Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 131 Investigation Process

Qin Jiatian returned to the inn, and the bodies were still there. He also thought about burning them all. After all, he couldn't get any clues from them, but if you think about it, you'd better keep them. If someone finds them again, maybe he may be able to find the clues they didn't get.

"Do you mean that all the people in Liefengzhai are dead except Xiaonuo?" Wan Yiliang heard that Qin Jiatian briefly described what happened and changed the way of killing people, and the time was too coincidental. If they hadn't checked, maybe the group of people would not have died so quickly.

"We don't know how many people there are in Liefeng Village, but that woman is indeed not among them." Youqin Jiatian has sent people to pursue Xiaonuo's whereabouts. If she is still alive, I hope they can find her first in front of everyone.

"It seems that we need to draw the attention of Taili in this regard. Only we are somewhat unable to pursue this matter, and by that time, it is impossible for him not to cooperate." As far as the current situation is concerned, it is much easier to find allies than to find enemies. If possible, she prefers to have the whole Qi Liang as the backing, but even so, they may not have no worries.

Qin Jiatian also has the same idea. It happened in the territory of Qiliang. In any case, it is difficult for Taili to blame. Judging from the various performances they have learned before, he wants to catch this behind-the-scenes hand more than anyone else. His strong sense of patriotism and collective honor makes him unable to accept so many people are ordinary. Therefore, death is not enough to frustrate him, but it can better inspire his fighting spirit.

"Now the number of deaths has increased, but we still don't know who is manipulating these things behind the scenes, but maybe we have been thinking too much. These things may not be done by a group of people, but in this way, things will be more difficult to investigate." Wan Yiliang rested for a while, and his mind gradually became clear. Everything always happened intermittently. Their mindset naturally connected them together and thought they were related things, but in fact, they didn't know what was going on. What the man in the stone house said to her was the same. Ambiguous, maybe she can know more in that way, but she will never rely entirely on that way.

They are now in another dead end. In fact, they keep turning around in each dead end, always giving them a blow when they have a clue to return to their original form. Some people always enjoy such games.

It seems that what I can expect a little now is the jewelry store, but according to Xiao's return, after Wan Yiliang left the store, the woman also left. As for where she went, she naturally returned to her own place, and that place turned out to be the Jingwang Mansion, and the woman's identity was Wan Yuliang dreaming. I didn't expect it to be Princess Jing.

The world is still too small. They went around and returned to the original point. First, King Jing pestered them, and then Princess Jing was strangely suspicious. This feeling was not so wonderful, but it was very bad. She was played around by her family. It's really not that the family did not enter the family.

Qin Jiatian was also surprised when he knew about it. They still knew little about what happened here. If they had known that the woman was Princess Jing before, their vigilance would be many times heavier than at that time, and they would not have been killed by that woman, but In this way, the later identification comparison makes them more interested in the Jingwang family.

"Tian Taijing doesn't seem to know that his woman has met the two of us. I'm really curious about what the couple is doing." Although it must have his purpose for Taijing to approach them, he has never done anything against them, so Wan Yiliang just sent someone to investigate what had happened to him recently. As a result, he didn't expect that his pillow was unfathomable and almost tricked her. Up to now, she remembers the black The color ring still feels that I am influenced by her.

"Jiatian, when will these things come to an end?" Wan Yiliang felt helplessly and saw that Qin Jiatian's eyes had also become dim. He didn't expect these messy things to end as soon as possible, but no matter how they looked at it, they seemed to have just begun. From Yuantang to Qiliang, they originally thought this was the least victimized place, but they just knew It's not comprehensive enough, and these things that happened in the open and secret also made him feel weak.

"Let Taili help us investigate these things first. These are his business." Wan Tongliang doesn't know whether bad luck will fall directly on her if she really has to let go of these things. It may be a good choice for her to stay out at this time, but will they give her such a chance for her opponents?

Youqin Jiatian nodded, and now he wants to focus more on the Jingwang Mansion. "Let him worry about these things."

The worried personality is really not suitable for the two of them, but it is very suitable for the two of them. When he first heard such abrupt news, he also felt that someone was deliberately doing it, but it was not until he personally sent someone to see it that the matter was much more serious than he thought.

More than 100 people lay on the ground so straight, with their eyes widened and there was no blood around them. Except for the two red wounds on their necks, all of them seemed to be seamless, but more than 100 people who accepted their fate were gone. He, as a prince, didn't know anything. It was not so tolerant. It is acceptable.

However, Tan Taili's stunned mind only lasted for a while. He still has more urgent things to do now. These bodies can no longer be left here. Otherwise, in case the epidemic is transmitted through the soil or air, it is not the unlucky people of Beiliang, and it is better to burn them as soon as possible.

Tan Taili ordered people to put the bodies together, chose an inch of land, and burned them all by fire. However, not long after the body was burned, the soldiers who were closer fell to the ground one after another. Their faces were blue and foaming at mouths, as if they were poisoned, but those who stood farther away were not so It's obvious, but it's also a little dizzy, a little like heatstroke. Anyway, it's more or less uncomfortable.

This is obviously waiting for them, otherwise how could it become like this? Shadow Night, they hid in a relatively secret place. Fortunately, the wind did not spread the smoke in their direction, and more fortunately, they did nothing to these bodies at that time, otherwise it would not be the officers and soldiers of the court who fell to the ground now, but their followers, but what on earth were the bodies done by those bodies? The foot has such a great destructive power. He has to report it to the master quickly.

Tan Taili did not expect such a thing to happen. He thought that these bodies would bring epidemics, but he did not expect that the burned bodies would bring toxic gases, causing his men to be unconscious or even directly returned to the west. Is this the 'gift' prepared for them by the murderer? This meeting gift is really Grand enough.

Half of the officers and soldiers he brought suddenly lost, but the bodies have not been burned, and there is no water around them. Now they can only burn to the end and deal with the scourge clean.

As a result, after burning, there was nothing left as Tan Taili thought. There were many white bones left. He couldn't determine whether these bones belonged to a person, or everyone left part of them, but a pile of white bones piled up there didn't make people feel comfortable.

"Your Majesty, what should we do with the rest?" One of the officers and soldiers asked Dan Taili's opinion. He should be glad that he was not a member of the fainting army, but when he saw these white bones, he would rather faint than test his courage.

"Bring all these white bones back, and I would like to see what else is wrong with these dead objects."

These white bones are not placed as neatly as when their owners died. They can only be picked up one by one by one. Judging from the size, length and thickness, they will not belong to a person, and some are leg bones, ribs and skulls. Lu Taili glanced and found that basically all parts of human bones are reflected here, and it seems that they need to be tested one by one to know.

If everyone's specific position is marked, and this part will never disappear, this is definitely not something that can be done by manpower. Besides, the wound is also suspicious. He can't imagine anything other than his teeth that can cause such a wound. Maybe someone newly developed it. The hidden weapon, but according to the degree of pressure of the wound, it is definitely not directly pierced in, and there are some tear marks around it, which can show that the murder weapon is not so sharp, but before everything comes out, all his ideas are just inferences. It is countless and may not be able to help. What are you busy with?

But who will deliberately tell themselves that there was a massacre here? He has also heard of Liefengzhai. Not all the people in the stockade are evil. In fact, there is no essential difference from ordinary robbers. Why were they alone attacked and slaughtered on such a large scale? If they have enemies, they can only contact other people who disagree with them. A stockade, or someone deliberately did this to cause a full-scale panic. It seems that this matter cannot be made public, otherwise there will definitely be good people who will take this matter.

In fact, in Taili's heart, there is more or less an idea that has been hitting his mind. He doesn't want things to become what he thought, but they brought such a murder as soon as they appeared. It's really doubtful. This matter can't be impatient, and it still needs to be calculated in the long run. It's okay.