The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 264 Xuanwang

Mo Ziyao was stunned, and Wanqiu continued: "King Pingren called the doctor, and Lu'er took the opportunity to invite the prince. When King Pingren came to investigate the injury of the maidservant, the maidservant said that the maidservant bumped into his maidservant yesterday, but he didn't expect that today, the prince would return the maidservant's color.

Looking at the maid in front of her, she can really speak in late autumn.

"When King Pingren heard what the maidservant said, he couldn't help laughing and said that if that's the case, it seems that you are not seriously injured."

Mo Ziyao blurted out, "Then what?"

Wanqiu looked at Mo Ziyao and said with a smile, "When I went out, King Pingren asked the name of the maidservant."

The hanging heart slowly put down, and Mo Ziyao took a breath and said, "Very good, late autumn, you did a good job."

King Pingren is willing to ask her name, which means that he still hopes to remember her. Well, it depends on the next few days.

He said to her, "Thank you for your hard work. Go back and have a rest."

"Yes." Wanqiu answered, and when he turned around and went out, he suddenly turned around and said, "Mother, King Pingren also said that I am worthy of being your maidservant."

Mo Ziyao was stunned for a moment, but saw that late autumn had already pushed the door open and went out. She stood in the room for a while, then smiled and turned to bed to sleep.

Finally, it was the morning of April 8th.

Mo Ziyao got up and heard Yuzhi say that the Empress Dowager said that there was no need to go there today. After having breakfast in the palace, I heard that Ruan Lingzheng took Hui out of the palace and was said to welcome the people of Tusala, who were about to go to the imperial city.

According to the arrangement, when the people of Tusala arrive, the people will go directly to Fu Shiyuan for an archery competition to cheer up the Empress Dowager. After that, they will have lunch there and wait for the guests who will not arrive until the evening due to the long distance. The banquet in the evening is the main banquet, which will be transferred back to the palace. At that time, a banquet will be held, and the concubines in the harem will also be seated.

After the news spread, many women in the harem envied Hui's noble concubine, but Mo Ziyao was not disappointed. She just wondered if the people from Tusala would be Gu Moli.

It's just these, it doesn't seem to be what you should think about.

He drank tea leisurely in the courtyard and asked late autumn, "Does the wound still hurt?"

She shook her head and smiled and said, "My maidservant said it was a minor injury. Why do you still remember?"

Mo Ziyao smiled. How could she not remember? She was in danger. I just hope that King Pingren can really remember her.

If the fact that the late autumn will return to the fief with King Pingren cannot be changed, then Mo Ziyao hopes that King Pingren can really fall in love with this smart and lovely girl. She sincerely hopes that late autumn can be happy, so at least she can make up for her guilt about her.

At noon, Ruan Lingzheng did not return to the palace. Naturally, there is Hui Guifei who stayed with him in Fushiyuan. Mo Ziyao suddenly remembered Xingni, who was far away in northern Xinjiang. Today, he and the Liu family must have a battle to fight, but they don't know when he will choose to fight.

It was almost lunch time, but I heard that Hui Guifei suddenly felt uncomfortable. After the archery competition with Ruan Lingzheng, she went back to Lingyi Palace to rest without even having lunch. The back followed, and the Empress Dowager.

Mo Ziyao was really surprised. How could she suddenly feel uncomfortable? After dinner, he heard Ji Nian outside say that the Empress Dowager came back and sent someone to ask her to go there.

Mo Ziyao hurriedly got up and went to the Tairen Palace. Luer still led her to the door of the Empress Dowager's bedroom and no longer walked forward.

In, the Empress Dowager only sat at the table and waited. Mo Ziyao hurriedly saluted and listened to the Empress Dowager say, "Princes Hui is sick. Later, you will accompany the emperor to meet King Xuan of Tusala and return to the palace with them."

Mo Ziyao was shocked and looked at the Empress Dowager's calm look. At this moment, she knew that the illness of the Empress Dowager was the Empress Dowager's hands and feet. And King Xuan must be the adopted son of King Tusala. Unexpectedly, Tusala's people are so arrogant that it's afternoon, and Tusala's people haven't arrived yet.

For good, the banquet is held in the evening. As long as you come before the banquet, it is not a courtesy.

And the hunting at noon must be that there are no other females except the empress dowager and the noble concubine Hui. Otherwise, how could she rest assured to go back alone first?

The Empress Dowager glanced down on Mo Ziyao and said with a smile, "What's the result of looking at the mourning family like this? You remember, you can't let the emperor be alone with the princess at night!" The Empress Dowager's words vaguely strengthened her tone. It turned out that this was what she was worried about.

Mo Ziyao came forward and whispered, "Empress dowager, since the emperor has promised to marry the princess of Taitan to King Pingren, are you still worried?"

The corners of the Empress Dowager's mouth moved slightly and said, "As long as they don't return to the fief for a day, they can't take it lightly. Yao Guifei, you should know the thoughts of the family.

"Yes, I understand." Mo Ziyao bowed her head and answered. Naturally, she knew that the Empress Dowager was extremely cautious. She did everything without making a mistake.

As the two were talking, they heard a humane outside: "The emperor is here!"

Mo Ziyao was shocked. Isn't he still accompanying the emperors of various countries in Fuxiyuan? Why did he suddenly return?

The Empress Dowager also looked up at the door. After a while, he saw Ruan Lingzheng enter the door and saw that Mo Ziyao was also there. He was obviously slightly shocked, but turned to the empress dowager and said, "My minister, please say good to the empress dowager."

"I want to see the emperor." Mo Ziyao blessed him.

The Empress Dowager laughed and said, "The guests in Fuxiyuan are still there. Why does the emperor still have time to return to the palace to mourn his family?"

Ruan Lingzheng sat forward, but looked at Mo Ziyao and said, "Why is Yao noble concubine also here?" His eyebrows frowned slightly, with inquisitive eyes.

Mo Ziyao suddenly remembered that he said that he knew that the Empress Dowager didn't like her. Now it's natural to feel strange to see yourself suddenly in Tairen Palace.

When she wanted to speak, she listened to the Empress Dowager say, "Oh, that's it. Isn't the noble concubine Hui sick? Yunxian's body is inconvenient, and at present, only Yao's noble concubine is suitable to meet King Xuan with the emperor. The mourning family asked someone to come to her and tell her what to pay attention to, so as not to make a joke at that time.

Ruan Lingzheng was stunned and then turned back: "I'm also here for this matter. Unexpectedly, my mother is still thoughtful." Then he smiled faintly at Mo Ziyao.

The Empress Dowager nodded her head and said, "The emperor has been tired these days, so he naturally has to help the emperor share more. In the future, you will be canonized as the queen. You don't have to worry about these things.

Mo Ziyao couldn't help looking at Ruan Lingzheng. In her heart, the king of Xuan was Gu Moli. Didn't he hate the intersection with Gu Moli the most? Why did you come back to pick him up this time?

But Ruan Lingzheng's expression was still faint, and Mo Ziyao couldn't see anything.

The Empress Dowager said, "If you have nothing to do, you can leave and go to visit the noble concubine Hui."

Ruan Lingzheng got up and said, "Yes, my son will go first." He looked at Mo Ziyao again and said, "Come with me."

Mo Ziyao hurriedly saluted the empress dowager and said, "That concubine left first."

After saying that, she turned around and saw that Ruan Lingzheng had turned out. The Empress Dowager made a wink. Mo Ziyao was surprised and hurriedly chased out.

Ruan Lingzheng walked quickly and said that he wanted Mo Ziyao to go with him, but he didn't wait for her at all. Mo Ziyao sighed and caught up with her skirt. Unexpectedly, he stood up coldly, and she couldn't help bumping into it. Surprised, he raised his eyes: "Your Majesty..."

Ruan Lingzheng turned around, but smiled, took her hand and said, "Suddenly, I really want to see King Xuan immediately." As he spoke, he pulled Mo Ziyao forward.

Mo Ziyao couldn't understand what he meant. After a few steps, she couldn't help saying, "Your Majesty, since Tusala is not the emperor, you can't go to greet him."

Ruan Lingzheng didn't look at her, but said, "Since they took the initiative to show peace, I just want them to see that I am not a person who can only hold back old grievances. For future allies, they must be treated with reason and let them know that Ruan Nanguo has also taken a sincere alliance.

Mo Ziyao's heart was slightly relieved. At first, she was really afraid that Ruan Lingzheng would welcome her because Gu Moli was coming. Having experienced last year's unhappiness, I'm afraid that he wants to embarrass him face to face.

Oh, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, as I have already told the Empress Dowager that Ruan Lingzheng is a wise and rational person. Therefore, he will never be emotional, rational and lose his mind when dealing with problems.

It's just that this time it's King Xuan of Tusara, an enemy who had a grudge against him and was almost endless. How can he deal with it so calmly now?

"What do you think of my decision?" Ruan Lingzheng asked proudly.

Mo Ziyao laughed and said, "Your Majesty!"

But he didn't want to. His face was slightly dark and he scolded, "I hate you to learn from him!"

Mo Ziyao was stunned. After a long time, she remembered who the "he" was in his mouth. He felt funny again and whispered close to him, "Is the emperor jealous?"

Ruan Lingzheng snorted heavily and said, "I can't do it!"

Mo Ziyao smiled, but stopped talking. She found that he was more jealous than anyone else. At first, it was against Gu Moli, but now it is against King Pingren. He was secretly grateful that if he knew that he had called the maidservant to deliberately approach King Pingren, he would suffer again.

He stuck out his tongue and quietly looked at him. Seeing that he only looked ahead, the anger on his face slowly dissipated. Then he took a slight breath and asked, "Your Majesty, is it appropriate for you to let Yu Kan and Fang Ni's people stay in Fushiyuan?"

Ruan Lingzheng slanted at Mo Ziyao and opened his lips and said, "What do you want to say?"

Mo Ziyao smiled and said, "My concubine just heard that when there was a civil unrest in the country before, Fumo Di also co-colluded with the rebel party and wanted to occupy the territory of Yutan. You said that when they met this time, were the enemies particularly jealous when they met?

Ruan Lingzheng snorted, "Is there an absolute enemy in the political field? Then do you know that Yutan still joined hands with Wei Ni later?

Mo Ziyao nodded. Naturally, she knew this. It seemed that Yutan later exchanged a county and mud for something. But she doesn't know these things. She's just curious. Will the emperor of Yutan really not hold a grudge? Even when they came yesterday, they arrived together as if they had been better for a long time. On the surface, it is still very harmonious.

He no longer talked about this matter with her. Mo Ziyao thought of going to Fushiyuan later, and the tedious palace clothes were not suitable, so she said, "Your Majesty, I will go back and change into light clothes."

Ruan Lingzheng tapped his head, and Mo Ziyao left with the help of late autumn.