The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

I only want your heart to be like my heart 2

For some reason, Yin Mengyuan always felt that although the old woman's clothes were simple, the noble temperament revealed between her eyebrows could not be concealed. This made her more and more sure that this seemingly ordinary old woman is definitely not just a simple rural woman.

Inexplicably, she was a little afraid and respected the old woman in her heart, and she didn't dare to say more. She just smiled and said, "In this way, Mengyuan will disturb her. I hope the old lady won't think it's troublesome." Even the title has become different from before.

The old woman stood up and said, "It's okay. You've been in a coma for nearly a month. You must be hungry, right? I'm going to ask Longer to cook some light meals. After saying that, he went out of the house.

Yin Mengyuan lived here at ease. Time passed quickly. Autumn passed and spring came, and six months later in the evening...

A baby's cry resounded through the quiet mountain village. The usually humble hut was full of people today. The midwife came out with a crying baby with a smile on her face and carefully handed it to the old lady, "It's a girl. Look how much water is like your granddaughter!"

Yin Mengyuan's origin is unknown and has a big belly. The old women are afraid that the countryside will be suspicious because of this. They said some unpleasant words to hurt Yin Mengyuan, who was originally sad, so they said in front of outsiders that she came to visit her granddaughter from afar.

Is that right? Come on, let the old man have a look. With that, the old woman took the child and teased her with her fingers. Unexpectedly, the child squeezed his eyes and giggled at her, looking very smart.

"Mom, it's not good!" A woman about 40 years old rushed out of the inner room and said to the old woman urgently, "Mengyuan... I'm afraid she can't do it anymore! She said she wanted to see you!"

The old lady's face changed, handed the child to her, turned around and walked into the house. As soon as she entered the door, she only felt the smell of blood coming to her face. Yin Mengyuan's pale face barely leaned against the head of the bed, and the bedding covering her lower body had all been stained with blood.

"Old lady, you are here." Yin Mengyuan saw the person coming, and she smiled and shouted softly.

The old woman came forward, lifted the bedding and looked at it. Her face darkened. She looked at Yin Mengyuan and said in a calm voice, "Are you really willing to have a child? She is still so young."

After all, the old woman was an experienced person. She knew that Yin Mengyuan was fine when she gave birth. Why did she suddenly collapse? There is only one reason, that is, she doesn't want to live. So when the old woman saw her like this, she couldn't help but feel angry.

Shaking her head, the old woman said, "Well, since you choose to escape, there is nothing to say about the old body. As for this child, we will do our best to help you raise her."

Yin Mengyuan looked at the old woman gratefully, stood up hard, bowed deeply to her, and said slowly, "Thank you very much. It's meaningless for my broken body to live, but my child is the most miserable. Mengyuan wants to ask you for one thing."

"What's the matter? You might as well say it directly.

Yin Mengyuan took out a handkerchief full of words from her arms and the jade bracelet she had planned to give to her daughter for a long time and said, "When I leave, please ask my mother-in-law to take her back and return it to her father."

"This matter---" The old woman pondered for a moment, "Maybe I can help you, so tell me who her father is first?"

Yin Mengyuan's eyes looked at the location of the Western Imperial City through the simple window, as if through thousands of mountains and rivers, she saw Fang Yilian, the man with deep love and hate far away in the Western Imperial City.

"Her father is Fang Yilian, the right prime minister of the current dynasty. At this time, he and Princess Uya Lorin... They... They should have married in April when the flowers are in full bloom this year, presumably this month..."

Fang Yilian, the right prime minister, posted an announcement about his marriage with Princess Uya Luolin as early as six months ago. Although the old woman's family lives in a remote barren mountain, she still knows something about the major events in the imperial city.

Hearing this, the old woman has vaguely heard something. The most hated man in her life did not expect that the child's father was also a true Chen Shimei.

"So the man you have been thinking about is actually him? Humph, let's think about this matter. The old lady's tone is no longer as soft and gentle as before, and there is a little harshness.

"Old lady..."

Yin Mengyuan wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by the old lady: "Alas, since he can even abandon your bad wife, how can he recognize this child? Since he married the princess, he will not recognize this child. If you send her back like this, didn't you push her into the fire?

The old woman saw that Yin Mengyuan, who was getting weaker and weaker, was finally a little unbearable. She sighed deeply and slowed down her tone and said, "Well, the old man has said it. If you still insist on sending her back, you can do it yourself."

A cluster of bright light flashed in Yin Mengyuan's eyes and finally had to taste the joy of her long-cherished wish, but this relieved expression only persisted for a moment, and the light in her eyes gradually dimmed. She held a faint smile at the corners of her mouth and slowly closed her eyes.

At this moment, the child outside suddenly burst into tears, as if she had also sensed the death of her mother.

The old lady looked at Yin Mengyuan with great regret, walked out of the door, hugged the crying child from Longer's hand, and gently coaxed her. Seeing that the old lady's face was not good, Linglong also knew that Yin Mengyuan had gone.

With a sigh, she said, "Mom, I'm going to find Luo Capricorn."

If such a big event happens, the man in the family will come back to host it. The old lady has three sons. The youngest son Ge Luoxuan is said to have long passed away. The second son Ge Luo has been doing business for a long time. After the Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, he rarely came back. Fortunately, the eldest son Ge Luo Capri is still around, but he is cutting firewood and grazing in the mountains during the day.


The old woman's family buried Yin Mengyuan in Liupo ten miles away from the door, and asked Luo Capricorn to take the tokens left by Yin Mengyuan to the West Imperial City to find Fang Yilian.

Five days later, Luo Capricorn returned, but looked at the old lady and his wife Longer holding the baby and shook their heads and went straight into the house.


When the girl saw this, the image behind it became blurred, and she knew that the images unrelated to her mother would not be recorded. Because only indestructible obsession can make it record.

She pulled out the jade bracelet that had been hanging on her neck since she was born and gently whispered it. Looking at the slowly swimming smoke and fine blood inside made her feel so kind and familiar.

Once again, she took out the brocade handkerchief left by her mother, and she read softly: "The silk is a small-character business, and the wild geese are in the clouds and the fish are in the water. It is also difficult to feel melancholy, and the slanting moon curtain is full of regret. Falling flowers, wind and rain hurt spring even more, and the mountains and rivers are far away. People don't know where to go, and the green waves are still flowing eastward.

"Mother..." The girl called in a low voice. She has already remembered these eight sentences and deeply understood their meaning, but this time, her feelings are deeper than ever before...

------Perspective conversion line-----

"So you came here! No wonder I can't find you anywhere. Go back with the second brother quickly. Grandma is looking for you.

A loud male voice sounded behind the girl. The girl heard the voice, quickly wiped away her tears with her sleeves, put away her emotions, turned around, and saw a man with a gentle smile walking towards her quickly.

"Second brother..." The girl shouted crisply and bent the corners of her lips and smiled at him.

The man's two thick eyebrows also have soft ripples, as if they have always been smiling, bent, like the bright moon in the night sky. The fair skin sets off the pale pink lips, handsome and prominent facial features, and the perfect face shape, especially the dazzling diamond earrings in the left ear, adding a trace of unruly to his sunshine and handsomeness...

After walking over, the man grabbed the girl's hand, attached it to her ear, and said mysteriously, "Youchen, I have good news. My second uncle is back. Haven't you always wanted to go to the Central Plains to see her? Let's go back and ask the second uncle to take us there!"

Fang Youchen pushed him away, blinked at him, and smiled gently, "Chen'er didn't say he was going to the Central Plains. Is it the second brother who wants to go to the Central Plains himself?"

The coquettish head smiled shyly, and his eyes flashed like ink. He still did not give up and encouraged: "I heard that the Central Plains is rich and rich, and there are many fun and strange things. Don't you want to see it?"

Fang Youchen walked past him, but suddenly thought that she might find Du Xiyan's reincarnation in the huge Central Plains... She looked at him and said, "Look at your expectation. Chen'er can't hit you. You can ask grandma about this yourself. If grandma agrees, I will have to sacrifice a little and sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman!"

"Yeah!" The man jumped up with excitement, took Fang Youchen's hand and ran away, talking, "Haha, grandma has already responded. I'm going to the Central Plains!" Central Plains, Central Plains, there are many fat beauties, Central Plains, Central Plains, I, Ge Qingqi, come..."

Three days later, Fang Youchen and Ge Qingqi rode a horse alone, followed the vast supply team, and went to the Central Plains---

The group walked and stopped for nearly a month, and finally passed through the vast desert and the boundless primitive jungle to the rich and beautiful Central Plains...

That night, they stayed at a Ruyi traveler on the border who specialized in receiving merchants. The next morning, they went on the road here. This time they walked for five days and finally saw a bustling town.

heard that Erbo Globar said that in front of it is Shu, one of the three major countries in the Central Plains, and the bustling city in front of it is called Yizhou, which is their final trading place.

Walking on the noisy and crowded streets of Yizhou City, both Ge Qingqi and Fang Youchen looked very excited. These bustling big towns that they have never seen before, special buildings, people with different clothes, and languages they can't understand, everything here makes them feel attractive and novel.

Although Ge Qingqi is in his ten years old, he is still like a child and plays a lot.

The strange gadgets sold on those roadside stalls are things they have never seen before, and they can't put them down. If it hadn't been for Globa's urging all the way, I'm afraid that it would be difficult for these two people to move their feet.

came to the designated place to exchange goods, and Grop took them to the mansion he bought here. As soon as he walked in, two Han-like slaves came out of the house, bowing their bodies and talking to him very respectfully. These servants were also bought by Ge Luobal to take care of the house.