imperial descendants in her stomach.

Since Ruan Lingzheng learned that Qinger was pregnant, the guards of the cold palace have become increasingly strict, and anyone who comes to visit must obtain the permission of the bodyguard leader to enter.

Mo Ziyao and the others didn't need much effort to get in, but seeing that they were still here on such a cold day, she asked Yunlan to give them a silver as a reward for drinking.

Just entered, Grandpa Guo came out from nowhere and knelt in front of Mo Ziyao and gave her a big gift. Before he could say anything, he smiled and found someone to take the things in their hands. He ran to the front and led them to the house where Qing'er lived.

After all, she is pregnant with the imperial edict. With the emperor's imperial edict, her life in the cold palace does not have to be much different in the Twilight Pavilion. Along the way, there are stoves everywhere, and the temperature is much higher than outside. Hearing from Guo's father-in-law, now these maid eunuchs treat Gu Qinger like an aunt, and how dare they make her go wrong?

Their mind is just to try their best to please Gu Qinger now. When she gives birth to a dragon son one day, they will naturally have benefits.

Mo Ziyao stood at the door of the house and felt that Eunuch Guo was always so noisy, so she glanced at Yunlan. Yun Lan took out ten taels of silver from her sleeve and put it in Guo Eunuch's hand and asked him to put things at the door and lead people to stand in the distance. Don't disturb them. When Guo Euch and his party went far away, Mo Ziyao pushed the door in.

As soon as she entered, she felt that the heat wave was coming to her face. At a glance, she found that it had been deliberately repaired. Many furniture had been added to the originally empty room. There was a heater in the four corners of the room. The charcoal fire in the stove was burning vigorously, and a foot-long sparks emerged straight from it. .

Mo Ziyao noticed that there was a pot of delicate daffodils on the table at the door. At a glance, she knew that it was carefully selected, which showed their intentions for her.

Gu Qinger turned her back to them, wearing only a thin single coat, her hair scattered casually, humming a little song leisurely, and trimming a pot of budding red plums in front of her with scissors in her hand. Hearing someone come in, she said casually without looking back, "What else is coming?" Put it on the table at the door and go out. I'm busy."

This attitude... Mo Ziyao frowned slightly. It turned out that she thought it was those slaves who came in to please her! He sneered and said, "It seems that Qing Zhaoyi has lived a very comfortable life here!"

Gu Qinger heard Mo Ziyao's voice, and her body trembled slightly. She immediately put down the scissors and turned around. Her contemptuous eyes swept over them, and her eyes were full of disgust. She lowered her eyes and said coldly, "Why are you here?"

Yunlan said, "What is Qing Zhaoyi's attitude? After staying in this cold palace for a few days, have you forgotten the basic etiquette?

"What are you, do you dare to teach me a lesson?"

Qing'er suddenly took a big step and came to Yunlan and reached out to slap her, but she was grabbed by Yunlan's agile arm and threw it away.

Yunlan didn't see her angry purple face, but just glanced at her slightly raised lower abdomen and hummed coldly, "Call you Zhaoyi. Do you really think you are Zhaoyi? I don't want to look at where this is. If it hadn't been for the view that you are pregnant with imperial descendants, I would have taught you well.

Qinger's face changed and was about to attack. Mo Ziyao suddenly shouted, "Well, what's the noise? Since they don't welcome us, put down our things and let's go."

Yunlan hummed, turned around and took the things in, put the silver carbon in the corner, helped her make the bed, and put the food box on the table.

Qing'er looked at all this coldly. When Mo Ziyao was ready to leave, she suddenly smiled and said, "Yo, did the sun come out in the west? Why did you suddenly treat me so well? I'm afraid I can't stand it!"

Mo Ziyao turned around and looked at her with pity, "I'm just loving Wu and Wu. I'm afraid that I will be wronged as the prince." After saying that, he didn't look back and turned away.

"You..." Gu Qinger rushed forward angrily, kicked the door close, inserted her waist and scolded, "It's just a fox Meizi. What are you proud of! One day you will be a hundred times worse than me!" She suddenly remembered that she had vowed not to let her live next spring. Unexpectedly, the person who could not live became herself.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. She couldn't help kicking the silver carbon on the ground and kicking the carbon everywhere. Then she felt relieved. Turning back to the table and sitting down, seeing the food box on the table, she felt angry and rushed to her head and sneered, "Do I dare to eat what you sent? If you want to take my child away, there is no way!" After saying that, he reached out and swept the food box to the ground. Only a "bang" sound was heard. The food box was broken, and a bowl of hot bird's nest fell out and scattered all over the ground.

She ran to the bed again and wanted to throw the paved quilt on the ground. Suddenly, she felt a tingling sensation in her stomach. She couldn't help saying "Ouch" and fell to the ground with a painful expression covering her stomach...


Soon there was a rumor in the palace that Qing Zhaoyi, who entered the cold palace, was pregnant with imperial descendants. When she was three months old, she had an accidental child.

Overnight, the news caused a sensation in the whole palace, and soon some people said that the cause of Qing Zhaoyi's misforest was to drink the bird's nest sent by Yaofei.

In one night, all the contradictions went straight to Mo Ziyao.