The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 176 A Box of ointment

It was night. Mo Ziyao lay in ** without any sleepiness. Although the quilt had been warm in late autumn, she still felt cold. A chilly cold wind came from the other side of her feet, which made her curl up and hug her knees with her arms to keep warm.

The room is so quiet that you can hear your slight breathing sound. She couldn't help but miss Ruan Lingzheng's warm and strong embrace.

In the past, whenever the people in the palace fell asleep, Ruan Lingzheng would secretly run to her room, hold her in his arms and sleep peacefully.

Mo Ziyao began to think very disappointingly: After tonight, there will be a new year. I don't know whose palace he will sleep in tonight and who he will hold in his arms?

I used to hope that his arms would only be open to himself, and he would not want to think about it even if he knew it was impossible. The reality made her deeply understand that his arms did not belong to her alone, but to many concubines. She was just one of many concubines.

What made her even more sad was that he was lucky enough to have so many concubines, but he did not touch himself alone. Everyone knows that the emperor spoils her, but they don't think that she is still perfect now. How can she bear it?

Mo Ziyao was distracted and suddenly felt a figure flashing through the window. She was shocked and instinctively shouted, "Who? Who is there?

After a long time, no one answered. On this cold day and lively New Year's Eve, who will come to this barren mountain? If there are really people, there are only four of them, Yunlan and others in the middle of the night, and they are all females. What should they do? He hesitated, gritted his teeth, and finally shouted, "Sister Lan..."

Yuzhi and Wanqiu live in the west wing, which is still some distance away from here. Only Yunlan is waiting in the outer room.

Soon the door opened, and Yunlan was wearing only a thin coat and was putting on her coat. She put the lantern in her hand on the table at the door and went to Mo Ziyao's bed and asked, "Mother, what's the matter with you?"

"I feel that there was someone standing outside the window just now." Mo Ziyao looked nervous and uncertain.

With the faint light, she sat up and looked at the window without finding anything. I can't help but hesitate: Am I dazzled?

As soon as Yunlan heard this, her face changed and she only said, "I want to go out and have a look." She quickly lit the candles on the table and went out with the lantern to check on the window sill. At this time, a dark shadow suddenly flashed in the bushes not far from the window and rushed past Yunlan's feet, which scared her to "souch" and quickly shrank to the wall by the window.

The shadow ran to the dark, suddenly turned his head and stared at Yunlan with a pair of green diamond-shaped eyes, hissed at her, and finally disappeared into the darkness.

Mo Ziyao heard the movement outside and her heart hung to her throat. She couldn't see the situation outside. She thought that Yunlan really saw something and hurriedly asked, "What's going on?"

Yunlan said through the window paper, "It's okay, it's just a wild cat."

Yunlan came in and closed the door and said, "I'm afraid it's been snowing for a long time. The wild cat couldn't find food, so it ran to our yard to look for food."

Mo Ziyao nodded. It was nothing if it was a wild cat, and the heart of the old man finally slowly let go.

Yunlan caught a glimpse of Mo Ziyao's bad look, so she asked, "If you are afraid, I will stay and sleep with you tonight!"

Mo Ziyao said, "Since it's just a wild cat, there is nothing to be afraid of. Although it is a little remote here, at least it still belongs to the category of the palace, and nothing must have happened. Sister Lan is shocked and frozen. Go back and rest quickly.

Seeing that Mo Ziyao insisted on doing this, Yunlan did not insist much. She just said that she was resting in the outer room. If there is anything, just call her. Mo Ziyao answered, and Yunlan blew the lamp and turned away.

After tossing for half a sound, Mo Ziyao lay in ** and thought about a lot of things, and finally fell asleep in a daze. Before long, she began to have nightmares. In her dream, her one-year period expired, so she went down the mountain and happily went to Tianze Palace to find Ruan Lingzheng. When she passed by the royal garden, she saw Yi Zhaorong and others enjoying flowers in the garden.

When they saw that they came over and did not give way, Yi Zhaorong also said proudly, "Yo, isn't this the former Yao concubine? Didn't you hear that the emperor hated her ugly appearance and put her into the cold palace? Why did it suddenly appear here? Look at her ugly face, which makes people unable to eat. No wonder the emperor hates her so much. If I were her, I would definitely find a place where no one would hit her head and die, so as not to be embarrassed.

Mo Ziyao was fixed in place by Yi Zhaorong's inexplicable words, "Is it really that ugly?" She couldn't help reaching out to touch her face. The original smooth and delicate skin was rough and uneven, and the wrinkles were folded. "How could it be like this? How could it become like this?" She suddenly panicked. No one answered her question and greeted her, but a harsh laugh at each other kept stimulating her eardrums.

"No..." She thought that she had become like this. Ruan Lingzheng must hate her very much. What should she do?

At this time, a familiar bright yellow figure suddenly appeared in front of her, "It's the emperor!" It was the emperor she hadn't seen for almost a year. She couldn't help running over happily and trying to hug him, but the emperor dodged. A voice of disgust sounded above her head: "Who is this crazy woman? It's so ugly, hurry up and pull me down."

At this time, two icy bodyguards flashed from behind him, holding her left and right and dragging her out. She quickly waved her arms and said to the emperor, "Zi... It's me, I'm Yao'er!" Unfortunately, no matter how she shouted through her throat, the man would like to look at her more, and his expression of disgust was overflowing. Finally, she looked at her favorite person holding a concubine in her hand, said some warm words to them, and turned away.

At this moment, she felt desperate and painful emotions completely drowned her.

"Zong...don't...don't..." Even in her sleep, Mo Ziyao was still calling Ruan Lingzheng's name. She frowned, the pain on her face was hard to hide, and there were still crystal tears on the eyelashes at the corners of her eyes.

A dark shadow stood in front of her bed for a long time, and his eyes stayed on her face. Alas..." Half a sound, the man sighed in a low voice and stretched out his slender white right hand to touch her face. But when he was about to touch his face, he suddenly stopped.


Mo Ziyao unconsciously shouted Ruan Lingzheng's name, and the figure hidden in the dark trembled fiercely. The hand also stopped in mid-air because of her voice. He looked at her with a complicated expression, and his dark eyes seemed to shrink slightly like a sting, and then his eyes were full of tears. It's just that he tried his best not to let it fall.

In this way, he kept this posture and stood in the dark for a long time. Finally, he seemed to have made a decision, stretching out in mid-air, and his almost stiff fingers finally fell on her face.

He gently rubbed her smooth and flawless cheeks with his soft fingers, and then stopped on the scar on her forehead, with a distressed look in his eyes. His body kissed the tears from the corners of her eyes with his cold lips, and the cold and bitter taste was just like his heart at this time.

staring at her full and clear cherry lips, he hesitated and finally attached it. The tip of her nose was filled with the unique fragrance of her body, gently and carefully kissed the lips he had wanted to kiss all his life. He knew that there would never be such an opportunity again.

Leaving reluctantly, he straightened up, took out a box of ointment from his sleeve, looked at the ** person again, and finally turned away...

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, the sky rarely cleared up. The long-lost sun was like a dazzling agate disk, and even the surrounding glow was stained. The Buddhist temple on the top of the mountain was bathed in the glow, and the golden light lingered and stood solemnly.

Mo Ziyao woke up leisurely and saw that Yuzhi was already waiting beside her as soon as she opened her eyes. Today, she wore a Mulan green embroidered satin dress. In order to keep out the cold, she specially added a pure white wool collar around her neckline, which made her delicate face more and more delicate.

Seeing Mo Ziyao wake up, she quickly helped her get up and reached out to get her clothes to help change. At this time, Yunlan came in from the outside, took out a box of ointment from her sleeve, hesitated, and then said, "Mother, this ointment was found by me on the window sill outside your room this morning. The maidservants have asked Yuzhi about them, and they don't know who let them go.

Mo Ziyao frowned, looked at the ointment in her hand and asked, "What kind of ointment?"

"Drugs to eliminate scars." She seemed to remember something and asked hurriedly, "Mother, do you think anyone came last night? For example, the emperor..."

Mo Ziyao knew that Yunlan must have remembered that when she was still in the Yuyao Palace, Ruan Lingzheng sneaked into her bedroom in the dead of night.

I suddenly remembered that there was someone outside the window last night. Will it be him? But since he came, why didn't he come in? Thinking of this, Mo Ziyao felt warm in her heart.

At least he still remembers himself and knows that the wound on his forehead has not healed.

Thinking like this, he vaguely felt something was wrong. It would be strange to say that Ruan Lingzheng sent someone to secretly put it on the window sill. He could only order those around him to do it, but yesterday, he didn't have that opportunity. Most importantly, he is not that kind of person.

Yunlan stared at the wound medicine in her hand, and her eyes slowly overflowed with tension. She turned her face and stared at Yuzhi and Wanqiu, lowered her voice and asked, "Isn't it really one of you? If you let it go, admit that the Empress won't say anything about you. She said anxiously.

Yuzhi and Wanqiu shook their heads desperately, their eyes were full of confusion, and they didn't seem to be lying. Mo Ziyao looked at Yunlan, and her hands tightened slightly. It seemed that she was the same as she thought.

The ointment, just looking at the box, can be seen as a top-quality product. And it doesn't look like something in the palace. This is tricky. It's not likely that Ruan Lingzheng brought the things in the palace, but how can the things outside get into the palace?

"Yuzhi, late autumn, none of you are allowed to say anything about this." Yunlan told them both with a solemn face.

The two men's faces changed and hurriedly said, "Yes, I understand. I will keep my mouth shut."

Yunlan looked down at the ointment in her hand and said, "Mother, how should I deal with this box of things?"

"Bear it over and show me." Mo Ziyao took it, looked down at the ointment in front of her, stretched out her hand to open it, and came up to smell it. There is no pungent smell of the ointment at all. On the contrary, there is a faint fragrance that fills the heart and refreshing.

What a good medicine, she sighed. But why is the taste so familiar?" This...this is the smell of 'light scar cream'... 'light scar cream'..." Suddenly, her mind seemed to be hit by lightning, and some pictures flashed through her mind.