Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 72 Dance in front of the imperial court

When night fell, the silver-white moonlight poured on the ground, as if it were covered with a layer of white veil, with dreamlike beauty.

Helian Yunqian sat on the main seat and looked at the people below. Perhaps the condescending pleasure was also one of the purposes of the palace banquet.

The ministers and the invited people have sat down, with smiles on their faces, and the banquet was also a happy scene. Helian Yunqian nodded with satisfaction, but when he looked around and saw Qin Jiatian, his expression was still stagnant for a moment. He invited him, but he hoped that he would not appear. In front of him, it's better to be forever.

The news of the violent death of the rosefinch in a year made Helian Yunqian once doubt whether Qin Jiatian knew anything, but since this year's observation, he has not shown any abnormal state to him. Instead, he disbanded the underworld religion and became a serious businessman. He was worried and specially sent someone to investigate. The result of the investigation made him unable to figure out, that is, Qinjia was naive enough to dissolve the Nightmare Religion, and there was no suspicious action secretly, and even he even accepted his marriage. Such obedient Qinjiatian made him feel a crisis. He always felt that there was absolutely something behind it that he could not control was fermenting, and waited until the time came. Familiar hit him again, so his vigilance against Qin Jiatian has never disappeared. The mansion given to him is surrounded by his people, monitoring Qin Jiatian's every move every day, but still does not find anything abnormal.

The calm it is, the more Helian Yunqian feels that something is wrong, but now he is on his territory, and the Protector's government is monitoring his behavior together. I heard that Qin Jiatian was caught by Situ Jianshi in the Zuichun Building that day. Who in Yuan and Tang did not know that the two young masters of the Hugong Mansion spoiled his sister, but Situ Jianshi It's the upright nature. He will pay more attention to Youqin Jiatian. Youqin Jiatian will not be stupid enough to anger the public. After all, the Protector is a person who is even afraid of him. The death of the Lianfei made the Situ family jealous of his mother, but fortunately that their family are loyal ministers. Even if they are dissatisfied with his mother, he This emperor is still respectful and dedicated to the country.

What made Helian Yunqian uneasy tonight was that the only son of the Ouyang family appeared at this palace banquet. Although he and he had a relationship with his brother-in-law, Ouyang Chengxi had never been willing to have anything to do with the court, and even tried his best to prevent Ouyang Xinrou from marrying him. Such a person today He appeared at the palace banquet for the first time and sat there honestly. How can he not make Helian Yunqian suspicious?

Helian Yunqian doubted that Ouyang Chengxi didn't want to come, but that woman suffered such a great humiliation that day. How could he swallow it? That's why he got along with him. He wanted to humiliation Mei Liang in public and let her see the gap between her and Yueer clearly, so as not Then seduce Ranfeng and have that kind of unrealistic dream.

It's really wrong for Ouyang Chengxi to think so. Everything is his own imagination. Baili Ranfeng has made it clear to him that he doesn't believe it. He has determined that Wan Yiliang is shameless to seduce Baili Ranfeng, and he will vent his anger for himself and his sister.

Baili Ranfeng was already late when he knew the news. Wan Yiliang had been taken into the palace. He didn't expect that Ouyang Chengxi would not stop and came up with such a way. He was not worried about what would happen to Wan Yuliang, but he was worried about Ouyang Chengxi's piti's pitiful Ba's self-esteem will be hit by Wan Yiliang. After all, Ouyang Chengxi is the only son of the Ouyang family. Although he is not spoiled, he is not much worse. What he wants to do is always invited to do. Even if it gets into trouble, some two elders of the Ouyang family follow him to deal with the aftermath, so he has never suffered any setbacks. Leng Buqi met Wan Yiliang. Although she was a woman, she didn't want to be bullied by her. She was always thinking about how to revenge. Baili Ranfeng was disapproved of this, but at this point, she only wanted Ouyang Chengxi to ask for more blessings.

The source of Qin Jiatian will not be worse than Baili Ranfeng. Naturally, he also heard that the woman wanted to dance in front of the emperor and subconsciously did not want her to perform in front of people. The time he saw her charm of Zui Chunlou. He didn't want her to appear again, and he was even more opposed to Ouyang Chengxi, who designed her. I felt that if it hadn't been for Baili Ranfeng's face that day, he would never have let him go so easily and given him a chance. He really didn't know whether it was good or bad.

Wang Liang sat quietly in the room, listening to the endless sound of silk bamboo outside, and the breathing of the man in the dark outside the room. It was really interesting to have Qin Jiatian. It was Ying Han who was sent to monitor her twice. If it were a person with strong martial arts skills, maybe she would not have noticed it so soon, no Since he let Yinghan stare at her, I'm afraid he has suspected something. With Qin Jiatian, should I say whether you are smart or stupid?

After three rounds of the palace banquet, many people can see a slightly drunken expression on their faces. Generally, at this time, there will naturally be programs that can attract everyone's attention. Obviously, it is time for Wan Yanliang to appear.

"Mei Liang has seen the Cloud Emperor." Wan Yan's voice is neither humble nor loud, nor like the coquettishness of a dusty woman. On the contrary, there is a trace of coldness in it, which makes people feel like a stream infiltrating the heart.

Helian Yunqian stared at the charm standing below. The feeling she brought to him was not enough to describe it as amazing. The extremely vulgar red was worn on her, but she had an elegant feeling, like an elf falling from the mortal world without a trace of dust.

Unfortunately, the beauty of Wan Yiliang is not appreciated by anyone. The concubine sitting next to Helian Yunqian has frowned since Wan Yiliang's appearance. Seeing that Helian Yunqian is fascinated by her, she can almost kill a fly between her eyebrows, and the silk handkerchief in her is about to be torn by her. It really ruined such a good hand. Art.

"I don't know how to salute when I see the emperor. There are no rules at all. Come on, drag it down and hit the top 20 boards again." Yao Yifang couldn't calm down. Seeing Wan Yanliang's charming appearance, she couldn't wait to go up and scratch her face directly, so that she would not seduce men everywhere.

When everyone heard Fang's words, they suddenly became interested. The countless white-eyed women who had just been given to Wan Yiliang because of jealousy had an expression of watching the play, as if Wan Yiliang was punished for how much benefit they could get.

I don't know who took the lead in applause. It's worth it.

With Qin Jiatian staring at the red figure in the field, he hesitated and thought about how he could have the energy to think about this laborious dance according to Wan Yanliang's lazy temper. Is it really he? Or does he miss becoming a demon and can't get out of his own magic barrier? But why is there always a voice in his heart constantly telling him that she is her?

Baili Ranfeng knew Wan Yiliangmei, but she didn't expect that her agility could turn into charm. For so many years, he hadn't looked at a woman for so long, but she sat there. Will it be a blessing or a curse?

Helian Yunqian has seen many beautiful women. The two beside him are also one in a million beauties, but they are not as much as one-tenth of the people in front of him. Not only that, but also his heart is accompanied by a kind of uneasiness after seeing Meiliang. Naturally, this is not a good phenomenon, but what will it be for?

Situ Jianshi was immersed in Wantan's cool dance. The first time he saw her, he felt her special, and this second time he was even more impressed. Presumably if he wanted to forget her, it would become a difficult thing that he didn't know whether it could be completed.

Ouyang Chengxi said that it was absolutely fake that he was not affected, but unlike the amazingness of several other men, Wan Yan's cool performance confirmed the notoriety of 'fox spirit' in his heart. What kind of ability is it? However, it was the wind and dust woman's usual trick to seduce people, but someone was fooled. He was almost dying. Baili Ranfeng agreed that she didn't say anything, and even Situ Jianshi was confused by this witch. If this doesn't work, he has to think about it again. He must not let Mei Liang succeed like this.