The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 344 Deadly Earrings

At this moment, one person said, "Is the Empress Dowager wrong? Why is she plotting to murder the emperor's heir?" Obviously, it's the murder of the imperial concubine!"

Everyone inquired and saw Xuefei holding the hand of the palace maid in. Her face was still pale and her words were not heavy, but faintly, with a strong smell.

Everyone seemed to suddenly realize that the wooden stake was broken, which only caused the snow concubine to fall from the stage. Indeed, it seems to have nothing to do with Yun Xianfei falling into the water. Just now, everyone was scared. At this moment, when I heard Xue Fei mention it, I seemed to figure it out.

The Empress Dowager said coldly, "The mourning family thought that the snow concubine was expensive and could not come!"

Xuefei said in a low voice: "My concubine also wants to find the person who wants to kill my concubine!"

The Empress Dowager smiled and said, "Is that right? As far as the family knows, on the annihilation platform, except for the wooden stakes on the stage that have been broken, even the guardrail next to the pool has been pulled out a little loose!"

Xuefei's face changed slightly.

Mo Ziyao looked at her, but slowly took care of her thoughts in her heart. Someone did two things at the same time. The actors and the watchers are looking at each other from afar, but standing and watching the play are not likely to come forward to touch those guardrails. At that time, it was Xuefei who exclaimed when she fell into the water. Then, there was a burst of ** in the stands. Yunxianfei moved forward half a step forward, and then the railing she held broke and fell down.

The Empress Dowager is going to completely push this charge to Xuefei. What an obvious fact. Think about it carefully. Will the wise Ruan Lingzheng not know?

However, even as the Empress Dowager said, she is fighting for her life. So how did she break the stake? She can't float, and the empress dowager also said that there is evidence that the one who went to the annihilation platform last night was not a maidservant.

Xuefei cried and looked at Ruan Lingzheng with tears in her eyes: "Your Majesty, don't you believe my concubine?"

Mo Ziyao looked at her coldly. She cried with pear blossoms and rain. It was really pitiful for me.

Before Ruan Lingzheng could speak, the noble concubine Hui suddenly said, "The emperor's view is naturally evidence, isn't it?" She was smart enough to turn the topic to the Empress Dowager again.

The Empress Dowager nodded her head and said to Ruan Lingzheng, "The emperor doesn't have to feel that the family has wronged her. She will not float water and knows it. It's just that she has an accomplice!"

As soon as this word came out, the hearts of the concubines below hung up again. Xuefei had an accomplice, who helped her cut off the stakes in the pool, and she was responsible for collapsing the stage and the lanterns used for lighting around her. In this way, Yunxianfei can quickly approach the railing that had been tamped and feet in the crowd of screaming and chaos. In this way, it can only be explained that Xuefei fought with her life in order to harm Yunxianfei. Although it is a little far-fetched, it is not impossible.

Xuefei's thin body suddenly trembled and looked at the Empress Dowager in surprise.

Mo Ziyao's head suddenly saw a triumphant smile on the corners of Hui's mouth, and faintly felt a little bad. I thought about it, but I saw her suddenly look at herself. She was shocked, but she didn't know what she meant, so she heard the Empress Dowager say, "When the eunuch on patrol last night accidentally saw the departing figure, she found a lost earring at the scene. Originally, I wanted to hide it selfishly, but today, something happened, and the eunuch was not proud to take it out. Come on, bring something up!"

"Yes." The maidservant next to him answered and brought the plate up.

The Empress Dowager continued: "Which of you has dropped the earrings? This earring is something in the palace. As long as you go to the House of Internal Affairs to find out who it is! What, no one will come out yet!"

The Empress Dowager's voice increased slightly, and she reached over and took out the earring. Mo Ziyao instinctively stared at it, but suddenly stunned. That was a beautiful sea of Yunhai stone earrings with Phnom Penh, which was once what Ruan Lingzheng rewarded him...

Mo Ziyao's memory of the earrings was particularly clear, because it was given to her by Ruan Lingzheng and left behind when she was taken out of the palace by Qingyuan. At that time, she looked for it in the post hall and didn't find it. She thought it had fallen in Ruan Lingheng's room, so she gradually forgot about it. Now, I never thought that the missing earrings would appear here.

He raised his eyes and looked at the noble concubine Hui beside him. Seeing that her expression was still faint, there seemed to be a faint smile at the corners of her mouth. She also seemed to realize something and slowly turned her face and looked over.

And Mo Ziyao finally knew her intention to smile at herself just now. There is no doubt that this earring appeared by the pool of the annihilation platform, which is absolutely related to her.

Think about it carefully, maybe the earrings fell on the scene when I was abhorred. At that time, I was stunned by Qingyuan, and I didn't know that the earrings fell off. As for why it came into her hands, it is very likely that she or someone with her was also nearby.

Thinking of this, I can't help but be shocked. If that's the case, then the noble concubine Hui's mind is really deep. No wonder, at the West Hunting Ground that day, she couldn't bear to kill herself. It turned out that she was just waiting for a great opportunity to get rid of so many people at once!

Mo Ziyao saw it, and the noble concubine Hui looked at herself, and the smile in her eyes became stronger and stronger.

At this time, the Empress Dowager said, "Why, don't you still admit it? The family has ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to investigate. Although there are many accounts, there will always be a moment when the water comes out! I want to see which one of you has such a hard mouth!"

With that, he angrily threw the earrings in his hand to which plate. The force was too strong, and the earrings jumped out again. The maidservant beside him was shocked and reached out to catch it.

Mo Ziyao was shocked and looked up to see that the Empress Dowager's face was pale. The earrings are her own. Can't she know the words of the empress dowager? Since the thing is in the palace, it can be found out as soon as it is investigated, and the noble concubine Hui is also sure of this point, so she looks more proud.

was hesitating whether to speak or not, but Ruan Lingzheng shook his head slightly at himself. Mo Ziyao was stunned and finally shut her mouth.

At this time, several people with sharp eyes or people who knew that this earring was Mo Ziyao had quietly looked over.

Mo Ziyao's thoughts were fast, but she still couldn't think of explaining to the Empress Dowager later. The earrings were removed when they left the palace, and only a few maidservants in their Yuyao Palace knew the truth.

bitten his lips slightly, but there is another person who knows, Ruan Lingzheng. Looking at him, he saw that his face was a little solemn and as smart as him. It was time to guess some clues. Even if he didn't know that the earrings had been removed by himself, as long as he looked at the current situation, Yunxianfei fell into the water, Xuefei could not get rid of the matter, and finally used an earring to blame himself. Who is the most beneficial?

is undoubtedly the noble concubine Hui.

After eliminating so many important people at once, the position in this harem, whether on the surface or in fact, is the most noble concubine Hui.

However, Ruan Lingzheng is still measuring, and he has to consider Liu Yanfei's relationship. After all, no one has lost his life so far.

Thinking of this, Mo Ziyao's heart suddenly trembled. Where is Yunxianfei? If she dies, Lin Taifu will definitely ask Ruan Lingzheng for an explanation. Even if you don't do it well, it will cause a fight. I believe that this is a situation that no one wants to see.

took a deep breath and clenched his fists slightly. Everyone seemed to be waiting. And those concubines who knew that the earrings were Mo Ziyao dared not say at this moment, but they were afraid that they would look away. Hui Guifei is waiting to see the end of this good play.

Mo Ziyao's heart was finally worried. She didn't know how to face it when the Ministry of Internal Affairs found out.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty..." Xuefei cried and shouted at Ruan Lingzheng and shook her head firmly, "My concubine is wronged. Where are my concubines? Your Majesty, don't you believe in my concubine?"

Ruan Lingzheng looked at her with a struggling look in his eyes, but he did not come forward. Xuefei's eyes faintly showed disappointment. She bit her lips so hard that she even broke her lips and looked indifferent.

Mo Ziyao looked at it and sighed secretly. She really didn't understand anything. How can I ask him to go forward at this time? The truth hasn't been revealed yet. Everyone is suspected, isn't it? He is the emperor and must not take sides.

The Empress Dowager said coldly, "I've done everything, and now it's still called injustice. The mourning family tells you, don't think that you are the princess of Yutan, but think that theai family can't do anything to you! If you want to kill the emperor's heir, I will never forgive you!"

Xuefei shouted, "Isn't the Empress Dowager indiscriminately and wrong her concubine? My concubine didn't go anywhere yesterday. My concubine has been practicing in Xuexi Palace, just to surprise her on today's sister Yun's birthday, hoping to relieve her resentment. As she spoke, she couldn't help sobbing.

The Empress Dowager only snorted and stopped looking at her. The eyes of the concubines below looked at her, and they were lucky enough to be happy with disaster and also looked uneasy.

Mo Ziyao saw Ruan Lingzheng's hand on his knee tightened slightly and sat motionless. Suddenly remembered that night, in Tianze Palace, he took his hand and said that he, the emperor, was too tired.

Why aren't you tired? However, Xuefei is like this again and doesn't understand his heart at all. In fact, as long as she is safe, she will be a beautiful snow concubine all her life.

Today's incident, it is true that Xuefei has no accomplice. But she suddenly volunteered to perform, and the stage suddenly collapsed, which was too coincidental. Mo Ziyao thought that Xuefei really meant to harm Yunxianfei, and she thought that the railing was loose.

Although she can't figure out how she can determine that Yunxianfei will stand in her preset position, what she can be sure of is that she has never thought that the mantis will catch the cicada and the yellow finch behind her. Undoubtedly, the trick of sawing off the stake is much more useful than the way she thought before, and the way Yun Xianfei let her watch the play and fall into the water.

People on both sides fell into the water at the same time. Tonight's scene really made some people proud.

At this time, the sound of someone running in from outside was heard. The rapid footsteps made everyone couldn't help turning their heads. Seeing a eunuch running in in a panic, he knelt down and said, "I see the emperor, see the empress dowager, see..."

"All right." The Empress Dowager interrupted him impatiently and asked in a low voice, "Have you found out?"

The eunuch wiped his sweat, hesitated, and finally said, "I found out that this earrings are... the jewelry given to the noble concubine Yao when the emperor was awarded the title of Yao noble concubine last year..." He said, but his hands kept shaking.

As soon as this word came out, the concubines whispered one after another. The Empress Dowager's eyes suddenly looked at Mo Ziyao, but she was surprised. You know, she refused so fast that she wanted to get rid of Xuefei at that time. Since they are determined not to agree to attract Xuefei to harm Yunxianfei, how can they help Xuefei harm now?

The Empress Dowager's thoughts turned slightly and guessed that someone might want to wrong her. But now, the material evidence is all in it, and it is difficult to justify it. In this way, she can only be blamed for her bad luck.