The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 207

This snow really fell for a long time, intermittently for almost ten days and a half months. Although it has not been carefully calculated, Mo Ziyao vaguely felt that it had been a long time.

I don't know why it snowed for a long time, and the dark and turbulent harem actually showed incredible peace. I haven't been to the Xining Palace to say hi to the empress dowager for a long time. It's always snowing these days. The empress dowager may be stuffy and specially asked the concubines to walk around the Tairen Palace to talk with her.

The concubines made an appointment to go, and Mo Ziyao could not refuse. When she went to Tairen Palace, she met Mrs. Yi Zhaorong and Mrs. Ya, whom she had not seen for many days.

Yi Zhaorong, who had just got off the sedan chair, walked to Mrs. Ya with a smile and asked for warmth, and took the initiative to reach out to help Mrs. Ya, who had been pregnant for nearly four months. Mrs. Ya also smiled and let her help. The two talked and laughed, as if nothing had happened, as close as ever.

It's just that Mo Ziyao felt that the Empress Dowager seemed to be unfamiliar with her, and it was no longer the previous feeling of affinity. There is a kind of deliberate alienation, and the eyes looking at him are even more unhappy, and there is even a slight anger.

Mo Ziyao knew that it was all because she knew a lot of things she shouldn't know. The Empress Dowager has a deep and cautious nature, and it is difficult to tolerate her anymore.

After that night, Ruan Lingzheng no longer came to Yuyao Palace and never heard of him staying with any concubine.

In fact, Mo Ziyao doesn't care so much about where Ruan Lingzheng stayed at night, as long as his heart has always been here.

Later, she heard that it was due to the long snow and the serious snow disaster in the north, and there were so many memorials presented by officials from all over the country. He had to review the memorials in the imperial study every day or discuss the disaster with the ministers until very late.

Maybe he loves a person too much. In a subtle way, his news and everything about him began to care involuntarily. Seeing him work so hard, Mo Ziyao even felt a little distressed.

Such a day, a few more days later, it is already the end of December, and in a few days, it will be the annual grand event in the palace on New Year's Eve.

Mo Ziyao was not idle these days. She used all her available relationships to look for a person in the palace, but the palace was about to turn over, and the man seemed to have disappeared, and there was no message.

Mo Ziyao believed that the man was still in the palace, but it was possible that she knew that she was looking for him and deliberately hid. She suddenly felt that if so, it would be better to let nature take its course. If he wanted to see herself, he would definitely let himself see it.

The weather has completely improved, and the snow everywhere has begun to melt. When the sun rises, looking from afar, the melting snow reflects colorful light, which is very beautiful.

On this day, Mo Ziyao personally cooked ginseng chicken soup for Ruan Lingzheng and sent it to Tianze Palace. Along the way, when I crossed the imperial garden with Yunlan and walked to the gate of Tianze Palace, I saw a row of imperial troops standing on the high platform in front of the palace gate from afar, and one of these people made Mo Ziyao feel extremely familiar.

She frowned gently and stepped forward to see clearly. Unexpectedly, as soon as they walked over, the imperial troops bowed their heads. Mo Ziyao walked to the man but couldn't see his appearance clearly. She only saw the cold helmet and shiny silver armor.

Just as she was about to order the man to raise her head, Yunlan said behind her, "There are rules in the palace. These imperial forest soldiers must not look up at the real face when they see the concubines in the harem. They need to bow their heads to show their respect."

Mo Ziyao nodded and gave up the idea of seeing the man's appearance. She just asked with a smile, "I don't know who set this rule? Isn't it too strict?"

Yunlan suddenly smiled and joked, "Of course it's our wise emperor."

"Ah!" Mo Ziyao didn't expect that this was Ruan Lingzheng's order, and she couldn't help laughing at his domineering and unreasonableness.

Reaching out and gently touched the food box, worried that the soup would get cold after taking too long. She glanced at the man wrapped in armor and turned to the Tianze Palace.

Mo Ziyao didn't find that the moment she turned around, the man suddenly raised his head. The man looked at her fading back with a dark color in his eyes, and his drooping hands gradually clenched.

"Hey, Captain Chu, what are you looking at? Are you looking at Yao's noble concubine? A bodyguard next to the man asked with ridiculing.

Captain Chu mentioned by this bodyguard is not Chu Qingtian, who is it?

Chu Qingtian did not answer, but looked at Mo Ziyao's back drifting away. It was not until he disappeared that he sighed deeply and lowered his head.

Seeing Chu Qingtian's melancholy look, the bodyguard couldn't help sighing, "Captain, how do you think Yao's noble concubine looks? Isn't it beautiful? Well, I think it must be. If it weren't for the beauty of the city, why did the emperor spoil her alone when there were countless beauties in the harem?

Chu Qingtian suddenly stared at the bodyguard and said, "Really, how do you know that the emperor only spoils her?"

The bodyguard said proudly, "Of course." With that, he pointed to Tianze Palace, "Do you think anyone can come here? The concubine of the harem is not allowed to step into the Tianze Palace. This is the ancestral motto. Of course, except for the queen and the empress dowager. But, don't you see, didn't Noble Concubine Yao go in? Moreover, the emperor also specially ordered that we should bow our heads and not look directly when we see the concubines in the harem. Is there anyone else who can come here besides Yao? ......”

Chu Qingtian can't hear what the guard said behind him. At this moment, his heart is extremely sad. Yes, now she is the favorite concubine of the emperor, and she is not even qualified to fall in love. Even if the person you like is in front of you, you can only look at it from afar, close to the end of the world, and never see each other!

Chu Qingtian felt more and more that he and Mo Ziyao were close, but the distance between them was getting farther and farther away. Slowly withdrawing his mind, the bodyguard next to him was still chattering.

The bodyguard didn't move when he saw Chu Qingtian's expressionless face, and didn't know if he heard his 'wonderful speech'. Finally, he unconsciously said loudly, "Captain, I advise you not to think too much. Yao Guifei is the emperor's woman, so she can't move any crooked thoughts. However, I think the little princess Qiu Fei is very good. Not only is she beautiful and cute, but more importantly, she is the only sister of the emperor. Don't be in the blessing..."

Before the bodyguard finished his words, he saw Chu Qingtian's arrow-like light shooting at him. The bodyguard touched his nose and hurriedly closed his mouth.

After Mo Ziyao entered Tianze Palace, she went straight to the imperial study. As she walked, she also had a lot of emotions in her heart. She remembered that the first time she came here was when she had just entered the palace. That night, Ruan Lingzheng robbed her from the room and took her to Tianze Palace to accompany him. He ate and deliberately tricked her down. That night, she slept on the dragon couch. One sentence: I like you. You are the first person to enter the Tianze Palace. And her identity has changed dramatically.

Only after entering the imperial study, Mo Ziyao's eyes fell on the back of the mantle lying on the edge of the desk, frowning and constantly writing and painting. Seeing that he didn't seem to find his arrival, Mo Ziyao took a light step and wanted to wait by the table and chair beside him first.

As soon as she was about to sit down, she heard Ruan Lingzheng suddenly say, "Yaoer, why are you here?" The tone is full of surprise and joy.

Mo Ziyao smiled, put the food box on the table, brought out the chicken soup inside, and said, "I haven't seen the emperor for many days. I heard that the north has been seriously affected recently, and I know that the emperor will definitely be sad about these things. My concubine, a woman, doesn't know the big things in the court and can't help, so she can only make some soup to nourish the emperor's body.

"Haha!" Ruan Lingzheng smiled happily, put down the wolf pen in his hand, got up and came over, and joked, "I never knew that my noble concubine Yao still had such a virtuous side!"

Mo Ziyao stared at him with an angry smile, lowered her head and blew the soup in the bowl, "Are the concubines not virtuous enough in the eyes of the emperor before?" As he spoke, he handed the spoon to his lips.

Ruan Lingzheng looked at Mo Ziyao, but did not say anything more. He just lowered his head and drank the soup in the spoon. But when he suddenly frowned and swallowed, he said, "Wow! It tastes terrible."

"Hmm?" How can it taste bad? I tasted it when I came here. It's not bad! Mo Ziyao looked at the soup in the bowl and looked at him, a little disbelief.

"It really tastes terrible!" Ruan Lingzheng frowned and said painfully, "If you don't believe it, drink it yourself."

Mo Ziyao took a sip of confidence and found that the soup was no different from when she came. Only then did she know that Ruan Lingzheng deliberately said so. At present, she was really angry and said angrily, "Well, I will stay by the pot to make soup for you before dawn. Unexpectedly, I regard it as a donkey's liver and lungs. Humph, if the emperor feels bad, don't drink it. I just drink it myself." After saying that, he raised his neck and drank half a bowl.

"Hey, you..." Ruan Lingzheng originally thought Mo Ziyao was joking with him, but she didn't expect that she really made the soup herself. Fortunately, there was a timely interception, and there was still half a bowl left.

Ruan Lingzheng stared at her and said unhappily, "You drank my soup, and I'm angry."

"Your Majesty..." Mo Ziyao looked at the man in front of her who was full of beard but still had a bad temperament.

Mo Ziyao blinked and said with a bitter face, "I've drunk it. What can I do? Why don't I give you a new one?"

"No, just this bowl." After saying that, Ruan Lingzheng ignored Mo Ziyao's stunned appearance. He got up and ran over, sat on her lap, and leaned his head on her Feng-man, rubbed his head to find a comfortable position, closed his eyes, and his big hand began to swim behind her irregularly, humming: "Come on, come on, feed me."

Mo Ziyao was completely stunned by Ruan Lingzheng's performance. After a while, she reacted, and her face turned red to her ears. Her first reaction was to quickly see if there was anyone else here. If such an embembembled look is seen, it will be ruined...