The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 181 Mystery Masked Man

Mingzhou is located in the west of northern Xinjiang, north of Heling County, which has been occupied by the enemy, and east is the fief state of King Pingyi.

It will take at least half a month to arrive from Huangtian City, and it will cross the feudal state of King Pingyi.

In the team, if you can't keep up with the footsteps of the large army, you will gradually fall to the end of the whole team.

Although Mo Ziyao and Wanqiu know some work, they are women and do not have the perseverance and footsteps of men. On the first day, he fell to the end of the whole team because of his lack of foot strength, let alone pace.

It's very hard to travel day and night. I don't have enough to eat and sleep well.

Unconsciously, eight days passed, and she was about to enter Shuzhou, but at this time, Mo Ziyao, who was so tired, finally couldn't stand the wind and cold in one night.

The captain of her team found her, gave her some money, and asked them to send them out of the team to stay in their current town to recover.

The captain seemed to be a little too good to them. After being questioned by the day shift, the captain said something. It turned out that she had a fellow villager who was a guard, who was also in this team, so she specially told her to take more care of her all the way. So the two of them left the team and stayed in the inn of the town for the time being.

Seeing that she was about to enter Shuzhou, she could only stop here. Mo Ziyao couldn't help hating her weak body.

And the person who is said to be her hometown, she really wonders when she will have a hometown in the army, and she is still a royal guard. Why is she not clear at all?

People say that the disease is like a mountain, but Mo Ziyao's illness is actually four days. When it got better, I quickly asked Wanqiu to inquire about the news.

Late Autumn came back soon and said, "This is just a small town. The source is closed. Although it is only the fourth day we left, the emperor... I'm afraid that the second son has already entered the hinterland of Shuzhou. Even if we catch up now, we still can't catch up.

Mo Ziyao knows all these. However, in any case, she will not stay here obediently and learn about the situation of the army from the people outside alone.

She took out a man's clothing from her bag and quickly put it on. She walked out and said, "It's been delayed long enough, so we will now rush to Shuzhou as quickly as possible."

He walked outside and said to Wanqiu, "Go and buy two horses."

If two people ride a horse together, it is really too slow. Late autumn has time to do it. Even if you don't ask, you know that she will definitely be able to ride a horse.

Without any delay, the two left the town when the horse came. On the way, Wanqiu asked worriedly, "Can the prince's body stand it?"

Outside to hide people's eyes and ears, they are disguised as men and two masters and servants. Late Qiu naturally calls her son, and the emperor, the second prince, is the second son.

Mo Ziyao nodded. After resting for the past few days, her illness has almost recovered.

Along the way, both of them dared not delay any longer. Along the way, I occasionally heard passers-by talking about it, but I heard that the emperor's soldiers and horses had almost left Shuzhou and were about to reach the border of Mingzhou. During this period, he did not hear at all about the conflict between the emperor and the king of peace.

In this way, Mo Ziyao relaxed a little.

When they entered the border of Shuzhou, Ruan Lingzheng's people had arrived in Mingzhou.

After only one night, good news came. I heard that there was a sudden war on the front line last night. Our army attacked the enemy at night, caught the enemy off guard, and burned the enemy's grain. The enemy had no choice but to withdraw from Heling County, which had occupied for nearly a year.

The enemy was driven out of Heling County by Ruan Lingzheng, but they did not leave here, but began to gather at the border. What a rare opportunity for the emperor of Ruan Nanguo to personally conquer. How can they let it go easily?

Mo Ziyao is still very happy to hear such news. She has always been worried that when Ruan Lingzheng is fighting on the front line, the king of Pingyi will suddenly attack, making Ruan Lingzheng's people and horses in the forefront of attack. If so, I'm afraid it will definitely be defeated.

For good, the king of Pingyi did not make any action, the enemy was forced to withdraw, and the king of Pingzhen in southern Xinjiang did not move. So it seems that the situation is still developing benignly.

May everything is as he thinks. The king of Pingzhen wants to reap the benefits of the fisherman, but now, the time has not come, and he will not take action easily.

As we went to the border, the weather became colder and colder. Still in Shuzhou, Mo Ziyao was thinking about entering Mingzhou earlier. Unfortunately, after all, their horse had run for so long that they were already a little weak. In desperation, they had to get off the horse and rest for a while. At this time, Wanqiu took the map to have a look and said, "Son, you can't go any further. The official road has been blocked. We can only climb over Lingyun Mountain in front of us and step over the lock soul bridge in front of us to reach Mingzhou."

Mo Ziyao nodded after hearing this. It was full of mountains. After a while, the two had to abandon their horses and slowly go to Lingyun Mountain.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, it is a huge mountain belly, but strangely, the mountain belly is very flat, and even the land has been deliberately repaired. At a glance, you can see countless tents stationed here below.

There is a flag flying on the edge of the tent. Look carefully, it says the word big peace. Mo Ziyao was shocked. Sure enough, as she expected, there were nearly 10,000 horses stationed by the Pingyi King in the belly of the mountain.

"The king of peace really has a disrespectful heart." Mo Ziyao gritted her teeth.

This is the place where his troops are stationed. Since Ruan Lingzheng's soldiers and horses passed through here, he has secretly blocked the only route to Mingzhou, and even a fly can't fly.

This is the handover with Mingzhou. Although Ruan Lingzheng has pulled the flag to the north, there are still some people stationed in Mingzhou. King Pingyi himself is only in charge of 8,000 horses, and there are less than 10,000 here. He secretly gathered a lot of soldiers and horses, and it seems that he wants to take the opportunity to take action.

If you want to cross from here, you will definitely be found by his people that this risk is not worth risking.

"Faun, we can't get through." Wan Qiu looked down and said in frustration.

Mo Ziyao frowned, "At present, the emperor is fighting with the enemy on the front line. Unexpectedly, the king of Pingyi sent troops to cut off his back road and wanted to be the yellow finch behind."

Seeing this situation, Wanqiu was also anxious, "Son, no matter what, we have to go through and inform the second son of the news!"

Mo Ziyao's face was heavy, and she looked up at the distance. It was also a mountain peak, but there was Mingzhou, where some of Ruan Lingzheng's people were there.

"No hurry, everything has to be discussed in the long-term." Mo Ziyao said, mentioned that she was very careful, and walked forward for a while. Dimly, the sound of horseshoes was heard, and then the sound of armor collided with each other.

She was shocked and took a look at Wanqiu. Obviously, she also heard it. Mo Ziyao put her fingers on her lips and motioned her to silence. She made another move towards the dead grass next to her, and she would slowly bend down.

The voice is getting closer and closer. Listen, it should be a large army. Mo Ziyao was shocked. Is that... the army of King Pingyi?

So the two quietly walked forward. Lingyun Mountain was very high, and suddenly appeared a cliff here, which was separated by a wide meteorite river, and one side belonged to Shuzhou and one side belonged to Mingzhou. The river is surging under the cliff, the water flow is rapid, the dark stone is scorched, and the cliff stands up and natural. It is called a natural danger here.

There are three simple bridges built of iron chains and wood on the cliff, which are called soul lock bridges. This bridge connects the two states. Usually, people come and go here, but there are few guards, but there is no one people here today, but there are particularly many guards guarding here. To be careful, there should be several troops guarding them.

Mo Ziyao's eyes looked forward. At this time, she heard a man running towards the pair of people and shouting, "General---"

The leader suddenly looked back and looked this way. Under the sun, Mo Ziyao only felt a dazzling light, which made people unable to open their eyes.

Mo Ziyao was shocked and didn't dare to look more. She quickly fell down. The soldier shouted, "General, there is a letter from the king."

General? Wang's letter?" Mo Ziyao was confused. What kind of general, what king? Is Liu Yanfei coming? Did he become a secret and righteous king? Thinking of this, she shook all over and quickly looked sideways. She saw the leader stretching out her slender fingers, gently clamping the letter and looking at it slowly.

At this time, Mo Ziyao suddenly saw a golden mask on the man's face, and her heart suddenly felt that she was dazzed by something. It turned out to be this mask.

It's just, who is he? Will it be Liu Yanfei?

After a while, the man leaned over and whispered a few words. The messenger nodded repeatedly and ran forward. Unexpectedly, he ran over the bridge in full view of the public. There was a horse on the other side of the bridge. He turned over the horse, clamped the horse's belly, and went away.

Mo Ziyao was shocked that he actually went to the direction of Mingzhou. The people of King Pingyi did not stop him. Seeing that he was dressed like an ordinary civilian, he could only travel safely under heavy troops, which must not be as simple as ordinary civilians.

After a while, the masked man leaned over and muttered a few words to a soldier-like man next to him. The man nodded with a smile and turned to the soldiers and said, "Saw all the bridge, but don't cut it completely, so as not to be found at a glance. Leave a hundred people here to guard it.

The man's voice was so loud that he was far away that Mo Ziyao could clearly hear what he was saying.

Then, the masked man turned his head and said a few words to the general. This time, he did not intend to cover it up. Although his voice was not as loud as the general, Mo Ziyao could faintly hear him saying, "General Hong, take me to see your prince."

The general nodded respectfully and complimented, "General Gu is still far-sighted. At that time, the people of the Allies will rush Ruan Lingzheng's army over, and the bridge will be broken, haha! At the time of the game, let them have no way to enter the earth! The generals of the alliance have made suggestions and will definitely defeat Ruan Lingzheng and others in one fell swoop.

The man nodded and stopped talking. The vast army finally set off again. There were only more than 100 people left on the edge of the cliff. These people were not idle. They really got a saw and began to saw the bridge.

Mo Ziyao clenched her fist tightly until the group became farther and farther away in her sight, and her heart still could not calm down. His eyes were still staring at the particularly abrupt point in the whole army.

"Is it him? How could it be him?" Although the man was wearing a mask, she would never hear the voice wrong. It must be him.

Mo Ziyao's body trembled violently. She stretched out her hand and clenched the weeds beside her. "What happened? Why did he become the general of the enemy country and collude with the people of the King of Pingyi to offer advice to him and kill Ruan Lingzheng together!"

"No, tell the emperor about this anyway! Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The worst situation finally happened. Mo Ziyao's heart sank. She seemed to see Ruan Lingzheng and his army rush here to cross the bridge. As a result, the bridge was broken and he fell into the surging river.

No, never let such a thing happen! Mo Ziyao suddenly stood up and stared at the direction of the masked man, with a variety of emotions flashing on her face.

[Ye'er is not very good at writing about fighting a war or something, covering her face~~~]