The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 254 Exploration

"Madam, it's almost noon." As soon as he came out, Wanqiu came over quickly and opened his mouth to remind him.

Mo Ziyao moved slightly at the corners of her mouth and finally said nothing more. She only said to the two maidservant, "Let's go back."

"Yes." Late autumn came forward to hold Mo Ziyao's hand, and Yuzhi had already walked over and opened the door.

The three went out and walked another way, and saw several palace people coming. As soon as Mo Ziyao looked at her costume, she knew that she was the father-in-law of execution.

They saw Mo Ziyao coming and hurriedly saluted her.

Mo Ziyao looked sideways and saw that there were only three feet of white silk on the plate on a father-in-law's hand. She was shocked and casually asked, "How can this one thing be?"

The father-in-law hurriedly said, "If you go back to Yao's noble concubine's words, the empress dowager's birthday has fallen, and it is not appropriate to see blood in the palace. Therefore, the empress dowager said to remove the wine and dagger."

So, the Empress Dowager should be more careful when she believes in Buddhism.

The father-in-law looked at Mo Ziyao carefully again and bowed his head and said, "Your concubine, the slaves are still waiting to reply."

Mo Ziyao turned around and nodded, "Fature, take your time."

Hearing this, he greeted the palace people behind him and walked to Meng Xiuyuan's bedroom.

"Mother..." Yuzhi called in a low voice.

Mo Ziyao smiled and walked out with Wanqiu's hand. When I was about to walk to the gate of the palace, I suddenly remembered something and suddenly stopped my footsteps.

"Mother?" Wanqiu looked at her in surprise.

Mo Ziyao took out the sachet on her body, and Meng Xiuyuan asked her to give it to Ruan Lingzheng. Looking closely again, it's really beautiful. With a sneer, he threw it into the flowers beside him. Why did he help her? Let Ruan Lingzheng think about her goodness before her death?

She Mo Ziyao is not so stupid. As long as she has a self in Ruan Lingzheng's heart, it's enough. Why do you want to add another Meng Xiuyuan? Although Meng Xiuyuan is far less important than herself in his heart, there is no need to do the thing of painting snakes and feet.

The two maidservant watched Mo Ziyao throw out the sachet and both came to speak, and even their faces did not change at all. Without any hesitation, he quickly walked out of Huayi Palace.

Outside, Chu Qingtian saw Mo Ziyao coming out, stepped forward quickly, looked at her carefully, and made sure that she was safe and sound before he was relieved.

When he came to his side, Mo Ziyao whispered, "I think the father-in-law inside will come out soon, and the task of the guard of Chu should be completed. If you have nothing to do, go back and talk to the emperor."

Chu Qingtian looked at Mo Ziyao and seemed to want to say something. He moved his lips, but only said, "Yes, I respectfully send Yao's imperial concubine."

Sitting on the sedan chair, Mo Ziyao took out the note that Meng Xiuyuan gave herself from her arms and opened it. She saw a simple sentence written on it: On the eighth day of April, beware of the bandits coming. The bottom payment: Jie'er.

Put it away again and hide it in the sleeve. As Meng Xiuyuan said, she desperately wanted to see herself, just to save her father's life. She said that the Empress Dowager refused to let go of the Xing family.

Mo Ziyao thought: I don't know whether the imperial edict of the transfer is the meaning of the Empress Dowager or Ruan Lingzheng.

However, no matter what they mean, she is very clear that she is afraid that it was Princess Hui who blamed her precious daughter. Liu Yanfei now wants to kill him again, which must make him hate the Liu family.

What's more, that day, when he and Liu Yanfei went to the imperial study to see Ruan Lingzheng, Liu Yanfei's sister had such an incident. In front of him, he must have no mercy.

At this point, it can be said that it is all thanks to the Liu family. Therefore, Xingni will never let go of the Liu family.

It is reported that Xing hide still controls an impressive army in his hands. And those people are the generals who have followed him to the birth and death. Although he has now been demoted from his official position and his military power has been cut off, as long as he wants to, he can still easily reunite his former followers for his use.

It would be great if he could find a way to make the Liu family lose soldiers and soldiers on that day. If not, the Empress Dowager and the emperor will not lose anything. Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with them.

If he gave this note to Xing Ning, he would naturally know that this was Meng Xiuyuan's last last words. It's hard to guarantee that he would not hesitate and think of the empress dowager and the emperor's plan.

Mo Ziyao took a deep breath. Yesterday, when she was in Tairen Palace, she promised the Empress Dowager that she would not have different intentions with Ruan Lingzheng. So, how can we hand over this note now?

Meng Xiuyuan bet on her father's life, while the Empress Dowager bet on the country of the Ruan family! Ruan Lingzheng is Mo Ziyao's husband. What about her? Can you still choose a father who was given to death?

The answer is naturally no.

Slightly clenching her sleeves, Mo Ziyao remembered that Meng Xiuyuan looked at her eyes in Huayi Palace just now. She gently opened her eyes and wanted to help her, but she couldn't bet on Ruan Lingzheng's country. If Liu Yanfei can break his wings this time, it will naturally be the best.

Mo Ziyao shook her head gently, so she didn't have to think about it anymore. Then, I thought of Concubine Yunxian. According to Meng Xiuyuan's meaning, in fact, she should have had a miscarriage a long time ago. The child in her belly had problems very early.

Three months, that is to say, the child in her womb can live more than ten days. At that time, it was difficult for her to hide it, but she had to hide the fact that the child was gone.

Or, at an important moment, find an opportunity to blame others so that you can get out. If so, then her first choice is...


Thinking about it, Mo Ziyao couldn't help but be shocked. I didn't want to cause trouble, but these things always seem to stick to her.

It used to be Qinger's child, and then Hui Guifei's child. Now even Yunxianfei's child is afraid that he will be stuck with himself.

However, fortunately, her child will not have an accident recently. After all, everyone has just learned that she is pregnant with an imperial family. When the warehouse is busy, she can't make all the arrangements properly. If the child is gone at this jux, her Concubine Yunxian will inevitably become a sinner of the Ruan family.

What a smart person she is. Naturally, she will not allow such a thing to happen. But if she hides it, it will be a matter for nine clans! If so, it makes sense for Concubine Yunxian to destroy Lin Li's mouth.

But Mo Ziyao has one thing that she can't figure out. Now Dr. Xu, who gave Yunxianfei a fetus, is a student of Zhong Zhenliang. According to reason, if she found that Yunxianfei was wrong, she would definitely tell Dr. Zhong.

You should know that it is absolutely not a good thing to hide Mrs. Yun's fetal abnormality. If one day he is exposed, he, Dr. Xu, will inevitably bear the brunt, and the result will only be more miserable than Lin Li.

He witnessed Lin Li's end with his own eyes, and it is impossible to make the same mistake. Unless there is an unknown relationship with Yunxianfei. But this is unreasonable. You know, how could Dr. Xu have something to do with Yunxianfei not long after he entered the imperial hospital?

Intuition told Mo Ziyao that there was no problem with Dr. Xu. From the last contact question, she can be sure that he has no problem. Because if there is really something wrong with Yunxian's fetus, it is impossible to hide it.

Is Meng Xiuyuan lying to people? Oh, Mo Ziyao then laughed at herself and said, "She's going to die, and she took a lot of effort to ask me to go just to lie that there is something wrong with my concubine Yunxian's fetus? It makes sense to say that she wants me to investigate, but she said that she would throw this hot potato to the noble concubine Hui. So, no matter what the result is, it has nothing to do with me. Even if Meng Xiuyuan lied to me, there was no reason to cheat me. All this made Mo Ziyao more and more confused.

It's just one thing, but it made her affirm it. Looking at this deep palace, there are so many concubines, but none of them are simple. Speaking of Meng Xiuyuan alone, looking at her is so simple and harmless. He is naive and virtuous, but his intentions are unfathomable. How many dark surges are hidden in this seemingly calm deep palace? Mo Ziyao feels a little palpitated.

If I hadn't had Yunlan's advice and Ruan Lingzheng's rich protection, I'm afraid I wouldn't even know how I died.

Mo Ziyao suddenly opened her eyes and blurted out, "Stop the sedan chair."

The sedan stopped, and Yuzhi brushed the curtain and asked, "What's wrong with the Empress?"

Mo Ziyao got up and got off the sedan chair and only said, "I feel very irritable, so I still come down and walk. You let them go back." After saying that, he helped Wanqiu's hand out.

Yuzhi answered and sent the sedan chair behind him back. Wanqiu walked a few steps with Mo Ziyao and asked in a low voice, "What's bothering you? Why don't you say it and listen to it?"

There are too many things at once. I really want to say it, but I don't know where to start.

Yuzhi trotted up and followed Mo Ziyao's side. She took a look, but didn't say anything.

After walking for a while, I unconsciously walked into the imperial garden. When crossing the sheep intestine path, I saw two maidservants on one side of the corridor.

But after a look, Mo Ziyao felt that the two maidservant were very familiar. The heart moves slightly, isn't it the maidservant in Hui's palace? I couldn't help but take another look, but I didn't see Zi'er.

So he took a slight breath, and it was good that Zi'er was not there. Just because she is not a noble concubine Hui, it is inevitable to reveal her words to the Empress Dowager.

Mo Ziyao hasn't forgotten that she also took the poison given by the Empress Dowager, and she doesn't want to die now.

I glanced at Wanqiu beside me and said to myself: I'm sorry, Wanqiu, I want to do you again.

No matter whether Meng Xiuyuan lied to her or not, she had to throw out this hot potato.

As she walked, Mo Ziyao suddenly stopped, raised her hand and slapped Wanqiu fiercely. She probably raised the volume and said, "Be presumptuous! Didn't I say that the matter in Huayi Palace just now should not be mentioned again? Meng Xiuyuan was about to die. She said that she almost miscarried Yunxianfei. Did she really miscarry? If you two dare to mention this again in the future, I will never forgive you!"

Wanqiu was stunned and as smart as her. She immediately thought of Mo Ziyao's intention, quickly knelt down and cried, "Mother, forgive me! I was quick to speak for a while, and I knew I was wrong!"

Yuzhi also knelt down cleverly and said, "Please forgive her. I was just in Huayi Palace. The maidservants didn't hear anything, and the maidservants didn't know anything!"

Mo Ziyao snorted coldly, "Just remember!" After saying that, he didn't look at them. He shook his sleeves and turned straight forward.

The late autumn and Yuzhi on the ground hesitated and finally thanked them. They got up and chased after them.