The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 350 Their Resentment

Jing Chongyi seemed to see Mo Ziyao's puzzlement and coughed and said, "I have been staring at her. Until some time ago, after the emperor talked about holding a birthday banquet for Yunxian and inviting the troupe to the palace to perform, she often ran to the stage of the annihilation platform to practice alone. At that time, I just thought that she wanted to attract the emperor's attention and make him love her more and more.

Speaking of this, she sneered and said, "There is no doubt that such a thing did not give me a chance. Therefore, I waited for the stage to be built and secretly tamped the two stakes overnight. I even know what her opera is. As long as she dances on the stage, the two wooden stakes will not be able to withstand such shaking and collapse in an instant.

As she spoke, she turned her eyes to look at a ray of morning light shining from the window lattice, stretching out her slender and white fingers to shuttle inside. The sunlight passed through her pink nails, which was very beautiful.

"It's just that I didn't expect that she worked hard to practice just to please the emperor? The night I went, I saw her go secretly. I saw with my own eyes that she loosened the railing on the edge of the pool. At that time, although I didn't know her plan, I also knew who she wanted to plan. It's just that I was in the water at that time, and she didn't find it.

Hearing what she said, Mo Ziyao understood that the original railing was indeed made by Xuefei, and now everything can be connected.

Jing Chongyi lowered her arm and slowly looked back at Mo Ziyao and said, "Until the day of Yunxian's birthday, she offered to perform in order to relieve her previous grudges with Yunxianfei? When I saw Yunxianfei standing beside those passive railings, I knew her plan. It turned out that she wanted to get rid of Yunxianfei. No..." She shook her head and gritted her teeth and said, "What she really wants to deal with is the child in Yunxian's womb! Cough..."

When it came to "child", her words were suddenly full of anger. Mo Ziyao saw that her hands clenched her fists fiercely, her delicate body trembled, and coughed violently. As a result, her originally thin and pale face became bloody. He instinctively looked at her expression, which was a face full of hatred.

Mo Ziyao was stunned and suddenly felt that there must be an unknown reason why she must die.

What kind of hatred it is to sacrifice yourself and want to die alone. I couldn't help holding her hand and whispering, "Sister Jing, what did Xuefei do to you?" When asked, her heart was picked up little by little. She was never as simple as she appeared, was she?

Jing Chongyi slowly restrained her smile, and a layer of crystal things overflowed in her eyes. However, in an instant, the two lines of tears quickly slipped down from their cheeks and dripped on the back of Mo Ziyao's hand with a burning smell.

It took a long time to hear her tremble and say, "She killed my concubine's child..."

Mo Ziyao was stunned and looked at the woman in front of her in surprise. She only felt a sudden shock. What did she say, her child! Jing Chongyi's child! I never knew that she had children!

When did that happen? According to reason, it is a big deal for concubines to be pregnant with imperial descendants, and the whole palace will know that it is celebration, but why do they know nothing about it?

But Jing Chongyi lowered her head and buried her head between her arms. Her whole body kept trembling. She suddenly closed her eyes and tears of grief rolled down her cheeks. Mo Ziyao didn't know how to comfort her, but sighed and clenched her cold hands.

Half heard her say, "Some days ago, when the noble concubine was beaten into the cold palace, the emperor began to turn over the signs of the palaces under the persuasion of the empress dowager, and the concubine was lucky enough to be turned over twice. Presumably, there was a dragon heir at that time. That month, my monthly affairs did not come, and I vaguely felt a little uncomfortable. But I didn't know that I was pregnant. Later, I thought of it, but because I was uncertain, I didn't dare to talk nonsense, so I wanted to invite the imperial doctor to come and see it. Dr. Huang, who helped me see a doctor, said that this was an adjustment caused by qi and blood stasis, and I took two doses of medicine to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. That's it. My child is gone.

Said this, she finally couldn't help covering her face and crying, "No one knows that I was pregnant with a dragon, let alone that the child was gone later. Because everything happened so fast that I didn't react quickly, and everything was over again.

She suddenly looked up, and tears flowed freely on her face. She gritted her teeth and said, "Later, I went to check and found that Yue Shibo had been changed. I went to the imperial hospital to find the imperial doctor surnamed Huang, but I was told that half a month ago, he had resigned and returned home. At that time, I realized that something was wrong and immediately sent someone to his hometown. Unexpectedly, he met a bandit on his way back to his hometown and was dead. His family didn't even find the body, so they only set up a tomb.

"My child is gone. I know it must have been done by the palace, but I checked it secretly and had no clue. I didn't give up. It was not until half a month ago that I overheard the conversation between Xuefei and her maidservant that she did everything. She is so vicious that she can't stop the emperor from coming, but she can secretly calculate the life and death of the concubine in the harem.

Jing Chongyi's eyes fell on the beam of light on the floor and sneered, "Presumably the Empress also knows that she wants the emperor to have six palaces without concubines for her, so how can she see who is pregnant with the emperor's child? Oh, so, she has already bought the people in the worship room and has been paying attention to the monthly affairs and room records of all the concubines. At that time, I didn't expect her to be so cruel that she was afraid that I would give birth to an heir, so I would directly let the imperial doctor prescribe medicine and shed my child. It's her who killed my child. I must pay it back with her life!"

When Jing Chongyi said that the child was gone, Mo Ziyao clearly heard the smell of gritting her teeth. That's hateful and angry. Her chest heaved violently, and her emotions suddenly became extremely excited, and her whole body trembled uncontrollably. She waved her hands, shook off Mo Ziyao's hand, and turned around and coughed again.

It took a long time to gradually ease and turn around to face Mo Ziyao. Mo Ziyao saw that her face was getting paler and paler, which was the kind of bloodless and gray color. He looked at her worriedly and persuaded in a low voice, "Sister Jing, calm down. Since she killed your child, why don't you let the emperor make the decision for you?"

Jing Chongyi slowly shook his head and said with a wry smile, "It's not that I haven't thought about it, but I have no evidence. What's more, the children are gone. The emperor is not as good as the noble concubine. How can he believe me? Xuefei was favored, and the emperor followed her in everything. If I don't have any evidence to point the finger at her, I will only be thought by the emperor that I am jealous, so I will frame her.

"Oh." She smiled bitterly and whispered, "What else can I do as a powerless fuller? Such pain can only be swallowed. Even if it is said, no one will believe it. The Noble Concubine." She suddenly raised her eyes and called Mo Ziyao with a sad smile: "Now, can you believe it?"

Mo Ziyao was silent. In fact, she hoped to believe it. However, Yunlan, the person she trusts so much will also hide other thoughts in front of her. What's more, now, it's just a side of Jing Chongyi's words? But, is this a lie and what does it have to do with herself? She wants it, but she wants Xuefei to die. That's all.

With Mo Ziyao's understanding of Ruan Lingzheng, she knew that although he would not deliberately favor anyone, he would not easily listen to anyone's side. She sympathized with Jing Chongyi's experience. The kind of suffering can only be swallowed into her stomach, and the heartbreaking pain can only be borne by one person, and no one can help.

Mo Ziyao was silent and didn't say anything, but Jing Chongyi was not very unhappy. He raised his hand to wipe away the tears from his cheeks, took a slight breath, and then said, "Princes Xue made me lose my child, so I thought of sawing the stage and drowned her. It is also a tit for tat. What a good geographical location. Once the lights on the stage go out, it will be almost dark. Unfortunately, she will have a big life after all.

At this point, Mo Ziyao became more and more sure that the person who sawed off the stake was really her - Jing Chongyi.

He took a deep breath and said, "That earring..."

Hearing the words, Jing Chongyi shook her head: "I really don't know about the earrings. This was also unexpected. At that time, when I saw the Empress Dowager take out the earrings, I was also surprised. Was it the Empress Dowager who wanted to blame the noble concubine? She looked up at Mo Ziyao.

Mo Ziyao was stunned and shook her head. The empress dowager would not blame herself, just because at that time, the empress dowager did not know that the earrings were her own. After thinking about it, he said, "The earrings were lost three months ago."

"Lone and appeared on the annihilation platform again?" She said to herself, "It seems that someone wants to be framed? Is it... Hui's noble concubine?"

Mo Ziyao nodded. It was because of this that she was surprised. It seems that Jing Chongyi, not only herself, also thinks so. The Yunhai stone earrings are her thing, and many concubines in the harem also know it. Hui Guifei is at peace with her, and there are many people in the harem who know her. But now, she doesn't have any evidence.

At this point, Mo Ziyao realized the crisis lurking everywhere in the harem. How many people participated in yesterday's play?

Xuefei's pile pulling, Jing Chongyi's sawwood, Hui Guifei's earrings... or more. However, those that are hidden better can't be seen through at once.

Mo Ziyao took a slight breath and won step by step. After the mantis catches the cicada and the yellow finch, who is the mantis and who is the real yellow finch? In the end, no one can say why.

Jing Chongyi frowned slightly, and her face suddenly surged with an unnatural rosy, as if she wanted to cough again. She reached out and covered her mouth, tried her best to restrain herself, and finally didn't cough. She sighed slightly, and her eyes fell on her hands and stayed for a long time.

Mo Ziyao looked at her worriedly, but her eyes were suddenly attracted by her hands and couldn't help looking down. Her hands are so beautiful, with slender fingers and delicate nails, which are beautiful pink. The delicate pink is not too bright, and the light color is just right, giving people a soft and warm feeling. I couldn't help holding her hand and whispering, "Your hand is so beautiful."

Jing Chongyi seemed to be distracted. After a long time, she raised her eyes and asked, "Does the noble concubine really think it looks good?" When she said this, her eyes slowly overflowed with a touch of light, but Mo Ziyao couldn't help but be slightly shocked. She smiled again: "No matter how beautiful it is, it won't be long to see it. If it hadn't been for the excessive blood loss, weakness, and the evil wind injuring the inner house, my body would not have been so weak. Speaking of this, the light in her eyes had faded.

Mo Ziyao was shocked, clenched Jing Chongyi's hand and said, "Try to the emperor what you said to me today. Your Majesty, he will uphold justice for you, for sure. When he said that, his heart tightened slightly.

The person who can stand up and testify is either bought by Xuefei or has a different head. Now, all the evidence has disappeared, otherwise, she would not have taken this step.