Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 124 Leaving Hexi

When Wan Liang left the door and left the stone house, the scene around her was strange to her, not a lively market, but full of poor mountains and rivers, which did not look desolate, just like her current situation.

Thinking of what just happened in the stone house, Wan Yiliang has long learned that she has no right to choose, and she is not sure which side the figure is, but it is true that he did not do any harm to herself. She can trust him for a moment. After all, this matter is really urgent. Solve.

Wan Yiliang walked for almost an hour before she came out of the deep mountains. She found no living thing in the mountain except for her. The trees were old and died unsightly. Wan Tongliang gently pushed it and instantly broke into two pieces, and there was no grass on the ground. Naturally, no animal was willing to live in such a harsh living environment. She didn't even see an ant. Is this normal?

However, she still came out alive. As a result, what she saw was the entrance of Hexi Village, just like when she first came here. Everything looked so normal, but when she came closer, she found something amazing.

Maybe the current situation is a good basis for the possibility she thought of before. Why are they all living people, but now they have become a walking corpse? Wan Yiliang really had a way to ignore the death of their bodies, but when she passed by, the other party smiled at her, which made her once think that the villagers here were very hospitable, but if this is a trap, should she be glad that she found it was too late?

Since it was found that this 'Wan Yiliang' is not their cabinet owner, Xiao and Xiao will look for the truth near Hexi Village every day. As a result, they just let them see Wan Yiliang coming in. Will this be true?

"How long have I been missing?" Wan Yiliang asked this when he saw the first sentence. The longer it takes, the more obvious this annoying feeling will become.

"Today is the third day of the incident."

That is to say, she disappeared all day and fell asleep in that stone house, so what happened on that day?

"Looking at your expressions, it seems that you don't like things to happen, and there seems to be something to ask me." Wan Yiliang doesn't like the way people are hesitant, especially men. She always feels that it has a kind of sissy, which is the type she decisively doesn't like.

"There is another one you are visiting in Geng's house." He solved the mystery and was absolutely surprised, but he felt that it was reasonable, or in other words, it was not surprising that nothing happened now.

"In that case, I'll go to see her in a different way." Wan Yiliang didn't seem to care much. Her face or this person can always be innocently involved in some things. She remembers the voice telling her to leave here quickly, but now it seems that it is something that can't be good.

Someone pretended to be her, an outsider who just came here because she happened to be missing? This is too unreasonable, unless she knows that she is going to disappear and is ready to appear here, but everything can only be seen after seeing that person.

The two Wan Yanliang, the biggest one is not themselves, but Qin Jiatian. He is more worried about her safety than Wan Yanliang himself. When any danger comes to her, he hopes that all this can be undertaken for her, rather than being an outsider.

When Wan Yanliang saw another 'her' for the first time, her expression seemed to be crazy about Qinjia. That was an expression she had never had before. No wonder he could feel such an obvious difference so quickly. Maybe this person didn't know her before and pretended to be She is just a momentary effort** or a warning to strangers.

"Jiatian, it's almost time for lunch. I'll get ready." Wan Yanliang smiled affectionately at Youqin Jiatian. That smile should not belong to Wan Yanliang, but her temporary departure just gave Wan Yanliang an opportunity to communicate.

"Is there a piano master immersed in the gentle countryside?" Wan Yanliang saw that Qin Jiatian was very useful to that smile. Maybe men always have nothing to do with gentle women.

"What a sour smell, is Madam jealous?" Maybe he really has a spiritual feeling with the person he loves. It's completely different. He can see at a glance that this is the real her.

"If there is still time to be jealous, maybe we should investigate this matter again, but I think we'd better leave here first in case you are eaten clean one day. I don't want you." That woman does not have any sense of death, but it is not the same as them. Maybe it is because she has two more things on her body, and all her senses seem to have become more ** than before.

"What did you find?"

"I'll tell you more about it later. The woman is back." As soon as Wan Liang heard the footsteps outside the door, the woman's feet came and went quickly, as if she were guarding something.

However, the woman's eyes did not fall on Wan Yiliang's body at a glance, as if she did not exist at all in this room, so as not to fail her own acting skills and show any flaws.

Wan Yanliang left this room with great knowledge of current affairs and asked where Li Hua was, but according to their meaning, no useful information was pried out of his mouth, so she didn't expect herself to have such ability, just wanted to confirm what she was thinking.

Sure enough, Li Hua's breath of death is stronger than ordinary people, but he seems more normal. What's clearer is that she can't hear his heartbeat. If she could do it before, it's not at all now. Li Hua, who is in a coma, is really like a dead body lying there.

Wan Yiliang looked a little overwhelmed. She did believe that things would come to light one day, but she found that she could gradually wait and couldn't wait to break Li Hua's head to see what was in it, but even if she helped him open the skull, she could not get the answer she wanted.

"Find a way to stun that woman. We're leaving here." Wan Yiliang told Xiao that she had no idea of killing her at present, and maybe they didn't have that strength.

The simplest way to make him dizzy is to do it directly, but he chose a more circuitous way, and the medicine was also a good choice, but he found that it was of no use at all. He deliberately used a lot of colorless and tasteless things to increase the accuracy of things, and as a result, she seemed to be clearer than before. Wake up.

and Xiao and Xiao communicated their eyes. Obviously, Xiao could understand the meaning of Xiao, and the medicine was still prepared by him. Xiao was just medicine. The medicinal enough for her to sleep for a day and a night, but it turned out to be ineffective, which made them more cautious.

Wan Liang expected a similar result early. If she wanted to leave her sight quietly, she might have to wait until night, otherwise she didn't know what the woman would do when she was excited. Maybe she should be bolder and ask the result face to face. Maybe she really should have done so.

But Qin Jiatian is much more sober and stubborn than her. After knowing her thoughts, she stands directly on her side. Sometimes it doesn't have to be this way to face the enemy together.

Wan Yiliang had no choice but to tear off the mask. The two Wan Yiliang looked at each other, but the woman laughed first.

"I didn't expect you to come back from there so soon." The woman smiled charmingly and then transformed into her original shape. Maybe she would never forget that face in her life. In fact, it was not a face at all. Her flesh and blood were so blurred that she could not see anything. Only the slightly raised corners of her mouth could prove that she had indeed laughed just now.

"Since you know there, can you give some more accurate answers?" Wan Yiliang didn't know how far away she was from this woman to be safe. She was exactly the same as herself just now, but now she has become like this, making her subconsciously think about whether she will become this ghost in the future.

"You want to talk from me, but you still send your people to drug me. Is this your hospitality?"

"No, there has always been no way to treat the enemy."

"So as an enemy, I have nothing to say." The woman didn't seem to be angry, but Wan Yanliang noticed that her eyes always looked at Youqin Jiatian from time to time, with the gentleness between lovers, which didn't look like she had only known for two days.

"But I still have to tell my enemy that I'm ready to leave here." If she can't solve anything now, then she shouldn't put herself in danger.

"Do you think you can get out of here?" The woman looks very disdainful. This is her territory. How can she say it and get in?

"Then what that person gave me should be enough to deal with you." Wan Yiliang did not feel any substantial threat, but it was obvious that the woman did not want to make her feel better, so she could only ask the man to use what she gave her.

"Do you think I will be afraid of him?" The woman's contemptuous eyes were a little weak. Wan Yiliang knew that her move was right. Since the figure in the stone house had something to do with the behind-the-scenes mans, his strength should be enough to make these runners afraid.

"I don't know, but I can try." Wan Yanliang's tone sounds more confident than that woman. Qin Jiatian has always been silent. Wan Tongliang hasn't told him that he doesn't want to be too hasty.

"I admire your courage. A small human dares to fight against me. Don't you want to die?" The woman's expression may suddenly become ferocious, but Wan Yuliang can only see that her eyes are very round and ugly.

"It's not me who is desperate. You know this better than me, don't you?" Wan Liang came out of the stone house and thought that the sword mark was in the way. As a result, it seemed to know what he was thinking, and he became a dagger. At least it was much more convenient to carry, but the weight in his hand did not decrease at all.

When the woman saw the dagger in Wan Yanliang's hand, her face changed significantly. She subconsciously stepped back two steps and looked at Wan Yanliang angrily. "You are ruthless. You can go. This man wants to stay." Women's fingers naturally have Qin Jiatian. How can their own men hand over others? This seems to be a quite serious problem.

"It seems that you are more ruthless. Why should I leave my man here?"

"Otherwise you can't leave here." When the woman suddenly bullied her, Wan Yanliang's subconscious reaction was self-defense. As a result, the dagger was inserted into the woman's body too cleverly. The woman's unbelievable eyes made Wan Yanliang happy. It was also the first time she used this thing and looked good.

"You bumped into it yourself. Don't blame me." Wan Yiliang was very close to the woman and seemed to smell the smell of blood coming from her body. Wan Yiliang rudely poked the dagger deeper. Hearing the woman's scream, she took a step back and protected Wan Yanliang, but the woman seemed to have no ability to fight back.

Wan Yi's cold dagger was still in her chest. She watched the wound expand little by little and the woman disappear little by little. She struggled not to be destroyed, but she could not resist the power of the dagger and could only let her own destruction. If she hadn't move forward impulsively at that time, wouldn't it not become like this?

Everyone in the room looked at the woman's complete disappearance. The house seemed to be very loose. Wan Liang took the dagger on the ground and ran out with Qin Jiatian and others. As a result, the house behind him collapsed in an instant, and the whole Geng Mansion also changed from magnificent to a wilderness. All the prosperity in front of him seemed to be In the pan, it turned into a ruin. The living people who used to walk on the street also lay on the ground at that moment, lifeless and silent.

In this case, they seem to be unable to leave.