Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 76 Suspected Enemy

Qin Jiatian sent Yinghan to follow Wan Yanliang's side. Naturally, he would know what she did almost immediately, including the fact that Baili Ranfeng invited her to visit the lake today. Wan Yanliang left Zuichunlou, and he got the news so that he found that he had stood here after he took action.

For his inexplicable appearance, Qin Jiatian couldn't think of a reasonable explanation. Yesterday's conversation could be said to have collapsed. He heard strong dissatisfaction and condemnation from Wan Yan's cool tone. For a moment, he didn't know how to deal with it, so he could only leave in disgraced, but this did not match. Has the way they got along with each other before really changed a lot this year? Even he is not so sure.

However, when he saw her and Baili Ranfeng standing on the boat talking and laughing, his anger did not fight. His eyes had been staring at Wan Yuliang. Presumably if someone was standing beside him at this moment, he would have clearly seen that the emotion in his eyes was called jealousy or jealousy.

Wan Yiliang felt the arrival of Qin Jiatian but didn't understand why he appeared here. I think it should be Ying Han who told him that she was here. The guy with a broken mouth had better Murong Lunshu to ignore him all the time.

Baili Ranfeng is also a careful person. He can detect strange things from a little coldness. Besides, Qin Jiatian's defense of her last night was seen by him. Obviously, such an arrogant person stood up for her without hesitation, saying that there was no suspicious relationship between them. I'm afraid it would be a change. No one will believe it.

I looked at the scenery for a while. In fact, Wan Yanliang didn't know what the clear lake was about. On the contrary, it was so clear that she was embarrassed. Such a color never appeared in her eyes. Presumably after last night, the little girl named Situ Guanzhu was also polluted. Maybe she really offended her .

Baili Ranfeng saw that Wan Yiliang was depressed, and he naturally couldn't be happy. He simply looked for the topic casually, which was better than the strange atmosphere between them.

"There are only cakes on this ship. Is Mei Liang so depressed but hungry?" Baili Ranfeng still spoke with a smile in her voice. Wan Yiliang suddenly didn't realize that Baili Ranfeng was talking to her. Later, she reacted and smiled. Unexpectedly, the shrewd Baili Ranfeng also had such a stupid time. She was also an eye-opener. Others thought that she might not have this honor.

"If I'm hungry, it's also because of your host's hospitality." Sure enough, can you feel a little better if you find someone to talk to? If I had known, she wouldn't have pretended to be deep just now.

"It's my fault. Can I ask someone to sail the boat back now?"

"Preferably." Wan Yiliang's expression of 'I'm very generous, I don't care about you' showed that Baili Ranfeng wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh. As a result, his strange expression made Wan Yiliang smile happily.

It's a pity that if someone is happy, someone is doomed to be unhappy. Youqin Jiatian doesn't know when he has the problem of peeping. He doesn't want to see it and is curious, and he is unhappy when he sees it. He is really as difficult to serve as among outside people. I don't know if Wan Yanliang will regret choosing him at that time after really understands his personality. .

As soon as Liang and Baili Ranfeng went ashore, I don't know how many other people are envious of the combination of handsome men and beautiful women. They are definitely jealous, but also men and women. However, in contrast, there is only low self-esteem. Why didn't God give birth to a look that confuses all sentient beings? It's such an ordinary appearance, and I instinctively sighed that God is unfair.

Both of them refused to do so. Naturally, a meal had to be eaten by the guests to achieve their goals. Therefore, Baili Ranfeng was also very generous and took Wan Yanliang to Zhuyan Pavilion, the best restaurant in the New Tang Dynasty.

Wan Yiliang fell in love with it as soon as he entered the Zhuyan Pavilion. He didn't know what it was for, and reluctantly said it was intuition. It is almost impossible to see that the restaurant will adopt such an elegant decoration. There are several bamboo leaves painted on each wall, and all the tables and chairs are made of bamboo. They are placed neatly, and you can even smell the faint bamboo fragrance. It seems that the owner here must like bamboo.

"If you don't go up, there will be no place upstairs." Baili Ranfeng called Wan Yanliang, and he knew that she would like it here.

Wan Yanliang looked at Baili Ranfeng angrily and disturbed her interest. It was rare for her to meet something she liked.

Baili Ranfeng was seen by Wan Yiliang's eyes and didn't know what to do. He had also seen a lot of women. How could he resist the posture of a little woman like Wan Yiliang? It felt like a cat scratching in his heart. His paws scratched his skin a little painful but itchy, and it was uncomfortable and like he was enjoying it. It's really contradictory.

"Didn't you say that there would be no place upstairs if you came late? What are you doing standing there alone? Wan Yiliang doesn't understand why Baili Ranfeng is so stupid. Does he regret inviting her to this meal? As soon as the idea came out, she felt that she was stingy and could not afford a meal.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something just now. What do you like to eat?" Although the second floor is not directly a hall like the first floor, it is not much worse. It is just that every box is blocked by a bamboo curtain, but it is absolutely easy for someone to find something, so it will definitely not be a good place to talk.

"Whatever, I haven't been here. You'll be fine." Wan Yiliang naturally doesn't like to make choices, and it's the same for ordering dishes. In the past, there were only a few things she ate back and forth. It was not until she had enough to change her mind. It's not that she was stubborn, it's just troublesome, which saves time to make choices again. Maybe she can eat less time on food.

"Then let's do all the signs here. You can't invite people to dinner and treat the guests badly, right?" Baili Ranfeng saw that Wan Tongliang was really too lazy to spend time on the menu. He simply chose a simple way. Besides, it is impossible for him to figure out her preferences in such a short time, and he will know it in the process of getting along slowly in the future.

"Okay, two guests, please wait a moment." Xiao Er smiled brightly and did not forget to show his eight untidy teeth before leaving, but it really made people feel no resentment, which is also a kind of charm.

"Looking at your appearance, do you seem to like it here?" Baili Ranfeng inadvertently asked that many people like to eat in Zhuyan Pavilion, which not only shows his family but also shows his taste. It is rare to see people who simply like this place like Wan Yanliang, which makes him somewhat satisfied.

Before Wan Yiliang could answer, a pink figure broke in without permission, "Brother Ranfeng."

The voice is sweet and greasy, and Wan Tongliang almost has goose bumps all over her body, but although the voice does not conform to her aesthetics, her appearance is still very impressive. How to say? It's a porcelain doll made of pink and jade. Her skin is so good that she can't say anything. A pair of black grape-like eyes are staring straight at Baili Ranfeng at this moment, with a happy smile on the corners of her mouth, but it doesn't look like a woman who has been married, and the girl is still almost the same.

"Miss Ouyang, can you let it go?" Baili Ranfeng disdains to be rude to a woman, but this does not mean that she can touch him. Originally, she just pulled his sleeve and saw that she was going to touch her hand. This can't be interpreted as carelessness, can it? The more I don't want to meet anyone, the more I will see someone.

"Brother Ranfeng, they all say it's good to call me Yueer. Why is it still so strange?" Although Ouyang Xinyue was unhappy, she still obediently let go of Baili Ranfeng. She didn't want to make him unhappy. Seeing that he was unhappy, she felt so painful and wronged.

"Xingyue, can't you not run around?" A female voice came from the outside of the bamboo curtain, and she felt very familiar in Wan Yi's cold ears. When the woman outside came in, she knew why she was familiar with it. She just met last night and had a test. She couldn't be unfamiliar with it.

"Sister Guanzhu, brother Ranfeng is here." Ouyang Xinyue said that she saw Brother Ranfeng, and Sister Guanzhu still didn't believe it. Now she proved it, right?

"Baili Prime Minister." Situ Guanzhu knew the thoughts of Ouyang Xinyue, a little girl, but she was really not very optimistic about the ending of her and Baili Ranfeng, but she always had to greet her politely when they met.

"Miss Situ." Baili Ranfeng also nodded to Situ Guanzhu and responded. If he knew that he would meet Ouyang Xinyue here today, he would not bring Wan Yuliang here anyway, but unfortunately he would not tell fortunes.

"Huh? Who are you? Why are you here?" Only then did Ouyang Xinyue notice that there was a very beautiful woman next to Brother Ranfeng, which suddenly became a state of ten-level alert. Naturally, Wan Yi's cool eyes would not be friendly.

Wan Yiliang is funny. How dare this little girl regard her as a rival? Or did she born with Ouyang? First, Ouyang Chengxi, and this time, Ouyang Xinyue came, and none of them were the masters who could make her live in peace.

"I'm asking you, why don't you talk?" Ouyang Xinyue is the apple of Ouyang family. Which family has not tried every means to follow her? When has she been ignored? Not to mention being ignored now, the important thing is that the person who ignores her is likely to be her rival. How can she lose in momentum?

Situ Guanzhu also noticed Wan Yiliang. She shocked her so much last night that she has not been able to digest it yet. Now when she sees her again, she can't tell what kind of mood it is.

"She is my friend." Wan Tongliang didn't expect how to introduce himself, so he was preempted by Baili Ranfeng. It's right that he introduced him, but that's not the case when he stopped in Miss Ouyang's ears. All kinds of ambiguous things fell on the two of them, and even his eyes became jealous. Originally, Wan Tongliang thought that Ouyang Xinyue would be a thought. A simple child, I didn't expect the whole thing to be a tough woman. No wonder Baili Ranfeng didn't like her.

"Brother Ranfeng's friend?" Ouyang Xinyue repeated it suspiciously, and then looked up and down several times, as if the aunt who bought vegetables in the vegetable market saw pork. She always wanted to see if the vendors had cheated her a few taels.

Wan Yiliang let her look at it. Anyway, it won't delay her. It's just that Baili Ranfeng's face is not so good, but at this time, Ouyang Xinyue seemed to have not seen it, focusing on Wan Tongliang.

"Then what's your name?" Ouyang Xinyue was not as tall as Wan Yan, and had to raise her head slightly to talk to her, but the arrogant expression on her face, as if she asked her name how much glory it was to give her. She couldn't help thinking of her annoying brother. I'm afraid that only Ouyang Xinrou was the three children of the Ouyang family was more normal.

"Charming." Wan Tong's cool lips closed one by one and said her current name.

When Ouyang Xinyue heard her name, she first bowed her head and didn't know what she was thinking. Finally, when Wan Yi was about to wait impatiently, she saw Ouyang Xinyue suddenly raise her head and shouted, "So you are the bitch my brother said!"