Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 8 Warmth of the Cold Night

Of course she can grill fish. Zhou Huaiyi easily got the fish, but it was not easy to find firewood to start a fire.

"How long have we been eating!" She is not hungry at all.

"Of course you are full when someone picks up vegetables for you. It's strange that people like me are scolded while eating and not hungry." Zhou Huaiyi actually looked aggrieved.

"Your aunt treats you like a biological person. She loves you and scolds you like that."

"Aunt and her mother are like sisters. On that day, my aunt took her mother to the palace for fun and was bumped into by my father, and then there was a scene of falling in love at first sight. Later, my mother died unexpectedly. My aunt was so regretful that she escaped from the palace and tortured herself in the border city. She wants me to live a good life, at least better than my mother's. Look at her free and easy, that's her deep suffering.

When Wei Fuyan heard these stories for the first time, she couldn't help but be surprised: "Isn't your mother the queen?"

Zhou Huaiyi couldn't help laughing: "You really don't know anything about me. The queen is my mother's sister, and she is my aunt, but she treats my two brothers as if they were her own and mother.

"Do you still have a brother?"

"Wei Fuyan, you are really..." Zhou Huaiyi was completely speechless, "Don't you even know how many prince I am?"

"I know that it is the fourth prince," Wei Fuyan felt that he should not answer immediately. "There is an edict on marriage..."

Zhou Huaiyi smiled instead: "But it doesn't matter if you don't know. If you are looking forward to living your little life, I will naturally not disturb you. Speaking of which, I really hope you have a good life. It seems that you are as free, proud and free as before marriage. I won't feel too guilty.

Wei Fuyan said carelessly, "How do you know what I looked like before I got married?"

"I know," Zhou Huaiyi said, "I didn't say that I saw your portrait. That's really a good painting."

Wei Fuyan guessed that it may be the portrait attached to the wedding that day. If the two countries want to get married, the painter should naturally draw people as best as possible. At that time, she was so angry that she didn't look at it at all. Instead, she heard Dielan say that the person in the painting, Yushu, was in the wind, and the posture of a fairy. Looking at Zhou Huaiyi staring at the grilled fish now, it was really exaggerated.

After thinking for a long time, Zhou Huaiyi's appearance must not suddenly get angry before saying carefully, "Can I ask, do you want me not to feel less guilty or do you want me to live a good life?"

"Is there any difference? Naturally, I don't want to feel guilty, but you are the only one who can make me feel guilty. Two things are actually one thing, aren't they?

Wei Fuyan bit her lips and nodded, and suddenly seemed to speak out. She looked solemn but lightly trying to resolve the old grievances, which made her a little uncomfortable.

"Why do you always bite your lips?" Zhou Huaiyi laughed at her childishness, "I can't be friends with children."

Wei Fuyan's teeth loosened and opened his mouth slightly. Is it just a dream? Is it just because he can hear such words because he is still in the nightmare?

"Yes, be a friend," Zhou Huaiyi was happy with her lovely expression and rubbed her head without scruples. "It's difficult to be a friend. If you meet someone who treats you well and really wants to marry, as long as you can let go of your current identity, I can help you. Of course, if you really love me so much, I won't refuse such a beautiful woman. I welcome you to be my real princess at any time.

Wei Fuyan felt as if all the worries had turned into a light smoke. The heavy identity of "Princess Chen Guo" and "Princesss Li Guohuai" pressed on her suddenly collapsed because of Zhou Huaiyi's joke. Is he willing to... help her? So... her life has not been imprisoned by a marriage contract, and she can still have her own happiness? Does she still have the right to pursue her own happiness? Can she still find and determine to build her own future without having to live a life arranged by others step by step?


Zhou Huaiyi heard her choking and said affirmatively, "So I give you freedom. Do whatever you like. You are a smart person, and I believe you know what are untouchable bottom lines, and I don't need to say more. Everything else is up to you. How about it? Children?"

I kept calling her a child, but she suddenly felt kind and moved, and tears flowed down in an instant, so she had to lower her head desperately and pretend that nothing had happened.

"I'm sorry about the past, but after all, it's all in the past, and there is no way to regret and can't change it. As for coming to Yanjing, I really didn't know your identity at first, but later I was inevitably on guard. Even now I can't be sure whether my decision is right or wrong. However, for the sake of this fish, I am willing to bet like this. Of course, I will still deal with other things in my own way, such as Lu Zhong, such as Ci Xuhou. Since everyone still has to live in peace and should not interfere, you must not interfere.

Wei Fuyan was stunned. Sure enough, he was still the one with two souls, but he was willing to take the better one to face her. It's really important, isn't it?

"You don't have to be too moved. At least look up and take care of my fish. It's really uneatable!" Zhou Huaiyi urged with a hungry look, "Besides, this fish is also the bottom line. It's up to you!"

Wei Fuyan laughed, lowered his head and wiped away his tears and whispered, "You don't know what these words mean to me. Thank you. You are such a good person.

Zhou Huaiyi is about to die laughing: "Good man? Only a child like you will think that a person who has just met for three or four days and given you a little favor is a good person! Am I a good person? Yes, yes, yes, I'm a good person. It's really nice of me!"

Wei Fuyan immediately didn't mean to him and shouted like, "What on earth are you? I've been calling me a child!" Are you old?"

Zhou Huaiyi was suddenly choked for a long time and didn't react. When Wei Fuyan stuffed the fish over, he said, "He is too bold and immediately becomes arrogant!"

The next chat was much easier. In fact, there were a lot to say when Wei Fuyan took off his precautions. While eating the grilled fish without even salt, Zhou Huaiyi looked particularly regretting giving her an amnesty. He kept emphasizing that he just didn't want to be bound by a family instead of being stupid and sick like Wei Fuyan. Until this age, she couldn't get married, and repeatedly repeated that she was really only four and a half years older than her, not five years older, so she must not call him an old man. After she really cried, she directly grabbed a ball of snow and hit her head without gentlemanly and seriously ordered her not to be arrogant, and then she rudely returned it. Hit.

How interesting it is. When he came, he thought he wanted to explain something to her, such as what he couldn't let the eldest princess of Xingguo know, such as how to explain the obvious strangeness between them, such as Lu Zhong, such as Zhou Yuanzhi, such as her big house plan that he eavesdropped on, or interrogated her. The attack on the mountain on a snowy night.

After Wei Fuyan got married, she lived a very depressed life. She didn't want to think of what happened in the State of Chen, let alone the future of being a princess in the State of Li. She behaved, behaved cautiously, kept a low profile, guarded from arrogance and extravagance. The days made her almost have the intention of seeing through the world. So tonight, when she thought that Zhou Huaiyi invited her out for another purpose, she almost did not hesitate to agree immediately - she would rather let him obey the order once, than make a mistake and the two of them entangled again in the future.

Unexpectedly, he gave her a pardon, and his feelings that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly broke out unstoppably. He seemed to be moved than ever before, and his happiness seemed to be happier than ever before. He felt that he was better than anyone he had seen before, and even felt that Dielan's sentence "Yushu is in the wind, heaven and man's Zi" is really not enough to praise him.

Two people who have had enough noise lie quietly on the snow. There is only a bright moon in the sky. There seem to be stars, but what does it matter?

"Thank you, Zhou Huaiyi. If I return to Chenguo one day, I will definitely send someone to send the best wine to thank you! I made a lot of osmanthus wine with Dielan!" Wei Fuyan recalled the past and giggled.

Zhou Huaiyi turned her head and couldn't help thinking of the portrait she saw that night. In the portrait, she rode on a tall black horse in red and smiled brilliantly. Her eyes seemed to shine endlessly, which moved him suddenly. It's not emotional, it's just emotional. It's like seeing all the treasures. If you want to protect it, you can't bear to break it, that's all.

But he sighed in his heart that he was really just a child. Since he got married, even if he was willing to help let her go, can he go back to Chenguo to meet his former friends? It's just that Wei Fuyan is a smart person. When her excitement passes and slowly calms down, there is no need for him to remind her to think of this, so she feels very unbearable and asks with little care: "Who is Dielan?"

Zhou Huaiyi regretted it almost immediately, because Wei Fuyan began to say endlessly again: "Is it Dielan? Dielan is my best friend. Do you know that my father has only one woman in his life? I don't have any sisters, and my royal brother doesn't have a concubine. The wives and concubines of other brothers always fear my identity, so the palace has not been very lively. Dielan is the garrison daughter of my uncle Yi Huainan. She has a low status in the house, so we didn't know each other until a few years old. Can you believe that feeling? It seems that you can determine what role she will play in your life at a glance. From the first time we escaped from my uncle's house to see Fang Tong's peach blossoms, I knew that she had been my friend all her life, and nothing would affect our relationship.

Zhou Huaiyi didn't remember for a long time and asked again, "Who is Brother Fang Tong?"

Unexpectedly, Wei Fuyan was quiet for a long time. It took Zhou Huaiyi to think that she was asleep before listening to her saying, "The person I thought I was going to marry before."

After lying down for a long time, the sweat that just ran out was blown by the wind and even felt colder than when I came. Zhou Huaiyi asked slowly, "So... are you going back to find him?"