The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

I only want your heart to be like my heart 5

Kissing, the two couldn't help but be moved.

In the dream, Fang Youchen seemed to see the scene of Jiang Yunxu and Du Xiyan's life and death on the edge of the cliff again.


On the edge of the cliff, Jiang Yunxu leaned on Du Xiyan's shoulder with a pale face and said tiredly, "husband, since we can't change the trajectory of fate and escape this disaster, let the soul-eating bracelet carry our last long-cherished wish reincarnation. In this life, we can't finish our lives, so let's continue our fate in the next life. ."

Du Xiyan's body was trembling slightly. He hugged Jiang Yunxu tightly and couldn't wait to rub her into his body. Sadly, "No, Yunxu, what's the point of living without you and Linger?"

Jiang Yunxu shook her head. She used all her strength to carefully pick up the child who had already lost vitality on the ground, reached out and stroked his cold little face with tears. The child's eyes were closed, and the corners of his mouth were gently raised, looking peaceful. She wanted to smile at the child, but her lips moved, but she frowned, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell into Du Xiyan's arms.

Du Xiyan's face changed greatly, took Jiang Yunxu's hand, put it on her chest, and said in pain, "Yunxu, Linger has gone, and I can't lose you again! Please don't think about it anymore. Master, come soon. He must have a way to save you.

Jiang Yunxu shook his head, trembled his hands, put the jade bracelet made from the blood sacrifice of two people in his hand, and said gently, "Husband, it's too late. I can't change anything when I live. Hurry up and leave with Linger and the jade bracelet. We can't be together in this life. In the next life, you wait for me, I will... Be your wife..."

After Jiang Yunxu finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes, and his hands also slid down from Du Xiyan's palm.

"Yunxu..." Du Xiyan cried bitterly and hugged Jiang Yunxu's body tightly.

In the distance, there was a sound of horses' hoofs. Du Xiyan looked up and saw a group of people riding horses chasing this way quickly.

"They are chasing again." Du Xiyan smiled miserably, looked at Jiang Yunxu in her arms, stroked her gradually cold face and said softly, "Yunxu, you and your child have left, and I don't want to live alone in the world. It's a death. I also want to be with you and your children!"

Du Xiyan finished speaking, finally took a look at the jade bracelet in her hand, stuffed it into the stone crack beside her, turned her head to look at the bottomless cliff behind her, picked up Linger and Jiang Yunxu, turned around and jumped off the cliff...

Fang Youchen woke up and woke up with a wet pillow. Fear and despair lingered in her mind, making her feel suddenly tightened. Turning around, she hugged Ge Qinghuan's wide and warm back. Her eyes were so so sour that she bit her lips, and she couldn't help crying.

Ge Qinghuan felt Fang Youchen's slightly trembling body and turned over to see her crying silently.

"Chen'er, what's wrong with you?" Fang Youchen's tears deeply pierced his heart.

Fang Youchen looked up at him, and the sad and gray look in his eyes suddenly tightened his heart. She smiled at him, but her smile was so pale and weak, with a row of clear teeth marks on her slightly white lips. It can be seen that she is very uncomfortable, but she is still trying her best to endure something.

Ge Qinghuan hugged her painfully, gently patted her sweaty back, and said in a trembling voice, "Chen'er, are you having a nightmare? Don't be afraid, I'll be by your side. If you feel uncomfortable, just cry!"

"Husband, I... dreamed of my previous life again, and we..." Fang Youchen said intermittently. At this point, she couldn't help crying.

Fang Youchen deliberately did not think about what Jiang Yunxu and Du Xiyan said, because every sentence made her feel scared. The pain of life-and-death separation, so painful, so desperate...

"Chen'er..." Ge Qinghuan called her softly, held her cold hand tightly, and comforted her softly: "No. Everything has passed. We will be together forever in this life until our hair is white and full of children and grandchildren, and I will hold your hand as tightly as I do now! My heart, Shengqing's heart..."

Ge Qinghuan raised his hand and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Fang Youchen's eyes. Looking at this face that broke his heart, he finally kissed her deeply.

At this time, Fang Youchen suddenly seemed to smell a faint smell of smoke, like the smell emitted by firewood burning. She gently sucked her nose and suddenly felt that the smell was getting heavier and heavier. She just thought who was cooking outside? She didn't care much. She just lay down among Ge Qinghuan and said, "What's going on? Is there anyone cooking at this late hour?

"What?" Ge Qinghuan got up and looked out of the door.

At this moment, Fang Youchen only felt a trembling when he heard the sound of someone strping in outside. At this time, after midnight, who would come so ignorantly at this time? Thinking of the smell of smoke again, is it...

Ge Qinghuan also obviously felt the strangeness outside, and his hand holding Fang Youchen became tighter and tighter.

The man ran to the door, but did not come in. He walked back and forth anxiously outside. He raised his hand several times to knock on the door, but finally he couldn't help it. Finally, he coughed and said urgently, "Little brother, sister, come out quickly. There's water in the house!" It's the voice of the eldest brother Ge Qing.

Fang Youchen only felt a shock and his head buzzed. Caught the keywords: house, walking water...

The two faces sank in an instant, and Ge Qinghuan quickly got up. Fang Youchen hesitated and got up quickly to put on his clothes.

"Chen'er, if you are not feeling well, just stay here first. I'll go out and have a look." Ge Qinghuan said, getting up, but turned around, pulled the quilt, wrapped Fang Youchen's body, looked at her deeply, and turned out.

The moment the door opened, Fang Youchen saw that there was thick smoke outside, and the fire was shining in the sky not far away. Half of the yard was burning with a blazing fire. The two servants were quickly flucking water from the well and pouring on the huge torch. The Glopat family were only wearing their clothes and were fluttering with broom branches.

The door was closed, but a lot of thick smoke had been poured into the house. Fang Youchen coughed uncomfortably and felt strange. How could he walk in such a good weather?

In this case, she did not dare to neglect. She endured physical weakness and soreness, took clothes from the head of the bed and put them on her body, got up and got out of bed. When she reached the door and stretched out her hand to open the door, she suddenly heard a 'sud' sound from the roof. She suddenly became alert and looked up and saw that the tiles on the roof had been taken several pieces, and a masked face was looking at her.

Fang Youchen only felt suffocated and shouted, "Who!---"

With a "bang", the roof cracked, and a masked man in black jumped down from the roof and stood in the center of the house.

"Ah!---" Fang Youchen shouted in horror, and his eyes were full of panic. The hand on the door trembled involuntarily. How simple it was to open the door, but at this time, his fingers seemed to be disobedient and could not open the door.

Fang Youchen was so nervous that his body couldn't help trembling. "Who are you...who are you? What do you...what do you want to do?"

Watching the man walk towards him, getting closer and closer...

"You...don't come here! Otherwise... I'm going to call someone!" She pressed against the door, and her voice trembled and hoarse involuntarily.

I only heard a cold voice under the scarf: "Don't try to resist, if you want the Ge family to survive."

Hearing this, Fang Youchen's eyes flashed with a trace of despair and glusion, and his body trembled violently and fell to the floor. He muttered with a dead face, "Please don't hurt them. I... go with you..."

The man walked over, raised his palm and split Fang Youchen unconscious. He put her across his shoulder and jumped out of the broken roof.

Not long after the man left, dozens of masked people in black suddenly appeared in the Ge family's house. Each of them held a big knife shining cold in their hands and surrounded the people of the Ge family step by step...


The fire gradually spread, and the whole Ge family's house was swallowed up by the fire. The burning ruins kept falling down, and a white figure suddenly rushed out of the thick smoke. His white robe was burned and rolled up by the flames. Countless scars faintly appeared in the broken clothes, and blood soaked the cloth near the wound red.

He held a big blood-stained knife in one hand, covered his mouth and nose with the other hand and rushed out of the sea of fire. He coughed violently, identified the direction, and rushed into the room full of Mars.

He rushed in and stood in the choking smoke and shouted Fang Youchen's name. However, no one answered him except for the 'clap' sound made when the house burned.

He finally ran to the bed, but only saw a quilt engulfed by fire, and Fang Youchen was gone!

The thick smoke made him unable to open his eyes, his tongue burned his skin, and his long hair gradually scorched, but he couldn't feel these, because the pain in his heart at this moment has long been beyond the pain in his body.

Today, it was originally a good day. Ge Qinghuan finally married his beloved and gathered happily with his family. Originally, he thought that if he could live like this forever, he would have no regrets in his life. But today, his parents, brother and cousin were killed by the man in black who suddenly broke in. When he tried his best to kill all these invaders, he suddenly found that his beloved wife was missing!

"Chen'er!---" A heartbreaking cry cut through the sky, and then a fallen beam hit him...

Why, why did it become like this?

When he was about to escape into the darkness, he asked himself.

Am I going to die? No... I can't die, Chen'er hasn't found it yet, and the revenge for killing father and mother has not been repaid, so, I still... can't die!