Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 11 The wrong move of the moon

Zhou Huaiyi snorted coldly, "I just sneaked in, and now it's nearby?" What does it mean for Miss Suyue to beg for mercy? Plead guilty?"

Wei Fuyan pushed away Dr. Hu's hand, pulled up his clothes and lifted the gauze curtain and got up again and said, "She said it was unintentional!"

Only then did Su Yue find Wei Fuyan and got up and ran to ask hurriedly, "Princess, are you back? What's wrong with you? Why did you get hurt like this? Princess..." seemed to have forgotten all about her disaster just now.

"Two times are unintentional? It's really funny. The maidservant who came out of the palace of the Kingdom of Chen behaved so irregularly and ran to the room where the man lived sneaky again and again!"

Wei Fuyan ignored the unwrapped wounds and protected Su Yue behind him and said, "Is the palace maidservant acting sneaky? I'm standing in front of you. Why do you mean to scold the locust? Why do you have to be angry with a little maid? Is this the demeanor of Prince Li Guohuai?

Liu Qingzhou immediately shouted secretly. He had no intention of delving into it, but after warning him for the first time, he didn't expect that she would dare to commit it again. Today, the hermit and several servants have seen it, and I'm afraid it doesn't make sense to pursue it. Originally, I thought that my master and the princess went to the border city together and committed a common danger. It should be much more appropriate to give the moon to the princess than to the housekeeper according to the rules of the house. But I don't know when my master and the princess have completely broken down, and I'm afraid it will harm the girl Suyue!

"The king's temperament?" Zhou Huaiyi sneered and said, "Someone sued and said that they did not dare to commit it again. What would you do if it was a princess? As a princess, you not only don't know the truth, but also openly protect your shortcomings in front of others. Is this the demeanor of Princess Duanyang of the State of Chen?

"Yes, I'm protecting my shortcomings! Of course, I have to protect the people I brought myself! Do you want to wait for others to kill and deal with it at will? Wei Fuyan was furious to the top, "I think you might as well calm down before dealing with me and Su Yue!" It's really against your demeanor to be so angry!"

The blue veins on Zhou Huaiyi's forehead burst out, and a pair of eyes had already been tightly locked on Wei Fuyan's face like an eagle. It seemed that the next moment he would break Wei Fuyan's neck with one hand as he said before: "Qi! Angry?"

"Isn't it?" Wei Fuyan's blood flowed too much, and his mind had been dizzy for a long time. He still sneered and said, "Even if Su Yue and I have doubts about our identity, your order can make us never have a place to turn over. Why are we so aggressive? Is it really us that you want to kill? Or is it the second falsehood who has new hatred and old hatred with you! Your master! And Sanhuatang!"

Zhou Huaiyi grabbed Wei Fuyan's neck with a loud rumbling sound in his head, and there was nothing left in front of him except the mocking eyes of this damn woman. Doctor Hu and Su Yue both knelt down to help beg for mercy. Only Liu Qingzhou seemed to have a magic disease and gently repeated three words: "Three...Hua...tang..."

The last sentence Wei Fuyan heard before she fainted was Su Yue's cry: "Your Majesty, let go! Prince, Su Yue knew the mistake and begged the prince to die! Give us a break, princess! Princess, what's wrong with you..."

In the past, she was called a princess. Zhou Huaiyi should occasionally change her name to Madam when she went out for three years. Now when she comes back next week, she will be called a princess with the people in the house. She will always forget everything when she panics...

The princess has turned to safety after Hu Shen's medical treatment. She lost too much blood and was emotionally excited. In fact, it was not a big deal, but the wound was torn again and looked very horrible. Su Yue almost fainted so much that Dr. Hu had to give her a needle to calm down first. By the time Liu Qingzhou left, there was already another maid to help the princess wipe her body. His master locked himself in the study and was about to burn the house dry.

Close the doors and windows and turn off the lights, take advantage of the moonlight to jump up to the beam of your house, and open the thick dust and a piece of broken wood. After being raised with a sword, there is a shallow wooden pit. There is only half a broken sword handle in the pit, and the dark lines of the three petals of peach blossoms are faintly visible.

Three Flowers Hall. Liu Qingzhou put the broken sword hilt in his arms, carefully put the broken wood, and carefully sprinkled the fine soil prepared in advance on the place where he had just stepped on it when he jumped up again. It's almost the Spring Festival. Don't meet smart servants to dust this room for him. Oh, no, this is the north. It should be said to sweep the house.

Three Flowers Hall. Liu Qingzhou stroked the half of the broken hilt over and over again. The past was like a cold air, but his mood was burning like a fire. He thought about it over and again, and it was almost dawn when he fell asleep.

"Sueyue, tell me now, what are you going to do in Liu Qingzhou's room?" When it was almost dawn, Wei Fuyan woke up and watched his eyes crying like a walnut moon.

Suyue sobbed and said, "Suyue... Suyue is unintentional...Princess... Suyue is just... just..."

"But you know, the important thing is this 'just'," Wei Fuyan took her hand and said weakly. "When I first came here, I lived carefully for fear that the king of Huai will have any conspiracy to marry me, so I can't let him take the handle against our country. Later, when he came back, he also saw you. He gave me a machete on the mountain and took me to the border city to see his relatives. I thought our life would be a little better in the future. But Su Yue is different now. Zhou Huaiyi and I have completely fallen out. Since he has doubts about me, I'm afraid that what we will do in the future will be wrong. So Suyue, that 'just' must know, otherwise how can I protect you when Zhou Huaiyi asks about the crime?

The moon has always been timid, and she has been scared long after this night. Wei Fuyan had to ask when there were only two people now: "Sue, when the hermit guards on the mountain entered the door that day, did you stare at them? Are you looking at Liu Shiwei? In any case, I can't figure it out. Even if you think that the hermit hasn't come back from the border city, how can you have the courage to sneak into Liu's bodyguard's room twice?

Suyue choked with tears in her eyes: "Princess, no, no... Su Yue just made a mistake... made a mistake... Liu Shiwei, Liu Liu Shiwei is similar to an old friend, so Su Yue made a mistake... just wanted to check... Su Yue knew it out! Su Yue knew it was wrong! Su Yue knew it wrong..."

"Suyue," Wei Fuyan was helpless and sad, "Do you really want to hide it from me? When you entered the palace at the age of four, you fell your head and forgot all the old things. You can't even remember your name, parents or hometown, but now you tell me that Liu Shiwei is similar to your old friend?

Su Yue just lowered her head and sobbed.

Wei Fuyan was extremely disappointed. He thought that they trusted each other enough to talk, but the other party had a secret that he didn't want her to know. This feeling was really bad. She had to sigh and say, "Forget it, forget it."

But Suyue suddenly cried and said, "No, princess, Suyue is not... I didn't mean to hide it from you. Su Yue did remember some things later. When Su Yue entered the palace, she not only had a father and mother, but also a brother, and there was still a baby who was about to be born in her mother's womb. But later... Later, the family dispersed... Liu's bodyguard was indeed similar to his old friend, but Su Yue did not dare to say that Su Yue was from Chen and Liu's bodyguard was from Li. Su Yue must have made a mistake. Su Yue... I didn't mean to hide it from the princess..."

Wei Fuyan heard these things for the first time. She reached out to help Su Yue wipe her tears. When Su Yue calmed down a little, she said, "So it is. You should have said it earlier. If I had told you earlier, I wouldn't have brought you to the State of Li. If I had let you out of the palace at that time, maybe you had found your parents and brother's family to reunite in the past three years, and you don't have to suffer with me.

turned around and grinned: "Suyue, anyway, this king of Huai has suspected me now, and we will go to his two diplomatic relations in the future! Go to his carefulness! Go to his rules and etiquette! Go to his compromise! You can live whatever you want. What do you think?

The moon was scared and opened her eyes roundly and said, "Princess...Princess, why...is it your injury..."

Wei Fuyan laughed so much that she even felt exaggerated. She looked at Su Yue and said, "You see, they are all masters of acting. In the past, I felt that I was the most annoying. Obviously, I hated this royal palace, but I still hurried back to play the role of a good woman before the sun set. In fact, I didn't know how much I wanted to buy a horse and so I ran away. The world is so big that I can go and never come back. I pretended to be virtuous and indifferent, and acted until I wanted to slap myself. But don't you think Zhou Huaiyi is the same? Obviously, he doubted me on the mountain, but he did something touching and said something touching to test me. He pretended to be so gentlemanly. In fact, he couldn't wait to never marry me. He wanted me to die in a foreign country long ago! Everyone is a master of acting, but Su Yue, I decided not to act. From now on, I will do whatever I want. Go to his prince! Go to his princess!"

"Public...Princess..." Su Yue shouted carefully.

Wei Fuyan said happily and immediately pulled off the quilt and told Su Yue: "Let's go! Anyway, everything is wrong! Help me back to Wanxiju, this Hexinzhai is really an annoying place!" I don't know how many times I have pulled off the quilt to go to the ground tonight.

Suyue knew that it was useless to stop her. She hurriedly found a cloak to help her wrap her up and help her to the door. Out of this room was the hall where Zhou Huaiyi had just quarreled with Zhou Yuanzhi. A maid was coming with hot tea and was shocked to see them: "Where is the princess going? There is a compartment in the room that rises at night, which is..."

"Reconversion to the evening. What, you can't stop me?"

I think it's Zhou Huaiyi who governs the family rigorously. Such an empty princess can scare the maid to kneel down and beg for mercy: "I dare not!"

Wei Fuyan lowered his head and saw that the teapot had fallen, and there was a little hot water splashed on the maid's hand. He had passed by and turned around and said, "What's your name?" In the future, I will go to Wanxiju to serve, clean up this place and go there immediately, understand?" If you let go of such a vicious person as her, I don't know how Zhou Huaiyi will deal with this maid. If you want to kill her again, you will be too guilty.

"The maidservant Qiyun, Qiyun obeys the order."