Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 62 Evil has evil

Time slipped away minute by minute. It had been three days and three nights for Qin Jiatian sitting on the edge of the cliff without eating or drinking. He found more than one body under the cliff, but none of them was Wan Yanliang. He didn't know whether to be happy or complain that her body had not even left for him.

Ying Han stood behind Qin Jiatian. For the first time, he knew that his feelings for her were so deep. Everyone who wanted to persuade the master to go back were beaten away by him, leaving only one sentence that he wanted to accompany her here was an explanation to everyone. However, if it went on like this, not only the master's body could not stand it, but also the ghost religion was also dangerous.

"Master, go back." Ying Han knew that if he had taken a step that night, he would only see them falling off the cliff, but if he could come a little earlier, maybe Wan Yanliang would not have died, and the master would not have become like this.

"Get out!" There was Qinjiatian sitting on the ground. In front of her was the blood dripping before falling off the cliff. There was no body, and only a pitiful trace was left to mourn her. Qinjiatian stared at the pool of blood for three days and nights, but it would not become a complete person to appear in front of him.

"Master, go back." Ying Han knelt on one knee, lowered his head, and his voice was also a little depressed. "If Madam is alive, she will not want to see the master like this."

"Shut up! She won't die." Qin Jiatian rarely reacted. He once thought that death was far away from them, but when things really happened, he realized that it was just a momentary thing that was enough to make him feel pain.

"Master, the lady will look at the master in the spirit of heaven. She doesn't want the master to be so decadent." Yinghan has come to persuade with a mortal heart. He also regrets Wan Yiliang's death, but he can't come back to life. If the master goes on like this, he is afraid that the dark religion will die.

In the past few days, Qin Jiatian sat on the edge of the cliff, thinking about their past. The feeling of heartache could not be restrained, and tears flowed unconsciously. How long has he not shed tears, and how long has he not tasted the smell of tears?

Thinking of their farewell on the edge of the cliff that day, he still remembered the beautiful smile on his face, and even the blood made him very attached to him.

"Master, even if you don't want to go back, you have to ask yourself to take care of the academic affairs. You can't delay anything. The Three Kingdoms are always ready to move to teach, and everyone is still waiting for the master to go back to preside over the overall situation and ask the Lord to think twice." Yinghan will persuade Youqin Jiatian to go back today anyway, and there is another person waiting for Qinjiatian to deal with.

I can afford it and let it go. Youqin Jiatian has long forgotten who had said this to him. I'm afraid that the other party just dares not boldly say that he is cold-blooded and ruthless, but if he sees him like this now, he will either be scared or crazy.

There is Qin Jiatian looking at the sky powerlessly. As usual, the blue sky and white clouds are even more human. The sadness in his heart is afraid that he can't live without him from now on, just like he doesn't want to admit that Wan Yanliang has left him.

"How's the hatred...?" When Qin Jiatian mentioned this, it was too cheap to put her aside so easily. Does the woman who hurt him want to give up like this?

"My subordinates dare not make their own decisions. They are kept in the dungeon and watched every day, and..."

"But it doesn't matter." Youqin Jiatian patted the dust on his body, and his voice was even cold, and his eyes became different from before. Ying Han knelt on one knee and felt that Qin Jiatian was looking at him, really like a thorn in his back, shuddering.

"The hatred is clamoring to see the master, but there are still some unclean words in his mouth. I don't know what the master intends to do with her?"

"Disposal? Don't worry, I mainly settle accounts with her slowly. Qin Jiatian stood on the top of the mountain with his back, and the sun shone on him, like a god coming, which makes people dare not blashem.

"Get up, too, and go back with the Lord." With the palm of Qin Jiatian, Ying Han felt as if someone had helped him up. He looked at Qin Jiatian with some surprise and didn't understand why he did this.

"I will watch what you have done these days. Naturally, it will not be your credit. Find a few people you can trust, investigate everyone in the teaching, and then report it to me." Youqin Jiatian ordered indifferently and walked in front of him. Every step seemed to be extremely slow. Ying Han didn't dare to follow him, so he had to walk like that.

"Yes, my subordinates are ordered."

Qin Jiatian appeared again, which can be said to be a few families happy and several families worried. After all, there are always people who want to overw their own power. In his absence, it is arrogant for some people, but unfortunately, it is only a few days.

Youqin Jiatian ignored the comments of the people. First, he went to the dungeon. When he saw his appearance, he couldn't wait to suddenly jump up, as if he had seen a lifesaver. He was just locked in prison and stood outside the prison.

"Became her to the water cell and let her wake up." Youqin Jiatian was even stingy with her, as if it was disgusting to look at her.

Yinghan ordered people to take away the hatred, but she did not cooperate at all. She danced randomly and came down a few times and wanted to catch a few more scratches on her face.

Shadgehan didn't expect that people who were fed with loose muscles could still have so much strength. Do you have to deal with such a crazy woman by yourself? Ying Han felt that he had completely become a handyman.

dragged and dragged the hatred over and threw her into the water fiercely. Looking at her struggling in the water, Ying Han's originally depressed mood suddenly became much better.

"Master, what should I do next?"

"This weather is just right for a cold shower. It's up to you."

Cold bath? Yinghan shivered as he heard this. From time to time, there was still goose feather snow outside. The temperature in the prison was already low enough. If he took a cold shower, I'm afraid he would only have half his life left in the end, but it was not him who was suffering. He was still happy that he could assign this kind of task.

Then Ying Han ordered someone to carry a large box of ice cubes and poured them all into the water cell without mercy. Looking at the hatred and trembling, she could no longer say anything. Sure enough, she was much more pleasing when she was quiet than when she was noisy.

"Shadow...ying cold, you... you can't... die..." The hostile lips were purple with cold. When I said this, I felt that my teeth were trembling. Even if I held myself tightly, I couldn't feel any warmth.

"I still have the strength to curse. I should pour another box for you." Yinghan stood outside the door and looked like he was watching a good play. He had done evil and was caught. He should have thought that there would be no good ending. Was he too naive to think about what Wan Yuliang did before?

"Who asked you to do this?" Qin Jiatian slowly opened his mouth when he saw that the hatred was almost frozen. Looking at what she had become, he felt that it was not enough to relieve her hatred.

"Lord, help me, help me." Qiu Mei's whole body was so cold that she couldn't concentrate. She squinted at Youqin Jiatian, and there was a disgusting smile on her face, but Youqin Jiatian didn't look at her at all.

"Who asked you to do this?" If you don't want to find out the mastermind behind the scenes, Qinjia genius would not have wasted words here with hatred.

"Master, I think she doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back, but I'm afraid such a punishment is not enough for her to speak."

"Whatever way you use to make her speak, remember to leave a last breath." Qin Jiatian meant nothing more than to delegate the right to interrogate hatred in the hands of Ying Han. He didn't want to see hatred anymore, and the way Ying Han tortured people would never be kind. He simply gave it directly to him. He had more important things to do.

"Yes, my subordinates will definitely satisfy the master."

The hatred was already a little unconscious, but she still vaguely understood the conversation between the two people and wanted to ask Qin Jiatian to stay, but she could no longer make any sound. Her eyelids gradually became heavier and heavier, and her body slowly sank to the bottom of the water.

Yinghan felt that things were not good, and immediately sent someone to fish out the hatred from the water. Before anything was asked, if people died, the crime would be big.

But fortunately, Qiu Mei is also a person with martial arts foundation. The coldness only makes her body weak and save her life, so the slightly improved hatred was tied to the chair in the execution room by Ying Han.

"Let go of me, let go of me quickly." Qiu Mei shook her body, but the rope tied her tightly. In addition to the sound of the chair legs hitting the ground, there was a very harsh sound from the empty torture room.

"To be honest about who the mastermind is, maybe you can suffer less." Ying Han held a whip in his hand, which looked a little abnormal.

"You can't do this. You can't do this to me. The Lord won't let you do this to me." Qiu Mei shook her head in horror. Just now, it was just an ice bath that took her half of her life, and she didn't want to die.

"What are you still daydreaming about?" Yinghan sneered. He simply couldn't understand the hateful thinking. He didn't understand what was in the woman's head, and it was ridiculous that such an idea would come up.

"No, no, what are you that you dare to do this to me?" Qiu Mei's mouth was not soft, and every word she said made the coldness on Yinghan's body heavier. The whip in her hand was thrown fiercely at Qiu Mei, and she heard her scream smoothly, perhaps not only a sound, but also a painful moan behind her.

"If you don't want to suffer from this kind of skin and flesh anymore, you'd better say everything obediently." Ying Han finally reminded Qiu Mei again that if she still did not repent, his whip would not hit those rough and thick places.

"I won't say anything unless you ask Qin Jiatian to come to see me."

Yinghan will not disturb Youqin Jiatian for such a woman. The aura emanating from his body is no longer something he can fight.

"Don't you like to ruin other people's appearance? I'll also ask you to try what it's like to be disfigured." Yinghan approached the hatred step by step with a dagger. No matter how much she hid back, it was impossible for her to leave to avoid Yinghan. A knife fell firmly on her face, and the knife was very deep, as if to scrape off her whole face.

"Ah..." Her hostile hands were tied and unable to move, but she could feel that her face had been destroyed and completely destroyed.

Ying Han was very proud of his masterpiece, but when he saw the face of hatred, he seemed to have found something extraordinary.