The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

There is no time to force

[There will be two updates today, so the update is earlier than usual. First, the first update, and the second update is about 9 p.m.! ( *^__^*)......ใ€‘

Ding Youde looked at Lu Wenxuan in surprise, with a trace of hesitation in his eyes and silence for a while. He finally said, "Do you really want to keep it for yourself? This...this bracelet is"

"It is a jade bracelet cursed by the evil wizard, which contains the wizard's resentment and is sealed in the ground with a charm. Once it is broken and unearthed, whoever touches it will be put on the wizard's evil spirit, right?"

Ding Youde twitched slightly from the corners of his mouth and stared at Lu Wenxuan with incredible eyes. After looking at him for a while, he stammered, "How do do you know?"

Lu Wenxuan squeezed his lips and smiled and said, "Guess, this thing is obviously valuable, but Uncle De, you stay away from it and are not optimistic about it. I think this is the only reason."

Ding Youde's nervous expression relaxed slightly. He looked at Lu Wenxuan and said, "Yes, this thing was not found in a crack in the wall, but in the tomb of the great sacrifice in the side room of the tomb owner."

He sighed, and his turbid eyes looked at the scenery outside through the screen window, as if he were recalling something.

"Priest?!" Lu Wenxuan was slightly shocked and looked down at the jade bracelet in his hand, but he became more and more determined to find out the origin of this thing. It seems that there must be something unusual about what even the high priest attaches so much importance to.

Ding Youde quietly looked out of the window and was silent in his memories. He did not hear Lu Wenxuan's exclamation. He slowly said, "At that time, I came out of the main tomb and was about to leave, but I accidentally entered a side room. When I saw the bracelet, it was placed in a black altar. Although at that time, I also thought of my father's admonition to me: as long as I don't touch anything related to wizards, priests and magistors. But I think this bracelet is of good quality and should be worth some money. I also thought that I might not be so unlucky, so I reached out and took the jade bracelet out of the altar in disbelief. Unexpectedly, just as I was about to withdraw my hand, the altar suddenly broke with a 'bang', and many bloody snakes with thick fingers crawled out of it. At that time, I secretly shouted 'bad' and retreated quickly. Unfortunately, I still took a step slower..."

Lu Wenxuan listened nervously. When he heard a pile of bloody snakes suddenly crawling out of the altar, he suddenly felt a sudden chill on his back and suddenly couldn't help saying "ah". Suddenly, I remembered that Uncle De was different from usual. Today, he hasn't used his right hand since he entered the door! Could it be...

Thinking of this, Lu Wenxuan looked at Ding Youde's lowered right arm, "Uncle De, your arm..."

Ding Youde smiled bitterly and gently pulled up his sleeves.

Lu Wenxuan had been psychologically prepared, but when he saw the whole arm with black abscess and the festered hand, he couldn't help but have a burst of teeth.

He turned his head and dared not look again. His voice trembled uncontrollably and asked, "How could this happen?"

"Alas!" Ding Youde sighed, put down his sleeves and said, "This is the result of my greed. Before I came, I had been to the hospital for examination. The doctor said that he could not find out what kind of poison it was. He only said that the poison had been integrated into the whole body and devouring the circulation and recycling function of the whole body. And tell me that I can only live for more than half a month at most.

"What?!" Lu Wenxuan only felt a "buzz" in his mind, and his face turned pale with shock. What kind of poison is this that even such a developed modern scientific and technological society can't detect it? A good-looking person has only half a month left to live a good life...

Ding Youde was not as frightened as he was. He just glanced at him, reached out to take the price of the goods that had been calculated on the table, and smiled, "It doesn't matter. I, an old man, have been doing so many years of immoral things. I have expected such a day. Selling these, plus the previous ones, are enough for my son to finish reading. College, married and had children, and my mother-in-law, they won't worry about food and clothing for the rest of their lives!"

Lu Wenxuan looked at him and was full of regret. He wanted to say some comforting words, but he moved his lips and shouted, "Uncle De..."

Ding Youde seemed to see Lu Wenxuan's idea and waved his hand and said, "Don't be sad for me, the old man. I didn't want to tell you this news, but I couldn't help it, so I said it!"

"Alas...this is all life!"

Ding Youde sighed, put the list on the table, stood up and put the empty woven bag in his arms and said, "I'll put the things here first. I won't rush to collect the first 30% of the payment, and wait until the things are sold. Just call my mother-in-law to get 70% of the appointment.

After saying that, Ding Youde turned around and walked out. Lu Wenxuan quickly followed him out to see him off. Walking to the door, Ding Youde suddenly turned around and said to Lu Wenxuan with a solemn face, "Big nephew, you'd better find a cliff to throw away that jade bracelet. Although I know that your family will have some 'special functions', I still want to persuade you not to try to study it. Of course, don't sell it in the store as goods. Insor to harm others and yourself. Remember!" After saying that, Ding Youde's figure disappeared in the store.

Lu Wenxuan saw Ding Youde leave and suddenly felt that his back seemed to be more hunched than before. Thinking that this might be the last time I saw him, I couldn't help feeling heavy and depressed.

'Did, Dddd---' began to rain outside, and Ding Youde's figure has disappeared. Lu Wenxuan turned over the wooden card 'open', pulled down the door of the store, and turned into the store.

Although Ding Youde's experience made him feel sad, when he picked up the bracelet that had been cursed and witchcraft, his heart began to be uncontrollably excited.

-------It's time to convert-------

"So that's what happened." Lu Wenxuan gently spit it out and put the jade bracelet back on the table. Gently leaning on the back of the chair, closing his eyes, and quietly recalling the message left by the high priest Uman he had just read from the bracelet.

Uman is the high priest of Qiang, and Khan is extremely confident and dependent on him. When Qiang was only a scattered tribe, they defeated some unknown small countries because of their bravery and good fighting. Among them, there are countries. And this jade bracelet is the pendant of the queen of the second king of the Kingdom of Fang.

When Uman, who practiced witchcraft, got the jade bracelet, he soon found that this was not an ordinary jade bracelet, but an old reincarnation bracelet carrying the thoughts and souls of a resentful couple.

At that time, after he got the bracelet, he was as surprised and excited as Lu Wenxuan now. Without thinking about it, he began to perform witchcraft to absorb the soul of the wizard in the jade bracelet and seal his soul in it. He thought that he could be reincarnated forever.

But he didn't expect that when he was about to finish his great success, the powerful Cao Wei suddenly invaded, and King Qiang and he fled. Unexpectedly, he was killed by Ma Teng and others halfway. When King Qiang died, he was also seriously injured. He finally used the art of escape, and he could no longer use large-scale witchcraft. In desperation, he had to use the skill of heaven to disperse a pair of souls inside so that they could not easily reincarnate.

And he sealed his grievances and curses in the jade bracelet. After his death, he let people bury the jade bracelet with him and guard it with a spirit-eating snake until its predestined person arrives...