Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 158 Entering the City's Mansion

Wan Yiliang didn't ask anything, but it was not without gain. She now knows that the man in front of her is not Qu Yang, just a straw bag, which should not pose any threat to them.

"Where is the real Quyang now?" A bold straw bag did such a thing with a face similar to Qu Yang. If Qu Yang knew it, would he let him go? Moreover, looking at his appearance, he won't have any martial arts skills. When Qu Yang can't do anything to him, I'm afraid Chu Ling will have done something to him. After all, Chu Ling's injuries are due to this fake Qu Yang. I believe that he wants to revenge after knowing this news.

"Lord Quyang is in the city master's mansion. I only know so much that the city master's mansion is not a small person like me who can enter." Qu Yang tried his best to justify his words and make them more convincing. He had a bad feeling that the more he knew, the faster he would die. Now he felt that he was on the verge of death.

"What did you do before pretending to be Qu Yang?"

"I'm just a scoundrel in the city. When I was patrolling, I found that I looked like Lord Quyang, so he gave me a sum of money to pretend to be Lord Quyang." Originally, Li Si was just wandering on the street to see if anyone accidentally dropped some money or something. As a result, he was inexplicably arrested by the officers and soldiers. He thought that he had done nothing, but he didn't expect to give him a fat man. What kind of person was Qu Yang? They asked him to pretend to be him, which made Li's displeasure Li. Fourth, the treatment in these days makes him happy. After all, his impersonation is a secret. Even the people in the government don't know him. Everyone regards him as the second-in-command of the city owner. Even the man who is still trembling is also a pleasure for him. The woman who was tied up is this thin and tender little white-faced wife. In this scene, Li Sijian He was so excited that he couldn't stop. If Wan Liang hadn't suddenly appeared, he would have got more pleasure.

I didn't expect that the people of the city master's mansion were so hasty. Li Si, who is nothing, could pretend to be the second-in-command of the city owner. It seems that the city owner may not be as divine as rumors from the outside world, and Wan Yanliang secretly has a secret plan in his heart.

Wan Yanliang found a portable pill and stuffed it into Li Si's mouth. "If you let me know that what you said today is false, you don't have to think about the antidote. If it's true, I will give you the antidote before the poison. If you don't believe it, you can call someone else to treat you. Will it make the situation change? Worse, I can't guarantee it."

Li Si was forced to swallow the pills, and probably just melted into his body. He felt unbearable abdominal pain, as if there were tens of millions of ants crawling around. Naturally, he also believed Wan Yanliang's words, nodded repeatedly, and repeatedly promised that he would never tell what happened today, otherwise his life I'm afraid it's going to be great.

Wan Yanliang let go of Li Si and disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving Li Si alone with lingering heart and didn't want to do anything. Looking at the man and the woman by the bed, he sent the two people directly to the underworld in anger. The two innocent people died in this way.

Wan Yiliang returned to his landing place, called Yan, and asked him to tell Qiu Ze that Qu Yang is just a fake rogue who can only fake tiger power. Maybe Qiu Ze will be afraid of the real Qu Yang, but there is nothing to avoid for a hooligan. . Anyway, Li Si can't stay. Only by turning him into a dead man will he really keep secrets.

Naturally, I understand Wan Yiliang's intention. After all, the fewer people know about this matter, the better, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

After arranging Li Si's aftermath, Wan Yanliang decided to take action in Qiu Ze, and then set out to the city master's mansion to find out. Sure enough, Qiu Ze did not disappoint her. After he knew the news, he almost did not doubt that he would go to Li Si to settle accounts. His injury was not completely healed because of a fake. How could he swallow it?

But Qiu Ze's approach was too high-profile. It seemed that killing Li Si was not enough to vent his resentment. He actually hung Li Si's body at the door of the government gate in the middle of the night. The early vegetable farmer found Li Si's body and fainted on the spot. After that, more and more people saw it, but No one dared to take Li Si down until the government sent him out to take Li Si back to the government. Looking at their solemn faces, in fact, they may not think of the murderer of Qiu Ze.

Without the fake Quyang, Wan Yiliang felt that there was less resistance. Tonight was a good time for her to start. However, Xiao and Xiao do not agree with Wan Yanliang's adventure. At this juncture, the city owner's government may strengthen prevention. If Wan Liang is captured, they are all equivalent to becoming headless flies, especially when they don't know whether the disappearance of Qin Jiatian has anything to do with the city owner's mansion.

"If I haven't come back, you can leave here as soon as possible, don't come back to us, and don't investigate this matter." Wan Yanliang told seriously that she was going to find Youqin Jiatian no matter what, but for the sake of the two of them to take more innocent lives, this business is not cost-effective, and if neither of them can solve the situation, their appearance is just useless.

"However, Lord..." Xiao obviously disagreed with such a decision, but wanted to refute it, but was preempted by Wan Yuliang.

"Nothing, but this matter is settled. If you don't regard me as the cabinet master now, you can leave and disappear in front of my eyes." Xiao and Xiao are important people in the Rosemary Pavilion, but for a long time, she has only followed her to run around and do some meaningless things. If she dies, she will continue to do these things, then she feels guilty.

"I don't mean that." The hero and the hero said in unison. Looking at Wan Yiliang's appearance, it is useless for them to say more. They only want the cabinet owner to return safely.

"If you want to remember my words, go down first." Wan Yanliang wanted to be quiet alone. She didn't know if she had a chance to come back. If she could die with Qin Jiatian, it would be easy for her to accept this way, but if she didn't get anything, what would she do? Youqin Jiatian suddenly lost her trace. At that moment, she really had a feeling of falling down, but after calming down, she had to rely on herself to solve this matter, so she had no reason and excuse to retreat. Jiatian, you must wait for me.

On a quiet night, you can occasionally hear the sound of wind blowing leaves, or the husband is reminding you of something 'dry, be careful of fire candles'. In short, even in such a late night, everyone is still playing their right role.

Wan Liang hid on a tree outside the city owner's mansion. From her perspective, there was no one in the city owner's mansion, not even patrolling, which was almost strangely quiet.

The layout of the city owner's mansion is a little messy. The east room and a west room look like it has been carefully disrupted. No one can determine which room the city owner sleeps in, because these rooms are prepared for him. Characters like Qu Yang are not actually living in the city owner's mansion, but the one attached to the city lord's mansion. The house is the same as the city owner's mansion, but it is obviously not the same.

Quyang, who is seriously ill, may be lying quietly in a room next to him, but Wan Yiliang is not looking for him. She needs to find the most powerful man in Zhuzhou. He is here now.

Wan Liang carefully sneaked into the city owner's mansion. She had been here before and walked from the door several times, but every time the door was closed. She never imagined that there would be no one in it. Is it that the so-called city owner's mansion has just been pretending?

Wan Yiliang passed by several empty rooms. The rooms seemed to be very random arranged whether they were bright or dark. There was only a table in the bright rooms. There was no bed and nothing else. She didn't know what such a room could be used for. She didn't smell anything special, but she did feel it. Strangely, because the dust on the table has been piled up very thickly, it should be that no one has come to clean it for a long time. I think it is because there are few people in the city owner's mansion, so these empty rooms can only be left empty like this, and no one pays attention to it until the end.

She still didn't find the owner's room, but found the kitchen in the house. She crept in. Judging from the amount of ingredients, there were no more than ten people in the house, but it was strange that there were almost no vegetables on the table, but they were basically cut into large pieces. The little meat, does this city owner like to eat meat?

Until Wan Yi kicked something, she looked down and was so scared that she almost didn't make a sound. She covered her mouth. At this moment, she felt the most frightening moment in her life, because she kicked nothing else, but a human arm. In terms of shape and size, she was an adult man. Arms, that is to say, these meats are human flesh. Are they different in size because they are taken from different parts of the body?

Wan Tongliang felt creepy about his thoughts. There were people eating human flesh in the city owner's house, or the meat used for cooking in the city owner's house was human flesh. Wan Yiliang has never eaten human flesh, and she promises that she will not be interested in human flesh in her life. She moved a few more steps. To be honest, she couldn't wait to leave here immediately, because if she went further, in addition to her arms and soles of feet, different sizes, she knew at a glance that she was not a person, and the pile of meat on the table. How many people died here? And why do people here need human flesh? Is there any unspeakable secret or is this also a specific habit of some people here? What on earth can human flesh represent...