Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 129 Black Ring

Wan Yiliang saw Taili again, which was not too obvious from her previous feeling, but this time their positions were completely different from the last time, and she needed to be more careful about this meeting.

"Please sit down." The eyes of Taili are all over the corners of Beiliang, so it can be said that from the moment Qin Jiatian and others stepped into Beiliang, he knew their existence and secretly sent people to monitor them all the time. They did nothing, but his brother Taijing came to them, which made him unable to figure out for the time being. Fang.

"I don't know what's going on when King Li invited us to come here?" Wan Yanliang doesn't mind taking all the negotiation tasks on himself. With Qin Jiatian, he just needs to be responsible for shaking the scene.

"I should ask you why you came to Beiliang." In the view of Taili, the existence of Qin Jiatian and Wan Yanliang is no different from that of the invaders. Perhaps in his eyes, any outsider may be potentially dangerous.

"If we just come to relax, will Li Wang believe it?" Generally, Wan Yuliang always uses a questioning tone when telling the truth, which makes a very small number of people unable to distinguish and choose to believe her truth. Obviously, Taili is not one of them.

Tian Taili's suspicious eyes made Wan Yiliang want to laugh. She didn't know whether it achieved the effect she wanted. In short, Taili didn't trust her at all.

"Then why do you want to approach my brother?"

"If King Li knows that we have talked to King Jing, he should know who took the initiative to do something." Wan Tongliang doesn't like people to turn black and white upside down, but what Dan Taili said can prove that he doesn't know what Dan Taijing wants to do.

"You should know that you shouldn't have been here."

"This is our business, and King Li has too much to do."

"I have every right to arrest you on the spot, and don't forget the crimes you have committed."

"The threat of King Li doesn't seem feasible, and the reason why we came is just to talk about a deal with King Li." Wan Yiliang has not forgotten the business, but maybe these are no longer important now.

"Transaction? What deal?"

"We have also heard of what happened in the palace. If we want to figure it out, we may need the help of King Li."

"My help? What do you want to know?" Taili knew that what had happened would not be a secret, but she didn't need anyone to share the secret.

"We just want to know who is behind the scenes. I think what happens in the three countries will be done by one person or an organization." Wan Yuliang is not interested in being a savior, but at this point, if she wants to stay out of the matter, maybe she will be the next one to leave.

"I can solve this matter, and I don't need you to intervene."

"If it's really like this, then we won't bother." The matter of cooperation still needs to be discussed in the long range. In fact, Wan Tongliang is not anxious. At least in the face of Taili, she is still a little patient.

Tian Taili has no intention of retaining him. He still needs time to figure out the real purpose of the two people in front of him, especially during the whole process, Qin Jiatian has never mentioned a word, as if what they said has nothing to do with him. He has known this person for a long time and his danger, but he has never had a direct confrontation. At the beginning, he did not think that they would become opponents, but in the end, his position will always tell us the reasons that he had not been determined before. Now he is sitting in front of him. Maybe he should be more fairer and rigorous to let him have He came back, but he didn't want to do it.

Although Youqin Jiatian didn't say a word, he saw the words and deeds clearly. It's not that he was not moved about the cooperation, but he is not sure to prove that they and he can stand on the same front. Youqin Jiatian doesn't know that Taili needs to confirm this. How long will it take, but it is certain that he will come to them again.

Out of the Liwang Mansion, Wan Yanliang and Youqin Jiatian easily felt that someone was following them. In fact, there were also people who had been monitoring them in the house. The poor technology seemed to deliberately let them find potential enemies, but maybe it was not intentional, but it was really bad.

"Looking at the appearance of Taili, he is not very interested in us." If she could, Wan Yiliang didn't want the solution of the matter to be done by others, but she was still willing to be a part of Tan Taili, but unfortunately he didn't appreciate it very much.

"It doesn't matter. We have a lot of time." Qin Jiatian showed that he was really not in a hurry at all. He was anxious and couldn't eat hot tofu. What's more, it is a rest period now. Nothing happened, and no evidence could be found to continue their investigation, so why worry?

"That's right, so we can take the people behind us to visit the market." Without martial arts foundation, he is just a reckless man who can't even follow, which means that he is not sent by Taili, and Han Taijing will not have such unlevel subordinates. All he can think of is another group of people, or even less eye-catching guys.

The group of thieves behind them did not pose any threat to them, but the so-called purpose may also arouse their interest. Xiaonuo really never came back or appeared in front of them after she was kicked out. Wan Yiliang once thought that she would not give up so easily, but she was like evaporated from the world. Wan Yiliang did not spend human and material resources to find her.

In fact, the power coverage of the Rosemary Pavilion in Qiliang is not as good as Wan Yanliang imagined. At least what happened in Hexi Village could not contact the people in the pavilion at all. Later, when she sent people to check again, the whole village that had appeared was like a mirage, and even the wreckage of the ruins was not seen. One piece, only a few barren grasses remain as if they had never been developed. This also means that all the bodies have disappeared and want to know what has become impossible.

Wan Yiliang finally chose to stop at a jewelry store, in which all kinds of women were choosing their favorite things. Yan was thin and fat, and everything was there. Standing on the aesthetics of the same woman, only the woman standing in front of the counter and discussing the bracelet with the clerk in the store attracted her attention.

Obviously, from the perspective of clothing matching, her choice is also much better than others. At least I don't know how many times the material is superior. It seems that it must be from a large family. Wan Yiliang subconsciously thought of Situ Guanzhu, the poor man who died in the palace.

The woman may have noticed Wan Yuliang's gaze and turned her back with a smile, as bright as the peach blossoms blooming in spring, but Wan Yuliang still prefers her when she is quiet.

Since you have come here, there is no reason to return empty-handed. Wan Yiliang looked around, and the counter was full of all kinds of shiny jewelry, but none of them met her wishes. It's not that she didn't do well, it's just what she wanted. I think she has never applied powder. In fact, these gold and jades are not very useful.

However, it seemed that someone was too enthusiastic. When Wan Liang saw the woman rushing towards her, she should be glad that her eyes did not fully listen to Qin Jia.

"Didn't the girl find the right jewelry?" The woman's voice is a little hoarse, which is pleasant and adds a sense of vicissitudes. Her age should be a few years old. Where does such vicissitudes come from?

"Yes, so I'm going to leave." Appreciation, Wan Yiliang's interest in women is only on the surface, and she has no intention to understand it in depth. What's more, she doesn't need friends, because she can't become a competent friend herself.

"Why don't you come to the inner room and have a look? Maybe the girl will like the things inside." The woman patiently introduced that Wan Yiliang promised that she had heard that she had no intention of contacting her next, but she still did it.

"Is this store yours?"

"Are you from other places?"

Wan Yiliang nodded when he heard the words.

"No wonder you don't know that this store is indeed mine, so why don't you listen to my introduction and have a look inside?"

"Okay, maybe I can really find what I want." Wan Yiliang wanted to know what she was going to do, so she didn't refuse any more. Besides, if she really saw something she wanted, it would be worth the trip.

There is indeed a hole in it. No wonder she wants to lock the door with a lock made of black iron. If it is stolen here, the loss will be unimaginable, but why did she let them see here?

The jewelry outside is also beautiful and tight, but it seems that there is only the appearance but not the inside. The jewelry in the inner room is much more tangible and practical, as if each one has its own soul in it. Every time Wan Liang looks at a piece of jewelry, he feels that it seems to say something to her.

If these animals are living things, it's normal to have some mutual communication occasionally, but these dead things seem to guide her like they have thoughts. This may not make any meaning, right?

After so many things, a little abnormality may become a disaster in the future. Wan Yongliang has to be cautious, especially when she feels that she is really going to be completely attracted by these jewelry. It feels so strange.

How's it going? Is there anything girls like here? The woman's hoarse voice seemed to be suddenly bewitching. Wan Yiliang couldn't help but want to answer when she heard it.

Wan Yiliang calmed down and pointed to the thing in front of him, "Can you show me this black ring?"

"Of course." The woman took the ring out of the counter and handed it to Wan Yongliang's hand with the base.

Wan Yiliang stared at the ring in his hand, which was so pure and there was no impurities. Such a thing was indeed enough jewelry to make her happy. Wan Tongliang couldn't help looking at it carefully.

The cold touch will be very comfortable to wear, and the surface is smooth without any flaws. Wan Yiliang saw her eyes reflected on it, but she felt that those eyes were not hers at all. She was so scared that she suddenly let go of her hand. Fortunately, Qin Jiatian's eyes quickly received it. That ring.

"Girl, what's wrong with you?" The woman was concerned about the situation on the ground and wanted to see Wan Tongliang's situation. Wan Tongliang quickly waved to indicate that she was fine.

"I'm suddenly a little uncomfortable. Let's come to see the jewelry next time." Wan Yanliang pulled Qin Jiatian's hand and was about to leave. The woman stood there and did not stop at all. She just looked at Wan Yanliang's back, and the curvature of the corners of her mouth became more and more strange...