The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 367 Peace War with Women

Mo Ziyao only felt shocked, and the king of Pingzhen took a fancy to his woman? That's what I said, but myself?

Suddenly, she remembered that when she met Hui Guifei outside that day, she once said that she had asked Xue Fei's close maidservant. He also said that he knew the real reason why he was beaten into the cold palace that day, and asked, didn't the king of Pingzhen really like him?

Mo Ziyao knew that she believed in Hui Guifei. Just because she also said that no one saw the fact that the king of Pingzhen would roll down the hillside when he reached out and pulled himself in the West Hunting Ground that day. Therefore, she wants to say that the only thing she is better than herself is to have something to her brother, right?

Mo Ziyao clenched her fists slightly. What do you mean? Don't I, Mo Ziyao, still don't understand?

Liu Yanfei is really not idle. At this moment, others are at the border and can still manage the major events in the DPRK! However, what they don't know is that they already have an imperial descendant, how can they be sacrificed?

Mo Ziyao quietly looked at Ruan Lingzheng's expression and was furious when she saw him gritting his teeth.

When he wanted to speak, he heard the public say, "Your Majesty, your Majesty... someone from outside said that... All of you are eager to see you at the door of the imperial study." Grandpa Jin's voice was timid for fear that he would get angry.

Somehow, Mo Ziyao suddenly wanted to laugh. What do those ministers have to do when they encounter this kind of thing? Especially the things that have something to do with Yutan. Last time it was about Xuefei, and they did the same. They chased him through the imperial study and asked for a joint letter to die. This time, it's myself.

So, what are they going to do with themselves? Is it also executed? With a sneer in his heart, Ruan Lingzheng hummed heavily and said, "Listen to what they say!" He said and took her out.

Mo Ziyao was surprised, but she followed him honestly and said nothing. At this moment, she suddenly felt that Ruan Lingzheng called them "old husbands" was really appropriate. When Eunuch Jin saw Ruan Lingzheng pull Mo Ziyao out, his face turned white with fear and rushed up and said, "Your Majesty... the noble concubine..." He looked at Mo Ziyao, but heard Ruan Lingzheng snorted coldly, which made him afraid to say anything more.

Ruan Lingzheng said, "What are you afraid of? Today, Dr. Zhong said that Yao's noble concubine has almost recovered. Afraid of death, roll away for me one by one!"

Mo Ziyao raised her eyes in surprise. What did he say? Saying that my condition is much better, that is to say, my trick of pretending to be sick has come to an end, right? Ruan Lingzheng, have you figured it out?

"Your Majesty!" Grandpa Jin shouted and finally caught up with him. Mu Qing also chased after him, but Yunlan didn't move, just watched the group leave.

When he got outside, Ruan Lingzheng pulled her into the imperial sedan chair and said, "Go and tell my dear friends that I am not feeling well. If you want them to say anything, just go to Tianze Palace and say it!"

"Yes, I'm going now." Grandpa Jin wiped his sweat and ran away in a hurry.

The imperial sedan chair rose, and Ruan Lingzheng held Mo Ziyao's hand and still did not let go. Mo Ziyao faintly felt his strength. Looking at him sideways, he saw his back against the cushion and closed his eyes gently. I sighed and didn't say anything.

She understood that Ruan Lingzheng wanted to listen behind him, so she asked the ministers to go through his bedroom. One thing, she doesn't have to worry. No matter how much they are, they will not directly endanger the country of the Ruan family. Like the last time he said to Xuefei, although he almost forced the palace to kill Xuefei, in the final analysis, it was also for the good of Ruan Nan Dynasty. It's just that their way will make Ruan Lingzheng unacceptable.

bite their lips slightly. What tricks do they want to play this time?

The sedan chair slowly stopped. Mu Qing reached out and brushed the curtain of the sedan chair and whispered, "Your Majesty, here we are."

Ruan Lingzheng opened his eyes and took Mo Ziyao's hand out. Behind him was the sound of Mu Qing trotting up. At this moment, Mo Ziyao did not look back, but followed his steps.

Let him pull himself to the inner room, then loosened his hand and turned around and said, "You stay here."

Mo Ziyao opened her mouth and saw that Ruan Lingzheng had turned around. Finally, she didn't say anything. She just watched him go out. Mu Qing came forward and whispered, "Mother..."

Mo Ziyao took a deep breath and sat back. After a while, I heard Eou Jin's voice: "Your Majesty, everyone is waiting outside." I could tell that he was still gasping for breath when he spoke, and he wanted to run all the way.

Listen to Ruan Lingzheng's saying, "Let them in."

"Yes." Grandpa Jin turned around and went out. After a while, a lot of footsteps came, and then everyone knelt down and said, "I want to see the emperor. Long live the emperor!"

Ruan Lingzheng smiled and said, "Let's be flat. This is not on the court. There is no need to do this big salute."

Everyone was busy thanking them and got up quickly. Mo Ziyao faintly saw Lin Taifu coming forward and said, "I heard that the emperor's dragon is not feeling well, but there is a doctor Xuan to have a look?"

I don't know why, although she rarely deals with Lin Taifu, Mo Ziyao always hates him every time she sees him. Maybe it has something to do with Yunxianfei. I always feel that such a greedy person is really not worthy of his status as Taifu, who spreads virtue and educates people.

After listening to Ruan Lingzheng's question, the ministers behind him said.

Ruan Lingzheng coughed and said, "I'm not in the way, just have a headache."

Lin Taifu hurriedly said, "Now that Yutan has started a war with our dynasty, and political affairs are heavy. The emperor should take care of the dragon body."

Ruan Lingzheng nodded and said, "I know what you have to say?" With that, he looked up at the people below.

"Your Majesty." A general in armor hugged his fist and said, "Your Majesty is wise, naturally it's still a matter of this morning." Another person hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, now the war between Yutan and my dynasty is just for a woman. If a woman can be used to quell the war, then I, Ruan Nanchao, will not lose anything. I hope the emperor will consider it carefully."

This person's words shocked Mo Ziyao. What does it mean to use a woman to calm down the war? The hand holding the veil suddenly tightened and heard Ruan Lingzheng snorted coldly, "I said that I will consider this matter myself. You all asked to see me one by one to talk about it. That's not the point!"

Lin Taifu suddenly knelt down and said to him, "Your Majesty, this is not a trivial matter! The Noble Concubine Yao..."

"Hit!" Ruan Lingzheng slapped the edge of the table fiercely and said angrily, "Thanks to you, do you still know that she is a noble concubine? If I give up my own woman, isn't it a majesty to humiliate me!" His words were full of anger.

And Mo Ziyao finally knew why he wanted to say it and asked herself to listen to them. It turned out that they were in a hurry to send themselves to Yutan!

Mu Qing was also stunned and hurriedly covered his mouth to avoid screaming.

All the people outside knelt down, and I don't know who said, "Your Majesty, there are three thousand beautiful women in the harem, and it's nothing if you miss a noble concubine Yao. As far as I know, the noble concubine Yao's background is very low, but she has a close relationship with the king of the town. Maybe the king of Pingzhen is willing to give military power with both hands for the sake of the emperor's gift! No matter how bad it is, he has benefited and has to stand up and contribute when I fight with Yutan, right? Therefore, no matter which one, it is an excellent choice to give Yao to the king of Pingzhen..."

His voice slowly lowered. Another person immediately answered, "I didn't ask the emperor to give up his woman. The emperor just needs to find an excuse. Didn't Yao noble concubine get the plague a few days ago? You can only say that the noble concubine is seriously ill and has an epidemic. Besides, the emperor and the king of Pingzhen are both brothers. It is not a shame for the emperor to give him a woman. On the contrary, it will become a beautiful talk praised by the world.

Mo Ziyao clenched her fists and couldn't help trembling all over. Now she knew that these ministers wanted Ruan Lingzheng to send him, not Emperor Yu, but Ruan Lingheng. Two years ago, the war with Tusala was like this, but now in order to let the king of Pingzhen take action, he once again offered to exchange himself for himself.

Oh, it's really awesome. On that day, Ruan Lingzheng wanted to pretend to be sick, but he just didn't want people to see him happy. Who would have thought that now, they have taken it as a commanding arrow!

It's not a day or two to get the plague. Suddenly, there is no flaw in the epidemic. In this way, since Yao's noble concubine is dead, she will not give someone to the king of Pingzhen, which will not give Ruan Lingzheng's face.

I have to say that they have really worked hard for Ruan Lingzheng and the Jiangshan of the Ruan family, and they have helped him think so thoughtfully.

Ruan Lingzheng snorted coldly and said, "If you want me to do this, don't you want me to admit that she and the king of Pingzhen..." Half of his words, he suddenly brushed his sleeves and overturned all the tea sets on the table to the ground. The broken sound was so sharp that it seemed to resound throughout the room.

Lin Taifu hurriedly said, "The emperor is angry, the emperor is angry!" Naturally, the imperial concubine Yao has never betrayed the emperor, but the king of Pingzhen is willing to fall in love with the imperial concubine, isn't she?"

Mo Ziyao gritted her teeth, Lin Taifu, the old fox! While being too high and suppressing yourself, it's really hard for people to refute anything.

However, it finally came to the point. The king of Pingzhen fell in love with him, so the ministers forced Ruan Lingzheng to send himself to southern Xinjiang and give it to the king of Pingzhen.

A man next to Lin Taifu knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, this is a good plan to kill two birds with one stone. Most of my military power is in the hands of the king of Pingzhen. As long as the king of Pingzhen is willing to take action, he must have passed this level of Yutan. At that time, let's draw another firewood from the bottom of the pot and let the king of Pingzhen fight against Yutan alone. Isn't it good that we just watch from the wall!"

Ruan Lingzheng sneered: "Can't I fight without the king of Pingzhen in the Ruan Dynasty?"

Lin Taifu said, "What is Yutan's small country? It's just a role like a clown. How can I, Ruan Nanchao, be afraid of it? Even if the heavenly army comes, we are not afraid. It's just that the emperor has never thought that the two countries are at war, and the most painful is undoubtedly the people! Does the emperor really have the heart to make the people suffer? Now, you only need to nod your head, and a woman can calm down the war and enjoy it. Emperor, which one is more important than the two!" He said it sincerely word by word.

Mo Ziyao's clenched fists and her nails have been embedded in the palm of her hand. To be honest, half of Lin Taifu's words are right. Ruan Lingzheng, as the emperor of the Ruannan Dynasty, put the people first. However, what he did not analyze is that today's Ruan Nan Dynasty is on the cusp of the storm. At this time, fighting with Yutan will only be thrilling.

Because no one knows whether the mud, Tusala and other countries will choose to take advantage of the fire at this time.