Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 43 Healing

Li Wanwan was pregnant and was pushed to the ground. Her stomach just rubbed to the ground. Coupled with a fierce shock, the child could never be preserved. Wan Liang saw that the ground was dark from afar, and it must have been bleeding. Then he heard her weak cry for help. The sound was indeed mixed with sadness and fear.

Huangfu Yuexun should be being treated in the palace now. If his life is in danger, the child in Li Wanwan's belly will become crucial, but now it seems that he probably can't be saved.

King's mansion is now a real dominant family, so why did Li Wanwan appear in the most remote courtyard in the middle of the house? Everyone was puzzled, but no one dared to ask. Besides, if the child in her belly is delayed for a moment, who is to blame, so the servants who came flocked Li Wanwan He carried it to her yard and invited the doctor. They guarded the door one by one and didn't know whether to leave or not. They wanted to ask for credit, but they were afraid that the child would have no effect on their own lives. What should they do?

However, Li Wanwan's accident facilitated Wan Yanliang. Although it seemed that she had no sympathy at all, for Li Wanwan, Wan Yanliang's sympathy would definitely become her shame.

Wan Yiliang opened the door with his feet. How could anyone take care of this at this time? So it was more convenient for her to take away her belongings. Wan Yi groped carefully without any light, so she could only carefully avoid those tables and chairs with her memory, and finally reached the place where she hid things. It was a small mechanism made by her painstaking efforts, which would not harm people, but if it was forcibly opened, the things inside would turn into powder. Therefore, she can't let Ge Shuyu pick it up by herself. If she destroys those bottles and cans, she can't guarantee that the mixed products will have a stronger effect.

When he got the thing, Wan Yiliang was about to leave when Ge Shuyu suddenly flashed in. He must have been worried about Li Wanwan and the man just now, so he wasted a little time, so that a quarter of an hour arrived so quickly.

"I got it. Let's go." If they stay one more second, their danger will be one point more. Since Qin Jiatian was injured tonight, Wan Yanliang knows that Helian Yunqian will never let him go and he has his own.

Wan Yanliang can't feel that there is someone else in the room, which doesn't mean that Brother Shuyu can't feel it, and that person is similar to him, so he won't leave any future troubles.

"Wait a minute." Ge Shu said, his eyes aimed in the other direction, and several silver needles flew out. The speed made the people on the beam unable to dodge, and finally appeared in front of them.

"Shadow cold." Wan Yiliang looked at the extra person in the room. No wonder she didn't feel the existence of others, because she had been used to his breath. "Have you been staying here all the time?"

"My subordinates have indeed been here all the time." Yinghan pulled out the only silver needle that hit him. He should be glad that there was no poison on it, but just applied a layer of highly concentrated anesthetic, so that he couldn't move his whole arm now.

"Do you know each other?" Ge Shuyu didn't feel guilty at all. His acupuncture was purely because he was not good at learning. It had nothing to do with him.

"Well, he is the shadow guard sent to me by Qinjia Tian, Ying Han."

"Let's go." Ge Shuyu has no interest in Yinghan. Now he just wants to know whether Wan Yanliang's medicine can save Youqin Jiatian. Everything else doesn't matter.

Ying Han saw that no one paid attention to him and obediently followed Wan Yanliang. He also heard about what happened at Huangfu Zhuo Tian's birthday banquet. If he told the godmaster the reason why he did not protect Wan Yanliang, one was that he thought nothing would happen, and the other was that he just wanted to see Murong Lunshu. I don't know which of these two reasons to die. It can be lighter.

Wang's journey back was faster than when she went there. The bottles and cans of the small box were carried by her. Now she is full of hopes to see Qin Jiatian as soon as possible, hoping that the elixir developed by the dead old man will work.

But Wan Yiliang was dumbfounded when he got there, and Qin Jiatian disappeared!

"Look around, and get him back anyway!" Wan Yanliang's voice became a little trembling. In case something really happened to him, she would not forgive herself anyway. If she insisted on walking a little more and left Ge Shuyu here, would she still see his heartless smile when she came back? Wan Yiliang doesn't want to think about it anymore. Things will never reach the worst point. She will definitely find him.

I don't know if God heard her prayer. By the river not far from the hut, they found Youqin Jiatian, who was fighting alone. The purple clothes had been completely dyed black by his blood. When she saw this scene, she couldn't help burning with anger and knew that she was absolutely close to hand. If you can't beat them, then choose the same way you can fight.

Wan Yanliang opened the small box she brought. In addition to a pile of bottles and cans, there was also a small box lying quietly in the center. Wan Yanliang took out the small box and opened it. Inside was a delicate and small sleeve arrow. After the modification of her unscrupulous master, it was ready to be put in her hand, a total of ten Each arrow was quenched with a different poison, which was given to her by her master for a rainy day. She didn't expect it to be used so soon.

Youqin Jiatian was seriously injured, and after working with this group of assassins for so long, his body has almost reached its limit, but when he saw Wan Yiliang rushing into the circle of fighting, if he can't even protect his own women, what kind of man is he?

"Recede!" Qin Jiatian stood in front of Wan Yanliang and didn't want her to be hurt. Wan Yanliang was not in such a mood. Seeing him sweating and blocking the knife and sword for himself, no one could understand the feeling in his heart.

"If you show off, you will die together." Oh! Another arrow hit. This is the second person solved by Wan Yiliang. She really didn't make trouble.

There is nothing Qin Jiatian can do with Wan Yan's stubbornness, or he can't do anything about her. It's useless for anyone to stop what she believes. Even if the possible result is doomed, she has to try it.

Ying Han didn't expect to be caught as a hard work force as soon as he came, but the fight was very hard. Perhaps for the sake of his life to protect the Lord, the god would not directly kill him, but the seven or 49 criminal laws taught by the dark made him feel that it was better to die.

With his knife, Ge Shuyu is the most efficient one of the four people to solve the enemy. He doesn't think so much. Besides, he, who has been paralyzed by killing for a long time, may only keep fighting and looking for opponents can arouse his desire for life.

A small team of about 20 people was swept away by Wan Yanliang and did not leave a living mouth. The verified evidence is that they naturally don't know whose blood stains were, and the pungent smell of blood. After the fight stopped, it looked particularly strong and disgusting that it made people want to vomit.

Wan Yiliang helped Youqin Jiatian find a stone and sat down, "How do you feel now?" Concern is chaotic. Wan Yiliang felt that he had asked an extremely stupid question.

"I'm fine." It's still the same answer, but if Qin Jiatian's face doesn't look as pale as snowflakes, maybe Wan Yan will believe it.

"Is there really no antidote to burning tendons and bone erosion?" Wan Tongliang obviously still doesn't give up. What if her medicine doesn't work?

"Didn't you bring me an antidote?" Life and death have long been ignored by Qin Jiatian. The only thing he can't let go of is Wan Yanliang, or he can't rest assured that he will really take it away with her in the end, and it's not impossible to be a ghost couple.

"Aren't you afraid of dying directly in my hands?" Wan Yanliang didn't know where she came from and even made fun of Youqin Jiatian. It seemed that she was really crazy.

There was a kiss from Qin Jiatian, which was enough to illustrate his answer.

Wan Yanliang looked at Qin Jiatian. The emotions in her eyes were very complicated. He didn't know what it meant, but the next second, Wan Yanliang's behavior made him know why he didn't understand.

"What are you doing?" Youqin Jiatian quickly pushed Wan Yanliang away, but the corners of her mouth had been stained with his blood, that is to say, his poison also entered her body.

"Butter it out, spit it out quickly!" Youqin Jiatian didn't expect Wan Yanliang to help him take drugs. This thing can't be touched at all. "What on earth do you think?"

The poison spread so fast. She just swallowed a little, and her whole body immediately felt a burning fire. It was difficult for Qin Jiatian to endure the pain for so long. If she had broken herself long ago.

"If it's useless, I can really go with you." Wan Yan was so cold that he was almost speechless. He clenched his fists and pretended to be normal, and he couldn't even feel his nails embedded in the meat.

"Okay, but it's only a few hours away. I'll wait for you." Youqin Jiatian is not afraid of life and death. At this point, we can only see if the medicine is useful.

Wan Yiliang raised the corners of her mouth and smiled. Naturally, she did not do this to worry about Qin Jiatian, but only by testing the medicine with her body can she be truly relieved and hope that he can forgive her selfishness.

There is still a lot of time left in the countdown. Wan Yiliang carefully took out a dark brown bottle in a small box, which can be said to be an upgraded version of the poison elixir - Jingwu Protecting the Heart. This is also a new medicine developed by the old man before she left. Of course, it can solve all poisons, but it can burn tendons. Whether the bone erosion is effective or not, you can know it now.

Wan Yanliang swallowed a little and waited for it to play its role in the body, but after waiting for a while, he didn't seem to feel anything. Wan Yanliang couldn't help but be a little frustrated. Is this proof that Qin Jiatian and himself will definitely die?

"It seems..." Wan Yiliang smiled, but before he finished a sentence, suddenly a mouthful of blood spewed out uncontrollably. Seeing the bright red of the blood and the disappearance of pain, the old man finally did a good thing.

"It still seems to work." Youqin Jiatian took the second half of the sentence to help Wan Yanliang. Seeing that her originally pale face gradually returned to rosy, his hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

"No, it seems that you can't die." Wan Yiliang couldn't help pouring more than half of the bottle of medicine into Youqin Jiatian's mouth. He was more poisoned than her and spit out several mouthfuls of blood before the color returned to normal. The wounds on his body also flowed red blood and washed away all the original black ones.

"Since you and I are all right, some things should be settled with someone else." There is a long list of names on Wanyang's blacklist. I hope they will be blessed... and have a big life?