Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 60 Where are you

Youqin Jiatian settled those people in a place first. If they all take them to the ghost religion, I'm afraid that Helian Yunqian's internal traitors will come in. If Helian Yunqian wants to kill him like that, he will definitely not let go of any possible opportunities, so he still be careful.

But no matter how careful he was, it would be. When he returned to the Dark Religion, he found that Wan Yanliang had disappeared, which was like a bolt from the blue. He immediately ordered people to count the number of people in the religion and found that there was also hatred. Suddenly, Qin Jiatian completely understood that he had not been found. It turned out that the traitor he had not been found. However, she is hostile, and she may still be Helian Yunqian's person. This plan to leave the mountain really made him fall.

Several maids in Wan Yanliang's courtyard were inexplicably confused. They wanted to know which direction Wan Yanliang was taken by hatred. Youqin Jiatian immediately organized people to comprehensively search for the traces of hatred, but they did not get it for a long time.

Wan Yiliang was knocked unconscious and taken away by hatred. When she woke up, hatred was no longer by her side. She was tied to the pillar. Wan Yiliang tried to move. Those chains fixed her to death. Besides, even if there was a gap in the chain of her arms, she could not do anything about the thickness of her arm. It seemed that she was doomed this time. It's going to fall into the hands of hatred. At worst, Wan Yanliang was tortured to die. Wan Yanliang was not afraid of some regret in his heart. He expected that hatred would definitely not let her go. Her fear was just to increase her arrogant arrogance. Wan Yanliang naturally would not let him succeed at the last moment of his life.

"I woke up very quickly." Qiu Mei came in with a candlestick. There was no window in the room. With this light, Wan Yanliang saw a slightly ferocious smile on Qiu Mei's face.

"Are you afraid of being found when you tie me here?" Wan Yuliang didn't know where it was. She couldn't see the scenery outside at all and could only talk to the hatred randomly.

"When they find out that you are already a corpse, what can you do?" Qiu Mei had already thought of this step, and jealousy prevailed over fear, otherwise she would not have done such a thing.

"Yes, it seems that you really hate me to the bone."

"Why can you stay with the master? Why can you be the woman he likes? My figure, appearance and martial arts are not better than you. Why did he choose you? Qiu Mei took the candlestick and walked to Wan Yanliang. Her hand shook slightly, and wax oil dripped on Wan Yanliang's collarbone. The hot temperature made Wan Yanliang frown, but Qiu Mei smiled happily.

"Is it comfortable?" Qiu Mei squatted down and squeezed Wan Yi's cold chin with an empty hand. "It's this face that seduced the god. Do you think I ruined it?"

"Even if it's ruined, what can you get?" Wan Yiliang reluctantly said a sentence, looking at the hostile eyes as calm as water, and it was herself who did not appear in the suffering at all.

"Even if I can't get anything, I will be happy if I destroy you." There was an unknown light in her hateful eyes, which reminded Wan Yiliang of the wolf fighting alone in the deep forest. Obviously, she became the only prey of hatred at this moment.

"You will be happy, but the person you love won't."

He smiled contemptuously, "Do you think the master will remember you after a while?" Then I can change my face and come back to him.

"Change again? So you are not hostile, so who are you? Wan Yiliang grasped the point of the sentence. It turned out that it was not hatred and disloyalty, but another person had long been replaced.

"You are really smart. I'm really not hostile, but who am I? The Lord of Hell will tell you the truth when you die." Qiu Mei took out a dagger from nowhere, which was more cold against the candlelight, clinging to the cool skin, as if to make her feel the cold temperature.

"Are you from Helian Yunqian?" Wan Liang thought about it and still felt that this was the most possible. Looking at Helian Yunqian's appearance, he knew that he would not give up, but he must not have thought that his men would fall in love with the goal of the task.

"You didn't live in vain to think about these before you died. I am indeed a member of the Yunhuang, but it's a pity that now you know that these are useless." Qiu Mei played with the dagger in her hand. Where should she start to see Wan Yanliang's most painful expression?

Wan Yiliang's expression suddenly became a little anxious, "Is Helian Yunqian still in peace?" The answer she hoped to hear was no, but she might be hostile to see that she was about to die, so she was not afraid to talk to her more, so the answer she got was that Helian Yunqian had always been in Lin'an City.

If Helian Yunqian is in Lin'an City, this can explain why Huangfu Yueyang suddenly knew so much. Presumably this is also Helian Yunqian's ghost. He is fighting with each other. I'm afraid he wants to be that fisherman. In this case, today's rescue operation is also a trap. Unfortunately, it is indeed like hatred. She knows this now. These are no longer useful.

"There may be Qin Jiatian in danger now. If you love him so much, don't you want to see what's going on?" Wan Yuliang doesn't trust hatred at all, but at this point, she is the only one she can ask.

"What are you talking about? Believe it or not, I killed you?

"The reason why Huangfu Yueyang gets the wind is also contributed by Helian Yunqian. In this case, today's rescue operation is probably also a set of Helian Yunqian. Can't you think of it?" Wan Yanliang really wanted to see the situation of Qin Jiatian. At the same time, he was secretly praying that if she went back, Qin Jiatian could find her whereabouts, otherwise she would be more or less unwilling to die here in ignorance.

The hatred was a little shaken by Wan Yiliang's words and said viciously to Wan Yiliang, "If you have half a lie, I will definitely make you worse than death when I come back."

Her exciting method succeeded, and then it depends on Qin Jiatian's ability. She wanted to save herself, but this thick chain tied him tightly. If she wanted to get out, she could only seek a miracle.

Youqin Jiatian is now going to send people to find Wan Yanliang and hatred, but also letting the court people come to attack. Huangfu Zhuotian is now afraid that he is going to break the jar and let Huangfu lead people everywhere to smash the shops under the name of the ghost religion. They smashed one by one, and in a blink of an eye, the white silver slipped away from the eyes of Qin Jiatian, but now he has no intention to take care of those things outside him, and he is thinking about the safety of Wan Yan's coolness. There is no whereabouts of her now.

What hatred came back and saw was the busy situation of the people in the dark religion. Is it really as the woman said that the master poisoned the master? No, she has to prove it in person. She also moved out of the courtyard with Qin Jiatian as quickly as possible. She didn't dare to get too close. She was afraid that Qin Jiatian would find that she would really die without a burial place at that time.

Seeing that his yard is still deserted as usual, there must have been nothing serious. In other words, it was definitely the bitch who lied to her. She had said that if she dared to lie to her, she would definitely make her life worse than death.

The time of hatred is only a few minutes, but he was still noticed by Qin Jiatian, but if he catches her now, I'm afraid that she may not tell him Wan Yanliang's position, so after hatred turns away, his retainer will not find his distance behind the hate, and finally falls at the foot of the mountain. A house, but the hatred has disappeared.

It's a private house again. Youqin Jiatian already hates this kind of place. The two things that happened today happened in the private house. I really don't know why there are so many organs in these private houses in Chi'an.

Although Qiu Mei did not find Qin Jiatian following her, she was also very careful, so after dodging into the private house, she immediately touched the switch and went to the cabin on the top of the mountain.

Qin Jiatian stayed in the room, and everything in the room was touched by him. It was nothing more than a bed, a table, a few chairs and some small things. It seemed that it was not covered with dust. Presumably, people often came to clean up or live. It seems that this place didn't know what it was planned for a long time. A well-drawd hiding place.

Qinjia tried his best to tell himself not to be anxious, and there must be flaws hidden in it. However, after he touched these things for the third time, he got nothing except that his inner anxiety was rising exponentially, and he didn't know where the hut led to, and he didn't even know Wan Yan Can Liang wait until he comes to save her?

Thinking of the little things they were together, Qin Jiatian felt that there was not enough time to get to know each other. Are they going to lose her? Unwilling, he smashed the table in front of him with one palm. He didn't know where the wood chips flew. He heard the sound of the mechanism slowly turning and hit it by mistake. Finally, he found the entrance of the secret channel.

Youqin Jiatian entered the secret channel without hesitation. The door behind him was so closed that he couldn't open it again. Naturally, he didn't care about those. He took out the flint on his body and casually found that this was really just an ordinary tunnel without a mechanism, but there were eight forks in front of him. There were Qin Jiatian stood in the middle and didn't know which one to choose. The hole at every fork in the road could not see the traces that someone had passed by. Is it possible that hatred did not come in from here? But even so, he has no way back.

He picked up eight stones and threw them into each hole one by one. What was frustrating was that the sound from each hole was the same, as if there was no end. Qin Jiatian knew that he could not delay any longer and delayed for a second. He could not imagine whether Wan Yanliang he saw again would turn into a corpse. So he finally chose the hole in front of him and went in without looking back.

In fact, these eight holes can reach the final destination, but the degree of difficulty is different. The original designer was nothing more than a prank attitude to complete this underground maze, but I didn't expect that someone would be so unlucky and chose the most difficult one. Article.

Youqinjia Tian entered the hole for the first time and did not feel anything wrong, but gradually walked down and found that there were gusts of wind. Obviously, there were solid walls on both sides, but he could indeed feel the attack of the wind. Youqin Jiatian tried to smash the wall with one palm, but it was useless. The power waved out seemed to be completely complete. It absorbed the same, and there was not even a sound.

Youqin Jiatian knew that he was strange, but he was unwilling to explore more. He had to continue to go down, because he could not see any light when he turned around. Obviously, he was walking on a straight road, but it was dark behind him, which only showed that the road he came in had been blocked. Unless he went out of the exit, he would be buried here.