The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 209 Celestial Documents

The imperial study was extremely quiet, and Eunuch Jin respectfully lay on the ground and dared not come out. The wound on his forehead had been bandaged in the imperial medical room, and it seemed to be fine.

It's already a cold winter, but there is fine sweat on his forehead. He lowered his head and didn't dare to look up at Ruan Lingzheng's face at all.

"Say it, what's the matter?"

"Oh." Eunuch Jin answered, took out a long box with exquisite patterns from his sleeves as if he had just woken up from a dream, took it in his hand and said, "This is the negotiation document sent by the embassy to the palace with a quick whip. It is a negotiation document sent by the messenger of the heavenly dynasty. Please have a look."

"Heaven?" Ruan Lingzheng frowned and thought for a moment, and suddenly his face changed greatly, "Come up!"

Grandpa Jin got up from the ground, quickly took out the document from the box, spread it out and put it on the table in front of Ruan Lingzheng.

As Ruan Lingzheng's eyes kept moving down, his face became more and more ugly.

Finally, he patted the table angrily and swept the document to the ground. He said angrily, "How can this be? The Celestial Empire is too bullied! Do you want me to submit unconditionally?! Dream!"

Eoujin was so scared that he shrank his neck repeatedly and hesitated, "Your Majesty, the messenger of the heavenly dynasty sent a message to let the emperor reply before the New Year."

Speaking of this, he looked up at Ruan Lingzheng and then said, "The messenger also said that there was still the imperial edict of His Majesty the Celestial Empire behind it. As for whether the imperial edict is announced or not, it depends on how the emperor responds."

What a proud person Ruan Lingzheng is. The emperor of a country has been forced to this point. How can he not be angry?

His chest heaved violently, and it took him half a sound to gradually calm down. He asked Euke Jin, "Where is the messenger?"

"Currently waiting in the post embassy in the imperial city."

Ruan Lingzheng's eyebrows were locked and his face was very solemn. "Xuan, the ministers immediately went to the palace to discuss."

"Yes." Grandpa Jin picked up the documents on the ground, put them away, and quickly retreated.

Ruan Lingzheng walked back and forth in the room with his hands in his hands, feeling depressed. The disaster in the north has just eased, and the people have not been fully appeased, but the documents of the Celestial Empire have been issued at this time.

He looked at the document on the table, and every request made on it was so aggressive that he felt extremely angry, but at the bottom of the document, the bright red dazzling seal made him breathless. But the four big words 'the seal of the emperor' made him feel deeply powerless.

What is the Son of Heaven? The son of heaven is the original son of heaven. Heaven is a personified nature and is considered to be the highest master of the world. Everything in the world is the offspring of heaven and earth. Heaven is the father, known as the "imperial heaven", the earth is the mother, and the "after earth". And mortals are all sons of heaven. Only those who obey God's destiny are the real son of heaven.

Although Ruan Lingzheng is the emperor of Ruan Nanguo, Ruan Nanguo has only a history of more than 300 years. Compared with the Northern Song Dynasty, which has a glorious history of nearly 4,000 years, these small countries can only be regarded as barbarians.

Perhaps, some large countries have been able to compete with the Celestial Empire after years of cultivation and recuperation, but Ruan Lingzheng knows that his country is like a weak dragonfly in the eyes of the huge kingdom. As long as the other party sticks out a small finger, it can make him and his country disappear.

If you want to fight against heaven, it's like a dragonfly shaking a tree - unself-eving.

But if you want him to obey unconditionally and turn his country into a section of heaven, unless you kill him!

How can you give away your own country? This is impossible!

But what can I do if I don't do this? If there is a war, those innocent people must suffer. How can he bear it?

Ruan Lingzheng has never been as restless as he is now. The sense of powerlessness that the country can't protect his people makes him very aggrieved and painful that he can't die.

had discussions with the ministers all night, and finally Ruan Lingzheng decided to adopt the circuitous policy mentioned by the ministers: he first announced that the envoys of the heavenly dynasty entered the palace, agreed to become a subordinate country of the heavenly dynasty, and paid a high amount of goods and money to the heavenly dynasty every year in exchange for the temporary tranquility of Ruan Nanguo.

Although this has some meaning of being soft to the Celestial Empire, even if it is unwilling, everyone understands that only in this way can the Celestial Empire temporarily lose its attention to Ruan Nanguo and win some valuable time for the country to cultivate and recuperate.

During this period, they can unite with countries that are also oppressed by the Celestial Empire. In the situation, if the Celestial Empire wants to disadvantage them, it should also consider the power of many small countries and dare not easily invade.

Otherwise, if the messenger asked someone to bring it back, the meaning is obvious: if you Ruan Nanguo dare not comply with these requirements, then you should be angry with the emperor of the Celestial Empire and raise your troops to attack!

What can Ruan Nanguo do in the face of such a strong and tough heaven? I had to temporarily give in to the ** power of the heavenly dynasty.

But Ruan Lingzheng knows that even if he gives in temporarily and unites with many small countries, it is not a long-term solution. The Celestial Empire is like a wolf that will never be fed enough. It can't be satisfied with the worship of some property. His ultimate goal is just the expansion of the Celestial Empire.

Subsidiary country? It's just an excuse for the greedy dynasty to annex Ruan Nanguo.