The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 222 Unopenable Hatred

Ruan Lingzheng frowned and said, "Why did you disturb the Empress Dowager?" While talking, his eyes swept to Grandpa Jin in the pile of imperial doctors, and his eyes were full of displeasure.

Gunuch Jin shuddered and quickly knelt down and said, "I happened to meet Lu'er on the way to the imperial hospital, so..."

"What?" Ruan Lingzheng looked at Luer, looked anxious and asked, "What's the matter? Is the Empress Dowager sick?"

Luer hesitated and replied honestly after a while, "Today, during the banquet, the Empress Dowager was frightened, and there was some wind on the way back to Tairen Palace. After going back, she had another headache."

Ruan Lingzheng rubbed his temple and said to her, "I'm fine here. Let the Empress Dowager not worry. Take a few imperial doctors to Tairen Palace as soon as possible. When the matter here is dealt with, I will visit her immediately!"


"If the Empress Dowager has another good or wrong, I will only ask you!" Lu'er wanted to say something else, but Ruan Lingzheng gagged her with one sentence.

Hearing the words, Lu'er's tense look relaxed slightly and nodded hurriedly, "Yes." The salute left.

Such a big thing happened. Although Mo Ziyao was in Yuyao Palace, she soon learned the news. At that time, she was shocked and regretful. Originally, it was a good intention, but she didn't expect that Ruan Lingzheng would almost be robbed.

Although I don't know why Su Ti wanted to assassinate the emperor, I felt more and more guilty when I thought that I pushed Ruan Lingzheng to her side.

"I don't know what the emperor is like now?" Mo Ziyao walked unconsciously in the hall and muttered.

Although it was midnight, the whole room was still awake, and everyone's face was worried.

Yunlan knew Mo Ziyao's worries and that she was not suitable to go to Lingming Palace at this moment, so she made her own decision: "Mother, don't let me go there. You are also very tired tonight. Rest early..."

"No... I'm worried. Even if the emperor blames me, I will go there in person and prepare a sedan chair."

Yunlan understood Mo Ziyao's personality, sighed, and only said, "Then the maidservant will go with you." After saying that, he went down and asked people to prepare a sedan chair.

Along the way, both of them were very depressed. Just now, they met Lu'er. From Lu'er's mouth, they learned the general situation. After learning that Ruan Lingzheng was fine, their suspense finally fell a little, but Suti's master and servant were on the verge of life.

"Madam, since the emperor is fine, why don't we go back?"

Yunlan's delicate mind has always been conceived for the overall situation. Since Yu Zhaoyi's master and servant's life has been fixed, it's better not to go to this muddy water, otherwise one can't do it well, not only can't save people, but even they will be angry.

Mo Ziyao was silent for a while and said, "Sister Lan, I know you are doing it for my own good, but this happened because of me. I hurt Sister Su, so I can't sit idly by. If the emperor wants to punish, no one can stop him. Besides, if I don't go tonight, will the emperor forget this tomorrow and not ask me the blame?"

Yunlan didn't say anything and sighed to speed up the pace of the sedan chairmen.

There have been too many things that have happened in the past few days. One after another, Mo Ziyao felt unprecedented irritability and uneasiness, and countless moods surged in her heart, making her feel a little unable to breathe.

Apart from the death of Yi Zhaorong, it was very surprising that Mrs. Yun's impulsiveness made her feel difficult to fight.

And Yuzhi, the maidservant beside her, also looked at her abnormally these days, just thinking about giving her a chance, hoping that she would find her by herself, so she didn't talk to her.

Too many uncertainties make it difficult for people to calm down.

While Mo Ziyao was restless, the sedan chair had arrived at the Lingming Palace. Standing outside the hall, he could see the brightly lit hall, which was full of people, but it was extremely quiet. Ruan Lingzheng sat on the big chair in the hall with gloomy eyes. The atmosphere in the whole hall is a little dull.

"Here you are." Ruan Lingzheng looked at the master and servant Mo Ziyao who came in and said lightly.

Mo Ziyao naturally felt a trace of anger from his tone, but she also pretended not to know and went straight to him and saluted, "I was worried about the emperor's safety and came over."

"You're not worried about me, are you worried about your little sister?" He broke it with one word.

Mo Ziyao smiled and said to herself, "Fortunately, I just met Lu'er on the way here. When I learned that the emperor was fine, my concubine felt a little relieved."

Then he looked up and looked at him gently: "No one is as important as the emperor's safety."

She made a timely statement, which made Ruan Lingzheng angry and couldn't let it out. There was nothing he could do about her. Ruan Lingzheng stretched out his hand and tried to pull her to sit down.

At this time, Mo Ziyao inadvertently saw that Ruan Lingzheng's palm was bright red, and there was undried blood flowing, which was shocking. She grabbed the big hand carefully and shouted sadly, "Your Majesty, your hand is injured!"

After hearing this, the royal doctors quickly ran forward and pretended to bandage him. Ruan Lingzheng waved his hand and said, "It's just a small injury." By the way, his eyes turned to Mo Ziyao. It seems to be saying: It's all because of you that my hand was injured.

Mo Ziyao put down his hand and walked to a royal doctor and said, "Dr. Zhong is tired of helping me prepare some golden sores." Then he took a look at the others: "You all go down."

Dr. Zhong said repeatedly that he found the golden sore medicine and gauze from the medicine box, handed it to Yunlan beside him, and then retreated respectfully. Yunlan hurriedly asked someone to clean up and handed it to Mo Ziyao.

Mo Ziyao twirled the towel, carefully washed his wound, sprinkled powder, and wrapped it finely. Ruan Lingzheng silently watched her do all this, and said for a long time, "Go and see her."

Her knotted hand trembled, and her heart was very uncomfortable. Although Luer has already heard about Suti's situation, she still can't help but be sad.

She remembered some past events and still remember the laughter scene of the two playing chess together when they first entered the palace, as if they were still yesterday. Suti always spoke gently and had no quarrel with the world. Even if he was framed, he still faced it with a smile. When she saw that Yi Zhaorong wanted to humiliate herself, she stood up. Don't hesitate to offend others, but also relieve yourself.

Will such a good woman disappear so gloomy? Although she has done something unforgivable, it is too ruthless for God to punish her like this.

The door of the inner room was closed, and Mo Ziyao pushed the door and entered. What she saw was broken objects on the ground, which was full of imagin. On the edge of the orange fragrant couch, Mengxi lay on his side, motionless, and the man on the bed only took this slight breath.

Suti's face was bloodless pale, with bean-sized sweat rolling down on his forehead, and his whole body trembling slightly, as if he was suffering some kind of pain. She was covered with a thin quilt, but there were spots of blood on it.

Mo Ziyao saw this scene, her eyes were sour, and the scenery in front of her was a little blurred. She stepped forward, sat on the edge of the couch, pulled up Suti's cold soft pancreas in her hand, looked at her and whispered, "Sister Su, why are you so stupid?"

Su Ti's eyelashes trembled slightly and slowly opened his eyes to Mo Ziyao, his eyes were full of apology. His lips squirmed and said three words gently: "I'm sorry..."

Mo Ziyao sighed, "You don't have to say sorry to me. If it weren't for me, maybe you wouldn't have made it like this."

"Is there an indisable hatred between you and the emperor that makes you assassinate him at all costs?" Mo Ziyao lowered her tone and asked.

When she said this, she was still angry. Suti assassinated Ruan Lingzheng, and she was very angry.

It was for her sake that Ruan Lingzheng was pushed in front of her, hoping that she would get the favor of the emperor, so that her life in the harem would not be too sad in the future. But what did she do?

Sister, is that how she came to repay? Mo Ziyao thought about it and felt very uneasy, but when Su Ti's end was miserable enough, she did not vent her feelings in front of her. Even, for fear that she would notice.

Suti picked up the corners of his lips with difficulty and smiled, but tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes. He said, "Sister Jinger, I'd like to ask you something."

"You said."

"Help take care of my parents."

Mo Ziyao closed her eyes and said for a while, "Okay. But... have you ever thought that the emperor would not blame them? You should have thought about this when you assassinated the emperor.

Suti seemed to be stimulated by Mo Ziyao's words. She, who was originally calm, suddenly gasped violently and suddenly became excited. He roared with all his strength, "On the day when Brother Chenghao's family was killed, I swore that I would kill him in this life!"

Mo Ziyao frowned and said sadly after learning the reason, "Are you going to assassinate the emperor recklessly in order to revenge? Sister Su, have you ever thought about your parents who were over half 100 years old? They are your only daughter. You not only make them suffer the pain of losing their daughters in their old age, but may also implicate them in their crimes. You should know that the crime of assassination is to kill the nine clans.

"Woo..." Mo Ziyao's words touched the fragile heartstrings in Suti's heart, and she finally couldn't help sobbing and sobbing.

"Alas!" Mo Ziyao sighed heavily, "If you believe me, tell me the whole thing."

At Mo Ziyao's thought, she believed in Ruan Lingzheng's affairs. I'm afraid there is some injustice that Su Ti's hatred, who can make things clear and careless, is so deep.

Su Ti stabilized his mood and recalled the painful past. He slowly opened his mind and began to talk to Mo Ziyao.


It turned out that Suti's unmarried father and her father were officials in the same dynasty. In their early years, they were good friends. Although Suti's father was a scholar and his official title was not high, he was upright and indifferent to fame and fortune, and he was deeply valued by Ruan Lingzheng. He is in some important court discussions.

And Ding Chenghao's father's official position is not too high. He is just a small assassin, in charge of tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, subordinate to the seat of General Liu and stationed in northern Xinjiang. He is also upright. In his early years, Ruan Lingzheng also valued him very much. It's just that something happened in his third year of power, which made Ding Shishi immortal.

Originally, the emperor valued him, so he handed over the preface to him. The city also made many achievements in the years he was in charge. Until that year, some people in the court angrily participated in his assassination and embezzled military staff, so that in the winter, tens of thousands of soldiers had no cotton clothes to keep warm, no hot food to eat, and froze to death and countless frostbite. Finally, some people couldn't stand it and abandoned their armor and ran away on a dark night. It was on that day that Tusala took this opportunity to break through the preface city and occupied the interior.

Upon learning the news at that time, Ruan Lingzheng was furious and immediately sent someone to investigate. As a result, the hidden military salary was also found, and the evidence was conclusive!

Everything is in front of you. What else is there to say?

After Ruan Lingzheng learned of the result, he was furious and had such officials, who not only embezzled military pay, but also defended the city unfavorably. He drew up a sacred edict: Ding Yishan, as a court official, has the great responsibility of guarding the border, but does not abide by the legal system, smiled military and paid, and committed a death penalty! The defense of the city is unfavorable, allowing the enemy to take advantage of it, break through the preface, and the local people suffer. You can't forgive your death! Several crimes and punishment, raid the house and destroy the nine clans!