Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 46 The Great War is imminent

With Qin Jiatian and Wan Yanliang, they are still in the mood to love each other here. The ministers in the court are trembling and afraid of being selected by Huangfu Zhuotian to go out with the army. God knows that a group of civil servants are no different from dying. Huangfu Zhuotian doesn't care about their lives, and they are still valuable.

After a few days of recuperation, Huangfu Yuexun was at least able to get out of bed and walk around, but his memory was a little vague about the situation that night. He only remembered that Wan Yanliang and Youqin Jiatian were together. This perception made him furious. The first thing he woke up was to directly send someone to destroy Wan Yansheng. Home, but after hearing the news of Wan Yansheng's death, he calmed down and always felt that this matter was not that simple, but Wan Yanliang's betrayal was a real reality, so when he knew that the allied forces of the Three Kingdoms were preparing to fight against the dark religion, he took the initiative to fight, which also solved the dilemma of Huangfu Yueli.

"Third brother, do you really plan to use this body to fight against the ghost religion?" Although Huangfu Yueli didn't want to go, he didn't want to take risks with the third brother he cherished. The underworld religion can survive on the world for so long that it must have its advantages. Besides, so far, he has not known the exact location of the underworld religion, which is why they have been unable to send troops for a long time.

"I don't have anything serious now, and this matter is my family matter anyway. Since she dares to betray me, she should expect such a day. What does your expression mean?" Although Huangfu Yuexun was injured, he did not hurt his eyes. How could he not see Huangfu's polite desire to stop?

"Third brother, there is one thing I don't know whether to say it or not." Huangfu Yueli had just received the news about this matter. He didn't expect that things would follow an unpredictable direction.

"If a big man has anything to say, just say it directly." Huangfu Yuexun was very uncomfortable with Huangfu Yueli's hesitation, but when he heard the news, he almost fainted again.

Huangfu Yueli gritted his teeth and said, "Li Wanwan had a miscarriage." After saying that, he didn't dare to see Huangfu Yuexun's face at all for fear that he couldn't stand it. He knew how much the third brother wanted to have a child. Now that such a problem has happened, he really didn't know what to do.

Huangfu Yuexun stabilized his mind and voice, "What's going on?"

When asked the reason, Huangfu Yueli didn't want to mention it, but in the face of Huangfu Yuexun's sharp eyes, he had to bravely say, "When Li Wanwan woke up, she said that her third sister-in-law pushed her to the ground and caused her miscarry." Huangfu Yueli didn't believe it, but now there is only one person to prove that he is still the party concerned. What's the use if he doesn't believe it?

"Wan Yiliang." Huangfu Yuexun gritted his teeth and called Wan Yanliang's name. He sounded that he wanted to drink her blood and eat her meat. Even if he dismantled it into his abdomen, he could not vent his anger. His eyes waited fiercely in a certain direction. His blood was full of eyeballs. He would never let her go, never.

Wan Yanliang, who was resting in the room, sneezed inexplicably. Maybe the weather has turned cold recently and he has been sick. It's time to add some clothes.

"Third brother," Huangfu Yueli seemed to summon up a lot of courage, "I don't think the third sister-in-law did this."

"At this point, you still call her third sister-in-law. What benefits has she given you? Even my child's life is not as good as your trust in her. How long have you known her before you dared to pay such a ticket? That woman is self-interested and cruel!" But Huangfu Yuexun didn't expect that she would attack an unbeginal baby, and now he had to remove her.


"There is nothing! If you are talking for her, you don't have to call me third brother in the future!" Huangfu Yuexun gave an ultimatum to Huangfu Yue, "You go back first. I still have something to go to go."

Huangfu Yueli silently withdrew from Huangfu Yueli's room and stopped in a place where there was no one else. A strange smile appeared on the corners of his mouth, which made people shudder.

Leaving Huangfu Yuexun to stand alone in the room. He once thought for a moment that if Wan Yanliang and the Qinjia were naive, he could even secretly allow them to be together, but Li Wanwan's matter made it impossible for him to forgive Wan Yanliang, who was the child he didn't know how long to look forward to. Unexpectedly, Wan Yiliang was destroyed with such a push, which is unforgivable.

~~I'm a gorgeous dividing line~~

Wan Yiliang looked at the woman in red who entered her room, which made her think of a person, and then asked coldly, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you should leave here and leave the master." The hateful look seemed to disdain Wan Yanliang and stood there arrogantly with his arms in his arms.

"It's not bad to come here to see one of the four messengers." Wan Liang can clearly feel the hostility emanating from hatred to her, which must come from all aspects.

"Since you know who I am, you should know why I'm here. Don't force me to do it."

"You don't need to talk too much about my business." Wan Yanliang is really not interested in using any good attitude towards such people, and he doesn't know how to choose people with Qin Jiatian.

"I'm married and still want to confuse the master. What a bitch." He hummed heavily and didn't understand how the master would like such a woman.

"Can you interfere with the choice of Qin Jiatian? Are you... in charge too much? Wan Yiliang warned herself not to be angry. It's not worth it for such a person, but her words 'bitch woman' really stimulated her.

"Huangfu Yuexun is really useless. He can't even look at his own women and has watery poplars everywhere." Qiu Mei became more and more unpleasant. Wan Yiliang suddenly wanted to try to poison others, but before she could take action, Qiu Mei had been fiercely knocked to the ground by a palm wind, and then a blood spewed out of her mouth.

"Teaching...Master..." Qiu Mei was seriously injured. Although Qin Jiatian only used 40% of her skills, it was enough for her to suffer. After a while, she held the table and stood up.

"Why are you here?" Wan Yiliang had to admit that it was very happy to see hatred become like this. She has always not pretended to be a good person. At this time, she did not encourage Qin Jiatian to make up for it and send her directly to the west.

"Get out!" If it hadn't been for the sake of hatred and usefulness, his palm would definitely have used ten skills. If she dared to say so, she would have thought that her life was too long.

"Yes, my subordinates quit." Qiu Mei covered his chest and left Wan Yiliang's room in dismay. Before leaving, he still gave Wan Yiliang an eye knife.

"What's wrong with you?" Youqin Jia checked Wan Yiliang all over the world and made sure that she was fine before she was relieved.

"You came just right, otherwise I'm thinking about whether to destroy her face." Since Wan Tongliang came to the Darkness Church, he has carried a few bottles of medicine with him, which can cure wounds in case of emergency. Naturally, there will be disfigurement.

Qin Jiatian smiled hoarsely. He didn't want Wan Yiliang's hands to be stained with any blood, which would prove his incompetence and could not protect her well.

"Is everything you've heard recently?" Qin Jiatian blamed himself. He ignored the cold rejection of the followers before, which made her suffer for so long. He wanted to investigate and see who had such a big tongue.

"Well..." Wan Yanliang really didn't want to tell Youqin Jiatian that what she had heard before was much worse than this, and even pasted her name on the little scarecrow for fun, but these are all the movements behind her back. She can laugh it off, but this time she appeared as a host. In front of her, she couldn't stand it.

Wan Yiliang's hesitation made Youqin Jiatian realize that things should be more than that. There are indeed a lot of people who come to the dark religion. It should be a good way to kill chickens and warn monkeys.

"They can say whatever they want. It can't affect my mood, but it may destroy your image in their hearts." Wan Yanliang is indeed quite worried about this. If the teaching people are lax, her arrival will really cause big trouble for Youqin Jiatian.

"No, I'm more worried about you than these." Youqin Jiatian found that he really had a feeling of not seeing Wan Yanliang for a day, like three autumns. They had only been separated for a while. He was so eager to see her again. It seemed that he was poisoned by Wan Yanliang.

"I said I'm fine, so don't worry anymore. Do I look like a porcelain doll that breaks as soon as I touch it?" Wan Yanliang smiled a big face at Huangfu Yuexun, but her behavior was much more to hide than to explain.

"I just got the news that it was Huangfu Yuexun who led the army this time."

"How could it be him? Has he recovered from his injury? Wan Yongliang was very surprised, or did Chi'an really have no one?

"Do you care about him?" Originally, he was talking about business, but when Qin Jiatian saw Wan Yanliang's reaction after hearing Huangfu Yuexun, his jealousy came very quickly.

"I'm just curious if someone is secretly assisting him, otherwise he shouldn't recover so quickly." Wan Yiliang looked at Qin Jiatian with a dissatisfied face and couldn't help but feel funny. This man is sometimes really a childish.

"He has indeed not recovered. Part of the reason why he led the army to the war can be said to be because of you." Qin Jiatian's words are unpredictable.

Because of me? Is it because I damaged his reputation that he is coming to end me? After thinking about it for a long time, he still felt that this reason was more reliable.

"His concubine's child is gone. They said it was caused by you." Why did Qin Jiatian's tone suddenly become gloating? Wan Yiliang can't stand it. Don't jump so much, okay?

"Li Wanwan is really good at finding a scapegoat, which made me unluckily take the blame." Wan Yiliang waved her hand helplessly and despised Li Wanwan in her heart. All the dirty water was poured on her head. Anyway, she would not give her ideas to a child who had not yet been born morally.

"Naturally, I know it's not you, but this incident seems to have given Huangfu Yuexun a lot of stimulation."

"It's not good for an idiot child to be an idiot when he is born, but he still has to feel sorry for that child." Naturally, Wan Yuliang will not be angry with an innocent child, but if the child's mother is provoking her, she will never let her go again.