The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 369 See you by decree

The hand on his chest trembled slightly and said, "If you stay in the palace, you will be found sooner or later. In this extraordinary period, I'm afraid I won't care about you. I know that you don't want to go out of the palace, but..."

His big hand gently stroked Mo Ziyao's soft pancreas and whispered, "But I don't want you and your child to be in danger. Promise me, okay, don't distract me this time, okay?"

Mo Ziyao bit her lip and didn't say anything. Ruan Lingzheng, did you think of such a way to protect our mother and son? So, am I going to leave you alone to face this war?

Ruan Lingzheng seemed to see what Mo Ziyao thought and said in a low voice, "This palace is not in vain. I still want you to do something."

"What's the matter?" Mo Ziyao asked urgently.

Ruan Lingzheng thought for a moment and finally said, "Invive out the traitors of the imperial capital."

Mo Ziyao was shocked and heard him say, "Since he can send people to the palace to kill people, it is nothing more than to provoke the war between the two countries. In this case, how can he allow me to really give you to the king of Pingzhen to get his help?"

Mo Ziyao suddenly realized and blurted out, "The emperor said that that man will appear on the road and kill me?"

As Ruan Lingzheng said, if the other party just wants to provoke a war, no one will be allowed to come forward to quell the war. Even if everyone knows, even if the king of Pingzhen comes out, it may not be so easy to calm down the war. But that man will not take this risk, and he will not let go of even if there is a glimmer of possibility.

"Yuer." Ruan Lingzheng suddenly called her in a low voice, took her hand and frowned, "I know it's dangerous to do this, but don't worry, I'm fully prepared for you. Never let anything happen to you."

Mo Ziyao nodded. She believed it, and she naturally believed it. But your Majesty, what should An'er do after I leave the palace? Also, even if the secret person is attracted, how can he come back?" This is also a point that Mo Ziyao has never figured out.

Ruan Lingzheng took a breath and said to her, "I have arranged it. You don't have to worry about it."

"Your Majesty..."

Mo Ziyao still wanted to speak, but Ruan Lingzheng raised his hand to gag her mouth and stared at her. After a long time, she said slowly, "I don't know how long it will take to see you again this time."

Ruan Lingzheng's words made Mo Ziyao's heart sink and suddenly remembered Chu Qingtian's words. At that time, he also said that he didn't know how long it would take to see himself. Now it has been nearly three months, but he still hasn't seen him come back.

I couldn't help holding Ruan Lingzheng's hand and asking, "The emperor said at that time that Chu Qingtian went to the Celestial Empire. Can you tell me what he did in the Celestial Empire?"

Ruan Lingzheng's face changed and reluctantly smiled and said, "Don't worry about this."

However, Mo Ziyao was very worried. If you want to ask again, Ruan Lingzheng lowered his head and kissed her cherry lips and muttered, "Yuer, that's all I can give you..."

Mo Ziyao grabbed his big hand and unconsciously clenched it, but he had already picked her up and strode towards the dragon bed.

Mo Ziyao was shocked, but he had bent down and pressed down.

"Your Majesty." She held his face. A pair of big eyes blinked at him, as if to say, "Be careful of the child."

Ruan Lingzheng answered in a low voice and said vaguely, "Don't worry, I know how to be measured."

The soft thin lips gently touched Mo Ziyao's skin, and the warm breath sprayed on her neck, giving her a feeling of numbness in her heart. She couldn't help humming.

He smiled and said, "You are my woman. I will never give up my hand to others!"

Ruan Lingzheng's words made Mo Ziyao laugh unconsciously. Yes, she likes Ruan Lingzheng like this. Domineering and rude. However, I just like it. I reached out and hugged him, but heard him suddenly say, "If I don't come back, will you hate me?"

Mo Ziyao opened her mouth and remembered that she said at that time that she would not hate him at any time.

looked straight at him and shook his head and said, "Don't hate it, the emperor will see me immediately."

Ruan Lingzheng frowned and gritted his teeth and said, "How dare you!"

Mo Ziyao laughed and said, "Why don't I dare?"

Even if she loses, she will die proudly with him. This is what she said to herself from the beginning.

Ruan Lingzheng grabbed her to cut her shoulder slightly more force. Mo Ziyao frowned in pain, and then reluctantly pulled out a smile. But he said with a sinking face, "I want you to live well."

Mo Ziyao nodded: "So, the emperor should also live."

Ruan Lingzheng suddenly smiled, buried his face in her neck, gritted his teeth and said, "What, do you want to eat me to death?"

Mo Ziyao also smiled: "Yes, it's better to tie you with a rope and tie it firmly to your belt!"

Ruan Lingzheng giggled like a child, and suddenly said in a low voice: "Be presumptuous..."

Somehow, Mo Ziyao suddenly felt that something slipped out of her eyes. I don't know how long it will take to see the shameless Ruan Lingzheng and such a childish Ruan Lingzheng...

When she was distracted, Ruan Lingzheng suddenly lowered her head and gently held her lips and kissed her gently...

He smiled and raised his hand to untie Mo Ziyao's clothes, and she had already felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter...

However, when his big hand touched Mo Ziyao's ** zone, he suddenly turned over and left her body, gasped and lay on her side, while his big palm still held her roundness tightly and said, "Promise me that I will never be in danger. I want you to live well and come to see me alive!"

Mo Ziyao leaned sideways, hugged his arm, and nodded fiercely. With his last words, I will try my best to live and see him alive.

Quietly raised his eyes and looked at the man's handsome and extraordinary face. He couldn't help stretching out his hand and touching his cheek. He quietly said in his heart: Zheng, this is the oath between you and me. Since it is an oath, you must abide by it...

It took a long time to see him turn around and look up at himself, but he just looked at himself without saying a word. Then, a little light flashed in his eyes and melted away little by little, reflecting Mo Ziyao's eyes.

After a long time, Ruan Lingzheng finally smiled and said, "What should I do? I don't think I can see enough."

Mo Ziyao's heart moved and suddenly said such words from his mouth, which was slightly shocked. He couldn't help patting his face and said with a smile, "The emperor still wants to look at this face for the rest of his life."

Ruan Lingzheng hugged her sideways and whispered, "But it's not enough for a lifetime!" Suddenly, he hugged her hands tightly and sighed, "Tomorrow morning, I'm going to wrong you."

The next day, Mo Ziyao returned to Yuyao Palace very early. Seeing her refreshed appearance, Yunlan did not come forward to say congratulations, but saluted faintly, poured tea for her, and stood aside.

And Mu Qing stood behind Mo Ziyao without saying a word, and Mo Ziyao did not say anything, thinking that she would soon leave the palace.

Sure enough. After a while, she heard the sound of someone coming in outside. Mo Ziyao looked out and saw a father-in-law. The dust in his hand gently shook and entered the door without kneeling. He only said in a sharp voice, "I was ordered by the emperor that the noble concubine Xuanyao went to Qianqin Hall to meet--"

As soon as the father-in-law's words fell, Yunlan's face finally showed a surprised look. It is rare for concubines to see. Only women can go to Qianqin Hall after the book. From yesterday to today, there has been no imperial edict to bring Mo Ziyao to the throne, so she was surprised.

Mo Ziyao put down the teacup in her hand, got up indifferently, and said to the justice, "If there is a father-in-law, I will go with you." After saying that, he stepped forward.

The father-in-law said, "Your Majesty, please be slow. The emperor said, please change your clothes first." He said, high-fiveing his hands, and then a maid entered from the outside. She saw only a tray in her hand with clothes on it.

If you take a closer look, it is not difficult to see that this clothing is no longer a palace suit. Ruan Lingzheng was really thoughtful. Even if Yunlan was doubtful, she didn't ask a word at this moment. Watching Mo Ziyao reach out to take it, go to the inner room to change her clothes and come out again.

Mu Qing wanted to follow, but Mo Ziyao turned her face and said, "You don't have to follow. You can stay in Yuyao Palace."

Mu Qing hesitated and finally didn't come forward again.

The sedan was very fast, and soon it was out of the harem. Mo Ziyao raised her hand and slightly brushed the curtain of the sedan chair and saw that Qianqin Hall was far away. The glazed tiles look shining in the sun, and in contrast to it is Fengze Palace, which has been vacant until now.

Facing the magnificent Fengze Palace, Mo Ziyao unconsciously narrowed her eyes. The hand holding the curtain of the sedan chair tightened slightly, took a deep breath, and finally let go. The curtain of the sedan chair slowly fell down, accompanied by a slight shaking.

When he arrived at the Qianqin Hall, his father-in-law stretched out his hand to lift the curtain of the sedan chair with a blank face and whispered, "Please, Madam Yao, please."

Mo Ziyao did not speak, but quickly stepped forward. Picking up the steps in front of the hall, the guards on both sides stood straight. Mo Ziyao passed in front of them and could not see any flash in their eyes.

The father-in-law took Mo Ziyao outside the hall, whispered a few words to another father-in-law, and saw the father-in-law rushing into it. After a while, a voice came out over and over again: "The emperor has an order to announce Gu's visit--

"The emperor has a decree to announce Gu's visit--"

And Mo Ziyao only felt shocked, Gu Shi...

Three years ago, scenes from Guxian Villa began to replay in my mind. She seems to understand the reason why Ruan Lingzheng gave her this surname. He bit his lip, took a deep breath, and then lowered his head, stepped forward, and walked step by step.

Until she entered the hall, she never looked up to see what the civil and military officials looked like at this moment. At this moment, she could only see the shadow under her feet.

She suddenly remembered what Ruan Lingzheng said to the empress dowager yesterday. What they wanted was not to give Yao to the king of Pingzhen, but just a title.

So now, I am Gu.

Mo Ziyao came forward, knelt down, touched the ground with her forehead, and said, "I... I saw the emperor, long live my emperor!"

The people in the hall did not say anything. Mo Ziyao only bowed her head and did not dare to look up. Some ministers faintly heard whispering, but no one dared to say it out loud. She glanced sideways and saw that Lin Taifu was looking at herself with an inexplicable look.

Mo Ziyao bit her lips and lowered her head again.

At this time, a minister suddenly came out and said, "I dare to talk about this woman just now. Although she is beautiful, can this woman really talk about the king of Pingzhen, so as to achieve the purpose of calming the war? Emperor, I think that many of Ruan Nanchao are beautiful women..."

Before he finished his words, Lin Taifu suddenly answered with a smile and said, "Oh, what Lord Ye said is bad. Don't underestimate this woman."