The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 290 Monkeys

Ruan Lingheng looked at her and said in a hoarse voice, "Come here."

Mo Ziyao was stunned, but another muffled thunder at this time. She exclaimed and didn't care about anything at this moment, just rushed at him.

He reached out and hugged her and felt that the person in his arms were hiding desperately in his arms, and his body was still trembling and trembling all the time. He suddenly laughed lightly.

And Mo Ziyao is both afraid and embarrassed, and can't say a word.

At this moment, it is already a thunderstorm. The two snuggled tightly together, allowing the rain to fall ruthlessly, and their clothes that had dried out not long ago soon became thoroughly wet.

He held her in one hand. Her face was close to his chest, and through the thin clothes, she felt the strange heat on his body more and more. And his voice was still faint, and he said with a smile, "This kind of you makes me feel that you are just a little girl."

Little girl...

Mo Ziyao was stunned for a moment and remembered the scene when she first came over, in order to avoid the claws of her cruel father, she hid behind him crying like a life-saving straw. At that time, she was still young and thought that she had caught him and had a lifelong support.

I don't know what's wrong. She reached out and grabbed his skirt and cried and called him: "Ling Heng..."

Ruan Lingheng seemed to be a little moved. He patted her on the back and said softly, "I'm here. It's okay."

Mo Ziyao nodded, reached out and wiped her tears randomly. She laughed secretly in her heart: Mo Ziyao, you are too useless, but it's just thunder, and it won't hit you. It's a shame to be so afraid of this!

Thinking like this, he bit his lips hard, straightened his body, didn't cry, didn't make noise, stopped talking, and let the rain roll down his cheeks. Strangely, the person in front of him also fell silent.

In the rainstorm, the two hugged each other in a strange posture, and I don't know how long it took until the sound of rain in their ears gradually dissipated. Mo Ziyao took a long breath, and then felt that her whole body was about to fall off, with pain all over her body, and her head was heavy and light feet. She blinked hard, and the raindrops on her eyelashes were squeezed away. She finally leaned on Ruan Lingheng's shoulder and fell asleep.

When she woke up again, she found that it was already the next morning. After a night, although the clothes were not dry, they were almost done. She felt that her head was still drowsy. At this moment, she was still snuggled in Ruan Lingheng's arms. He was still holding herself, but the injured arm fell to his side.

She suddenly felt a little surprised. Why did he move so much, but he didn't even react at all?

"Your Majesty..." She called Ruan Lingheng and found that he still closed his eyes, as if he hadn't heard her words at all.

She was shocked and hurriedly came out of his arms and held his body. He must have fallen asleep!

Oh no!

"Hmm..." He moaned in a low voice and said, "Water..."

Mo Ziyao was stunned for a moment and wanted to drink water? Yes, I've been burning all night. I must be thirsty. He gently helped him lie down and didn't care about his dizziness. He turned around and ran out and ran in the reed field.

It rained heavily last night. The reed leaves outside were full of dew, and the ground was a little slippery. She had to be careful not to slip. When she ran to the river, the clothes that she had hard to dry became wet and stuck to her body again.

It's really uncomfortable, but she can't care so much at this moment. She is looking forward to meeting people by the river to find them. However, no, the river was empty, only the sound of gurgling water, and the sound of wild birds waving their wings when they were startled. No one came.

She observed that there were no other footprints on the ground except a row of footprints she left, and she looked at them unwillingly for a while, but still did not see anyone looking for them. Their hearts sank slightly, and it seemed that they really rushed away, and now they can only rely on themselves. With a sigh, he leaned down and soaked in a handkerchief. When he turned around, he tore off a piece of clothes, hung it on a branch by the river, and then ran back to the reed field quickly.

Back to the dry haystack, Ruan Lingheng was still asleep, and he didn't feel anyone going in and out. Mo Ziyao came forward with a soaked veil and half knelt down, trying to squeeze the water into his mouth drop by drop. However, he did not react at all and did not swallow, and the water flowed out again along his pale lips.

Mo Ziyao called him in shock: "Your Majesty, your prince..." After calling several times, he still did not respond.

How can he not drink water? He still suffers.

Mo Ziyao had no choice. She gritted her teeth, dripped the water into her mouth, then reached out to hold his face, bent down, and put her lips against him.

It was already very close. Just as she was about to touch his thin lips, the faint heat from his nose sprayed on her face, and she felt the scorching heat of the breath. After a pause, I was so nervous that I even held my breath.

She suddenly didn't move, staring at him. This was the first time she looked at him so closely and couldn't help sighing that he did have a perfect face that made women jealous. Sexy thin lips, handsome nose bridge, long eyelashes tremble slightly, but she seems to have seen the bright black eyes underneath...

Mo Ziyao's hands trembled, and her heart was occupied by contradictions and hesitation. Finally, she simply closed her eyes and kissed them in one breath. His lips are not as cold and stiff as imagined. On the contrary, they are very soft and a little hot. The temperature came, which made her a little confused.

carefully put the water into his mouth, and at this moment, Ruan Lingheng seemed to realize something and frowned gently. Mo Ziyao has been observing his expression. Seeing him frown, she was shocked and hurriedly left his thin lips. Seeing his body move slightly, he seemed to be very uncomfortable.

I didn't see him swallow, and I don't know if he drank it. He has a high fever and is thirsty. He lowered his head and saw that there was very little water on the veil. He gritted his teeth, dripped it into his mouth, and then fed him as before.

Unfortunate, he still didn't react much. His eyelids moved, but he didn't open. Seeing this, Mo Ziyao turned around and ran back to the river and fed for water again.

So, he was fed several times, and until once when he was fed, he finally had a reaction. First, his lips moved slightly, passively swallowed Mo Ziyao's water, and then licked desperately as if he had tasted nectar for the first time. With the still wet tip of her tongue, she is eager to get more.

Mo Ziyao trembled with sudden response, hurriedly dodged, and quickly left his lips. Sitting up straight, he reached out and touched his face, and found that he didn't know when his cheeks were also hot.

Looking down at him carefully, I saw that his expression was much calmer than before, so it must be a little better. Then he twisted his handkerchief and carefully put it on his forehead.

He shook his hand, which seemed to be a little better than last night. Mo Ziyao sighed and felt hungry again. He touched his stomach and looked at the man on the ground. He was still asleep and thought that he would not wake up for a while. So, he took the dagger and got up and wanted to find food nearby. If they were lucky, they might find several families, so that they could eat hot cooked food.

Thinking about this, I went out with some joy, but it was a pity that I looked around for a week and was very disappointed and had nothing. There is no food, no one. She was very helpless and walked around the river again, but still didn't see anyone. I became more and more disappointed. Is it really because I was washed too far, or did the person who was looking for me not be so dedicated at all?

Thinking about it, Mo Ziyao suddenly gritted her teeth and doubted anyone, and she couldn't doubt Chu Qingtian!

She returned to the reed helplessly and looked at the swaying reeds. Suddenly, her heart moved slightly, staring at the roots of the reeds, and her eyes were shining brightly. Shouldn't there be new and long reed buds in this season?

She suddenly became excited and immediately squatted down, cut a handful of reed with a dagger, and then picked out the buds inside and put them in her pocket.

When he went back, he was still asleep, so he sat cross-legged, poured out all the reed buds in his pocket, picked up one and put it in his mouth and chewed it. When I first tasted it, the taste was light. After chewing, it was a little sweet and a little sour. It was not very good. But at this time, I don't care whether it is delicious or not, as long as I can fill my stomach first.

If no one comes and you have to save yourself, you need strength first. She ate some randomly and took the rest when she saw him still with his eyes closed. Then he leaned over and called him: "Your Majesty, your Royal Highness..."

Obviously, he frowned slightly, but he still didn't open his eyes. Mo Ziyao was a little disappointed. She put the back of her hand on his forehead, but the fever still did not subside. Sitting beside him in a daze, she didn't know what else she could do at this moment.

I went to call someone alone, but I was worried about leaving him here alone for a long time. The veil on his forehead has been changed several times, but he still doesn't wake up.

At this moment, it is close to noon. It suddenly rained heavily last night, and today's weather is getting better and better. She sighed, but when will he get better?

If you think that if the high fever does not subside, it will easily cause pneumonia and may even turn into tuberculosis, which is really hopeless. Looking straight at the person in front of him, he had a high fever, but gave her a strange feeling. I always feel that he is too quiet, really too quiet.

I don't know how long he sat, and I didn't see him wake up. She suddenly remembered that there was medicine in the porcelain bottle. At this time, it was time for him to take medicine. So he reached out and touched his body, but suddenly he was stunned, "The porcelain bottle is missing!"

She remembered that she was clearly in her arms last night. How could she not be there? I looked around, but I didn't have it. After recalling it carefully, it seems that I won't be there today, which can only be...

Nod, stared at the person in front of him, thought for a moment, reached into his arms, and soon touched a bottle. I took it out. Sure enough, it was the one from yesterday. When I opened the bottle stopper, I found that it was empty!

When she was in her arms yesterday, she clearly heard the sound of pills colliding in it! And it sounds like a lot. What kind of medicine did he take all at once?

Just thinking about it, suddenly heard the people on the ground moan. Mo Ziyao was so scared that she quickly stuffed the porcelain bottle back into his arms. Seeing that his frowning eyebrows slowly unfolded and slowly opened her eyes.