Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 34 The so-called happy event

Since the massacre in the Prime Minister's Mansion, Huangfu Yuexun, who is dedicated to public affairs, has not been going to Li Wanwan's room for several days, which also makes her taste the feeling of staying alone in an empty room. The longer she lasts, the more obvious her inner anxiety becomes. She doesn't know that several maids have suffered from it and has been taught by her. Unspeakable.

"What do you dead slaves do? Do you have long eyes?"

This kind of reprimand has been common in recent days. The servants in Li Wanwan's room all lowered their heads, afraid that Li Wanwan was dissatisfied with an expression after she looked up, and they didn't know how to torture them. Originally, they thought they could follow Li Wanwan in the royal palace, but now they flattated with the king. However, there are more and more concubines. Seeing that the princess gains power, their master loses power and often beats and scolds them when they are in a bad mood. Who can live such a life?

Li Wanwan also wanted to control her emotions, but she couldn't restrain her anger at all. She entered Huangfu Yuexun's study only a few times. When he was in a good mood, why did that woman feel like entering no one's land? Except for her identity, she was not as good as that woman. That woman has already She robbed the throne of princess that originally belonged to her, and now she still wants to rob her beloved man? If one frame is unsuccessful, then come for a second time. She doesn't believe that she hasn't succeeded once.

It's a rare good weather since the beginning of winter. As soon as he walked casually in the yard, he heard Xiaoyi come to report a visit, or the concubines of Huangfu Yuexun who came last time. What's the purpose this time?

"We didn't disturb the princess's rest, did we?" It's still the same woman who opened her mouth. She should be more than 20 years old. Unexpectedly, Huangfu Yuexun still likes sister-brother love.

"I didn't have time to ask who you were last time. If you don't mind, let's talk about it one by one." Wan Yiliang doesn't know why they think she will give them the life they want, and she hasn't achieved the life she wants yet.

"The concubine attacked Mengying. These two are Qin Susu and Xu Lingyue, both of whom are the prince's concubines."

Since the last time I saw Xi Mengying, Wan Yanliang was deeply impressed by her. It was really a pity that she was hidden in the courtyard of the deep house as a concubine.

"Some people have been in the house for a longer time and are older than me, so you don't have to be so polite." Wan Yiliang is not a twisted person, and these people in front of her don't make her feel disgusted. If you can save etiquette, just save it.

"The etiquette is not allowed. The princess doesn't have to accommodate us like this." Xi Mengying blessed her body. She even wanted to live peacefully in this royal palace. As her, she always had to find a backer. Originally, she could have received some kindness from Li Wanwan, but she really didn't agree with her behavior. At this time, Wan Yiliang's appearance just fulfilled her wish, and she was a little eager to be with Wan Yiliang has a good relationship.

"It's up to you. What can I do today?" Although Wan Yiliang has a good impression of attacking Mengying, it does not mean that she is a nosy person. Her ideal state of life is not to be disturbed by anyone. Sometimes she even thinks that the existence of Xiao Er is superfluous, but relying on herself on everything is really not in line with the principle of being a lazy person, so she also It doesn't matter if they exist, but if they are used as a shield by someone with intentions, she still cares about it.

"The concubines just want to see the princess, and they don't mean anything else." It has always been attacking Mengying. The faces of the other two people are more or less impatient.

"Come here and have a meal before you leave. It's time for lunch." Although her courtyard looks a little broken, she still has everything she should have. Occasionally adding some popularity to her room is also a good decision.

It's just that Wan Yanliang didn't expect that Huangfu Yuexun would suddenly come over when they were about to have dinner and look at Huangfu Yuexun one by one with shame. I'm afraid that this meal can't stop eating.

Huangfu Yuexun originally planned to come and tell Wan Yanliang that the woman they needed had been found, and there was no way for others to convey this matter. Murong Lunshu returned it. After thinking about it, he basically did not seem to have been to her courtyard, so he came, but he didn't expect to see others.

"Why are you here?" Huangfu Yuexun didn't talk well, but his tone was stiff and didn't know how to break the hearts of several people. Just now, he had a shy expression, but now he immediately changed into grievances. No wonder Huangfu Yuexun didn't like them. They are more speechless than Li Wanwan.

"They all come to see me. If you haven't had lunch yet, let's go together." Wan Yiliang came out to relieve the siege. After all, this is her territory, and no one looks good when it is stiff.

Huangfu Yuexun looked at Wan Yanliang suspiciously. When would she be willing to have a good relationship with them? Is it possible that she began to care about him? This child definitely thinks too much)

"When did you get along so well?" Huangfu Yuexun tried to ask a question. Hearing the words that had no deep meaning in the ears of the three women, the general meaning became to form a gang in the royal palace, which was really timid, so their faces became more and more frightened.

But Wan Yuliang didn't take it seriously at all and just said, "The things between women are not worth worrying about the prince." I don't like you or your woman. Can you defend me like a thief?

Huangfu Yuexun has learned not to listen to what Wan Yanliang said, so as not to find anger for himself. This is the conclusion reached in many practices, which is absolutely very reasonable.

Huangfu Yuexun sat on the left side of Wan Yanliang. Before they began to move their chopsticks, another uninvited guest came. Li Wanwan also appeared in her courtyard in the name of visiting Wan Yanliang, and the maid behind her really mentioned a lot of things.

Huangfu Yuexun saw that Li Wanwan was only wearing a single dress and standing outside the door. He immediately got up and walked to Li Wanwan's side. He put the cloak he wore on Li Wanwan's body. His words were slightly reproach, but more he couldn't hide his concern. "In such a cold day, you are not in good health. How can you wear this? So little came out."

"My concubine was anxious for a moment and forgot to add more clothes when she went out, which made the prince worried." Because of the weather, the cold red face with an apologetic smile became more and more pitiable, but it only provoked the love of Huangfu Yuexun alone. Except for Wan Yanliang, the remaining three women stared at Li Wanwan's pretentious face unkindly. They stayed in the royal palace longer than her, which must have known long ago. What kind of person is Li Wanwan?

"You never know how to take good care of yourself." Huangfu Yuexun was so busy with all kinds of things during this period that he inadvertently ignored Li Wanwan. Looking at her like this today, he suddenly felt a little guilty. Thinking of his neglect for her, he would definitely find a way to compensate her.

"The prince's lesson is that I dare not do it in the future." Li Wanwan saw that Huangfu Yuexun still cared about her, and her heart suddenly brightened a lot. When she first heard that he and Wan Tongliang shared lunch, her heart could be said to have fallen to the bottom, so she rushed over in such a hurry. Fortunately, he still cared about her. In this case, she had a chance to bring back the situation back. Come on.

Have you eaten yet? Why don't we eat together?"

"The princess will mind. I'd better wait for you to finish eating before going in." Li Wanwan was quite afraid of Wan Yanliang. Her voice clearly reached Wan Yanliang's ears. Oh, she really thought what kind of person she could attract her attention. She really looked too highly of herself.

"It's okay. She won't care. Come in." Huangfu Yuexun took Li Wanwan's hand, and the two showed their love in front of the four women. It was really disgusting. Wan Yanliang really had a feeling that he couldn't eat it.

The cool taste has always been relatively light, and today's dishes are no exception. But who can tell her why Li Wanwan covered her mouth with her hands after seeing these dishes, looking like she was going to spit out...?

"Wanwan, what's wrong with you?" Huangfu Yuexun's worry was not fake at all. After all, it was his beloved woman, and this appearance would certainly worry him. Holding Li Wanwan with one hand and gently helping her follow her anger with the other hand, the three of them were so red-eyed that they couldn't wait to remove Li Wanwan into their abdomen.

"You are not pregnant, are you?" Wan Tongliang asked casually, and the rest of the people present were stunned, and then their expressions became colorful, which made her feel particularly funny.

"Wanwan, is it really like this?" Thinking that he might become a father soon, Huangfu Yuexun's joy could not be expressed in words at all. He looked at Li Wanwan with hope and held her shoulders tightly with both hands. The satisfaction in his tone made it sound like he was about to fly to the sky.

The blush on Li Wanwan's face gradually deepened, and she nodded invisibly. Then she snuggled up to Huangfu Yuexun's chest and said proudly in her softest voice, "Xun, we finally have children."

Hearing Li Wanwan admit that Huangfu Yuexun was stunned first, and then his mind was full of 'I'm going to be a father, I'. He and Li Wanwan are both the first time for each other. Now his first child will also be born to Li Wanwan. God's arrangement is the greatest blessing for him. At that moment, he felt all day long. It's all his. It doesn't matter whether it's the throne, fame or fortune. As long as there are people he loves and the crystallization of their love, everything is no longer important.

"Congratulations, Prince." Anyway, the child is also the best gift given by God to a couple. Although Wan Yanliang despises Li Wanwan, the child is innocent, so she does not mind giving them the most sincere blessings.

"Congratulations on your son." After Wan Yiliang finished speaking, the other three women did not forget to offer their blessings and looked at Li Wanwan's abdomen intentionally or unintentionally while speaking.

"I'll accompany you back first. People who are pregnant still walk around. What if they hurt the child?" Huangfu Yuexun softened his tone and heard that he was about to get goose bumps. It turned out that a man's meat numbness would appear in this aspect.

"But the princess..." Li Wanwan always acts afraid of Wan Yanliang. People who don't know think that Wan Yanliang often treats her, but it's just a warning when Wan Yanliang is bored.

"She's fine." Huangfu Yuexun knew that Wan Yanliang would not care about this. Now all his thoughts are on his child who is about to have an accident. Even if the third brother has not seen his woman for a long time and mind his current departure, he will not care.

Li Wanwan smiled apologetically at Wan Yanliang, but the meaning of her eyes was clearly demonstrating, but Huangfu Yuexun couldn't see Li Wanwan's expression at that angle, so she suddenly became rampant.

Wan Yanliang's little trick has been common, but now she is pregnant, but let's use the drama of abortion to provoke her. In that case, she may not be able to have a child in her life. Wan Yanliang remembers that there is indeed such a vicious medicine in her collection.

Wang Liang can't care about Huangfu Yuexun's neglect, but it doesn't mean that the other three women don't care. Li Wanwan is already more favored than them, but now she is pregnant, which is even more concerned by Huangfu Yuexun. Does this fierce palace still have their first day?