The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

I only want your heart to be like my heart 7

Fang also listened, and there was a thin layer of cold sweat on his forehead, and he did not dare to wipe it. At this moment, he remembered that when he was just an unknown centurion more than ten years ago, he was always irritable and depressed because things went wrong. At this time, there is always a woman behind her with a faint smile and affectionate eyes. She is her ex-wife Yin Mengyuan.

And the young woman named Fang Youchen in front of her looks only 14 or 15 years old and looks similar to Yin Mengyuan when she was young. What shocked him more was that she was also surnamed Fang.

Sum, he remembered that at noon 14 years ago, a man in thick linen came to him with a letter from Yin Mengyuan. At that time, he had just married the princess and came back from the palace in a sedan chair. He saw what the man said about Yin Mengyuan, the orphan and so on. At that time, he only thought that his ex-wife did not give up and deliberately arranged the children. Come and pester him.

The princess is a multi-hearted person. In the face of her doubts, Fang Yilian was so scared that he said that he did not know anything about Yin Mengyuan, let alone any orphans. He even asked people to drive the man away before giving up.

What I didn't expect was that the princess had nothing in the past 14 years. Fang Yilian began to regret that he should not have expelled Yin Mengyuan out of the house with his mother, especially in middle age. He felt more and more panic and pain, and sometimes he would miss Yin Mengyuan's kindness.

Later, she remembered that she might have really left herself a son and a daughter, so she began to secretly send people around to look for the whereabouts of their mother and son, but to no result.

Unexpectedly, Yin Mengyuan really left him a daughter, but now she has become the king's concubine. Listening to the king's tone, he seemed to know something, which made him more and more uneasy.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi even sweated a lot on his back, so he had to stand there and dare not say more.

Fang Youchen looked coldly at Fang Yilian, the 'father' who abandoned his wife and daughter. She was sad and indignant. Finally, she couldn't help standing up and throwing the Jinpa left by her by her mother in front of him. Her body trembled uncontrollably and said angrily, "Look at the letter my mother left you."

Fang Yilian trembled and opened the Jinpa, and Juanxiu's familiar handwriting came into view: silk is a small business, and the wild goose is in the clouds and fish in the water. It is also difficult to feel melancholy, and the slanting moon curtain is full of regret. Falling flowers, wind and rain hurt spring even more, and the mountains and rivers are far away. People don't know where to go, and the green waves still flow eastward.

These short eight sentences reminded Fang Yilian of his past with Yin Mengyuan, and when he was in love, he promised to be good to her all his life, but he...

"You ungrateful Chen Shimei, who abandoned his wife and daughter for glory and wealth, still fell in love with you before her death. For a person like you who dare not even recognize his wife and daughter, your mother has finally paid by mistake!"

"Chen'er..." Facing Fang Youchen's scolding, Fang Yi even clenched the brocade hand in his hand and looked up at her. He just called her astringently, and his heart was full of deep and endless repentance.

"Shut up!" Fang Youchen scolded excitedly. She suddenly felt that the two things mentioned by Uya Luoxuan must not be a good thing, so will the second be related to her husband?

Turning around and looking at Wuya Luoxuan, who had been watching the play, Fang Youchen said in a low voice, "Actually, you knew I was his bereaved daughter, right? I already know the first thing. As for how you plan to deal with this deceptive rebel, I don't want to know. You'd better tell me what the second thing is! If it's not news that has nothing to do with my husband, you don't have to say it.

Uya Luoxuan looked up at her slightly, smiled, and said slowly, "As you wish, the second thing is really about your husband."

Fang Youchen's heart moved slightly and quickly asked, "Where are they?"

"Ha ha, maybe you don't know that when you left Yicheng, the Ge family's house no longer existed. In addition, your longing husband Ge Qinghuan has died in the fire. Of course, his family has also gone to bury him! This is also the end of offending me.

"What did you say?! ......”

Fang Youchen's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief and pain. She couldn't believe that her husband had been... Her mind was blank. She staggered back a few steps, her expression frowned in pain, and an unnatural flush suddenly appeared on her face. Her throat was sweet, and she actually vomited a mouthful of blood.

The red eye color flowed out of the corners of the lips little by little, dripping on the dark floor, splashing with dazzling red petals.

She only felt that her consciousness suddenly sank, and the sight in front of her suddenly fell into the darkness.

At the moment before she fell into a coma, she only heard the crisp sound of the hairpin falling on the floor and Fang Yilian's low voice: "Chen'er! ......”


Fang Youchen was helped into a side room by her maidservant. Since then, she has been unconscious and drowsy every day. However, she can also feel the outside world and often listen to people in and out of the room or speak softly. However, no matter what happens outside, these can no longer attract her attention.

Fang Youchen was so sleepy. Somehow, after hearing the news of Ge Qinghuan's death, she really wanted to die with him.

Now that she is the only one left in this world, she doesn't know what's the point of surviving.

The tranquility did not last long. One day, the quiet room suddenly became a little noisy. It turned out that Uyaluo Xuan found a doctor for her.

The imperial doctor gave her a pulse as usual, but at this moment, the imperial doctor's finger on Fang Youchen's wrist suddenly shook, and his face changed dramatically. According to the pulse, Fang Youchen is actually pregnant!

The imperial doctor and the maidservants who served Fang Youchen were confused when they heard the news, because they all knew that Uya Luoxuan did not spoil her. When such a thing happened, they didn't know how to deal with it, although they were panicked.

I don't know who went to tell Wuya Luoxuan about this news. Soon, Wuya Luoxuan came in with a gloomy face. When he saw Fang Youchen lying quietly on the bed with his eyes closed, he snorted coldly and left the room with two cold words.

Shortly after Uyaluo left, Fang Youchen suddenly opened his eyes. She heard everything that had just happened, especially when the doctor said that she was pregnant, and she suddenly didn't want to sleep like this anymore. She suddenly wanted to give birth to this child, because this was her and Ge Qinghuan's child.

But Uyaluo's sentence "fallen." She was shocked. In order to protect the fetus, she wanted to survive more and more!

When she adapted to the light, she opened her eyes and saw that a maid was about to come forward to help her up, and she was holding a bowl of abortion pills - red flowers.

You don't have to push away the bowl of soup without thinking about it, "Pa..."

The medicine bowl fell to the ground and the juice spilled on the ground. The maidservant was stunned and stared at Fang Youchen with wide eyes. The maidservant may be puzzled. How could Fang Youchen, who had been sleeping since living here, suddenly wake up?

When the maidservant was still in surprise, Fang Youchen had come down from the bed. She naturally covered her lower abdomen with one hand and pushed the maid away with the other to escape.

But the maid suddenly reacted with an exclamation and shocked countless guards. Fang Youchen had been sleeping for nearly a month, and she had been paralyzed and didn't have much strength. Before she ran to the hall, she was caught by several strong guards and dragged her back abruptly.

Such a big movement also attracted Uya Luoxuan, who had just left.

He rushed in with a grimace and grabbed Fang Youchen's pale cheek without saying anything. He looked down at her with a pair of narrow eyes and said, "Don't try to challenge my patience. It's the greatest favor for you that I can let you live. If you still don't know good or bad, then I don't mind destroying you with my own hands!" The tone turned slightly and said, "However, if you are willing to be more docile and voluntarily fall into the evil species, maybe I will give you another chance to live."

Fang Youchen's body trembled fiercely, but at the end, he suddenly laughed loudly. He stared at Uyalo without fear and said, "You don't have to threaten me. Now that I have fallen into your hands, just listen to me if you want to kill me. But it is absolutely impossible to kill my child unless I die!"

"Bang!" A palm sound resounded through the room.

Then he said, "I don't know what's good or not!" A cold voice burst out of Uya Luoxuan's mouth.

Fang You spit out the blood in the morning, covered his red and swollen face for a moment, looked at Wuya Luoxuan and shouted with a sneer, "Uya Luoxuan, you robbed your wife and killed civilians and did not follow the principles of the country. A king like you who is so immoral and ignores ethics has lost his morals. Therefore, you don't deserve to be the king of Wuya. Today, either you kill me, or our Youchen will not let you go even if he is a ghost!"

Uya Luoxuan's face darkened, his body trembled slightly, and his anger couldn't be concealed in his slightly red eyes. Obviously, Fang Youchen's words have completely angered him.

Looking at Fang Youchen, he said coldly, "Since you want to die so much, then I will do it!" After saying that, he waved his hand and shouted out of the door, "Come on, drag this woman out and beat her to death!"

"Who dares?!"

At this moment, a majestic and loud voice sounded in the hall. The guards who wanted to come in and drag away Fang Youchen saw the people. No, to be precise, when they held the golden dragon sword in their hands, they were so scared that they knelt down one by one and called Long Live the King.

When Wuya Luoxuan heard this sound, his face suddenly changed, and his whole body seemed to be fixed, and he could not say a word when he stood there.

When the speaker came in, Fang Youchen saw the familiar and kind Grandma Ge suddenly appeared in front of him. She was so excited that she forgot the danger at this moment. She rushed to the person's arms and shouted in a trembling voice: "Ln grandma..." The tears she had endured for many days finally poured down.

Grand uncle Glo Capricus, sister-in-law Longer, and some familiar or strange faces came with Grandma Ge.


At this moment, the crowd suddenly sounded a very light but familiar sound. When Fang Youchen heard the sound, her body trembled fiercely and followed the sound. Through the layers of crowd, she saw a person who wrapped his face in a brown headscarf and lowered his head, and was inconspicuous.

"Who is he? Why does it make me feel so kind and familiar?"

Fang Youchen slowly left Grandma's arms and couldn't help trembling. She walked towards the man step by step until she walked to the man. She found that the man's left sleeve was empty and looked up at his face. The face under the turban was uneven, full of deep and shallow scars that had not yet healed, so that this person could see. It's ugly and horrible.

Looking at the faintly discernable facial features and familiar eyes. Fang Youchen's heart began to twitch fiercely. Is this man your husband? How did he become like this?

At this time, the man shouted again, "Chen'er..." He raised his head and looked at her with red blood.

"Husband...Jun! ......”

Fang Youchen shouted with a cry and threw himself into Ge Qinghuan's arms. And hugged him tightly with both hands.

Leaning in his arms, the familiar feeling of peace of mind instantly invaded her. However, why was she not happy at all? She just held his only right hand and cried silently.

She didn't know what happened in the Ge family's house after she left, and why her husband destroyed his face and lost his left arm. I don't know why Grandma Ge and others could enter the palace so easily and find her. However, these are not important to her at this time. Everything is not important. As long as her husband is still alive, no matter what he becomes, as long as he is alive!